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President Trump continues to be vindicated

Many people are horrified, and rightly so, by what passes for leadership in today’s Washington. And it’s important to keep the horror of our political situation up front, to keep highlighting the lies, the cruelty, the bad judgment. We must never normalize the state we’re in.

At the same time, however, we should be asking ourselves how the people running our government came to wield such power. How, in particular, did a man whose fraudulence, lack of concern for those he claims to care about and lack of policy coherence should have been obvious to everyone nonetheless manage to win over so many gullible souls?

No, this isn’t a column about whatshisname, the guy on Twitter, who’s getting plenty of attention. It’s about Paul Ryan, the speaker of the House.


Some people seem startled both by the awfulness of Mr. Ryan’s plan and by the raw dishonesty of his sales pitch. But why? Everything we’ve seen from Mr. Ryan amid the health care debacle — everything, that is, except the press coverage — has been completely consistent with his previous career. That is, he’s still the same guy I wrote about back in 2010, in a column titled “The Flimflam Man.”

I wrote that column in response to what turned out to be the first of a series of high-profile Ryan budget proposals. While differing in detail, all of these proposals share a family resemblance: Like his health plan, each involved savage cuts in benefits for the poor and working class, with the money released by these cuts used to offset large tax cuts for the rich. All were, however, sold on false pretenses as plans for deficit reduction.

Worse, the alleged deficit reduction came entirely from “magic asterisks”: claims about huge savings to be achieved by cutting unspecified government spending, huge revenue increases to be achieved by closing unspecified tax loopholes. It was a con job all the way.
There's no ban, is there?
There's a temporary hold, snowflake. That's all. Just desperate legal wrangling by Dumbocrats. It will be cleared up soon enough by the Supreme Court and properly permitted. No big deal.
The apparent inability of Rump voters to discern the difference of a scam artist (DJT) vs someone who has empathy and compassion for the poor and middle class (HRC) is staggering. We willall suffer (except the 1%) because of their huge lack of judgement. This is not going to end well and is likely to plunge this nation into a very perilous situation...
Production is part of content...you mental midget! Why do you think ABC did that - because NBC dared them to?!? It was all part of the content they were delivering. It was visual content, you freaking moron.
Screeches the forum idiot who thinks the economy was just fine when Obama became president.
Hhmmmm....I mention the visual content and you run like a little bitch. What does the Obama economy have to do with the fake news in this report? :dunno:
Do you ever stop lying, Baghdad Buttplug?
Again.... the reporter in that story reported that a woman was rescued after being held against her will for months and how she believed there were at least 4 others killed...

Either prove that is fake news or you're once again exposed as the imbecile this forum already knows you to be.

And Obama has nothing to do with the story which is why I didn't mention Obama in context to the story. I mentioned Obama in context to your delirium as an example to demonstrate just how disconnected from reality you truly are.

You're welcome.
We already did prove it Faun Over Men. Your weak, ignorant, and desperate defense was that the "production was fake" (you admitted it) but that the "content was not". Well, production is nothing more than visual content.

The moment I brought up that reality - Faun Over Men ran like a little bitch and wanted to talk about Obama... :laugh:

You proved that story was fake??

She reported a woman was held captive for months...

She reported the woman was rescued...

She reported the woman was held in some type of container...

She reported the woman believed at least 4 others were killed...

Sadly, that's all true...

Neighbors Heart-Broken Over Woman Held Captive

... and that doesn't become fake news because some nut like you bitches about the reporter putting up police tape where police had not. <smh>
And she "reported" that she was "at the crime scene" which she was not. She "reported" that the police had placed crime scene tape when in fact ABC had.

That is the epitome of fake news. If Info Wars had done that you'd be hoping out of your homosexual partners lap, seething with anger (and you know it too)
The left wing nutbags have gone totally nuts.. The poor little snowflakes are melting down and they cant tell the truth from all the lies they been spewing...

