President Trump announces new tariffs: 25% for steel, 10% for aluminum

Of course these costs will get immediately passed on to consumers, which always happens whenever tariffs are raised.

not if they change sources to American manufacturers.

Easy way to avoid the tax.

No, dope. American steel still costs more. The effect will be the same.
In greater detail, let’s summarize the outcomes from protectionist trade policy in the form of steel tariffs: 1) Domestic steelmakers will win with higher steel prices, higher profits and share prices (U.S. Steel’s stock has nearly doubled since January 1), and greater market share, but 2) Domestic steel-using manufacturers will lose because of higher input prices, lower profits, and possibly reduced sales and market share) and 3) Millions of American consumers and businesses will lose when they now pay higher prices for everything that contains steel, including cars, appliances, tractors, tools, construction materials, wind turbines, forklifts, pipelines, and airplanes.

US steel tariffs: A case study in protectionism, economic losses on net, and 'legal plunder' - AEI

Say goodbye to the gains from that swell $1200 tax cut. :laugh:
I hardly think anyone is going to cry over $35.

So you think it's that simple? $35? Man, you must have bathed in that koolade.
Yep. The statist won, sorry I forgot. My bad

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Bending over to be fucked by our trade "partners" is no freedom.

Interesting way you describe them practically giving us their resources. You must hate Christmas.

Jobs are better to have than resources.

You think we will sell a lot of cars when we are paying artificially higher steel prices? Last steel tariffs we lost jobs.

Average increase for a car is $100 to $200

Great, Now extrapolate that to every product made from aluminum and steel.
the head of the AFL-CIO Low Energy Rich Trumka has endorsed Trump's new tariffs

Anyone with a brain would support them.

Spoken like a true blue liberal.

You mocked me when I predicted Trump would lead you pseudocons into the far left liberal cave.

And now look. Trump is proposing an assault weapons ban and a suspension of due process. Trump is proposing protectionist tariffs.

Trump has made you pseudocons into giant deficit Keynesians and pro-adultery. He's got pseudocons repeating the liberal line that Bush lied and people died. He's got them denying there were WMDs in Iraq. He's got them attacking law enforcement, a liberal favorite target. He's got pseudocons attacking our intelligence agencies which they used to salute for keeping us safe from terrorists. He's got pseudocons whining about "The Establishment", an old hippie favorite. He's got pseudocons admiring a KGB thug.


I totally called it.

Next up, Trump will call for universal healthcare and you will support him.

I have supported American manufacturing for decades you libwit hack :anj_stfu:
Should we allow other countries like communist China to dump steel in the U.S. killing jobs for American workers? That's what liberals in this thread are saying. If China dumping steel into the U.S. was hurting illegals the liberals would be in an uproar.

Get back with us at the end of the year and again tell us how these tariffs are the greatest thing since sliced bread.

Killing American jobs is why you bunch of dummies lost the election.

So dorks, china and europe say they will now cut buying ag products from the US, how will that workout for the flyover crowd

Typical response from you people, we should just bend over and let China screw us? Talk to the hand you gutless nancy :eusa_hand:

Why do you morons keep talking about China when dealing with steel imports...


Because we are talking about WAY more than just steel imports dummy.
Interesting way you describe them practically giving us their resources. You must hate Christmas.

Jobs are better to have than resources.

You think we will sell a lot of cars when we are paying artificially higher steel prices? Last steel tariffs we lost jobs.

I think that we will not improve our trade balance until we show the rest of the world that we will not be their bitch anymore.
We bought up the rest of the world. That’s why there’s a trade imbalance. They’ve been our bitch for decades.

I live in the Rust Belt. We have not bought up the rest of the world.

THey have fucked US.

Or, your dependence on manufacturing jobs has fucked you.
Get back with us at the end of the year and again tell us how these tariffs are the greatest thing since sliced bread.

Killing American jobs is why you bunch of dummies lost the election.

So dorks, china and europe say they will now cut buying ag products from the US, how will that workout for the flyover crowd

Typical response from you people, we should just bend over and let China screw us? Talk to the hand you gutless nancy :eusa_hand:

Why do you morons keep talking about China when dealing with steel imports...


Because we are talking about WAY more than just steel imports dummy.

I guess your lack of reading skills kept you from understand the title of the thread.

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Killing American jobs is why you bunch of dummies lost the election.

