President Trump announces new tariffs: 25% for steel, 10% for aluminum

I would probably agree with much of what you say but these Tariffs don't effect China hardly at all. It punishes our strong allies in Canada and Mexico and Brazil and S Korea. So, this stuff is aimed squarely at the wrong folks. And, if this actually happens, we will face similar tariffs from those folks and others while China is barely touched. Not to mention the inflation sure to follow.
Fuck them too. If they are our allies they would not be screwing us over now would they?

Yeah but I thought this was about China. That's who the proposed tariffs are supposed to push back against. Just saying it doesn't get that job done.
China will just make it back by raising the interest rates on our loans.
Don’t have to pay when we cut em off to our market.
I guess you dont how loans work. Figures.
Perhaps they work something like this...

China...bring it.
And what’s the bonus for We American consumers? Will we maybe pay more for cars? The tariffs are on aluminum to. Lots of shit is going to cost more because we know American steel manufacturers will jack up prices even though the shit is made right here. So aside from union hacks east of the Mississippi, how does this bennifet me, a non union consumer of products made of steel and aluminum? And why no tariff of food products and beef from south of the border and lumber north of the border? What's the net plus for consumers of those products who will also be affected by the tariffs on steel and aluminum?
China builds a larger military and takes your life away from you.

I would probably agree with much of what you say but these Tariffs don't effect China hardly at all. It punishes our strong allies in Canada and Mexico and Brazil and S Korea. So, this stuff is aimed squarely at the wrong folks. And, if this actually happens, we will face similar tariffs from those folks and others while China is barely touched. Not to mention the inflation sure to follow.
Fuck them too. If they are our allies they would not be screwing us over now would they?

They are not screwing us over. I have a trade deficit with Walmart and Dollar Tree to name a couple. Consumers want products from other countries. Trump is screwing 144 million workers in steel using industries as well as millions of American consumers. You are in-American just like Trump.
What about the millions of jobs that have been lost in “steel production industry “ you Democratic Party mouthpiece. Retail jobs don’t replace manufacturing jobs and the income. If you think the greatest nation on earth can swap a steel mill job out with a “Welcome to Wal Mart” job and remain a global superpower then you are either naive or stupid.

Millions of jobs have not been lost. You are a liar. You are the one who is the Democrat mouthpiece. Bernie Sanders and Charles Schumer support this. You stand with Democrats.
Fuck them too. If they are our allies they would not be screwing us over now would they?

Yeah but I thought this was about China. That's who the proposed tariffs are supposed to push back against. Just saying it doesn't get that job done.
China will just make it back by raising the interest rates on our loans.
Don’t have to pay when we cut em off to our market.
I guess you dont how loans work. Figures.
Perhaps they work something like this...

China...bring it.

So you think Japan and China are the same thing. God youre dumb. :rolleyes:
Nice to hear from liberal and conservative dickheads that have never worked on heavy industry...never got their precious fucking pussy assed hands calloused in their lives...look down on the American worker. The “ Greatest Generation” did it because of our manufacturing base. Dumb bastards.

Why don't you shut up with your class warfare. The fact is that jobs have been lost to automation and increased worker productivity. That is not going to change.
It’s not automation that lost those jobs. It’s poor policies and utter foreign policy stupidity. So, how many hours you worked in manufacturing? Oh..none? So blue collar workers are just simple numbers to you? Fuck em huh. Fuck their families? Fuck the fact their men stood up and fought for this nation and died. You are one simple sonofabitch aren’t you? You sound like that idiot Scarborough.

Fuck you stupid asshole. You are one of the most if not the most ignorant posters. This is the 21st century. McDonald's is looking at replacing workers with machines. You sound like that idiot Trump, idiot Sanders and idiot Schumer.
Nice to hear from liberal and conservative dickheads that have never worked on heavy industry...never got their precious fucking pussy assed hands calloused in their lives...look down on the American worker. The “ Greatest Generation” did it because of our manufacturing base. Dumb bastards.

