President Trump announces new tariffs: 25% for steel, 10% for aluminum

And what’s the bonus for We American consumers? Will we maybe pay more for cars? The tariffs are on aluminum to. Lots of shit is going to cost more because we know American steel manufacturers will jack up prices even though the shit is made right here. So aside from union hacks east of the Mississippi, how does this bennifet me, a non union consumer of products made of steel and aluminum? And why no tariff of food products and beef from south of the border and lumber north of the border? What's the net plus for consumers of those products who will also be affected by the tariffs on steel and aluminum?
China builds a larger military and takes your life away from you.

Yeah, but not really. Not me. I don’t work in Steele, but I consume some now and then. Let’s see how It shakes out.
Well, if Ford and GM could build a car as well as Honda and Toyota, perhaps people would buy them.
still unfair--hypocritical

Ford and GM should be given government help to make them more competitive, even though they sell inferior products to the Japanese?

I'm not sure that you are inboard the free enterprise system, comrade....
sure let's screw over the Americans

I think that I understand your position, Harmon. You believe that corporate welfare, which rewards corporations for producing inferior products, is not anything like individual welfare, which encourages people not to work. Have I got that right?
better than screwing Americans in the rear--sure --you've got it

Well, I appreciate your honesty. Now, I know that marginalizing you is justified!

And what’s the bonus for We American consumers? Will we maybe pay more for cars? The tariffs are on aluminum to. Lots of shit is going to cost more because we know American steel manufacturers will jack up prices even though the shit is made right here. So aside from union hacks east of the Mississippi, how does this bennifet me, a non union consumer of products made of steel and aluminum? And why no tariff of food products and beef from south of the border and lumber north of the border? What's the net plus for consumers of those products who will also be affected by the tariffs on steel and aluminum?
China builds a larger military and takes your life away from you.

Yeah, but not really. Not me. I don’t work in Steele, but I consume some now and then. Let’s see how It shakes out.
I used to consume something from steel was a called a paycheck and a future for my family. But, because we let Japan and China dump low grade steel into our market...well...doing other things now. Left my hometown as a vet. It does not even have a Foreign Legion or American Legion anymore because of population loss due to trade policies. Lower tax base...schools suffer.
still unfair--hypocritical

Ford and GM should be given government help to make them more competitive, even though they sell inferior products to the Japanese?

I'm not sure that you are inboard the free enterprise system, comrade....
sure let's screw over the Americans

I think that I understand your position, Harmon. You believe that corporate welfare, which rewards corporations for producing inferior products, is not anything like individual welfare, which encourages people not to work. Have I got that right?
better than screwing Americans in the rear--sure --you've got it

Well, I appreciate your honesty. Now, I know that marginalizing you is justified!
great idea--screw America over
they should have put tariffs on all that shit in the 60s and 70s....big time on companies that went's called protecting America
Ford and GM should be given government help to make them more competitive, even though they sell inferior products to the Japanese?

I'm not sure that you are inboard the free enterprise system, comrade....
sure let's screw over the Americans

I think that I understand your position, Harmon. You believe that corporate welfare, which rewards corporations for producing inferior products, is not anything like individual welfare, which encourages people not to work. Have I got that right?
better than screwing Americans in the rear--sure --you've got it

Well, I appreciate your honesty. Now, I know that marginalizing you is justified!
great idea--screw America over
they should have put tariffs on all that shit in the 60s and 70s....big time on companies that went's called protecting America
Right. China gets stronger and we get weaker.
"He" , do you mean Pynia (Putler)?

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they bought a BRIDGE from China!!!!!!????
that is some dumb shit---they screwed over America Big time those west coast illegal lovers America haters
Conservatives now support artificially setting the price for commodities. Conservative socialism is hitting it's stride. Other ways cons meddle in the free market? Punishing a company like Delta for making decisions that they think are best for their bottom line. And of course steering government contracts to their friends and family, their donators, to the tune of billions of dollars, even though their friends can't do the job.

All this has been tried before. The Soviet's had a planned economy all the way from 1920 to 1980. They, two artificially tried to change the economics of the free enterprise system.
What is "all this?" A couple of tariffs turns us into a planned economy?

And what’s the bonus for We American consumers? Will we maybe pay more for cars? The tariffs are on aluminum to. Lots of shit is going to cost more because we know American steel manufacturers will jack up prices even though the shit is made right here. So aside from union hacks east of the Mississippi, how does this bennifet me, a non union consumer of products made of steel and aluminum? And why no tariff of food products and beef from south of the border and lumber north of the border? What's the net plus for consumers of those products who will also be affected by the tariffs on steel and aluminum?
China builds a larger military and takes your life away from you.

