President Trump Announces Plan to Stop the America Last Warmongers and Globalists

There is no 'President Trump'
But what you don't understand is that, if there was a president Trump, well there would be no war in Ukraine, people would be shitting gold bricks and farting rainbows, Cancer would be eliminated, no one would ever have a heart attack, hurric

[p=-anes and tornados would cease to exist. Inflation

would be histor\4

[QUOTE="Lastamender, post: 31481731, member: 34656"]
We were not on the verge of WWIII with Trump in power. Were we?
What a damn dumbass. Putin withdrew from verification in the START treaty. Big damn deal, he withdrew from that during the Trump administration and is now formalizing it. So fawking what. You people are so uniformed that it is insulting. Hell, Trump actually said it, he trusted Putin more than his own security team so is it any surprise that they were already violating START from the getgo. Of course, it took the Biden administration to bring that to light.

I mean you people have no damn clue. Trump's ignorant ass laid the foundation for all this shit. He laid the foundation for the invasion of Ukraine. He laid the foundation for withdrawing from the START treaty, he laid the foundation for where we are today. He is a flippin damn MORON. And how did he get to be president? Stupid shits like you. Note, I am not claiming voter fraud, I am claiming voter STUPIDITY.

This is the generalized logic the progs always use. How ghetto after ghetto after ghetto is all over the nation after spending tens of trillions of dollars on eradicating them is mind boggling. A prog and their self-serving right to print up fiat currency for their legislation and then spouting how great they are without a drop of sweat on their brow for the hard work needed to really grow the economy. Trump was doing the hard work.
But what you don't understand is that, if there was a president Trump, well there would be no war in Ukraine, people would be shitting gold bricks and farting rainbows, Cancer would be eliminated, no one would ever have a heart attack, hurric

[p=-anes and tornados would cease to exist. Inflation

would be histor\4

[QUOTE="Lastamender, post: 31481731, member: 34656"]
We were not on the verge of WWIII with Trump in power. Were we?
What a damn dumbass. Putin withdrew from verification in the START treaty. Big damn deal, he withdrew from that during the Trump administration and is now formalizing it. So fawking what. You people are so uniformed that it is insulting. Hell, Trump actually said it, he trusted Putin more than his own security team so is it any surprise that they were already violating START from the getgo. Of course, it took the Biden administration to bring that to light.

I mean you people have no damn clue. Trump's ignorant ass laid the foundation for all this shit. He laid the foundation for the invasion of Ukraine. He laid the foundation for withdrawing from the START treaty, he laid the foundation for where we are today. He is a flippin damn MORON. And how did he get to be president? Stupid shits like you. Note, I am not claiming voter fraud, I am claiming voter STUPIDITY.
The same old cackling. Trump at the very least would have Western Europe putting up or shutting up. Especially with all of those macho feminist defense ministers.

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