President Trump Drawing HUGE Support Today! that how you explain away xidens unpopular presidency??
Unpopular? 81 million people is a new record for presidential popularity.

Fox news put Biden at 54% job approval. And that's higher than Trump ever got.

You honestly believe the Rich Old White Dementia Riddled Fool you idiots picked got 81 million votes?
Posted earlier. No response from Trump's followers. Gee, I wonder why.

President Trump Drawing HUGE Support Today!​

Where are they?

A report card on the Biden administration

When it comes to reality, they are nowhere to be found. Check out the last 2 to 5 pages of this thread to get some idea of what I am talking about. Trump's followers are totally silent on the real issues.

Trump's followers are a pretty pathetic bunch. They prove it every day.
Talk about pathetic. Biden's supporters are the pathetic bunch. They idolize an idiot who manages to fall UP stairs, has brain-freezes in mid sentence and forgets what he was talking about, doesn't even know where the f*ck he is half the time, and doesn't understand that he will be executed for treason soon as the election fraud is proven. :auiqs.jpg:
Has anyone mentioned that Trump and DeSantis had a spat over Trump not canceling the rally as DeSantis wanted?

The inner circles of former President Donald Trump and the governor of Florida engaged in a back-and-forth war of words this week over plans for the former president to rally with supporters in the state this weekend.
The right-leaning Washington Examiner reported this week that Gov Ron DeSantis’s office had made a “direct plea” to the former president’s camp, urging them to reconsider plans to host an event in Sarasota this weekend while the state continues rescue efforts in Miami, where the collapse of a condominium has left nearly two dozen confirmed dead and more than 100 more unaccounted for.
The former president refused, however, with one source close to Mr Trump telling the publication that Mr Trump was planning to go forward with the rally. A spokesperson added that his team was urging supporters to donate to charities collecting relief aid for families affected by the disaster in Surfside, Florida, a small spit of land part of Miami-Dade county and the larger Miami city area.
One former aide to the governor told the Examiner that it was completely “tone-deaf” for the former president to host a political event while state officials were rallying together to respond to the tragedy.
“We’re talking about 150 people that are missing,” the former DeSantis aide said, according to the Examiner. “There’s massive loss of life. People are grieving. There’s a lot of confusion as to what other buildings might be affected.”
“Right now, the governor is down there almost every single day. What, you’re gonna go across and do a rally and beat up Democrats? It’s tone-deaf,” they added.
Other Florida GOP sources confirmed the feud was occurring behind closed doors, with one telling the Examiner: "There’s a huge rift between the DeSantis and Trump [camps].”

While spokespersons for both Mr Trump’s team and the Florida Republican Party denied the existence of bad blood between the two teams in statements to the publication, it was apparent on Twitter, where some of Mr Trump’s fans excoriated Mr DeSantis over a video of him thanking President Joe Biden during a face-to-face meeting with the Democratic president on Thursday.
A spokesperson for Mr Trump’s team did not immediately respond to a request for comment from The Independent about the comments from Mr DeSantis’s allies in the Examiner.
Mr Biden’s visit to the state, which was utterly nonpartisan in nature, sharply contrasted with Mr Trump’s plans for a Democrat-bashing political rally over the weekend in a way that one Florida GOP operative said was bad for the country.
“[R]ight now, there’s a Kumbaya moment. People need this. We need everybody to come together, we need to see that to start healing this country,” the operative told the Examiner, adding, “Today was the first day that people were like, ‘Maybe there’s hope that our country can come back together again.’ Only for, on Saturday, the former president tearing the Band-Aid off: He’s gonna go for the jugular

You are confused Moon Bat.

DeSantis is the Governor of Florida and he is dealing with a potential hurricane and the building collapse. It would not be good for him to ditch those responsibility to attend a political rally. Responsible leaders make choices like that. A Democrat would have shirked their responsibly but DeSantis didn't.

As a politican he would much rather be at that rally. Lots of Republican votes in that area.
DeSantis did the right thing, we agree on that....
With these audits continuing. Do not count out President Trump. Goes to show that his support is still strong. Will even grow the more after the steal.
Your Orange Baboon-God's head is on-crooked... in both this meme and in Real Life...

Trump has been speaking for an hour and 40 minutes. Can you imagine that stuttering fuck Biden even trying to speak for a half hour without stepping all over his little dick?

"...W-H-A-T a man says is F-A-R more important than how long it takes for him to say it..." and your Orange Baboon-God con-man talks pure bull$hit.
President Trump will be live speaking in Sarasota this evening. Already there is a massive crowd of patriots ready to Save America! Please post the live stream of the rally.

