President Trump Drawing HUGE Support Today!

I'll bet you $100 that the only thing different from all his other rallies is perhaps he will add a few to the list he thinks didn't praise him enough.
It will be the same shit on a different day.

These Trumpers are no different than fans attending a concert by a classic rock and roll band. They don’t want to hear the new stuff. They want to hear the classics no matter how out of date they may be.

Leftists lying to the country about new green jobs is nothing new.
President Trump will be live speaking in Sarasota this evening. Already there is a massive crowd of patriots ready to Save America! Please post the live stream of the rally.

There's not a liberal out there that could draw that much support!!

And yet he got 7 million fewer votes. So no one gives a flying except his trumpscum

Sure he did......:itsok::abgg2q.jpg:

Yep...he sure did.
I'll bet you $100 that the only thing different from all his other rallies is perhaps he will add a few to the list he thinks didn't praise him enough.
It will be the same shit on a different day.

These Trumpers are no different than fans attending a concert by a classic rock and roll band. They don’t want to hear the new stuff. They want to hear the classics no matter how out of date they may be.

Leftists lying to the country about new green jobs is nothing new.
The only people lying to the country are Trumpers about election fraud.
Has anyone mentioned that Trump and DeSantis had a spat over Trump not canceling the rally as DeSantis wanted?

The inner circles of former President Donald Trump and the governor of Florida engaged in a back-and-forth war of words this week over plans for the former president to rally with supporters in the state this weekend.
The right-leaning Washington Examiner reported this week that Gov Ron DeSantis’s office had made a “direct plea” to the former president’s camp, urging them to reconsider plans to host an event in Sarasota this weekend while the state continues rescue efforts in Miami, where the collapse of a condominium has left nearly two dozen confirmed dead and more than 100 more unaccounted for.
The former president refused, however, with one source close to Mr Trump telling the publication that Mr Trump was planning to go forward with the rally. A spokesperson added that his team was urging supporters to donate to charities collecting relief aid for families affected by the disaster in Surfside, Florida, a small spit of land part of Miami-Dade county and the larger Miami city area.
One former aide to the governor told the Examiner that it was completely “tone-deaf” for the former president to host a political event while state officials were rallying together to respond to the tragedy.
“We’re talking about 150 people that are missing,” the former DeSantis aide said, according to the Examiner. “There’s massive loss of life. People are grieving. There’s a lot of confusion as to what other buildings might be affected.”
“Right now, the governor is down there almost every single day. What, you’re gonna go across and do a rally and beat up Democrats? It’s tone-deaf,” they added.
Other Florida GOP sources confirmed the feud was occurring behind closed doors, with one telling the Examiner: "There’s a huge rift between the DeSantis and Trump [camps].”

While spokespersons for both Mr Trump’s team and the Florida Republican Party denied the existence of bad blood between the two teams in statements to the publication, it was apparent on Twitter, where some of Mr Trump’s fans excoriated Mr DeSantis over a video of him thanking President Joe Biden during a face-to-face meeting with the Democratic president on Thursday.
A spokesperson for Mr Trump’s team did not immediately respond to a request for comment from The Independent about the comments from Mr DeSantis’s allies in the Examiner.
Mr Biden’s visit to the state, which was utterly nonpartisan in nature, sharply contrasted with Mr Trump’s plans for a Democrat-bashing political rally over the weekend in a way that one Florida GOP operative said was bad for the country.
“[R]ight now, there’s a Kumbaya moment. People need this. We need everybody to come together, we need to see that to start healing this country,” the operative told the Examiner, adding, “Today was the first day that people were like, ‘Maybe there’s hope that our country can come back together again.’ Only for, on Saturday, the former president tearing the Band-Aid off: He’s gonna go for the jugular
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President Trump will be live speaking in Sarasota this evening. Already there is a massive crowd of patriots ready to Save America! Please post the live stream of the rally.

Meanwhile, as the tone deaf, narcisistic and oblivious former president looks forward to another ego-feeding event, Floridians are still processing their grief.

I'll bet you $100 that the only thing different from all his other rallies is perhaps he will add a few to the list he thinks didn't praise him enough.
It will be the same shit on a different day.

These Trumpers are no different than fans attending a concert by a classic rock and roll band. They don’t want to hear the new stuff. They want to hear the classics no matter how out of date they may be.

