President Trump Drawing HUGE Support Today!

President Trump will be live speaking in Sarasota this evening. Already there is a massive crowd of patriots ready to Save America! Please post the live stream of the rally.

President Trump will be live speaking in Sarasota this evening. Already there is a massive crowd of patriots ready to Save America! Please post the live stream of the rally.

Funny. Looks like a Delta super-spreader event. Delta Dawn what's that flower you have on...


US presidential election is rigged, says Donald Trump – video

During a rally in Green Bay, Wisconsin on Monday, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump says the 2016 presidential election is ‘rigged’.
President Trump will be live speaking in Sarasota this evening. Already there is a massive crowd of patriots ready to Save America! Please post the live stream of the rally.

LMAO @ Raw Story ....

Damn you Leftist are a bunch of Gullible Dumbasses.

Really? Refute it then. Show us hoe Trump still has support beyond the lunatic fringe base and his congressional synchophants who fear his wrath and that of his moronic minions
Not even the response. The USA got the vaccine before anyone.

Wrong again

Sputnik V - the first registered vaccine against COVID-19 ...

Jun 16, 2021 — Peer-reviewed research showed Sputnik V, which has been approved in around 70 countries including EU members Hungary and Slovakia,
Not working too well for India. Is that Trump's fault?
Which lends credence that 81 million people didn't vote for Biden. Most of them voted AGAINST Trump, for totally screwing up the coronavirus.
No one is buying that shit.
Would you feel better to know that 81 million people voted against Trump

Or 81 million people voted for the guy who didn't come out of his basement.
81 million votes doesn't mean 81 million people voted.
How many more times are you going to repeat that dumb shit?
Election fraud is a lie perpetuated by those that want to delegitimize our electoral process, and through delegitimization of our election system, undermine our system of government. It just shows their disdain for the nation and the Constitution.
No one believes your LIES ....

And, you know it.
DeSantis asked Trump not to hold that rally in Florida. Trump is pissed because DeSantis is polling higher than him regarding running for president in 2024. So funny...
Election fraud is a lie perpetuated by those that want to delegitimize our electoral process, and through delegitimization of our election system, undermine our system of government. It just shows their disdain for the nation and the Constitution.
No one believes your LIES ....

And, you know it.
I think that we have shown very clearly who the liars are
President Trump will be live speaking in Sarasota this evening. Already there is a massive crowd of patriots ready to Save America! Please post the live stream of the rally.

There's not a liberal out there that could draw that much support!!

Yes, and precisely the reason why Russians have traditionally preferred a Republican U.S. President.
President Trump will be live speaking in Sarasota this evening. Already there is a massive crowd of patriots ready to Save America! Please post the live stream of the rally.

There's not a liberal out there that could draw that much support!!

Yes, and precisely the reason why Russians have traditionally preferred a Republican U.S. President.

So how do crowds in America reflect on russia and the Trump admin?
You have to be a special kinda stupid to draw that conclusion.
A friend of mine is down there. He said in his text that there were thousands of people.
Yes, and precisely the reason why Russians have traditionally preferred a Republican U.S. President.
Trump draws thousands of American Patriots, more than any Democrat would be able to do and what do all you lefties do? Cry 'BUT RUSSIA!' Too funny.... :auiqs.jpg: That horse died a long time ago, stop beating the poor thing.
Which lends credence that 81 million people didn't vote for Biden. Most of them voted AGAINST Trump, for totally screwing up the coronavirus.
No one is buying that shit.
Would you feel better to know that 81 million people voted against Trump

Or 81 million people voted for the guy who didn't come out of his basement.
81 million votes doesn't mean 81 million people voted.
How many more times are you going to repeat that dumb shit?
Until you get it.
Yes, and precisely the reason why Russians have traditionally preferred a Republican U.S. President.
Trump draws thousands of American Patriots, more than any Democrat would be able to do and what do all you lefties do? Cry 'BUT RUSSIA!' Too funny.... :auiqs.jpg: That horse died a long time ago, stop beating the poor thing.
You are one dumb mofo. Romance carries a different placard in the Latin and Slavic countries, and you haven’t a clue what Commiefornia will be the pathological model par excellence to watch. As JoeXi and his sleep-up trollop make the U.S.-Mexican border more permeable, you, dumbass, won’t be changing Russian ideas any time soon, because you are not educated enough about Russian culture, dimbulb.
Rambunctious LOL! Are you in Arkansas or Mississippi drowning in Covid? Idiots for Trump.
No I'm in AZ watching the audit that's about to turn the state to Trump.....
Lol..If you really believe that you are insane.
You don't hear anything about the audit on the Trump hating what does that tell you?....
The so-called audit is a farce. It is a kangaroo audit all for the benefit of the Trumpist sheep to keep them angry. The angrier they are the more they will donate.
No sir its absolutely legit and the auditing outfit is the same one the Dems have used a multitude of just never heard about it....thanks CNN.....LOL
no one has ever used cyber ninjas for an audit. and after this farce, no one will try again.
This very auditing firm was used several times by democrats....
Damn you libs are way under informed....
citation needed, fucktard.
Look it up.....learn something and turn off CNN....
Ya put up or shut up. Show us a link to support your assertion.

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