There's not a liberal out there that could draw that much support!!

Joe Dufus could hardly get more than a couple of dozen people to listen to his bullshit ramblings.

They sure showed up to vote for him though.

You are confused Moon Bat

Joe Dufus stole the election with the scam of unverified mail in and harvested ballots counted by corrupt Democrats in Democrat swing districts. That and the Illegals.. Trump got more votes.

You bet, and trump never lies, and Harry Potter is a documentary.
Every now and then a 'treasure chest' of a thread comes along......packed full of jewels.
Let's un-pack a few:

",,,,pathetic Pitty Party in Sarasota. Trump lost and Biden won."
'Pity Party'?
OK, but LoserPalooza has been used on this very forum too.
If the shoe fits.

If the number of disqualified ballots give the win to Trump the state must change it declaration....and the state will go to Trump...
It doesn't seem the Constitution supports that poster's assertion. But, the poster may be a Constitutional lawyer. I'm not. Is he?

the auditing outfit is the same one the Dems have used a multitude of times.
It's been asked by others, but I'll chime in too: Source?
Who or where did this 'fact' come from?
Was it simply made up by someone else....or by the poster himself?
Time to saddle-up Skippy, and show if your pony can carry the load you put on it.

You're goofy crap just isn't worth the effort.
You know, poster Bulldog, I hear you. Some of these posters are so into their own personal Twilight Zone that there's no use responding with either facts....or even just sincerity. But, on the other hand, some of the nutters do offer stuff like "Oathkeepers are really Kosher Drag Queens" or "Bill Barr is gonna be executed for treason on August 2nd".
Those are jewels (really click-bait?) that keep those of us who savor internet loon-think ---and satire fodder --coming back.

(Don Trump) -----he still holds the nuclear football,
(Joe Biden) he was elected as "President" of the US CORPORATION which was DISSOLVED a few days prior to his fake inauguration. Our military officially recognized Trump as their Commander In Chief in early March. (Biden) recently threatened dissenting Americans with nukes.
Are those not treasures?
Most all will have a smirk-fest over such.
However, there is a negative side.
And that is such postings sadly re-enforce the American public's (probably a good share of the world's, too).....anyway it re-enforces the now worn cliche' that Trump supporters are the under-educated, un-informed, and the mis-informed. The HoneyBooBoo demographic. Now, I don't totally subscribe to that but too many real Trump supporters validate that cliche'. It's sad, really.

counted by corrupt Democrats in Democrat swing districts.
That sounds awfully dire, poster Flash.
Can you name names?
Just exactly who did these despicable deeds?
Any arrests been made?
Have you informed authorities on any of these miscreants that you may know personally?
If not, why not?

I love this bar!
Every now and then a 'treasure chest' of a thread comes along......packed full of jewels.
Let's un-pack a few:

",,,,pathetic Pitty Party in Sarasota. Trump lost and Biden won."
'Pity Party'?
OK, but LoserPalooza has been used on this very forum too.
If the shoe fits.

If the number of disqualified ballots give the win to Trump the state must change it declaration....and the state will go to Trump...
It doesn't seem the Constitution supports that poster's assertion. But, the poster may be a Constitutional lawyer. I'm not. Is he?

the auditing outfit is the same one the Dems have used a multitude of times.
It's been asked by others, but I'll chime in too: Source?
Who or where did this 'fact' come from?
Was it simply made up by someone else....or by the poster himself?
Time to saddle-up Skippy, and show if your pony can carry the load you put on it.

You're goofy crap just isn't worth the effort.
You know, poster Bulldog, I hear you. Some of these posters are so into their own personal Twilight Zone that there's no use responding with either facts....or even just sincerity. But, on the other hand, some of the nutters do offer stuff like "Oathkeepers are really Kosher Drag Queens" or "Bill Barr is gonna be executed for treason on August 2nd".
Those are jewels (really click-bait?) that keep those of us who savor internet loon-think ---and satire fodder --coming back.

(Don Trump) -----he still holds the nuclear football,
(Joe Biden) he was elected as "President" of the US CORPORATION which was DISSOLVED a few days prior to his fake inauguration. Our military officially recognized Trump as their Commander In Chief in early March. (Biden) recently threatened dissenting Americans with nukes.
Are those not treasures?
Most all will have a smirk-fest over such.
However, there is a negative side.
And that is such postings sadly re-enforce the American public's (probably a good share of the world's, too).....anyway it re-enforces the now worn cliche' that Trump supporters are the under-educated, un-informed, and the mis-informed. The HoneyBooBoo demographic. Now, I don't totally subscribe to that but too many real Trump supporters validate that cliche'. It's sad, really.

counted by corrupt Democrats in Democrat swing districts.
That sounds awfully dire, poster Flash.
Can you name names?
Just exactly who did these despicable deeds?

