President Trump announces new tariffs: 25% for steel, 10% for aluminum

I know The Donald had mentioned this before the election. Hopefully this all talk and can lead to better trade deals, maybe China opening up a plant in the USA.
There's a decent chance that this is an opening and public salvo in anticipated negotiations.

He wrote a book on it. Here's hoping.

He didn't write squat. He bragged for a while to Tony Schwartz, and Schwartz is the one that wrote the book.

I doubt he even knows how to read or write very well.
some folks are sayin Trump's tariffs will raise the cost of your beer!

Cans are made of aluminum so it will cost more to put beer in a can, They can do one of two things. Raise the price or cut costs by laying people off.
The cost increase will be about $0.0001 per can.
One of the biggest manufacturing industries in the United States is automobile manufacturing. The average car has about 2400 lbs of steel in it and about 300 lbs of aluminum.

Yeah- the average joe won't notice the increase in the price of beer- but will in the increase in the price of a car.
The price increase will be abot $150. I doubt they will notice.

Geez! If you keep increasing the additional cost of a car, we'll all have to walk to work. Make up your mind.
some folks are sayin Trump's tariffs will raise the cost of your beer!

Cans are made of aluminum so it will cost more to put beer in a can, They can do one of two things. Raise the price or cut costs by laying people off.

Actually, on FOX News (yeah I know, but you gotta get intel on the other side occasionally), they had some dude from the Treasury holding up a Campbell's soup can telling you that the extra tax for the steel in the can is only a fraction of a cent and so there would be no price increase.

Shortly after that, they had a representative from a beer company (Bud Light), and he said that this equated to roughly a 375 million dollar tax on beer makers, and that the extra costs of the cans would be passed onto the consumer.

He then mentioned the soda makers, auto makers, and all the other industries that use aluminum.

Yeah, that con man holding the soup can was Wilbur Ross, Sec of Commerce. He got that job because he helped Trump to launder Russian money by brokering a real estate deal that was crooked as hell.
Conservatives now support artificially setting the price for commodities. Conservative socialism is hitting it's stride. Other ways cons meddle in the free market? Punishing a company like Delta for making decisions that they think are best for their bottom line. And of course steering government contracts to their friends and family, their donators, to the tune of billions of dollars, even though their friends can't do the job.

Yeah, what's with this Delta thing and the NRA? Pretty shady stuff.
Cans are made of aluminum so it will cost more to put beer in a can, They can do one of two things. Raise the price or cut costs by laying people off.
The cost increase will be about $0.0001 per can.
One of the biggest manufacturing industries in the United States is automobile manufacturing. The average car has about 2400 lbs of steel in it and about 300 lbs of aluminum.

Yeah- the average joe won't notice the increase in the price of beer- but will in the increase in the price of a car.
The price increase will be abot $150. I doubt they will notice.

Tell me more about how Trump never said he was going to slap huge tariff's on China.....
25% on steel is not a huge tariff on China.

Especially since China is only our 10 biggest supplier of steel. Canada though now they are going to be ticked

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Cans are made of aluminum so it will cost more to put beer in a can, They can do one of two things. Raise the price or cut costs by laying people off.
The cost increase will be about $0.0001 per can.
One of the biggest manufacturing industries in the United States is automobile manufacturing. The average car has about 2400 lbs of steel in it and about 300 lbs of aluminum.

Yeah- the average joe won't notice the increase in the price of beer- but will in the increase in the price of a car.
The price increase will be abot $150. I doubt they will notice.

Tell me more about how Trump never said he was going to slap huge tariff's on China.....
25% on steel is not a huge tariff on China.
Cans are made of aluminum so it will cost more to put beer in a can, They can do one of two things. Raise the price or cut costs by laying people off.
The cost increase will be about $0.0001 per can.
One of the biggest manufacturing industries in the United States is automobile manufacturing. The average car has about 2400 lbs of steel in it and about 300 lbs of aluminum.

Yeah- the average joe won't notice the increase in the price of beer- but will in the increase in the price of a car.
The price increase will be abot $150. I doubt they will notice.

Tell me more about how Trump never said he was going to slap huge tariff's on China.....
25% on steel is not a huge tariff on China.

Oh how quickly you forget.