I would probably agree with much of what you say but these Tariffs don't effect China hardly at all. It punishes our strong allies in Canada and Mexico and Brazil and S Korea. So, this stuff is aimed squarely at the wrong folks. And, if this actually happens, we will face similar tariffs from those folks and others while China is barely touched. Not to mention the inflation sure to follow.
Conservatives now support artificially setting the price for commodities. Conservative socialism is hitting it's stride. Other ways cons meddle in the free market? Punishing a company like Delta for making decisions that they think are best for their bottom line. And of course steering government contracts to their friends and family, their donators, to the tune of billions of dollars, even though their friends can't do the job.

Yeah, what's with this Delta thing and the NRA? Pretty shady stuff.

How is it "shady?"

Read for yourself. I don't have time to educate the un- educateable.

Georgia Passes Bill That Stings Delta Over N.R.A. Position
Since you didn't answer the question, I'll ask again: How is it "shady?"

And what’s the bonus for We American consumers? Will we maybe pay more for cars? The tariffs are on aluminum to. Lots of shit is going to cost more because we know American steel manufacturers will jack up prices even though the shit is made right here. So aside from union hacks east of the Mississippi, how does this bennifet me, a non union consumer of products made of steel and aluminum? And why no tariff of food products and beef from south of the border and lumber north of the border? What's the net plus for consumers of those products who will also be affected by the tariffs on steel and aluminum?
China builds a larger military and takes your life away from you.

Yeah, but not really. Not me. I don’t work in Steele, but I consume some now and then. Let’s see how It shakes out.
I used to consume something from steel was a called a paycheck and a future for my family. But, because we let Japan and China dump low grade steel into our market...well...doing other things now. Left my hometown as a vet. It does not even have a Foreign Legion or American Legion anymore because of population loss due to trade policies. Lower tax base...schools suffer.

Sadly, that’s the way of it. But what ever jobs there are from steel and aluminum now won’t be better if a trade we breaks out. Trump, Schumer all the political shits in Washington get to eat $3,000 dinners and watch movies in the people’s house. But a guy up in North Houston who rolls sheet metal, or builds commercial buildings will suffer and that pain will trickle down even to me as I use allot of steel day to day at my job. Steel gets expensive, so do pay checks. Workers suffer. Just wish the political ruling class wouldn’t be so glib with our livelyhood. They can take a loss. It’s nothing to them. Don’t envy you your story. That sucks and I hope you made out in a better place.

And what’s the bonus for We American consumers? Will we maybe pay more for cars? The tariffs are on aluminum to. Lots of shit is going to cost more because we know American steel manufacturers will jack up prices even though the shit is made right here. So aside from union hacks east of the Mississippi, how does this bennifet me, a non union consumer of products made of steel and aluminum? And why no tariff of food products and beef from south of the border and lumber north of the border? What's the net plus for consumers of those products who will also be affected by the tariffs on steel and aluminum?
China builds a larger military and takes your life away from you.

I would probably agree with much of what you say but these Tariffs don't effect China hardly at all. It punishes our strong allies in Canada and Mexico and Brazil and S Korea. So, this stuff is aimed squarely at the wrong folks. And, if this actually happens, we will face similar tariffs from those folks and others while China is barely touched. Not to mention the inflation sure to follow.
Fuck them too. If they are our allies they would not be screwing us over now would they?
some folks are sayin Trump's tariffs will raise the cost of your beer!

Cans are made of aluminum so it will cost more to put beer in a can, They can do one of two things. Raise the price or cut costs by laying people off.
The cost increase will be about $0.0001 per can.

You are so full of bullshit.
Prove it.

You are the one who has to prove it. You are the one making the claims like you are a super accountant. Prove your statements.

And what’s the bonus for We American consumers? Will we maybe pay more for cars? The tariffs are on aluminum to. Lots of shit is going to cost more because we know American steel manufacturers will jack up prices even though the shit is made right here. So aside from union hacks east of the Mississippi, how does this bennifet me, a non union consumer of products made of steel and aluminum? And why no tariff of food products and beef from south of the border and lumber north of the border? What's the net plus for consumers of those products who will also be affected by the tariffs on steel and aluminum?
China builds a larger military and takes your life away from you.

Yeah, but not really. Not me. I don’t work in Steele, but I consume some now and then. Let’s see how It shakes out.
I used to consume something from steel was a called a paycheck and a future for my family. But, because we let Japan and China dump low grade steel into our market...well...doing other things now. Left my hometown as a vet. It does not even have a Foreign Legion or American Legion anymore because of population loss due to trade policies. Lower tax base...schools suffer.