The snowflakes are nothing but drips now..
The apparent inability of Rump voters to discern the difference of a scam artist (DJT) vs someone who has empathy and compassion for the poor and middle class (HRC) is staggering.
Which part of Hitlery Clinton is "compassionate" and "empathic"? The part where she wallows in tens of millions of dollars while people have nothing? Or the part where she owns multiple residences while there are homeless people she could offer one to? The part where she never invites people without food to dine with her? Or the part where she purchases $10,000 outfits while people go without healthcare?

The fact that you think Hitlery Clinton and the Dumbocrats actually care about you and the other people is absolutely hysterical. You are such a naïve little child.
Screeches the forum idiot who thinks the economy was just fine when Obama became president.
Lie #1
Cool, thanks, My Idol. Now everyone gets to see what a liar you are...

Despite your false denial that you believe the economy was doing just fine... here you are saying exactly that...

Conversely, Barack Obama stepped into an economy that was doing just fine
Bwahahahahaha!!!! You dumb little monkey....Lie #1 was in reference to your lie that I was (and I quote) "the forum idiot". :laugh:

It had nothing to do with the economy Obama was handed (which was fine - unemployment was something like 6.5% the day he took office). It tanked somewhat upon news of a marxist being elected in November and then really tanked with the unqualified community organizer started ramming through illegal marxist "laws".

Why do you keep showing up and embarrassing yourself like you do everyday? Are you one of those queers who gets aroused by being humiliated?!? You are!!! Aren't you? Sick bastard....
You prove time and time again how your the forum idiot. Hell, despite happening 8 years ago, you still think the unemployment rate was "something like 6.5%." After 8 years, you still don't know what it was.

Even more idiotic is your moronic claim that the economy was "just fine." GDP was negative 8.2 percent for the 4th quarter of 2008.

Pop quiz.... how many times in the history of this nation was the drop in GDP worse?
The apparent inability of Rump voters to discern the difference of a scam artist (DJT) vs someone who has empathy and compassion for the poor and middle class (HRC) is staggering.
Oh snowflake...the American people do not elect someone to the Executive branch so that they can commit endless felonies under the guise that they "care". We elect them to enforce the laws that your fragile little ass doesn't like.
You prove time and time again how your the forum idiot. Hell, despite happening 8 years ago, you still think the unemployment rate was "something like 6.5%." After 8 years, you still don't know what it was.
It was 8 years ago snowflake....I don't recall the exact number. And neither do you (which is why you didn't state it). Don't bother attempting to Google it now - it will just make you look dumber than you already do.
Enter Mr. Ryan, who isn’t actually a serious, honest policy expert, but plays one on TV. He rolls up his sleeves! He uses PowerPoint! He must be the real deal! So that became the media’s narrative. And media adulation, more than anything else, propelled him to his current position.

Now, however, the flimflam has hit a wall. Mr. Ryan used to be able to game the Congressional Budget Office, getting it to produce reports that looked to the unwary like proper scores of his plans, but weren’t. This time, however, he couldn’t pull it off: The C.B.O. told the devastating truth about his plan, and his evasions and lies were too obvious to ignore.

There’s an important lesson here, and it’s not just about health care or Mr. Ryan; it’s about the destructive effects of false symmetry in reporting at a time of vast asymmetry in reality.

This false symmetry — downplaying the awfulness of some candidates, vastly exaggerating the flaws of their opponents — isn’t the only reason America is in the mess it’s in. But it’s an important part of the story. And now we’re all about to pay the price.

You prove time and time again how your the forum idiot. Hell, despite happening 8 years ago, you still think the unemployment rate was "something like 6.5%." After 8 years, you still don't know what it was.
It was 8 years ago snowflake....I don't recall the exact number. And neither do you (which is why you didn't state it). Don't bother attempting to Google it now - it will just make you look dumber than you already do.
Moron, if I didn't know what it was, I wouldn't know your guess was wrong.

Even common sense eludes you. :lol:
I shifted nothing, Baghdad Buttplug. You're just too rightarded to keep up with the rest of us. Before bripat9643 brought up ABC news, here was my initial challenge....