Any arrests been made?
Have you informed authorities on any of these miscreants that you may know personally?
If not, why not?

I love this bar!
Oh, how I love the chronic delusional liberal mind. Poor oaf. Have pity on him, lord. And when the Eagle comes home to roost, help him find a way to put himself out of his misery. The Supreme Court has already said that if Election Fraud is proven, they will over-turn the election and Trump will be reinstated. Of Course you never will see that on the lying, criminally corrupt MSM. And if the chicken-shit sold-out Supreme Farce won't do so, the Insurrection Act of 1807 and our military will damned straight get that little job done. So watch the Arizona audit, and buckle up.
laughing 2.gif
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Every now and then a 'treasure chest' of a thread comes along......packed full of jewels.
Let's un-pack a few:

",,,,pathetic Pitty Party in Sarasota. Trump lost and Biden won."
'Pity Party'?
OK, but LoserPalooza has been used on this very forum too.
If the shoe fits.

If the number of disqualified ballots give the win to Trump the state must change it declaration....and the state will go to Trump...
It doesn't seem the Constitution supports that poster's assertion. But, the poster may be a Constitutional lawyer. I'm not. Is he?

the auditing outfit is the same one the Dems have used a multitude of times.
It's been asked by others, but I'll chime in too: Source?
Who or where did this 'fact' come from?
Was it simply made up by someone else....or by the poster himself?
Time to saddle-up Skippy, and show if your pony can carry the load you put on it.

You're goofy crap just isn't worth the effort.
You know, poster Bulldog, I hear you. Some of these posters are so into their own personal Twilight Zone that there's no use responding with either facts....or even just sincerity. But, on the other hand, some of the nutters do offer stuff like "Oathkeepers are really Kosher Drag Queens" or "Bill Barr is gonna be executed for treason on August 2nd".
Those are jewels (really click-bait?) that keep those of us who savor internet loon-think ---and satire fodder --coming back.

(Don Trump) -----he still holds the nuclear football,
(Joe Biden) he was elected as "President" of the US CORPORATION which was DISSOLVED a few days prior to his fake inauguration. Our military officially recognized Trump as their Commander In Chief in early March. (Biden) recently threatened dissenting Americans with nukes.
Are those not treasures?
Most all will have a smirk-fest over such.
However, there is a negative side.
And that is such postings sadly re-enforce the American public's (probably a good share of the world's, too).....anyway it re-enforces the now worn cliche' that Trump supporters are the under-educated, un-informed, and the mis-informed. The HoneyBooBoo demographic. Now, I don't totally subscribe to that but too many real Trump supporters validate that cliche'. It's sad, really.

counted by corrupt Democrats in Democrat swing districts.
That sounds awfully dire, poster Flash.
Can you name names?
Just exactly who did these despicable deeds?

Any arrests been made?
Have you informed authorities on any of these miscreants that you may know personally?
If not, why not?

I love this bar!
Oh, how I love the chronic delusional liberal mind. Poor oaf. Have pity on him, lord. And when the Eagle comes home to roost, help him find a way to put himself out of his misery. The Supreme Court has already said that if Election Fraud is proven, they will over-turn the election and Trump will be reinstated. Of Course you never will see that on the lying, criminally corrupt MSM. And if the chicken-shit sold-out Supreme Farce won't do so, the Insurrection Act of 1807 and our military will damned straight get that little job done. So watch the Arizona audit, and buckle up.
View attachment 508580
When did the Supreme Court say that? Who wrote that opinion? Are the voices in your head telling you stuff that's not so again?
Every now and then a 'treasure chest' of a thread comes along......packed full of jewels.
Let's un-pack a few:

",,,,pathetic Pitty Party in Sarasota. Trump lost and Biden won."
'Pity Party'?
OK, but LoserPalooza has been used on this very forum too.
If the shoe fits.

If the number of disqualified ballots give the win to Trump the state must change it declaration....and the state will go to Trump...
It doesn't seem the Constitution supports that poster's assertion. But, the poster may be a Constitutional lawyer. I'm not. Is he?

the auditing outfit is the same one the Dems have used a multitude of times.
It's been asked by others, but I'll chime in too: Source?
Who or where did this 'fact' come from?
Was it simply made up by someone else....or by the poster himself?
Time to saddle-up Skippy, and show if your pony can carry the load you put on it.

