President Trump Announces Plan to Stop the America Last Warmongers and Globalists

He was a progressive racist piece of shit. He also got us in WWI. And the economy was not shut down.

First off, you simply asked what other president had to deal with a pandemic, you didn't specify anything else. Maybe you were trying to insinuate that Trump was the only one who had to deal with something like that? Sorry............but he wasn't.

Second................might wanna do some research on WWI and how it started, as well as what Wilson did at the time. Wilson actually tried to keep us out of the war, and did a lot to try to negotiate peace, but sadly, it didn't work. You also might want to realize that Wilson actually helped to END it.

Your knowledge of history is weak at best, maybe it's because you're blinded by your partisan views.
Our gas prices were low. Economy was way better under President Trump unemployment rates were lower ….everything was better.

The same Warhawks neocons and Neo liberals said Trump would not win in 2016 so watch him win in 2024. There’s nothing against Mr. Trump. President Trump has done nothing wrong it’s a whole big nothing burger there is no collusion.

wake up democrats .. our country is a joke today. we have a terrible economy people can’t afford a home.

It’s all just one big joke to the far left. We got Americans suffering worried about dying from cancer in East Palestine while we have a hack president who go led to Ukraine with a big smile on his face giving away all our hard-earned money for nothing.
Wow you really hit a nerve with this one, not that I think any of them actually watched/listened to the video. But when all the disrupting, thread hijacking/derailing, assigned leftist talking points crowd descends on a thread en masse, you can be sure it's a message they don't want to get legs. :)

Not only did President Trump deliver on his campaign promises to a far greater extent than ANY President in my now very long lifetime, but he came closer to achieving world peace than any President in my lifetime.

When he took office, Israel was under constant threat, war was raging in Syria, ISIS was a power, the Taliban was threatening to retake Afghanistan, North Korean missiles were flying over South Korea and Japan and Russia, Iran and China were saber rattling.

During the Trump administration the war in Syria was stopped, three Arab nations formed peace/trade alliances with Israel, the war in Afghanistan was being wound down in a way that would have left the more democratic government in place. The Taliban were kept at bay knowing they would be annihilated should they interfere. Those missiles stopped flying. Russia, Iran, China all stopped their saber rattling and there was no threat to any of their neighbors. ISIS leadership was decimated and they lost most of their threat/power.

No new conflicts started up or were threatening to start up.

And look what we have now under Biden. The missiles are flying again. The Taliban is back in unrestricted power in Afghanistan making 20 years of American blood and treasure completely wasted. Iran is threatening its neighbors, China is threatening Taiwan, Russia has invaded the Ukraine, and ISIS is again terrorizing people in Iraq and Syria. We are closer to WWIII and possibly nuclear warfare than we have been since the Cuban missile crisis.

And even while the Russia/Ukraine war is costing the U.S. hundreds of billions (The EU has contributed I think 30 billion), our economy is hovering near recession if not depression.

I prefer Trump.
Wow you really hit a nerve with this one, not that I think any of them actually watched/listened to the video. But when all the disrupting, thread hijacking/derailing, assigned leftist talking points crowd descends on a thread en masse, you can be sure it's a message they don't want to get legs. :)

Not only did President Trump deliver on his campaign promises to a far greater extent than ANY President in my now very long lifetime, but he came closer to achieving world peace than any President in my lifetime.

When he took office, Israel was under constant threat, war was raging in Syria, ISIS was a power, the Taliban was threatening to retake Afghanistan, North Korean missiles were flying over South Korea and Japan and Russia, Iran and China were saber rattling.

During the Trump administration the war in Syria was stopped, three Arab nations formed peace/trade alliances with Israel, the war in Afghanistan was being wound down in a way that would have left the more democratic government in place. The Taliban were kept at bay knowing they would be annihilated should they interfere. Those missiles stopped flying. Russia, Iran, China all stopped their saber rattling and there was no threat to any of their neighbors. ISIS leadership was decimated and they lost most of their threat/power.

No new conflicts started up or were threatening to start up.

And look what we have now under Biden. The missiles are flying again. The Taliban is back in unrestricted power in Afghanistan making 20 years of American blood and treasure completely wasted. Iran is threatening its neighbors, China is threatening Taiwan, Russia has invaded the Ukraine, and ISIS is again terrorizing people in Iraq and Syria. We are closer to WWIII and possibly nuclear warfare than we have been since the Cuban missile crisis.

And even while the Russia/Ukraine war is costing the U.S. hundreds of billions (The EU has contributed I think 30 billion), our economy is hovering near recession if not depression.

I prefer Trump.

Most US Humans do.
It's the damn unverifiable mail in ballots that said otherwise.
First off, you simply asked what other president had to deal with a pandemic, you didn't specify anything else. Maybe you were trying to insinuate that Trump was the only one who had to deal with something like that? Sorry............but he wasn't.

Second................might wanna do some research on WWI and how it started, as well as what Wilson did at the time. Wilson actually tried to keep us out of the war, and did a lot to try to negotiate peace, but sadly, it didn't work. You also might want to realize that Wilson actually helped to END it.

Your knowledge of history is weak at best, maybe it's because you're blinded by your partisan views.
The creation of the FED was on Wilson's watch. Why didn't you mention that? My knowledge of history is good and any rating from you is not worth discussing.
The creation of the FED was on Wilson's watch. Why didn't you mention that? My knowledge of history is good and any rating from you is not worth discussing.

What? You can't refute anything I've stated, so you're just gonna keep bringing up more bullshit? Keep moving the goalposts, as that's all you seem to have.
What? You can't refute anything I've stated, so you're just gonna keep bringing up more bullshit? Keep moving the goalposts, as that's all you seem to have.
Considering the topic is not Wilson, does it matter? And what did you refute? I saw no sources, just your prattle.
Considering the topic is not Wilson, does it matter? And what did you refute? I saw no sources, just your prattle.

You asked what other president has had to deal with a pandemic (apparently in some blind way of defense for him) and I answered. No, Trump WASN'T the only president to have to deal with a pandemic. Apparently, you were saying that in response to Moonglow saying that Trump was the worst president in history. And, fwiw, I think Trump was even worse than Nixon when it comes to crappy presidents.

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