Sadly, that’s the way of it. But what ever jobs there are from steel and aluminum now won’t be better if a trade we breaks out. Trump, Schumer all the political shits in Washington get to eat $3,000 dinners and watch movies in the people’s house. But a guy up in North Houston who rolls sheet metal, or builds commercial buildings will suffer and that pain will trickle down even to me as I use allot of steel day to day at my job. Steel gets expensive, so do pay checks. Workers suffer. Just wish the political ruling class wouldn’t be so glib with our livelyhood. They can take a loss. It’s nothing to them. Don’t envy you your story. That sucks and I hope you made out in a better place.
When you going to stop it? Time has come to stand up for American workers and American families.

And what’s the bonus for We American consumers? Will we maybe pay more for cars? The tariffs are on aluminum to. Lots of shit is going to cost more because we know American steel manufacturers will jack up prices even though the shit is made right here. So aside from union hacks east of the Mississippi, how does this bennifet me, a non union consumer of products made of steel and aluminum? And why no tariff of food products and beef from south of the border and lumber north of the border? What's the net plus for consumers of those products who will also be affected by the tariffs on steel and aluminum?
China builds a larger military and takes your life away from you.

I would probably agree with much of what you say but these Tariffs don't effect China hardly at all. It punishes our strong allies in Canada and Mexico and Brazil and S Korea. So, this stuff is aimed squarely at the wrong folks. And, if this actually happens, we will face similar tariffs from those folks and others while China is barely touched. Not to mention the inflation sure to follow.

Could you imagine if Canada and Mexico hot say, lumber with a tariff? Cali, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas would feel that pinch big time.

And what’s the bonus for We American consumers? Will we maybe pay more for cars? The tariffs are on aluminum to. Lots of shit is going to cost more because we know American steel manufacturers will jack up prices even though the shit is made right here. So aside from union hacks east of the Mississippi, how does this bennifet me, a non union consumer of products made of steel and aluminum? And why no tariff of food products and beef from south of the border and lumber north of the border? What's the net plus for consumers of those products who will also be affected by the tariffs on steel and aluminum?
China builds a larger military and takes your life away from you.

Yeah, but not really. Not me. I don’t work in Steele, but I consume some now and then. Let’s see how It shakes out.
I used to consume something from steel was a called a paycheck and a future for my family. But, because we let Japan and China dump low grade steel into our market...well...doing other things now. Left my hometown as a vet. It does not even have a Foreign Legion or American Legion anymore because of population loss due to trade policies. Lower tax base...schools suffer.

Sadly, that’s the way of it. But what ever jobs there are from steel and aluminum now won’t be better if a trade we breaks out. Trump, Schumer all the political shits in Washington get to eat $3,000 dinners and watch movies in the people’s house. But a guy up in North Houston who rolls sheet metal, or builds commercial buildings will suffer and that pain will trickle down even to me as I use allot of steel day to day at my job. Steel gets expensive, so do pay checks. Workers suffer. Just wish the political ruling class wouldn’t be so glib with our livelyhood. They can take a loss. It’s nothing to them. Don’t envy you your story. That sucks and I hope you made out in a better place.
Hear you brother. But we have to make a fair lane in the market for US manufactured steel.
And what’s the bonus for We American consumers? Will we maybe pay more for cars? The tariffs are on aluminum to. Lots of shit is going to cost more because we know American steel manufacturers will jack up prices even though the shit is made right here. So aside from union hacks east of the Mississippi, how does this bennifet me, a non union consumer of products made of steel and aluminum? And why no tariff of food products and beef from south of the border and lumber north of the border? What's the net plus for consumers of those products who will also be affected by the tariffs on steel and aluminum?
China builds a larger military and takes your life away from you.

Yeah, but not really. Not me. I don’t work in Steele, but I consume some now and then. Let’s see how It shakes out.
I used to consume something from steel was a called a paycheck and a future for my family. But, because we let Japan and China dump low grade steel into our market...well...doing other things now. Left my hometown as a vet. It does not even have a Foreign Legion or American Legion anymore because of population loss due to trade policies. Lower tax base...schools suffer.

Sadly, that’s the way of it. But what ever jobs there are from steel and aluminum now won’t be better if a trade we breaks out. Trump, Schumer all the political shits in Washington get to eat $3,000 dinners and watch movies in the people’s house. But a guy up in North Houston who rolls sheet metal, or builds commercial buildings will suffer and that pain will trickle down even to me as I use allot of steel day to day at my job. Steel gets expensive, so do pay checks. Workers suffer. Just wish the political ruling class wouldn’t be so glib with our livelyhood. They can take a loss. It’s nothing to them. Don’t envy you your story. That sucks and I hope you made out in a better place.
When you going to stop it? Time has come to stand up for American workers and American families.

I agree100%. I agree there is a time when you say duck it, trudge in swinging until someone hits the ground. I just haven’t herd enough to believe it’s that time yet.

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