President Trump announces new tariffs: 25% for steel, 10% for aluminum

As usual GOP voters are Mindless drones...
Actually, the GOP has come out strongly against this move.

That doesn't matter to Franco.

Like the vast majority of lefties, no matter what, he just attacks those who oppose his agenda.

Facts don't matter.
Funny how the GOP just keeps doing this kind of crap which kills regular Americans. And you dupes just keep voting for them.

The "Free Trade" policies that have made US the world's bitch on trade have has strong, constant bi-PARTISAN support for decades.

Trump didn't create the Rust Belt. The policies of the last 50 years have.

This is the US finally doing SOMETHING in response to the obvious fact that World Trade is slanted against US.
As the world retaliates against us, and our allies are driven into China's hands GREAT work you POS trump and with higher prices his tax cuts are null and void
China holds 1,2 trillion in US bonds What if trump pisses them off and they dump them??
"The President is proposing a massive tax increase on American families. Protectionism is weak, not strong. You'd expect a policy this bad from a leftist administration, not a supposedly Republican one." - Supercilious Ben Sasse

"i don't know that President Trump should apologize to anyone for protecting American workers and certainly not to Senator Sasse" - Sarah Hogan Sanders

The Free Traders had their chance. They blew it.

We still have the highest standard of living in the world. Nothing was blown.
President Trump announces new tariffs: 25% for steel, 10% for aluminum
Good, lord. So rather than putting a tariff on value-added products, finished goods, he taxes raw materials, thus ensuring that the economic impacts of the tariff flows through the entire supply chain. That's brilliant. NOT!!! It's flat-out stupid.

Effects of a Tariff: Large Country

When a large importing country implements a tariff it will cause an increase in the price of the good on the domestic market and a decrease in the price in the rest of the world. But since Trump wants to impose the tariff on raw materials, it'll raise not only the price of steel and aluminum in the U.S., but also the price of everything made from that steel and aluminum.

As for who will bear the incidence of the tax/tariff, well, that depends on the elasticity of demand and the elasticity of supply for each given product class, and in some instances, each differentiable product.


Hey pinhead.....China has been dumping below-cost steel and other metals on us for over a decade. Not only will it not raise prices, it will lower prices due to increased volume by American producers. All your charts and graphs prove is that you don't understand the impact of tariffs. China can't pay both shipping costs and a 25% duty on their items without raising their price above American steel and aluminum.

You are the pinheaded moron as you clearly do not understand how tariffs work. American producers will not increase production. They will raise prices. That will cause either one of 2 things. Steel users will either raise prices or cut workers. Idiotic Trump supporters like you are sickening.
It is likely to result in more US steel jobs simply due to expansion (but not a whole lot more jobs). Prices are going up, put that on the list with 'death & taxes'. That 1-2 K that you got back in your returns just got gobbled up & it's going to effect just about everyone; not just those buying a new F150 or putting an addition on their homes...
Two words, one term: cost-benefit.

All these "principled" conservatives tout the very 'free' trade that has hollowed out our manufacturing jobs and created trade deficits with practically the entire planet. But we can buy cheaply made shit!
84% of the jobs in manufacturing that have gone away are due to automation, not companies moving out. And given the hatred you Trumpanzees have for Musk, Tesla and Space X, you are total hypocrites.
Which is why China’s FoxConn has over 500,000 prisoners.

IPhones are just assembled in China. Parts come from all over the world including the US. The developers are in the US. Trade figures do not take this into account which is why they are mis-leading.
"Toyota says U.S. tariffs on steel, aluminum will raise costs, therefore prices of cars and trucks sold in America"

Reuters Politics on Twitter

The price for a ton of steel is about $140. If it takes one ton of steel to make a car, how much will a 25% increase in the price of steel increase the price of the car?

Answer: $35.

It will cost more than that (possibly $800-$900 a car) being that steel makes half the weight of the car....either case car manufacturers will demand suppliers to lower their prices on say a set of car seat, a set of glass (windshield, sidelights,backlights) or even tires to offset any other increase prices of the vehicle. So other industries are affected by the tariff.
The Bagmen Left Holding the Bag

The corporate parasites will have to take a cut in profits instead. Richlovers want us to believe that the amount of profit is set in stone, so that higher material costs or higher wages can only lead to higher prices.

That'll be the day. Corporations voluntarily giving up profits or not fighting like hell to pass on costs.

Actually his campaign promise- among others was a huge tariff on China.

Note how the markets tumbled do this announcement?

Between this and the threatened cancellation of NAFTA- this could get really ugly quick.

But you are right- this is what his voters wanted- a trade war with the rest of the world.
Can you quote Trump saying he was going to impose huge tariffs on China? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

I didn't think so.