Why don't you shut up with your class warfare. The fact is that jobs have been lost to automation and increased worker productivity. That is not going to change.
It’s not automation that lost those jobs. It’s poor policies and utter foreign policy stupidity. So, how many hours you worked in manufacturing? Oh..none? So blue collar workers are just simple numbers to you? Fuck em huh. Fuck their families? Fuck the fact their men stood up and fought for this nation and died. You are one simple sonofabitch aren’t you? You sound like that idiot Scarborough.

Fuck you stupid asshole. You are one of the most if not the most ignorant posters. This is the 21st century. McDonald's is looking at replacing workers with machines. You sound like that idiot Trump, idiot Sanders and idiot Schumer.
Your talking about fast food versus Pittsburgh ever seen a great America son? Nope. That has been denied you because of the pussification of our country.
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Yeah but I thought this was about China. That's who the proposed tariffs are supposed to push back against. Just saying it doesn't get that job done.
China will just make it back by raising the interest rates on our loans.
Don’t have to pay when we cut em off to our market.
I guess you dont how loans work. Figures.
Perhaps they work something like this...

China...bring it.

So you think Japan and China are the same thing. God youre dumb. :rolleyes:

Same historical threat...different times...
Bringing home the fallen Marines of Tarawa
China will just make it back by raising the interest rates on our loans.
Don’t have to pay when we cut em off to our market.
I guess you dont how loans work. Figures.
Perhaps they work something like this...

China...bring it.

So you think Japan and China are the same thing. God youre dumb. :rolleyes:

Same historical threat...different times...
Bringing home the fallen Marines of Tarawa

You've been watching too many reruns of the closet gay John Wayne.
Yeah but I thought this was about China. That's who the proposed tariffs are supposed to push back against. Just saying it doesn't get that job done.
China will just make it back by raising the interest rates on our loans.
Don’t have to pay when we cut em off to our market.
I guess you dont how loans work. Figures.
Perhaps they work something like this...

China...bring it.

So you think Japan and China are the same thing. God youre dumb. :rolleyes:

He is pretty fucking dumb, but what do you expect?
China builds a larger military and takes your life away from you.

I would probably agree with much of what you say but these Tariffs don't effect China hardly at all. It punishes our strong allies in Canada and Mexico and Brazil and S Korea. So, this stuff is aimed squarely at the wrong folks. And, if this actually happens, we will face similar tariffs from those folks and others while China is barely touched. Not to mention the inflation sure to follow.
Fuck them too. If they are our allies they would not be screwing us over now would they?

They are not screwing us over. I have a trade deficit with Walmart and Dollar Tree to name a couple. Consumers want products from other countries. Trump is screwing 144 million workers in steel using industries as well as millions of American consumers. You are in-American just like Trump.
What about the millions of jobs that have been lost in “steel production industry “ you Democratic Party mouthpiece. Retail jobs don’t replace manufacturing jobs and the income. If you think the greatest nation on earth can swap a steel mill job out with a “Welcome to Wal Mart” job and remain a global superpower then you are either naive or stupid.

Millions of jobs have not been lost. You are a liar. You are the one who is the Democrat mouthpiece. Bernie Sanders and Charles Schumer support this. You stand with Democrats.
I will refrain myself from exploding on your dumb ass about my personal experience of friends, suicide, and job loss due to trade policies.
The high price of ‘free’ trade: NAFTA’s failure has cost the United States jobs across the nation
China will just make it back by raising the interest rates on our loans.
Don’t have to pay when we cut em off to our market.
I guess you dont how loans work. Figures.
Perhaps they work something like this...

China...bring it.

So you think Japan and China are the same thing. God youre dumb. :rolleyes:

He is pretty fucking dumb, but what do you expect?

