President Trump cuts robocall for Wacky Roy Moore

My dad came home from World War II and dated my mother to be. She was 15 and my soldier future dad was 21 when they started dating... They both were from Philly. They never had sex until they were married ----- that is how polite society behaved in the day (and today for that matter). And my dad and mom were far from rich. My dad's home still had an icebox when most average families already had a Frigidaire.

Today there are a lot of silly narrow minded people who imagine that everyone dating hops into bed because that's what they figure love is all about (likely another rationalization why "gay" marriage could ever be considered acceptable to anyone). That is not how it always was. Most guys would marry a girl when things stated to become "serious" ---- and long engagements were frowned upon.

Marriage was ideally about starting a family, supporting, nurturing and educating the future generation ---------------------- THROUGH SETTING THE EXAMPLE! It wasn't about being the center of attention.
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