Obviously it sucks to not be able to discredit Infowars any more for the Democrats; CNN and their MSM fake news sources are far less credible now, as are their latest waves of 'talking points' the DNC has been feeding them. The spastic gibbering here in this thread is some funny stuff, the tards actually believing they're in a moral or intellectual position to criticize the site.
Can't discredit Infowars??

Says who?

Here they are spreading fake news which cost someone their life...

"Now I want to be clear. Not everybody in the WikiLeaks is involved in this. Clearly. You have to go investigate it for yourself. But I will warn you, this story that’s been the biggest thing on the internet for several weeks, pizzagate as it’s called, is a rabbit hole that is horrifying to go down."-Alex Jones

"Let’s go ahead and go to the report, Pizzagate Is Real. The question is: How real is it? What is it? Something’s going on. Something’s being covered up. It needs to be investigated. To just call it fake news -- these are real WikiLeaks. This is real stuff going on." - Alex Jones

What fake news do you purport came from CNN?

... so now let's see if you have the integrity to ask bripat9643 why he moved the goalposts from CNN to ABC....

I'm predicting you don't.
You may be "predicting", snowflake, but I am confirming. Confirming that you are a genuine nitwit with a severe reading comprehension problem which prevents you from following along in a thread. You just claimed that bripat9643 "moved the goalposts" and yet your "evidence" of that is a post by Picaro and a response from you. :uhh:

Listen chief - you can't accuse Bripat of doing something and then post a quote from Picaro as "evidence". :lmao:
Of course bripat9643 shifted the goal posts. The challenge I made was to find a fake news story on CNN.
Then prove it Faun Over Men. Don't post a quote from someone named "Picaro". Give us a quote between you and bripat9643 (the guy you have a major crush on).
Your homoerotic fantasies aside, and your strawman aside, who ever said I quoted bripat9643 ??

See that? You're once again experiencing delusions. I said I made a challenge to post fake news on CNN and that bripat9643 accepted that challenge and tried.
Trump's repeal of ObamaCare... strike three!!!
Yeah....uh.....tell me something, snowflake. How can President Trump "repeal Obamacare"? He's in the Executive branch. Only the legislative branch can create, alter, or repeal law.

You don't even know how your own government functions! :lmao:
He can repeal it by selling it to Congress. The same way Obama sold ObamaCare to Congress to get them to pass it.
Once again we see you are completely and totally ignorant of the way your own government functions.

Snowflake...the way Obama "sold" Obamacare to his own party was highly illegal. Both the infamous "Louisiana Purchase" and the infamous "Cornhusker Kickback" were illegal tactics that Obama used to purchase votes in Congress.

Furthermore Faun Over Men, as memebers of the Executive branch, neither President Trump nor Barack Obama had any business concerning themselves with legislation. They are there to execute the laws - not create them.

You literally have no clue what the function of the president is in the United States. Freaking hilarious... :laugh:
Despite your bizarre rhetoric, Obama pushed HealthCare through Congress and got a bill on his desk to sign.

Trump proved to be too incompetent to accomplish even that. :mm:
Pop quiz.... how many times in the history of this nation was the drop in GDP worse?

Pop quiz....under which president did S&P lower the credit rating of the U.S. for the first time ever?

Pop quiz....which U.S. president set the record for food stamp recipients?

Pop quiz....which U.S. president set the record for national debt?

Pop quiz....which U.S. president set the record for annual deficit?

Pop quiz....which U.S. president set the record for highest number of people out of the labor force?

Pop quiz....which U.S. president did all of that by egregiously violating the U.S. Constitution?
Screeches the forum idiot who thinks the economy was just fine when Obama became president.
Hhmmmm....I mention the visual content and you run like a little bitch. What does the Obama economy have to do with the fake news in this report? :dunno:
Do you ever stop lying, Baghdad Buttplug?
Again.... the reporter in that story reported that a woman was rescued after being held against her will for months and how she believed there were at least 4 others killed...

Either prove that is fake news or you're once again exposed as the imbecile this forum already knows you to be.

