President Trump at 50%!

That's right. President Trump's approval rating has hit 50%.
After Mueller's 'dry hole' is revealed Trump's approval rating will be 60%!
Mueller can't keep up his bullshit witch hunt much longer. Everyday his 'investigation' is seen more and more as nothing but a LIB farse.
Please make sure your LIB friends and relatives don't have any sharp objects near them when Meuller reports he has found "no collusion" or 'obstruction of justice'.
Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports®

More likely 60%....Trump is kicking major ass

The last Drudge online poll had him at 80% - That one's probably the most accurate :D
Rasmussen? And yet you fail to provide a different poll that shows otherwise?
Here are a bunch:

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Trump Job Approval

The average is 41% (skewed up by Rasmussen, of course)

Awful, but maybe the best numbers of Trump’s failed Presidency so far

Even you'd have to admit, 41% isn't bad.

Now watch it rise day by day. :biggrin:
41% is terrible, and likely the highest he’ll ever get

Considering polls had Trump around 36% in November 2016 when he won I'd say it's pretty damn good - if you believe in polls of course. lol
Polls had Hillary getting 2% more votes, which she did

Except there's this thing called the Electoral College. It's to prevent mob rule and it did it's job this time.
sounds about right, but when CNN takes the poll, they probably call people who live in/around Manhattan/LA, and that..according to them is representing all 300 million people
Even you'd have to admit, 41% isn't bad.

Now watch it rise day by day. :biggrin:
41% is terrible, and likely the highest he’ll ever get

Considering polls had Trump around 36% in November 2016 when he won I'd say it's pretty damn good - if you believe in polls of course. lol

??? Trump got 47.5% ACTUAL vote in November 2016.

And yet my 401K is looking great as is everyone elses. My taxes are lower which means the Government won't be wasting as much of my money. The border is my secure even before the wall goes up. The SCOTUS has a great new judge. ISIS is being crushed. The unemployment rate is at record lows. The economy is getting stronger and this President isn't lobbying for men in women's restrooms.

"Businessman with no prior political experience" > "Community organizer with some political experience"
Government spending is up, the markets have been going down now that we know what Trump is about, the economy is about the same as it’s been for years, ISIS has been being crushed for years, the unemployment rate has been good for years, deportations are down under Trump, and men can still pee in women’s restrooms whenever they want because Trump doesn’t seem to care.
Here are a bunch:

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Trump Job Approval

The average is 41% (skewed up by Rasmussen, of course)

Awful, but maybe the best numbers of Trump’s failed Presidency so far

Even you'd have to admit, 41% isn't bad.

Now watch it rise day by day. :biggrin:
41% is terrible, and likely the highest he’ll ever get

Considering polls had Trump around 36% in November 2016 when he won I'd say it's pretty damn good - if you believe in polls of course. lol
Polls had Hillary getting 2% more votes, which she did

Except there's this thing called the Electoral College. It's to prevent mob rule and it did it's job this time.
The electoral college is broken and obsolete and the tragedy of Trump’s victory has swung more support for a national popular vote than ever.

National Popular Vote
41% is terrible, and likely the highest he’ll ever get

Considering polls had Trump around 36% in November 2016 when he won I'd say it's pretty damn good - if you believe in polls of course. lol

??? Trump got 47.5% ACTUAL vote in November 2016.

And yet my 401K is looking great as is everyone elses. My taxes are lower which means the Government won't be wasting as much of my money. The border is my secure even before the wall goes up. The SCOTUS has a great new judge. ISIS is being crushed. The unemployment rate is at record lows. The economy is getting stronger and this President isn't lobbying for men in women's restrooms.

"Businessman with no prior political experience" > "Community organizer with some political experience"
Government spending is up, the markets have been going down now that we know what Trump is about, the economy is about the same as it’s been for years, ISIS has been being crushed for years, the unemployment rate has been good for years, deportations are down under Trump, and men can still pee in women’s restrooms whenever they want because Trump doesn’t seem to care.

So according to you the economy and job rate is enjoying the same success under Trump as it did Obama. Trump has kept ISIS down like Obama did. Men can still pee in Women's restroom and the border is even more open under Trump. Sounds like a Liberal wet dream. So tell me again why you hate him so much? You're either a huge walking contradiction, or one of those petulant children that will whine even though you just admitted things are same as they were under Obama.
Even you'd have to admit, 41% isn't bad.