Leftists lying to the country about new green jobs is nothing new.
The only people lying to the country are Trumpers about election fraud.
When are you going to be able to back that up with even a little proof?
Rambunctious LOL! Are you in Arkansas or Mississippi drowning in Covid? Idiots for Trump.
No I'm in AZ watching the audit that's about to turn the state to Trump.....
Lol..If you really believe that you are insane.
You don't hear anything about the audit on the Trump hating what does that tell you?....
The so-called audit is a farce. It is a kangaroo audit all for the benefit of the Trumpist sheep to keep them angry. The angrier they are the more they will donate.
No sir its absolutely legit and the auditing outfit is the same one the Dems have used a multitude of just never heard about it....thanks CNN.....LOL
no one has ever used cyber ninjas for an audit. and after this farce, no one will try again.
This very auditing firm was used several times by democrats....
Damn you libs are way under informed....
citation needed, fucktard.
Look it up.....learn something and turn off CNN....
Ya put up or shut up. Show us a link to support your assertion.

In line waiting to hear the legitimate President Of the United states.....while Joe takes the weekend off again....
"...Legitimate President..." ?????? :auiqs.jpg:

I had not, in the past, pegged you for one of those bat$hit-crazy a$$holes... guess I was wrong... my condolences.
Crazy would be to deny that democrats engage in vote that to me is crazy and insincere.....
Don wick.jpg
Has anyone mentioned that Trump and DeSantis had a spat over Trump not canceling the rally as DeSantis wanted?

The inner circles of former President Donald Trump and the governor of Florida engaged in a back-and-forth war of words this week over plans for the former president to rally with supporters in the state this weekend.
The right-leaning Washington Examiner reported this week that Gov Ron DeSantis’s office had made a “direct plea” to the former president’s camp, urging them to reconsider plans to host an event in Sarasota this weekend while the state continues rescue efforts in Miami, where the collapse of a condominium has left nearly two dozen confirmed dead and more than 100 more unaccounted for.
The former president refused, however, with one source close to Mr Trump telling the publication that Mr Trump was planning to go forward with the rally. A spokesperson added that his team was urging supporters to donate to charities collecting relief aid for families affected by the disaster in Surfside, Florida, a small spit of land part of Miami-Dade county and the larger Miami city area.
One former aide to the governor told the Examiner that it was completely “tone-deaf” for the former president to host a political event while state officials were rallying together to respond to the tragedy.
“We’re talking about 150 people that are missing,” the former DeSantis aide said, according to the Examiner. “There’s massive loss of life. People are grieving. There’s a lot of confusion as to what other buildings might be affected.”
“Right now, the governor is down there almost every single day. What, you’re gonna go across and do a rally and beat up Democrats? It’s tone-deaf,” they added.
Other Florida GOP sources confirmed the feud was occurring behind closed doors, with one telling the Examiner: "There’s a huge rift between the DeSantis and Trump [camps].”

While spokespersons for both Mr Trump’s team and the Florida Republican Party denied the existence of bad blood between the two teams in statements to the publication, it was apparent on Twitter, where some of Mr Trump’s fans excoriated Mr DeSantis over a video of him thanking President Joe Biden during a face-to-face meeting with the Democratic president on Thursday.
A spokesperson for Mr Trump’s team did not immediately respond to a request for comment from The Independent about the comments from Mr DeSantis’s allies in the Examiner.
Mr Biden’s visit to the state, which was utterly nonpartisan in nature, sharply contrasted with Mr Trump’s plans for a Democrat-bashing political rally over the weekend in a way that one Florida GOP operative said was bad for the country.
“[R]ight now, there’s a Kumbaya moment. People need this. We need everybody to come together, we need to see that to start healing this country,” the operative told the Examiner, adding, “Today was the first day that people were like, ‘Maybe there’s hope that our country can come back together again.’ Only for, on Saturday, the former president tearing the Band-Aid off: He’s gonna go for the jugular

You are confused Moon Bat.

DeSantis is the Governor of Florida and he is dealing with a potential hurricane and the building collapse. It would not be good for him to ditch those responsibility to attend a political rally. Responsible leaders make choices like that. A Democrat would have shirked their responsibly but DeSantis didn't.

As a politican he would much rather be at that rally. Lots of Republican votes in that area.

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