President Trump at 50%!


Rasmussen? And yet you fail to provide a different poll that shows otherwise?

How about "all the others"?

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Trump Job Approval
The second most accurate poll according to the report was the national Rasmussen poll of likely voters. Although the end result showed that Clinton would win the race, the overall numbers are very close to the results, as long as you just count the popular vote. Clinton led Trump by 2 percentage points in the poll, nearly the same number as she led Trump in the overall popular vote.

Rasmussen polling reported that its polls focused on serious issues during the election. Other polling agencies, particularly the Democratic-leaning Public Policy Polling, focused on media-fueled controversies like the confirmation of Supreme Court appointee Merrick Garland.

These Pollsters Got The Election Right, According To RCP

You can't judge a polling operation only by the last poll prior to the election.

It is incredibly well known that Rasmussen tracking polling is skewed to the right. It always has been.
Despite the mass Democrat Fake News Anti-Trump hate propaganda, Trump's approval rating now stands at 50%. That's better than Obama's approval at the same time in his tenure. Looks like a whole lotta Americans are tuning out Democrats and their fake news. Good on em. :thup:

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Monday shows that 50% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance. Forty-nine percent (49%) disapprove.

The latest figures include 33% who Strongly Approve of the way the president is performing and 39% who Strongly Disapprove. This gives him a Presidential Approval Index rating of -6. (see trends).

Trump’s overall job approval rating is now running ahead of where Barack Obama’s was at this stage of his presidency.

Read More:
Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports®
One poll, the same one that always gives him higher numbers than all the other polls and far above the average of all the polls combined. A headline saying his poll number was still below 40% would be just as accurate since at least one poll puts him below that number.
One poll, the same one that always gives him higher numbers than all the other polls and far above the average of all the polls combined. A headline saying his poll number was still below 40% would be just as accurate since at least one poll puts him below that number.

Sounds like butthurt wishful thinkin. Considering the mass Democrat Fake News hysteria, he's doing great. I mean Obama's numbers were lower, and he had most of the corrupt American MSM licking his arse 24/7. Looks like Democrat Fake News doesn't have the power it once had. More & more folks are tuning em out.
The more the Dem rant on about immigration and gun control the higher his number will climb. So Dems continue your rants
The more the Dem rant on about immigration and gun control the higher his number will climb. So Dems continue your rants

Yeah, folks have to consider the alternatives to Trump. Do they really want Open Borders Anti-Constitution Communists running their country? I'm shocked so many Americans still vote Democrat. They just don't realize that Party threw American Citizens overboard years ago. The Party isn't fighting for their interests.
View attachment 185947

Monday, April 02, 2018

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Monday shows that 50% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance. Forty-nine percent (49%) disapprove.

The latest figures include 33% who Strongly
Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports®

Awwww such a sad day for Trump haters their defense , lmfao " that's not true".....
Idiots will be at their finest.
See what you sheep don't get is MSM LIES so you keep staying right where they want you. They tell you it is ten to fifteen points lower than it really is FOOLS!!
One poll, the same one that always gives him higher numbers than all the other polls and far above the average of all the polls combined. A headline saying his poll number was still below 40% would be just as accurate since at least one poll puts him below that number.

Sounds like butthurt wishful thinkin. Considering the mass Democrat Fake News hysteria, he's doing great. I mean Obama's numbers were lower, and he had most of the corrupt American MSM licking his arse 24/7. Looks like Democrat Fake News doesn't have the power it once had. More & more folks are tuning em out.
If you want to believe the one poll out of 10 that shows your guy doing good that is your business. Have fun.

Rasmussen? And yet you fail to provide a different poll that shows otherwise?
Here are a bunch:

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Trump Job Approval

The average is 41% (skewed up by Rasmussen, of course)

Awful, but maybe the best numbers of Trump’s failed Presidency so far

Even you'd have to admit, 41% isn't bad.

Now watch it rise day by day. :biggrin:

Hussein's numbers were lower at the same point in his Presidency. And that was despite the round-the-clock MSM rim-jobbing him. Trump has been treated the exact opposite by the corrupt American MSM. It's been a mass media lynching. It just shows you who's running our Media. So either way, Trump's approval numbers are outstanding. Obviously the haters hate that, but it is what it is.
That's right. President Trump's approval rating has hit 50%.
After Mueller's 'dry hole' is revealed Trump's approval rating will be 60%!
Mueller can't keep up his bullshit witch hunt much longer. Everyday his 'investigation' is seen more and more as nothing but a LIB farse.
Please make sure your LIB friends and relatives don't have any sharp objects near them when Meuller reports he has found "no collusion" or 'obstruction of justice'.
Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports®


How Popular Is Donald Trump?
View attachment 185930
Yeah because we ALL know how accurate 538 is LMAO!

538 said Trump has 28% chance to win.
Trump wins on slim margins.

What is inaccurate?

They would have to understand statistics to get that. Not having gone to school, they are sadly clueless.
That's right. President Trump's approval rating has hit 50%.
After Mueller's 'dry hole' is revealed Trump's approval rating will be 60%!
Mueller can't keep up his bullshit witch hunt much longer. Everyday his 'investigation' is seen more and more as nothing but a LIB farse.
Please make sure your LIB friends and relatives don't have any sharp objects near them when Meuller reports he has found "no collusion" or 'obstruction of justice'.
Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports®


How Popular Is Donald Trump?
View attachment 185930
Yeah because we ALL know how accurate 538 is LMAO!

538 said Trump has 28% chance to win.
Trump wins on slim margins.

What is inaccurate?

They would have to understand statistics to get that. Not having gone to school, they are sadly clueless.

Better numbers than Hussein had at the same point in his Presidency. That should be deeply concerning to y'all. I mean Hussein enjoyed round-the-clock MSM arse-kissing. Trump's been treated the exact opposite, and still has better numbers. Y'all should be worried.
Rasmussen is the polling equivalent of Fox or OAN media. When they call to survey they first ask three questions before proceeding. The first question: is the earth flat, next they ask if you have ever been taken up in an alien spaceship, and finally they ask if you have seen Bigfoot recently? If you don't answer 'yes' to at least two questions they skip you as you are too educated for a Rasmussen poll. Recently Rasmussen smartly modified their questionnaire and added an extra question so they do not skip over too many insightful people. New question is: have aliens ever made pancakes in your backyard and were they good pancakes? A 'yes' answer will open the survey for your thoughtful and considered replies.

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