Now watch it rise day by day. :biggrin:
41% is terrible, and likely the highest he’ll ever get

Considering polls had Trump around 36% in November 2016 when he won I'd say it's pretty damn good - if you believe in polls of course. lol
Polls had Hillary getting 2% more votes, which she did

Except there's this thing called the Electoral College. It's to prevent mob rule and it did it's job this time.
The electoral college is broken and obsolete and the tragedy of Trump’s victory has swung more support for a national popular vote than ever.

National Popular Vote

Of course it's obsolete. Your side didn't win. Had you won based on the same results you'd love the electoral college.
Considering polls had Trump around 36% in November 2016 when he won I'd say it's pretty damn good - if you believe in polls of course. lol

??? Trump got 47.5% ACTUAL vote in November 2016.

And yet my 401K is looking great as is everyone elses. My taxes are lower which means the Government won't be wasting as much of my money. The border is my secure even before the wall goes up. The SCOTUS has a great new judge. ISIS is being crushed. The unemployment rate is at record lows. The economy is getting stronger and this President isn't lobbying for men in women's restrooms.

"Businessman with no prior political experience" > "Community organizer with some political experience"
Government spending is up, the markets have been going down now that we know what Trump is about, the economy is about the same as it’s been for years, ISIS has been being crushed for years, the unemployment rate has been good for years, deportations are down under Trump, and men can still pee in women’s restrooms whenever they want because Trump doesn’t seem to care.

So according to you the economy and job rate is enjoying the same success under Trump as it did Obama. Trump has kept ISIS down like Obama did. Men can still pee in Women's restroom and the border is even more open under Trump. Sounds like a Liberal wet dream. So tell me again why you hate him so much? You're either a huge walking contradiction, or one of those petulant children that will whine even though you just admitted things are same as they were under Obama.
I hate him for lots of reasons. It was fun letting you know that all the reasons you lime him are totally imaginary :thup:
41% is terrible, and likely the highest he’ll ever get

Considering polls had Trump around 36% in November 2016 when he won I'd say it's pretty damn good - if you believe in polls of course. lol
Polls had Hillary getting 2% more votes, which she did

Except there's this thing called the Electoral College. It's to prevent mob rule and it did it's job this time.
The electoral college is broken and obsolete and the tragedy of Trump’s victory has swung more support for a national popular vote than ever.

National Popular Vote

Of course it's obsolete. Your side didn't win. Had you won based on the same results you'd love the electoral college.
I wouldn’t know since I’ve never been in that situation, while you’ve had that opportunity 2 times in the last 5 elections. The last time led to Dubya, who had the most disastrous Presidency of my lifetime, and now it’s resulted in somebody even worse.

So like I said, totally broken and obsolete.
??? Trump got 47.5% ACTUAL vote in November 2016.

And yet my 401K is looking great as is everyone elses. My taxes are lower which means the Government won't be wasting as much of my money. The border is my secure even before the wall goes up. The SCOTUS has a great new judge. ISIS is being crushed. The unemployment rate is at record lows. The economy is getting stronger and this President isn't lobbying for men in women's restrooms.

"Businessman with no prior political experience" > "Community organizer with some political experience"
Government spending is up, the markets have been going down now that we know what Trump is about, the economy is about the same as it’s been for years, ISIS has been being crushed for years, the unemployment rate has been good for years, deportations are down under Trump, and men can still pee in women’s restrooms whenever they want because Trump doesn’t seem to care.

So according to you the economy and job rate is enjoying the same success under Trump as it did Obama. Trump has kept ISIS down like Obama did. Men can still pee in Women's restroom and the border is even more open under Trump. Sounds like a Liberal wet dream. So tell me again why you hate him so much? You're either a huge walking contradiction, or one of those petulant children that will whine even though you just admitted things are same as they were under Obama.
I hate him for lots of reasons. It was fun letting you know that all the reasons you lime him are totally imaginary :thup:

Let's recap. In YOUR mind Trump has kept the Obama status quo. Yet you would vote him out simply because your side didn't win. OK, gotcha. It was fun exposing you for the partisan, anti-American, hypocrite that you are. :)
That's right. President Trump's approval rating has hit 50%.
After Mueller's 'dry hole' is revealed Trump's approval rating will be 60%!
Mueller can't keep up his bullshit witch hunt much longer. Everyday his 'investigation' is seen more and more as nothing but a LIB farse.
Please make sure your LIB friends and relatives don't have any sharp objects near them when Meuller reports he has found "no collusion" or 'obstruction of justice'.
Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports®


