President Trump at 50%!

Very entertaining. A thread about Rrump allegedly reaching 50% approval by a single poll rurns inro a Trump supporters bashing of Bill Clinton from 25 years ago with debunked allegations.

Yes let's get back to the Thread's topic, about how in just over a year President Trump has surpassed the former President in almost every way while eradicating almost every one of his 'Legacy', left-overs.

:clap: BRAVO, President Trump.
Donald eviscerates O: "Just hit 50%, which is higher than Cheatin Obama at the same time in his day"

Congrats, but what about the increased price of gas??...You know, something that really matters....

Yes, yes, yes we are all aware that the snowflakes and Liberal extremists have a 'HATE' hard-on for the President because their Felon andidate who could not even win her own party's nomination lost the election and every trick they have tried - even the Witch hunt - has been incapable of providing any evidence of a crim committed ... by TRUMP. It has revealed lots of evidence of crimes by everyone on the Left from Obama to Hillary to Brennan to Mueller to Comey to McCabe to Strzok to Holder to Lynch, to Abedin to Mills to etc.....

It is almost a given FACT that, despite being unable to come up with any proven crime or legitimate reason to remove the President from office given the chance Democrats would seek to illegitimately overthrow the results of the last democratic election, stripping the American people of their legal choice / vote by Impeaching Trump out of nothing but pure HATE....inviting potential 'civil war' in this country.

That being said, let's get back to the FACT that Trump just surpassed almost EVERYTHING about Obama's Presidency. :p
What makes St Trumpy so insecure that He needs to tweet His great accomplishment?
The fact that is you got slammed because Donald "walking venereal disease" Trump is one sick Mother FUCKER ...

The reality is YOU just got 'out'ed as being a sore loser, butt-hurt Hillary supporter who would rather have a proven Felon who could not even win her party's nomination as President, who can not accept the outcome of an election, and who believes a debunked report filled with Russian Propaganda bought by Hillary from a foreign spy who was working with the Russians to generate the report.

Go back to the kid's table and let the grown ups talk.

When you are mature enough to accept the results of an election come back and ask to join us. Until then, let's get back to the fact that in just over a year Trump has surpassed EVERYTHING Obama tried to do and has nearly eliminated / eradicated nearly everything he left behind.
The fact is you are a zombie Trump Gimp who does not want to accept that Donal;d Trump is One sick mother Fucker ...he wants to dog his own daughter .....

CNN Communications @CNNPR

Replying to @CNNPR and 2 others
As for “challenged,” CNN just finished its second highest rated first quarter in the past nine years. Those are the facts. #FactsFirst

CNN Communications @CNNPR

Interesting poll out of Monmouth: more people trust @CNN than @realDonaldTrump Those are the facts. #FactsFirst

9:01 AM - Apr 3, 2018

'Fake News’ Threat to Media; Editorial Decisions, Outside Actors at Fault | Monmouth University...
Trump less trusted than CNN, MSNBC, and Fox as info source

The fact that you can turn an innocent photo into a perverted accusation, that the idea of a father sexually abusing his daughter gets you off, says infinitely more about YOU than it does the President.
Trump is lucky

The photo blocks his hard-on

that you would say something like that and use a phrase like "the great Obama" proves that you are nothing but a partisan hack and a lying POS. You have zero credibility here and have become the forum joke.
What makes St Trumpy so insecure that He needs to tweet His great accomplishment?
He's using the 'Bully Pulpit' every President has the ability to use and have used, except he is doing so using modern technology ....jealousy is a bitch. :p
that you would say something like that and use a phrase like "the great Obama" proves that you are nothing but a partisan hack and a lying POS. You have zero credibility here and have become the forum joke.
Tissue tender cuck ?
Dude, seriously...get some help. 'Perv' is oozing out of the screen when you post from your posts...
get some help with your snark it is tired cliche ridden trite ...sad...meanwhile suck on this ...take Trump's cock out of your face

Katelyn Polantz @kpolantz

At 11:40 last night, Mueller’s dropped a court filing that says:
-How much Rosenstein is fully behind this investigation
-They’ve investigated Manafort for allegedly helping Russians interfere w elex
-Knew exactly what else they were pursuing last August

6:38 AM - Apr 3, 2018

Mueller authorized by DOJ to investigate alleged Manafort collusion with Russian government
Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein told special counsel Robert Mueller in a classified August 2, 2017, memo that he should investigate allegations that President Donald Trump's former campaign...

Yeah, great excuse to go fishing since his taking was to investigate non-existent 'Russian Collusion'. What did Mueller and his team have to settle for? A 'Scooter Libby' indictment of Manafort for money laundering dating back to before Obama was elected President.


Anyway.....back to the fact that Trump just surpassed Barry in almost every way in just over a year......
that you would say something like that and use a phrase like "the great Obama" proves that you are nothing but a partisan hack and a lying POS. You have zero credibility here and have become the forum joke.
Tissue tender cuck ?
Dude, seriously...get some help. 'Perv' is oozing out of the screen when you post from your posts...
get some help with your snark it is tired cliche ridden trite ...sad...meanwhile suck on this ...take Trump's cock out of your face

Katelyn Polantz @kpolantz

At 11:40 last night, Mueller’s dropped a court filing that says:
-How much Rosenstein is fully behind this investigation
-They’ve investigated Manafort for allegedly helping Russians interfere w elex
-Knew exactly what else they were pursuing last August

6:38 AM - Apr 3, 2018

Mueller authorized by DOJ to investigate alleged Manafort collusion with Russian government
Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein told special counsel Robert Mueller in a classified August 2, 2017, memo that he should investigate allegations that President Donald Trump's former campaign...

Yeah, great excuse to go fishing since his taking was to investigate non-existent 'Russian Collusion'. What did Mueller and his team have to settle for? A 'Scooter Libby' indictment of Manafort for money laundering dating back to before Obama was elected President.


Anyway.....back to the fact that Trump just surpassed Barry in almost every way in just over a year......

Mueller is coming for the Orange Mucus ....
boy, Trump got Obama good. well done sir!

Donald J. Trump on Twitter
He's got such low self-esteem, doesn't he?
Giggling over a Rasmussen poll?
By the Way "Ras today has him below 50 lol happiness does not last long LOL
Tuesday, April 03, 2018

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Tuesday shows that 49% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance. Fifty percent (50%) disapprove.
that you would say something like that and use a phrase like "the great Obama" proves that you are nothing but a partisan hack and a lying POS. You have zero credibility here and have become the forum joke.
Tissue tender cuck ?
Dude, seriously...get some help. 'Perv' is oozing out of the screen when you post from your posts...
get some help with your snark it is tired cliche ridden trite ...sad...meanwhile suck on this ...take Trump's cock out of your face

Katelyn Polantz @kpolantz

At 11:40 last night, Mueller’s dropped a court filing that says:
-How much Rosenstein is fully behind this investigation
-They’ve investigated Manafort for allegedly helping Russians interfere w elex
-Knew exactly what else they were pursuing last August

6:38 AM - Apr 3, 2018

Mueller authorized by DOJ to investigate alleged Manafort collusion with Russian government
Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein told special counsel Robert Mueller in a classified August 2, 2017, memo that he should investigate allegations that President Donald Trump's former campaign...

Yeah, great excuse to go fishing since his taking was to investigate non-existent 'Russian Collusion'. What did Mueller and his team have to settle for? A 'Scooter Libby' indictment of Manafort for money laundering dating back to before Obama was elected President.


Anyway.....back to the fact that Trump just surpassed Barry in almost every way in just over a year......

Mueller is coming for the Orange Mucus ....

Any day now, any day now...

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