You're goofy crap just isn't worth the effort.
You know, poster Bulldog, I hear you. Some of these posters are so into their own personal Twilight Zone that there's no use responding with either facts....or even just sincerity. But, on the other hand, some of the nutters do offer stuff like "Oathkeepers are really Kosher Drag Queens" or "Bill Barr is gonna be executed for treason on August 2nd".
Those are jewels (really click-bait?) that keep those of us who savor internet loon-think ---and satire fodder --coming back.

(Don Trump) -----he still holds the nuclear football,
(Joe Biden) he was elected as "President" of the US CORPORATION which was DISSOLVED a few days prior to his fake inauguration. Our military officially recognized Trump as their Commander In Chief in early March. (Biden) recently threatened dissenting Americans with nukes.
Are those not treasures?
Most all will have a smirk-fest over such.
However, there is a negative side.
And that is such postings sadly re-enforce the American public's (probably a good share of the world's, too).....anyway it re-enforces the now worn cliche' that Trump supporters are the under-educated, un-informed, and the mis-informed. The HoneyBooBoo demographic. Now, I don't totally subscribe to that but too many real Trump supporters validate that cliche'. It's sad, really.

counted by corrupt Democrats in Democrat swing districts.
That sounds awfully dire, poster Flash.
Can you name names?
Just exactly who did these despicable deeds?

Any arrests been made?
Have you informed authorities on any of these miscreants that you may know personally?
If not, why not?

I love this bar!
Oh, how I love the chronic delusional liberal mind. Poor oaf. Have pity on him, lord. And when the Eagle comes home to roost, help him find a way to put himself out of his misery. The Supreme Court has already said that if Election Fraud is proven, they will over-turn the election and Trump will be reinstated. Of Course you never will see that on the lying, criminally corrupt MSM. And if the chicken-shit sold-out Supreme Farce won't do so, the Insurrection Act of 1807 and our military will damned straight get that little job done. So watch the Arizona audit, and buckle up.
View attachment 508580
Holy bag of crazy.

Election is over idiot. Trump lost. Time to get with reality and move on.
There's not a liberal out there that could draw that much support!!
And yet he got 7 million fewer votes. So no one gives a flying except his trumpscum
They confuse how many people you can get to show up for events like a rally, but not an inauguration. that how you explain away xidens unpopular presidency??

Rambunctious LOL! Are you in Arkansas or Mississippi drowning in Covid? Idiots for Trump.
No I'm in AZ watching the audit that's about to turn the state to Trump.....
The audit that never ends..
Like the orange, tax dodger's tax returns
Election fraud is a lie perpetuated by those that want to delegitimize our electoral process, and through delegitimization of our election system, undermine our system of government. It just shows their disdain for the nation and the Constitution.
No one believes your LIES ....

And, you know it.
I think that we have shown very clearly who the liars are
Well, look who they defend and support.
Every now and then a 'treasure chest' of a thread comes along......packed full of jewels.
Let's un-pack a few:

",,,,pathetic Pitty Party in Sarasota. Trump lost and Biden won."
'Pity Party'?
OK, but LoserPalooza has been used on this very forum too.
If the shoe fits.

If the number of disqualified ballots give the win to Trump the state must change it declaration....and the state will go to Trump...
It doesn't seem the Constitution supports that poster's assertion. But, the poster may be a Constitutional lawyer. I'm not. Is he?

the auditing outfit is the same one the Dems have used a multitude of times.
It's been asked by others, but I'll chime in too: Source?
Who or where did this 'fact' come from?
Was it simply made up by someone else....or by the poster himself?
Time to saddle-up Skippy, and show if your pony can carry the load you put on it.

You're goofy crap just isn't worth the effort.
You know, poster Bulldog, I hear you. Some of these posters are so into their own personal Twilight Zone that there's no use responding with either facts....or even just sincerity. But, on the other hand, some of the nutters do offer stuff like "Oathkeepers are really Kosher Drag Queens" or "Bill Barr is gonna be executed for treason on August 2nd".
Those are jewels (really click-bait?) that keep those of us who savor internet loon-think ---and satire fodder --coming back.

(Don Trump) -----he still holds the nuclear football,
(Joe Biden) he was elected as "President" of the US CORPORATION which was DISSOLVED a few days prior to his fake inauguration. Our military officially recognized Trump as their Commander In Chief in early March. (Biden) recently threatened dissenting Americans with nukes.
Are those not treasures?
Most all will have a smirk-fest over such.
However, there is a negative side.
And that is such postings sadly re-enforce the American public's (probably a good share of the world's, too).....anyway it re-enforces the now worn cliche' that Trump supporters are the under-educated, un-informed, and the mis-informed. The HoneyBooBoo demographic. Now, I don't totally subscribe to that but too many real Trump supporters validate that cliche'. It's sad, really.

counted by corrupt Democrats in Democrat swing districts.
That sounds awfully dire, poster Flash.
Can you name names?
Just exactly who did these despicable deeds?