Here let me remind you:

Actually his campaign promise- among others was a huge tariff on China.

Can you quote Trump saying he was going to impose huge tariffs on China? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

I didn't think so

Me: bitchslapping Brippie

Donald Trump Says He Favors Big Tariffs on Chinese Exports

Donald J. Trump said he would favor a 45 percent tariff on Chinese exports to the United States, proposing the idea during a wide-ranging meeting with members of the editorial board of The New York Times.
Sure,dope. That is the only thing made from steel and aluminum. :laugh2:
That is the thing with the largest amount of steel in it. Appliances are made of steel, but they don't weigh anything near a ton. Let's say 100 lbs of steel were used to make your washing machine. How much would the tariff add to the cost? $500 x 25% / 20 = $5.00.

These tariffs just aren't going to have that big of an impact on the economy.

I guess you simply don't have the mental capacity to see the big picture.

A car is not the biggest thing with steel, dope. How about bridges and skyscrapers. How much cost do you imagine is added for those?

Trump wants to do infrastructure but just upped the price tag considerably. Truly dumb.

Yeah, it's not only ourselves and what we consume but everything the govt consumes. It will be passed on to all of us. But narrow thinkers are his base and narrow thinkers will support this debacle.
A $5.00 price increase on a $1000 dollar washing machine? I think we'll survive it.

Are you trying to be a real moron today?

Why should today be any different than any other day?
I'm not buying that we should just surrender to foreign interests. I'm certainly willing to pay a bit more to bring good jobs back to the country. The pointy headed little economy experts need to come up with a way to encourage American made products. I heard someone say that nobody should have to apologize for sticking up for the American worker. No doubt prices will increase when we try to compete in our own country with low cost Chinese, Mexican, ect garbage. If the best the experts can come up with is to surrender to people with slave work forces and low safety standards, then I think we should try something else. I don't buy that the best way to win the fight is to give up.
Wilbur Ross says you will only pay hundreds more every year. Sounds like Nancy Pelosi talking about crumbs. So much for some people's tax cuts.
some folks are sayin Trump's tariffs will raise the cost of your beer!

Cans are made of aluminum so it will cost more to put beer in a can, They can do one of two things. Raise the price or cut costs by laying people off.
The cost increase will be about $0.0001 per can.
One of the biggest manufacturing industries in the United States is automobile manufacturing. The average car has about 2400 lbs of steel in it and about 300 lbs of aluminum.

Yeah- the average joe won't notice the increase in the price of beer- but will in the increase in the price of a car.
The price increase will be abot $150. I doubt they will notice.

Geez! If you keep increasing the additional cost of a car, we'll all have to walk to work. Make up your mind.

What is "the additional cost of a car?" How much do you imagine Obama's "Clean Power Plan" would have increased the cost of owning a car?
Conservatives now support artificially setting the price for commodities. Conservative socialism is hitting it's stride. Other ways cons meddle in the free market? Punishing a company like Delta for making decisions that they think are best for their bottom line. And of course steering government contracts to their friends and family, their donators, to the tune of billions of dollars, even though their friends can't do the job.

Yeah, what's with this Delta thing and the NRA? Pretty shady stuff.

How is it "shady?"
Wilbur Ross says you will only pay hundreds more every year. Sounds like Nancy Pelosi talking about crumbs. So much for some people's tax cuts.

Ross is on my short list of folks I hope will get what's coming to them. He brokers a shady real estate deal for Trump, a sale that netted Trump 55 Mill and the sale was to a Russian olig. And suddenly Ross is the Commerce Sec. Nothing to see here! BTW The property closed with no inspection and was razed shortly thereafter because of Mold!
Conservatives now support artificially setting the price for commodities. Conservative socialism is hitting it's stride. Other ways cons meddle in the free market? Punishing a company like Delta for making decisions that they think are best for their bottom line. And of course steering government contracts to their friends and family, their donators, to the tune of billions of dollars, even though their friends can't do the job.

All this has been tried before. The Soviet's had a planned economy all the way from 1920 to 1980. They, two artificially tried to change the economics of the free enterprise system.
Just because organized crime's political arm, the Ds, say it is shady is reason to believe it is not in and of itself.

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