Hell he not only said that but accused China of currency manipulation. Of course, once smart people told him the truth, he rescinded that stance. Just like this shoot from the hip nonsensical idea.
All these "principled" conservatives tout the very 'free' trade that has hollowed out our manufacturing jobs and created trade deficits with practically the entire planet. But we can buy cheaply made shit!
84% of the jobs in manufacturing that have gone away are due to automation, not companies moving out. And given the hatred you Trumpanzees have for Musk, Tesla and Space X, you are total hypocrites.
Which is why China’s FoxConn has over 500,000 prisoners.

IPhones are just assembled in China. Parts come from all over the world including the US. The developers are in the US. Trade figures do not take this into account which is why they are mis-leading.
Your post is correct but it has zero to do with the myth of automation eliminating jobs.
If there's so much automation why are all the illegals and business visas needed?

Actually his campaign promise- among others was a huge tariff on China.

Note how the markets tumbled do this announcement?

Between this and the threatened cancellation of NAFTA- this could get really ugly quick.

But you are right- this is what his voters wanted- a trade war with the rest of the world.
Can you quote Trump saying he was going to impose huge tariffs on China? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

I didn't think so.

Hell he not only said that but accused China of currency manipulation. Of course, once smart people told him the truth, he rescinded that stance. Just like this shoot from the hip nonsensical idea.
China is so nice...they don't manipulate currency, they just work the poor to death.
In greater detail, let’s summarize the outcomes from protectionist trade policy in the form of steel tariffs: 1) Domestic steelmakers will win with higher steel prices, higher profits and share prices (U.S. Steel’s stock has nearly doubled since January 1), and greater market share, but 2) Domestic steel-using manufacturers will lose because of higher input prices, lower profits, and possibly reduced sales and market share) and 3) Millions of American consumers and businesses will lose when they now pay higher prices for everything that contains steel, including cars, appliances, tractors, tools, construction materials, wind turbines, forklifts, pipelines, and airplanes.

US steel tariffs: A case study in protectionism, economic losses on net, and 'legal plunder' - AEI

Say goodbye to the gains from that swell $1200 tax cut. :laugh:
I hardly think anyone is going to cry over $35.

You sare a moron and have no clue what you are talking about.

Actually his campaign promise- among others was a huge tariff on China.

Note how the markets tumbled do this announcement?

Between this and the threatened cancellation of NAFTA- this could get really ugly quick.

But you are right- this is what his voters wanted- a trade war with the rest of the world.
Can you quote Trump saying he was going to impose huge tariffs on China? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

I didn't think so.

Hell he not only said that but accused China of currency manipulation. Of course, once smart people told him the truth, he rescinded that stance. Just like this shoot from the hip nonsensical idea.
China is so nice...they don't manipulate currency, they just work the poor to death.

Whoever claimed that China is 'nice'? Lots of countries in the world are not 'nice'.

But I have been to China- I have walked through factories in China- and in general- factory work in China has better working conditions than factories in some other countries such as Vietnam, India and Bangladesh- and have improved tremendously in the last 15 years.

Not because the Chinese government cares- but because of the pressures of competition for workers- and because Western companies have pressured manufacturers to improve conditions.

Not that we have really ever cared too much about the working conditions in factories we buy from.....
That's not why the EU subsidized Airbus, to the loss of thousands of very high tech, high paying jobs.

They couldn't compete, so they cheated and benefited their workers and their economies at the expense of ours.

I want those jobs back for America and Americans.

This was not the way Free Trade was supposed to work.

If I remember correctly Ryanair (one of Europe's largest airlines) ordered 100s of Boeings over the years which is US government backed

Ryanair orders 100 Boeing 737s
"For Boeing, in financial difficulties for the last quarter, 85% of the deal will be guaranteed by the US government."

These types of deals have continued for years... Ryanair runs an almost all new fleet.

Now here is the problem...

View attachment 179771

That is Germany and it is high end steel US imports which it has trouble producing themselves.... Look where china is...

The Limits of 'Made in America' Economics

"The E.U. has sworn to fight back if the Trump White House goes ahead and is reportedly already preparing measures, such as levies on American whiskey, rum, orange juice, potatoes, and tomatoes."

This was just stupid...

That one deal does not change the fact of Airbus supports, nor the mindset that it reveals in their governments.

They are out to fuck US, and they have been doing so.

If their response to US refuses to be their bitch is to blow up world trade,

so much for them being the mature ones.

And what is the problem? I thought Trade Deficits didn't matter?

So what are they pissed off about?

Seems they think that trade surplus matter to them.

Your argument is equivalent to a man holding a gun to his head, and shouting, "Stop, or I will shoot!"

You didn't answer the question.