Any arrests been made?
Have you informed authorities on any of these miscreants that you may know personally?
If not, why not?

I love this bar!
Oh, how I love the chronic delusional liberal mind. Poor oaf. Have pity on him, lord. And when the Eagle comes home to roost, help him find a way to put himself out of his misery. The Supreme Court has already said that if Election Fraud is proven, they will over-turn the election and Trump will be reinstated. Of Course you never will see that on the lying, criminally corrupt MSM. And if the chicken-shit sold-out Supreme Farce won't do so, the Insurrection Act of 1807 and our military will damned straight get that little job done. So watch the Arizona audit, and buckle up.
View attachment 508580
When did the Supreme Court say that? Who wrote that opinion? Are the voices in your head telling you stuff that's not so again?
Poor dumb MSM dependent ignoramus. Guess. Do your own homework. Pry your ass away from CNN.
lil mouse.gif
Every now and then a 'treasure chest' of a thread comes along......packed full of jewels.
Let's un-pack a few:

",,,,pathetic Pitty Party in Sarasota. Trump lost and Biden won."
'Pity Party'?
OK, but LoserPalooza has been used on this very forum too.
If the shoe fits.

If the number of disqualified ballots give the win to Trump the state must change it declaration....and the state will go to Trump...
It doesn't seem the Constitution supports that poster's assertion. But, the poster may be a Constitutional lawyer. I'm not. Is he?

the auditing outfit is the same one the Dems have used a multitude of times.
It's been asked by others, but I'll chime in too: Source?
Who or where did this 'fact' come from?
Was it simply made up by someone else....or by the poster himself?
Time to saddle-up Skippy, and show if your pony can carry the load you put on it.

You're goofy crap just isn't worth the effort.
You know, poster Bulldog, I hear you. Some of these posters are so into their own personal Twilight Zone that there's no use responding with either facts....or even just sincerity. But, on the other hand, some of the nutters do offer stuff like "Oathkeepers are really Kosher Drag Queens" or "Bill Barr is gonna be executed for treason on August 2nd".
Those are jewels (really click-bait?) that keep those of us who savor internet loon-think ---and satire fodder --coming back.

(Don Trump) -----he still holds the nuclear football,
(Joe Biden) he was elected as "President" of the US CORPORATION which was DISSOLVED a few days prior to his fake inauguration. Our military officially recognized Trump as their Commander In Chief in early March. (Biden) recently threatened dissenting Americans with nukes.
Are those not treasures?
Most all will have a smirk-fest over such.
However, there is a negative side.
And that is such postings sadly re-enforce the American public's (probably a good share of the world's, too).....anyway it re-enforces the now worn cliche' that Trump supporters are the under-educated, un-informed, and the mis-informed. The HoneyBooBoo demographic. Now, I don't totally subscribe to that but too many real Trump supporters validate that cliche'. It's sad, really.

counted by corrupt Democrats in Democrat swing districts.
That sounds awfully dire, poster Flash.
Can you name names?
Just exactly who did these despicable deeds?

Any arrests been made?
Have you informed authorities on any of these miscreants that you may know personally?
If not, why not?

I love this bar!
Oh, how I love the chronic delusional liberal mind. Poor oaf. Have pity on him, lord. And when the Eagle comes home to roost, help him find a way to put himself out of his misery. The Supreme Court has already said that if Election Fraud is proven, they will over-turn the election and Trump will be reinstated. Of Course you never will see that on the lying, criminally corrupt MSM. And if the chicken-shit sold-out Supreme Farce won't do so, the Insurrection Act of 1807 and our military will damned straight get that little job done. So watch the Arizona audit, and buckle up.
View attachment 508580
Holy bag of crazy.

Election is over idiot. Trump lost. Time to get with reality and move on.
The election isn't over until the Arizona audit and the one soon to take place in Georgia say it was valid. And the military has the same hard actual forensic evidence of massive voter fraud and foreign intervention that Mike Lindell shows in his Absolute Proof video. Biden's days are numbered. It is only buffoons like yourself with your heads up CNN's corrupt ass who don't know that. Buckle up, cupcakes. Denial will get you nowhere.
laughing 7.gif

Perris Leathers P25XXLS-201​

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Trump is supposed to be an also ran. I doubt our President, Joe Biden, could attract a crowd half that size even if he offered free beer.

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