So dorks, china and europe say they will now cut buying ag products from the US, how will that workout for the flyover crowd

Typical response from you people, we should just bend over and let China screw us? Talk to the hand you gutless nancy :eusa_hand:

Why do you morons keep talking about China when dealing with steel imports...


Because we are talking about WAY more than just steel imports dummy.

I guess your lack of reading skills kept you from understand the title of the thread.

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You realize a thread discussion frequently expands into a wider discussion, of course you do. Here have this for boring me with your nonsense :icon_rolleyes:
"Breaking: EU's Juncker says the bloc will react to the proposed U.S. steel action with tariffs on motorcycles (Harley-Davidson), bourbon whiskey and blue jeans."

Motorcycles, Bourbon Whiskey, & Blue Jeans is a country song!
If you haven't figured out Donald Trump's negotiation strategy yet, let me spell it out for you. His first move is ALWAYS over the top. That establishes a threshold from which he negotiates down giving his adversary the feeling they have won when he ends up getting the deal he wants.

Does this mean that we should all thank god that we can't believe a word he says?
"Breaking: EU's Juncker says the bloc will react to the proposed U.S. steel action with tariffs on motorcycles (Harley-Davidson), bourbon whiskey and blue jeans."

Motorcycles, Bourbon Whiskey, & Blue Jeans is a country song!

Harley Davidson is already in trouble, in that their sales have been dropping seriously due to their aging market. This could finish them off.
"Breaking: EU's Juncker says the bloc will react to the proposed U.S. steel action with tariffs on motorcycles (Harley-Davidson), bourbon whiskey and blue jeans."

Motorcycles, Bourbon Whiskey, & Blue Jeans is a country song!

Harley Davidson is already in trouble, in that their sales have been dropping seriously due to their aging market. This could finish them off.

Harley Davidson is based in Wisconsin. hello, Paul Ryan!
I'm not an economist, but I'll give you the small businessman's perspective. I have a trucking company. I can easily compete with other trucking companies that have equivalent costs to my own...that is all American companies AND all Canadian companies. But, you throw Mexican companies into the mix, now I am at a significant a Mexican driver can work for about half of what an American or Canadian can live on, because the cost of living is lower in Mexico than the US and Canada.

In a business where a 5 cent per mile (cpm) discount makes a huge impact on freight contracts, and a Mexican company is getting a 15 cpm reduced labor rate, the Mexican company is actual making more profit than I am, even though they are charging less, and getting more contracts. You can see the eventual endgame...I either close my doors, or move my headquarters to Mexico and hire all Mexican drivers in order to compete.

And that is why we don't have a free market trucking industry and why Mexico was held to a 100 mile from Mexican border zone for 10 years after NAFTA was signed. Today, Mexican trucks and Canadian trucks can haul freight out of their respective countries into the U.S. and U.S. freight back to their respective countries.

This is why I understand the need for Tariffs. What we need is fair trade...and that means fair to the American worker, not just businesses. Democrat claim to be in favor of that...but for partisan reason, block attempts to level the playing field.

As long as American companies are forced to compete against a colossal wage disparity, high taxes, worker safety regulations, a litigious society and government bureaucracy, there is no way to compete against foreign companies other that for our own companies to move overseas.

We would be beyond foolish to retreat on worker safety, litigation is not going to be reduced in any meaningful way, government bureaucracy isn't going away...and unless Americans want to live in shanty towns and eat rice and beans, we can't reduce our cost of living.

So what, if not tariffs...fair tariffs that mitigate the higher costs American companies the solution?

Serious responses only please...partisan hackery will be dismissed out of hand.
Smothering Suits

I'll add that even slavishly cheap foreign labor has drained our economy of trillions. Buying Third World junk depletes everybody's wealth, except for the business leeches who are too incompetent to get rich without this scheme.

Another thing we are not allowed to think about is the quality of the management that leads to the necessity of making money by cheating. The Postmodern Postwar American way of getting ahead puts inferior people in superior positions. Our former economic dominance was created by people who started at the bottom and worked their way up, learning along the way all facts specific to their individual businesses. In 1953, only two-thirds of CEOs had gone to college, and most of them were entitled tyrants who had inherited their positions.
In greater detail, let’s summarize the outcomes from protectionist trade policy in the form of steel tariffs: 1) Domestic steelmakers will win with higher steel prices, higher profits and share prices (U.S. Steel’s stock has nearly doubled since January 1), and greater market share, but 2) Domestic steel-using manufacturers will lose because of higher input prices, lower profits, and possibly reduced sales and market share) and 3) Millions of American consumers and businesses will lose when they now pay higher prices for everything that contains steel, including cars, appliances, tractors, tools, construction materials, wind turbines, forklifts, pipelines, and airplanes.