If Trade Deficits don't matter, than why are our trading partners threatening retaliation?

Seems they really want those trade surpluses they have had with US for so long.

Seems they think trade balance matters.
Never Negotiate Out of Fear; Always Force the Other Side to Negotiate Out of Fear

Besides, real Americans don't back down because of what hostile foreigners might do to stop us from fighting back. Only sissies in suitcoats and buttboys for the bosses do that.

The trouble is that we are hurting Americans.
I hardly think anyone is going to cry over $35.

Sure,dope. That is the only thing made from steel and aluminum. :laugh2:
That is the thing with the largest amount of steel in it. Appliances are made of steel, but they don't weigh anything near a ton. Let's say 100 lbs of steel were used to make your washing machine. How much would the tariff add to the cost? $500 x 25% / 20 = $5.00.

These tariffs just aren't going to have that big of an impact on the economy.

I guess you simply don't have the mental capacity to see the big picture.

A car is not the biggest thing with steel, dope. How about bridges and skyscrapers. How much cost do you imagine is added for those?

Trump wants to do infrastructure but just upped the price tag considerably. Truly dumb.

Yeah, it's not only ourselves and what we consume but everything the govt consumes. It will be passed on to all of us. But narrow thinkers are his base and narrow thinkers will support this debacle.
A $5.00 price increase on a $1000 dollar washing machine? I think we'll survive it.

Are you trying to be a real moron today?
All these "principled" conservatives tout the very 'free' trade that has hollowed out our manufacturing jobs and created trade deficits with practically the entire planet. But we can buy cheaply made shit!
84% of the jobs in manufacturing that have gone away are due to automation, not companies moving out. And given the hatred you Trumpanzees have for Musk, Tesla and Space X, you are total hypocrites.
Which is why China’s FoxConn has over 500,000 prisoners.

IPhones are just assembled in China. Parts come from all over the world including the US. The developers are in the US. Trade figures do not take this into account which is why they are mis-leading.
Your post is correct but it has zero to do with the myth of automation eliminating jobs.
If there's so much automation why are all the illegals and business visas needed?

The illegals are working in labor intensive jobs such as farms, slaughter houses and construction- all harder to automate though agriculture is working hard on doing so.

The business visa's- well the one's for Trump's properties are for bar tenders and waitresses and maids- again not much automation there.

The other ones- the tech ones- well they haven't automated coding that much yet.

But factory jobs? Yeah- they are automating the hell out of factory jobs- that is the only way that American factories can stay competitive with the cheap labor of third world factories.
That is the thing with the largest amount of steel in it. Appliances are made of steel, but they don't weigh anything near a ton. Let's say 100 lbs of steel were used to make your washing machine. How much would the tariff add to the cost? $500 x 25% / 20 = $5.00.

These tariffs just aren't going to have that big of an impact on the economy.

I guess you simply don't have the mental capacity to see the big picture.

A car is not the biggest thing with steel, dope. How about bridges and skyscrapers. How much cost do you imagine is added for those?

Trump wants to do infrastructure but just upped the price tag considerably. Truly dumb.

Yeah, it's not only ourselves and what we consume but everything the govt consumes. It will be passed on to all of us. But narrow thinkers are his base and narrow thinkers will support this debacle.
A $5.00 price increase on a $1000 dollar washing machine? I think we'll survive it.

View attachment 179907
You need to learn simple math.

You need to learn a lot more than simple math.
If you haven't figured out Donald Trump's negotiation strategy yet, let me spell it out for you. His first move is ALWAYS over the top. That establishes a threshold from which he negotiates down giving his adversary the feeling they have won when he ends up getting the deal he wants.

Does this mean that we should all thank god that we can't believe a word he says?
No, what it means is he a brutally tough negotiator and understands the psychology of the deal better than anyone. We should all thank god he is negotiating on our behalf.

Apparently, he is not very good at negotiating with prostitutes. The last one we know about cost him $130,000.
All these "principled" conservatives tout the very 'free' trade that has hollowed out our manufacturing jobs and created trade deficits with practically the entire planet. But we can buy cheaply made shit!
84% of the jobs in manufacturing that have gone away are due to automation, not companies moving out. And given the hatred you Trumpanzees have for Musk, Tesla and Space X, you are total hypocrites.
Which is why China’s FoxConn has over 500,000 prisoners.

IPhones are just assembled in China. Parts come from all over the world including the US. The developers are in the US. Trade figures do not take this into account which is why they are mis-leading.
Your post is correct but it has zero to do with the myth of automation eliminating jobs.
If there's so much automation why are all the illegals and business visas needed?

Because what libs don't tell you automation is very expensive and requires 24/7 maintenance and engineering positions which are not cheap.

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