President Trump Drawing HUGE Support Today!

Did you get all that from a credible source, or was it beamed directly to the chip in your head?
I'll bet you $100 that the only thing different from all his other rallies is perhaps he will add a few to the list he thinks didn't praise him enough.
It will be the same shit on a different day.

These Trumpers are no different than fans attending a concert by a classic rock and roll band. They don’t want to hear the new stuff. They want to hear the classics no matter how out of date they may be.
As opposed to the party with an 81 year old speaker of the House, 81 year old president pro tempore of the Senate, and 78 year old President. More hilariously classic projection by the left.
Trump is supposed to be an also ran. I doubt our President, Joe Biden, could attract a crowd half that size even if he offered free beer.
You mean our fraudulent pretend President. Not only was the election pure out and out fraud, but it was to elect the President of the US CORPORATION. Well, the final DISSOLUTION of the CORPORATION was just a few days prior to the fake inauguration, so Biden is President of NOTHING. We are actually back to our ORIGINAL REPUBLIC with NO PRESIDENT AT ALL because a whole new election has to take place to elect the entire Congress and President for the REPUBLIC. In early March, the military formally acknowledged Trump as their Commander In Chief, he still holds the nuclear football, and Biden is not allowed to set foot at the Pentagon and receives ZERO military intelligence. At some point, the charade that has been going on has to stop and a new election held. No elected official, including the Supreme Court actually has ANY authority right now. At some point the military is going to have to drop the hammer. They are probably waiting for Arizona to PROVE the election was a fraud to make doing so more 'palatable' to all of us.
Oh, cold...
The YouTube channel of Right Side Broadcasting Network (RSBN), a website best known for hosting feeds of Donald Trump’s rallies, town halls and public appearances since July 2015, was suspended Friday ahead of the former president’s Saturday rally in Sarasota, Florida. Three of the channel’s videos were also deleted by YouTube specifically due to remarks Trump made in those clips.
A post from a guy living in Texas:

"Went to the Astros vs Orioles game in Houston a couple of days ago. Jill Biden was there. They made the announcement and zoomed a camera in on her and her party and had it on the big screen. Everybody was booing.
I thought Houston was a Blue city. It was hilarious! "
Oh, cold...
The YouTube channel of Right Side Broadcasting Network (RSBN), a website best known for hosting feeds of Donald Trump’s rallies, town halls and public appearances since July 2015, was suspended Friday ahead of the former president’s Saturday rally in Sarasota, Florida. Three of the channel’s videos were also deleted by YouTube specifically due to remarks Trump made in those clips.
So who the hell looks on Youtube for the truth anyway? Just as bad or worse than CNN. I had my f*cking cable taken out 5 years ago because of the perpetual lies of the MSM. TURN THAT SHIT OFF! IF YOU SEE IT THERE WHAT YOU ARE SEEING IS A LIE.
Trump is supposed to be an also ran. I doubt our President, Joe Biden, could attract a crowd half that size even if he offered free beer.
You mean our fraudulent pretend President. Not only was the election pure out and out fraud, but it was to elect the President of the US CORPORATION. Well, the final DISSOLUTION of the CORPORATION was just a few days prior to the fake inauguration, so Biden is President of NOTHING. We are actually back to our ORIGINAL REPUBLIC with NO PRESIDENT AT ALL because a whole new election has to take place to elect the entire Congress and President for the REPUBLIC. In early March, the military formally acknowledged Trump as their Commander In Chief, he still holds the nuclear football, and Biden is not allowed to set foot at the Pentagon and receives ZERO military intelligence. At some point, the charade that has been going on has to stop and a new election held. No elected official, including the Supreme Court actually has ANY authority right now. At some point the military is going to have to drop the hammer. They are probably waiting for Arizona to PROVE the election was a fraud to make doing so more 'palatable' to all of us.

Wow.. You really have it bad.
ALWAYS a glorious sight to see.
I'm sure it makes your nipples hard. Pleasure yourself as you will.

Meanwhile, most Americans, those not members of the cult, are celebrating the nation's ongoing recovery on this Independence Day, even as the Cry Baby Sore Loser is whining against windmills, which he says are ugly, drive down property values, and are “ruining our fields and ruining our oceans!” (Fortunately, suburban Americans are not subject to such lurid specters since the President took their windows away.)

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"VERY credible sources. Pry you butt out of the lying, corrupt MSM and go find them."

Ah, poster 'Rancid', you are sorta kinda new here, eh?
Well, so am I.

I've never seen your stuff until last night as a scrolled through this chatroom.
It's arresting stuff you offer the forum.
I had not read or seen references to any of this notable news of yours until last night. Such as:

  • "A whole new election has to take place to elect the entire Congress and President"
  • " In early March, the military formally acknowledged Trump as their Commander In Chief..."
  • (Trump)...." still holds the nuclear football,"
  • "Biden .......... receives ZERO military intelligence."
  • "No elected official, including the Supreme Court actually has ANY authority right now. "

    THAT is all newsworthy stuff. And I know you've been asked to offer the forum sourcing on such news. You replied you have, in your words, "VERY credible sources".