How Popular Is Donald Trump?
That's right. President Trump's approval rating has hit 50%.
After Mueller's 'dry hole' is revealed Trump's approval rating will be 60%!
Mueller can't keep up his bullshit witch hunt much longer. Everyday his 'investigation' is seen more and more as nothing but a LIB farse.
Please make sure your LIB friends and relatives don't have any sharp objects near them when Meuller reports he has found "no collusion" or 'obstruction of justice'.
Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports®


How Popular Is Donald Trump?
trump pic.png

Yeah because we ALL know how accurate 538 is LMAO!
That's right. President Trump's approval rating has hit 50%.
After Mueller's 'dry hole' is revealed Trump's approval rating will be 60%!
Mueller can't keep up his bullshit witch hunt much longer. Everyday his 'investigation' is seen more and more as nothing but a LIB farse.
Please make sure your LIB friends and relatives don't have any sharp objects near them when Meuller reports he has found "no collusion" or 'obstruction of justice'.
Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports®


How Popular Is Donald Trump?
View attachment 185930
Yeah because we ALL know how accurate 538 is LMAO!

538 said Trump has 28% chance to win.
Trump wins on slim margins.

What is inaccurate?
Last edited:
Obviously the Trump-haters aren't looking at the big picture. From just a couple days ago:

Lets compare: Trump’s approval rating vs Obama’s at same point in presidency

"On March 31st, 2010 Obama had an approval rating of 48%. That approval rating came along with none-stop media praise, scandals like Fast and Furious hidden by the media and seemingly endless thrills up the leg. Fox News was the only channel, with opinion shows that that’s lick Obama’s back-side on a daily and nightly basis.

As of March 30st, 2018, Donald Trump’s approval rating sits at 47%. The numbers at the of this post for March 31st aren’t in yet. Trump has faced never ending media smearing, lies, leaks, conspiracy theories and the so called left wing “resistance.” There is daily talk on the left of impeachment, criminal charges and even lawsuits filed by whores who need to capture their 15 minutes of fame."

Lets compare: Trump’s approval rating vs Obama’s at same point in presidency - Media Circus | Media Circus

Trump approval surpasses Obama’s at same time of presidency

"President Trump’s approval rating hit 50 percent in Rasmussen’s daily presidential tracking poll Monday, which puts him ahead of his predecessor at the same point in the presidency.

Note: Rasmussen was the most accurate poll going into the 2016 elections.

The last time that President Trump hit 50 percent in the Rasmussen tracking poll was February 27. At the time, he was usually within the 47-50 percent range. Trump’s approval rating outpaces that of former President Barack Obama, who sat at 46 percent in Rasmussen’s tracking poll on April 2, 2010."

Trump approval surpasses Obama's at same time of presidency
That's right. President Trump's approval rating has hit 50%.
After Mueller's 'dry hole' is revealed Trump's approval rating will be 60%!
Mueller can't keep up his bullshit witch hunt much longer. Everyday his 'investigation' is seen more and more as nothing but a LIB farse.
Please make sure your LIB friends and relatives don't have any sharp objects near them when Meuller reports he has found "no collusion" or 'obstruction of justice'.
Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports®


How Popular Is Donald Trump?
View attachment 185930
Yeah because we ALL know how accurate 538 is LMAO!

538 said Trump has 28% chance to win.
Trump wins on slim margins.

What is inaccurate?

You're asking people who don't understand math, nevermind probabilities and percentages.

Rasmussen? And yet you fail to provide a different poll that shows otherwise?

How about "all the others"?

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Trump Job Approval
The second most accurate poll according to the report was the national Rasmussen poll of likely voters. Although the end result showed that Clinton would win the race, the overall numbers are very close to the results, as long as you just count the popular vote. Clinton led Trump by 2 percentage points in the poll, nearly the same number as she led Trump in the overall popular vote.

Rasmussen polling reported that its polls focused on serious issues during the election. Other polling agencies, particularly the Democratic-leaning Public Policy Polling, focused on media-fueled controversies like the confirmation of Supreme Court appointee Merrick Garland.

These Pollsters Got The Election Right, According To RCP
The Press and Hollywood are relentlessly attacking Trump 24/7.
How come Trump's poll numbers are going up?
Are Americans disgusted by the Left Wing hate being spewed by Kimmel, Colbert, Myers, CNN, MSNBC, CBS, ABC, NBC, NYT.............???

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