And Obama has nothing to do with the story which is why I didn't mention Obama in context to the story. I mentioned Obama in context to your delirium as an example to demonstrate just how disconnected from reality you truly are.

You're welcome.
We already did prove it Faun Over Men. Your weak, ignorant, and desperate defense was that the "production was fake" (you admitted it) but that the "content was not". Well, production is nothing more than visual content.

The moment I brought up that reality - Faun Over Men ran like a little bitch and wanted to talk about Obama... :laugh:

You proved that story was fake??

She reported a woman was held captive for months...

She reported the woman was rescued...

She reported the woman was held in some type of container...

She reported the woman believed at least 4 others were killed...

Sadly, that's all true...

Neighbors Heart-Broken Over Woman Held Captive

... and that doesn't become fake news because some nut like you bitches about the reporter putting up police tape where police had not. <smh>
And she "reported" that she was "at the crime scene" which she was not. She "reported" that the police had placed crime scene tape when in fact ABC had.

That is the epitome of fake news. If Info Wars had done that you'd be hoping out of your homosexual partners lap, seething with anger (and you know it too)

Moron... now you're lying again... prove she wasn't at the crime scene.... no one ever claimed she was not at the crime scene, only that she put her own tape where police either didn't or had already taken down...
Every time President Trump speaks, the left-wing snowflakes fall to pieces and scream that he is "lying". And ever time he has been vindicated in the end.

Dovetails with Wikileaks revelation that CIA can stage 'Russian' cyber hacks

the Department of Justice revealed just last week that in fact some of these ties that they had witnessed between Trump Tower servers and Russian entities in fact, were stooged,” Kredo said, discussing the FBI’s investigation and James Comey’s testimony before Congress.

the Wikileaks ‘Vault 7’ documents revealed that this process is something that the CIA has been actively working on for some time. A CIA project identified as “Umbrage,” maintained a substantial library of Russian cyber-attack techniques “stolen” from malware produced in other states including the Russian Federation.

Reminder: DOJ Found Falsely Planted Malware At Trump Tower Designed to Mimic Ties To Russia

So I guess we're supposed to believe a site called "Infowars" now--LOL But what about those dang phone calls?

Analysis | 5 times Donald Trump’s team denied contact with Russia

Trump aides were in constant touch with senior Russian officials during campaign - CNNPolitics.com

The top Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee said Wednesday that there is now “more than circumstantial evidence” that Trump’s associates colluded with the Russians to interfere in the U.S. election. In an interview on MSNBC’s “Meet the Press Daily,” host Chuck Todd asked if Rep. Adam Schiff, D-California, currently has a circumstantial case.“Actually, no, Chuck. I can tell you that the case is more than that. And I can’t go into the particulars, but there is more than circumstantial evidence now,” Schiff said.
Adam Schiff says there's "more than circumstantial evidence" of Trump-Russia collusion

Pop quiz.... how many times in the history of this nation was the drop in GDP worse?

Pop quiz....under which president did S&P lower the credit rating of the U.S. for the first time ever?

Pop quiz....which U.S. president set the record for food stamp recipients?

Pop quiz....which U.S. president set the record for national debt?

Pop quiz....which U.S. president set the record for annual deficit?

Pop quiz....which U.S. president set the record for highest number of people out of the labor force?

Pop quiz....which U.S. president did all of that by egregiously violating the U.S. Constitution?
I take this rant of yours as tacit admission on your part that even you know how stupid you were for claiming the economy was "just fine" when Obama was sworn in.

Despite your bizarre rhetoric
"Bizarre rhetoric"? In other words - you had no idea about any of that. Why am I not surprised?
Obama pushed HealthCare through Congress
Yeah he did. He definitely "pushed it through". So illegal on so many levels.
Trump proved to be too incompetent to accomplish even that.
President Trump proved to be a law-abiding, constitutional-upholding President. He didn't make any dirty deals like Obama nor did he even get his nose into Congresses business.

We're a mere three months in to his Administration. Breathe snowflake. Breathe. They will get Obamacare repealed.

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