Am I...or do I have actual life experience with this shit?
Do not ever condescend to me on this board about the impact of our government allowing our jobs to be robbed because of poor trade policies in exchange for a few $$$.
I would probably agree with much of what you say but these Tariffs don't effect China hardly at all. It punishes our strong allies in Canada and Mexico and Brazil and S Korea. So, this stuff is aimed squarely at the wrong folks. And, if this actually happens, we will face similar tariffs from those folks and others while China is barely touched. Not to mention the inflation sure to follow.
Fuck them too. If they are our allies they would not be screwing us over now would they?

They are not screwing us over. I have a trade deficit with Walmart and Dollar Tree to name a couple. Consumers want products from other countries. Trump is screwing 144 million workers in steel using industries as well as millions of American consumers. You are in-American just like Trump.
What about the millions of jobs that have been lost in “steel production industry “ you Democratic Party mouthpiece. Retail jobs don’t replace manufacturing jobs and the income. If you think the greatest nation on earth can swap a steel mill job out with a “Welcome to Wal Mart” job and remain a global superpower then you are either naive or stupid.

Millions of jobs have not been lost. You are a liar. You are the one who is the Democrat mouthpiece. Bernie Sanders and Charles Schumer support this. You stand with Democrats.
I will refrain myself from exploding on your dumb ass about my personal experience of friends, suicide, and job loss due to trade policies.
The high price of ‘free’ trade: NAFTA’s failure has cost the United States jobs across the nation

NAFTA needs to go period......we had robust growth under Reagan without it.
Fuck them too. If they are our allies they would not be screwing us over now would they?

They are not screwing us over. I have a trade deficit with Walmart and Dollar Tree to name a couple. Consumers want products from other countries. Trump is screwing 144 million workers in steel using industries as well as millions of American consumers. You are in-American just like Trump.
What about the millions of jobs that have been lost in “steel production industry “ you Democratic Party mouthpiece. Retail jobs don’t replace manufacturing jobs and the income. If you think the greatest nation on earth can swap a steel mill job out with a “Welcome to Wal Mart” job and remain a global superpower then you are either naive or stupid.

Millions of jobs have not been lost. You are a liar. You are the one who is the Democrat mouthpiece. Bernie Sanders and Charles Schumer support this. You stand with Democrats.
I will refrain myself from exploding on your dumb ass about my personal experience of friends, suicide, and job loss due to trade policies.
The high price of ‘free’ trade: NAFTA’s failure has cost the United States jobs across the nation

NAFTA needs to go period......we had robust growth under Reagan without it.
Damn right. That’s the tipping point for millions of old school Democrats to leave the party.
Does Hillary Clinton, Mika Bresinski, or Anderson Cooper even know what a working class 8 hour day is like? From their sheltered world? I would be coated in black from head to toe in the mill I used to work in. Sweat your ass off in January. But it paid the bills, got you into the middle class and was the American Dream. Was. Thanks Democrats for selling that out.
Does Hillary Clinton, Mika Bresinski, or Anderson Cooper even know what a working class 8 hour day is like? From their sheltered world? I would be coated in black from head to toe in the mill I used to work in. Sweat your ass off in January. But it paid the bills, got you into the middle class and was the American Dream. Was. Thanks Democrats for selling that out.
Thats whats wrong with you. You have coal dust poisoning of the brain.
Does Hillary Clinton, Mika Bresinski, or Anderson Cooper even know what a working class 8 hour day is like? From their sheltered world? I would be coated in black from head to toe in the mill I used to work in. Sweat your ass off in January. But it paid the bills, got you into the middle class and was the American Dream. Was. Thanks Democrats for selling that out.
Thats whats wrong with you. You have coal dust poisoning of the brain.
Must be my White Privilege?
Does Hillary Clinton, Mika Bresinski, or Anderson Cooper even know what a working class 8 hour day is like? From their sheltered world? I would be coated in black from head to toe in the mill I used to work in. Sweat your ass off in January. But it paid the bills, got you into the middle class and was the American Dream. Was. Thanks Democrats for selling that out.
Your heroes Koch Brothers have no idea what an 8 hour workday is.

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