President Trump announces new tariffs: 25% for steel, 10% for aluminum

Conservatives now support artificially setting the price for commodities. Conservative socialism is hitting it's stride. Other ways cons meddle in the free market? Punishing a company like Delta for making decisions that they think are best for their bottom line. And of course steering government contracts to their friends and family, their donators, to the tune of billions of dollars, even though their friends can't do the job.

Yeah, what's with this Delta thing and the NRA? Pretty shady stuff.

How is it "shady?"

Read for yourself. I don't have time to educate the un- educateable.

Georgia Passes Bill That Stings Delta Over N.R.A. Position
remember when Japan didn't import rice?? but they exported cars??
was this not hypocrisy screwing over the US/etc??

we've been getting screwed over toooooooo loooong
Just because organized crime's political arm, the Ds, say it is shady is reason to believe it is not in and of itself.

And just because a GOPer says it isn't should be enough to believe it is. Trumpism: Govt of the stupid, by the stupid and for the stupid. Let's help it perish from the earth.
remember when Japan didn't import rice?? but they exported cars??
was this not hypocrisy screwing over the US/etc??

we've been getting screwed over toooooooo loooong

Well, if Ford and GM could build a car as well as Honda and Toyota, perhaps people would buy them.
still unfair--hypocritical

Ford and GM should be given government help to make them more competitive, even though they sell inferior products to the Japanese?

I'm not sure that you are inboard the free enterprise system, comrade....

This won't end well.

And what’s the bonus for We American consumers? Will we maybe pay more for cars? The tariffs are on aluminum to. Lots of shit is going to cost more because we know American steel manufacturers will jack up prices even though the shit is made right here. So aside from union hacks east of the Mississippi, how does this bennifet me, a non union consumer of products made of steel and aluminum? And why no tariff of food products and beef from south of the border and lumber north of the border? What's the net plus for consumers of those products who will also be affected by the tariffs on steel and aluminum?
China builds a larger military and takes your life away from you.
Nice to hear from liberal and conservative dickheads that have never worked on heavy industry...never got their precious fucking pussy assed hands calloused in their lives...look down on the American worker. The “ Greatest Generation” did it because of our manufacturing base. Dumb bastards.
remember when Japan didn't import rice?? but they exported cars??
was this not hypocrisy screwing over the US/etc??

we've been getting screwed over toooooooo loooong

Well, if Ford and GM could build a car as well as Honda and Toyota, perhaps people would buy them.
still unfair--hypocritical

Ford and GM should be given government help to make them more competitive, even though they sell inferior products to the Japanese?

I'm not sure that you are inboard the free enterprise system, comrade....
sure let's screw over the Americans

This won't end well.

We've been in a trade war with China for nearly two decades. Trump is just doing what Reagan did with Japan on trade issues. He's hawkish.

By the way did you lose your mind when Obama put a 35% tariff on Chinese tires? No way no how you did
Should we allow other countries like communist China to dump steel in the U.S. killing jobs for American workers? That's what liberals in this thread are saying. If China dumping steel into the U.S. was hurting illegals the liberals would be in an uproar.

There is no evidence of that. Actually you are taking the liberal position. You are saying what liberals are saying.

I see I struck a nerve, not surprising.

I am a Reagan conservative. You sound like a Bernie Sanders liberal. I find it interesting when liberals like yourself claim to be a conservative.

You don't know what a conservative is, let me guess you watch Juan Williams every night /mocking sarcasm

You don't know what a conservative is. You and Trump are parroting Bernier Sanders. I am parroting Ronald Reagan.

You and Reagan have nothing in common.
remember when Japan didn't import rice?? but they exported cars??
was this not hypocrisy screwing over the US/etc??

we've been getting screwed over toooooooo loooong

Well, if Ford and GM could build a car as well as Honda and Toyota, perhaps people would buy them.
still unfair--hypocritical

Ford and GM should be given government help to make them more competitive, even though they sell inferior products to the Japanese?

I'm not sure that you are inboard the free enterprise system, comrade....
sure let's screw over the Americans

I think that I understand your position, Harmon. You believe that corporate welfare, which rewards corporations for producing inferior products, is not anything like individual welfare, which encourages people not to work. Have I got that right?
Let me tell you motherfuckers and the liberal motherfuckers that run this goddamn board. As well as the country club pussy fucking Republicans on the other side. You merged my post again because you are ignorant. We won World War Two because of our manufacturing base. There was a time in America that people worked in heavy manufacturing and entered the middle-class. That particular genreation survived Great Depression and won World War Two. I have the utmost respect for my 6 uncles...4 wounded in action...who were part of this generation. The test of the post war World is how long we will stand by and allow...primarily China...who has been fucking us for years , to dump their shit into” big box retailers” like Wal Mart, Target, and dollar stores. Those used to be American Jobs. What is good for Wall Street is not always good for Main Street. Trump gets it. You fuckheads in media who have never fought in a war or got your hands dirty in factory don’t get it. We don’t live on dividends from Wall Street...fuck them.
Let me tell you motherfuckers and the liberal motherfuckers that run this goddamn board. As well as the country club pussy fucking Republicans on the other side. You merged my post again because you are ignorant. We won World War Two because of our manufacturing base. There was a time in America that people worked in heavy manufacturing and entered the middle-class. That particular genreation survived Great Depression and won World War Two. I have the utmost respect for my 6 uncles...4 wounded in action...who were part of this generation. The test of the post war World is how long we will stand by and allow...primarily China...who has been fucking us for years , to dump their shit into” big box retailers” like Wal Mart, Target, and dollar stores. Those used to be American Jobs. What is good for Wall Street is not always good for Main Street. Trump gets it. You fuckheads in media who have never fought in a war or got your hands dirty in factory don’t get it. We don’t live on dividends from Wall Street...fuck them.

Where can I buy more winner tabs for this spot on post? could not have said it better myself...
remember when Japan didn't import rice?? but they exported cars??
was this not hypocrisy screwing over the US/etc??

we've been getting screwed over toooooooo loooong

Well, if Ford and GM could build a car as well as Honda and Toyota, perhaps people would buy them.
still unfair--hypocritical

Ford and GM should be given government help to make them more competitive, even though they sell inferior products to the Japanese?

I'm not sure that you are inboard the free enterprise system, comrade....
sure let's screw over the Americans

I think that I understand your position, Harmon. You believe that corporate welfare, which rewards corporations for producing inferior products, is not anything like individual welfare, which encourages people not to work. Have I got that right?
better than screwing Americans in the rear--sure --you've got it

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