US steel tariffs: A case study in protectionism, economic losses on net, and 'legal plunder' - AEI

Say goodbye to the gains from that swell $1200 tax cut. :laugh:
I hardly think anyone is going to cry over $35.

Sure,dope. That is the only thing made from steel and aluminum. :laugh2:
Because we’re crazy rich and we want the rest of the world’s stuff

That's not why the EU subsidized Airbus, to the loss of thousands of very high tech, high paying jobs.

They couldn't compete, so they cheated and benefited their workers and their economies at the expense of ours.

I want those jobs back for America and Americans.

This was not the way Free Trade was supposed to work.

If I remember correctly Ryanair (one of Europe's largest airlines) ordered 100s of Boeings over the years which is US government backed

Ryanair orders 100 Boeing 737s
"For Boeing, in financial difficulties for the last quarter, 85% of the deal will be guaranteed by the US government."

These types of deals have continued for years... Ryanair runs an almost all new fleet.

Now here is the problem...

View attachment 179771

That is Germany and it is high end steel US imports which it has trouble producing themselves.... Look where china is...

The Limits of 'Made in America' Economics

"The E.U. has sworn to fight back if the Trump White House goes ahead and is reportedly already preparing measures, such as levies on American whiskey, rum, orange juice, potatoes, and tomatoes."

This was just stupid...

That one deal does not change the fact of Airbus supports, nor the mindset that it reveals in their governments.

They are out to fuck US, and they have been doing so.

If their response to US refuses to be their bitch is to blow up world trade,

so much for them being the mature ones.

And what is the problem? I thought Trade Deficits didn't matter?

So what are they pissed off about?

Seems they think that trade surplus matter to them.

Your argument is equivalent to a man holding a gun to his head, and shouting, "Stop, or I will shoot!"

You didn't answer the question.

If Trade Deficits don't matter, than why are our trading partners threatening retaliation?

Seems they really want those trade surpluses they have had with US for so long.

Seems they think trade balance matters.
Never Negotiate Out of Fear; Always Force the Other Side to Negotiate Out of Fear

Besides, real Americans don't back down because of what hostile foreigners might do to stop us from fighting back. Only sissies in suitcoats and buttboys for the bosses do that.
In greater detail, let’s summarize the outcomes from protectionist trade policy in the form of steel tariffs: 1) Domestic steelmakers will win with higher steel prices, higher profits and share prices (U.S. Steel’s stock has nearly doubled since January 1), and greater market share, but 2) Domestic steel-using manufacturers will lose because of higher input prices, lower profits, and possibly reduced sales and market share) and 3) Millions of American consumers and businesses will lose when they now pay higher prices for everything that contains steel, including cars, appliances, tractors, tools, construction materials, wind turbines, forklifts, pipelines, and airplanes.

US steel tariffs: A case study in protectionism, economic losses on net, and 'legal plunder' - AEI

Say goodbye to the gains from that swell $1200 tax cut. :laugh:
I hardly think anyone is going to cry over $35.

Sure,dope. That is the only thing made from steel and aluminum. :laugh2:

Yeah, all we have to do is look around our homes to see how many things we count on to live are made with steel or aluminum and their bi-products. The list is never ending. Not to mention the things we buy that come packaged in those materials and we just dispose of like cans etc. The idea that trump sees this as a way to leverage China is ludicrous.

We need China to aid with N Korea. We need So Korea for the same reason. Those that will be hurt most besides ourselves are allies we share borders with. Canada and Mexico. I question the motives behind this sudden declaration. In which ways will he and his benefit from this? Because it seems that's what motivates him primarily, always.
Yeah, all we have to do is look around our homes to see how many things we count on to live are made with steel or aluminum and their bi-products. The list is never ending. Not to mention the things we buy that come packaged in those materials and we just dispose of like cans etc. The idea that trump sees this as a way to leverage China is ludicrous.

Especially since we get next to none of our steel from China. Trump just declared a trade war with Canada and Brazil and is too stupid to know it.

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