    Which is reassuring. None of us want critically important news, such as a new election to vote in 100 Senators, about 435 Representatives, and the President and Vice-President all at the same time*.....well, we all want such developments to be coming from very credible sources.

    Which brings us around to your credible sources.

    And they being exactly who?
  • ----------------------------------------------------------------------

    * ps1..... Will this new election you inform us about also include each of the State legislatures? And City Council?
    ps2.....the Supreme Court is not elected. They are appointed by the President-du-jour, and confirmed by the Senate. That's meant only as an FYI.
    ps2......are you really poster "
    EMH's" doppelganger? His 'beard'. An alter ego? An alias?
    Whatever or whoever you are, please don't leave us. You serve a valued role here.
    A 'confirming' role.

    I ask that as the avatar 'Rancid' and the avatar 'EMH' have fast become the voice and public identity of this forum's conservative wing. I wouldn't say you guys are the RightWing's 'spokesmen'.......but you surely set the tone of the RightWing mindset and apparent thought process.
    Which is something, I suppose.
Every now and then a 'treasure chest' of a thread comes along......packed full of jewels.
Let's un-pack a few:

",,,,pathetic Pitty Party in Sarasota. Trump lost and Biden won."
'Pity Party'?
OK, but LoserPalooza has been used on this very forum too.
If the shoe fits.

If the number of disqualified ballots give the win to Trump the state must change it declaration....and the state will go to Trump...
It doesn't seem the Constitution supports that poster's assertion. But, the poster may be a Constitutional lawyer. I'm not. Is he?

the auditing outfit is the same one the Dems have used a multitude of times.
It's been asked by others, but I'll chime in too: Source?
Who or where did this 'fact' come from?
Was it simply made up by someone else....or by the poster himself?
Time to saddle-up Skippy, and show if your pony can carry the load you put on it.

You're goofy crap just isn't worth the effort.
You know, poster Bulldog, I hear you. Some of these posters are so into their own personal Twilight Zone that there's no use responding with either facts....or even just sincerity. But, on the other hand, some of the nutters do offer stuff like "Oathkeepers are really Kosher Drag Queens" or "Bill Barr is gonna be executed for treason on August 2nd".
Those are jewels (really click-bait?) that keep those of us who savor internet loon-think ---and satire fodder --coming back.

(Don Trump) -----he still holds the nuclear football,
(Joe Biden) he was elected as "President" of the US CORPORATION which was DISSOLVED a few days prior to his fake inauguration. Our military officially recognized Trump as their Commander In Chief in early March. (Biden) recently threatened dissenting Americans with nukes.
Are those not treasures?
Most all will have a smirk-fest over such.
However, there is a negative side.
And that is such postings sadly re-enforce the American public's (probably a good share of the world's, too).....anyway it re-enforces the now worn cliche' that Trump supporters are the under-educated, un-informed, and the mis-informed. The HoneyBooBoo demographic. Now, I don't totally subscribe to that but too many real Trump supporters validate that cliche'. It's sad, really.

counted by corrupt Democrats in Democrat swing districts.
That sounds awfully dire, poster Flash.
Can you name names?
Just exactly who did these despicable deeds?

Any arrests been made?
Have you informed authorities on any of these miscreants that you may know personally?
If not, why not?

I love this bar!
Oh, how I love the chronic delusional liberal mind. Poor oaf. Have pity on him, lord. And when the Eagle comes home to roost, help him find a way to put himself out of his misery. The Supreme Court has already said that if Election Fraud is proven, they will over-turn the election and Trump will be reinstated. Of Course you never will see that on the lying, criminally corrupt MSM. And if the chicken-shit sold-out Supreme Farce won't do so, the Insurrection Act of 1807 and our military will damned straight get that little job done. So watch the Arizona audit, and buckle up.
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Holy bag of crazy.

Election is over idiot. Trump lost. Time to get with reality and move on.
The election isn't over until the Arizona audit and the one soon to take place in Georgia say it was valid. And the military has the same hard actual forensic evidence of massive voter fraud and foreign intervention that Mike Lindell shows in his Absolute Proof video. Biden's days are numbered. It is only buffoons like yourself with your heads up CNN's corrupt ass who don't know that. Buckle up, cupcakes. Denial will get you nowhere.
View attachment 508590

Perris Leathers P25XXLS-201​

You are out of your fucking mind.

What you are saying is pure fantasy that has no connection to reality that there is absolutely not any kind of "re-do" on Constitutional election certification. Election was certified, electors counted in Jan by Congress and Biden became the president. There is NOTHING in the Constitution about any revision to this outcome.

It's OVER, stop being a crazed, pathetic nutter and move on
Did you get all that from a credible source, or was it beamed directly to the chip in your head?
VERY credible sources. Pry you butt out of the lying, corrupt MSM and go find them.

Trump expected 25,000.. Best estimates say 20,000 attended.

How often has 20,000 people ever shown up to hear Joe Biden mumble words from a 3" by 5" index card?
Seems Joe's supporters prefer to show up to vote over showing up to a circus like rally.

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