President Trump at 50%!

Trump's approval in the 30 states he won to crush Hillary is the only poll we care about. What people think in NY, CA, IL really doesn't matter.

Of course not, it's not like you have Republican congressmen from those states.

Are you being intentionally dense? When the Dem regime seized power in 2008 they told Republicans to sit in the back and don't talk while they rammed their agenda down everyone's throats. Well how does it feel now that the shoe is on the other foot and Dem's are in the minority?

Dummy, Trump is not runnning in 2018, congressional Republicans are.

Oh Trump is on the ballot across the country fool bank on it.

Absolutely , which INCLUDES NY, CA, IL
Other polls have him aq less than 40%, as low as 37%. Why is this one single poll more accurate or important than all those other polls?
Democrat cucks are triggered :lol:

Trump zealots are having a circle jerk

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I have a picture of the scene
Where does a man under investigation by the FBI get off calling the Great Obama “Cheat’n”???
would love to see Obama tweet, "at least I don't fuck my daughter like that pedophile sexual predator Donnie Shitstain." Now THAT would be getting good.'re thinking of Bill Clinton, the guy who would F* anything that didn't try to F8 him 1st.....
Bill Clinton is still married while the Orange Sex Offender has been Married three times and is currently in a sham marriage ... the Orange Mucus has been a cheater all his life

Bill Clinton has been a sexual harassing, sexually assaulting, raping, adulterous, pedophile his entire life...AS DOCUMENTED.
Hillary spent the better part of her married / political life bullying, intimidating, and silencing his victims while being his ENABLER.
They remained married for POLITICAL reasons - to attempt to keep her political future opportunities alive.
They have not shared a bed / home in over a decade...

...and you SERIOUSLY want to compare Slick Willy and Hillary to the Trumps?

Many lies in one post.
Democrat cucks are triggered :lol:
Could always be worse: could be a Trump ball-chugger, in other words, a pathetic brain-dead fucktard of the lowest order.
To be so repugnant, you sure have a superior complex.
You mean a superiority complex? I have the same advice for you as for Donnie Shitstain. Don't try to use words that are beyond you. In Shitstain's case, anything over 3 syllables.
I bet you are a blast at parties bro
I have found that if one is not an insufferable blowhard, lying and bragging about everything, and does not grab women by the pussies against their will, you will do quite well at parties.
You really need to take a breather. Your obsession seems unhealthy.
...and you SERIOUSLY want to compare Slick Willy and Hillary to the Trumps?
Trump's alleged rape victim describes an alleged sexual encounter ...
View attachment 186090▶ 0:40

Jul 12, 2016 - Uploaded by Bianca Manix
Katie Johnson, who alleges that Donald Trump raped her when she was 13 years old, describes here one of ...hahahahaha!

You have to be Kidding Trump is a Chronic Sex Offender ...declares he has the Right to grab any woman's pussy...he regularly chses after the wives of his friends LOL he has had three marriages and cheated scandalously in each and every one
The sexual misconduct allegations against Donald Trump – the full list ...
Nov 29, 2017 - A growing list of powerful men have faced serious consequences for sexual misconduct allegations but the most powerful one of all has faced none. Instead Donald Trump's official position, as his spokeswoman Sarah Sanders recently clarified in a White House press briefing, is that the 20 women accusing ...

Hey sweetheart, look at the big bold letters MSNBC uses in their fake news attack on Trump:

Multiple Women ACCUSE...... Accusations are not evidence / proof of a crime.

Liberals brought women out of the woodwork to ACCUSE Herman Cain, too...and as soon as he dropped out of the race they crawled back under the fridge and into the sewers where the Democrats found them. The media stopped reporting anything about Cain, and the law suits against him 'miraculously' disappeared.

This is 'Lib 101' shit here, snowflake. Nice try.
Very entertaining. A thread about Rrump allegedly reaching 50% approval by a single poll rurns inro a Trump supporters bashing of Bill Clinton from 25 years ago with debunked allegations.

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