President Trump Drawing HUGE Support Today!

Mumbling Bumbling Stumbling *Joe has been a buffoon his entire career. The corn pop story. Hairy legs. If you don’t vote for me you ain’t black. Dog face pony soldier. And you think this babbling fool got the most votes in presidential history. Not a chance.
Trump is supposed to be an also ran. I doubt our President, Joe Biden, could attract a crowd half that size even if he offered free beer.
Huge populist rallies...another thing Trump has in common with such wildly popular leaders as Mussolini, along with an unquenchable thirst for power and a delusional grip on reality.
Perhaps Trump draws large crowds because he was a damn good President if not a great President.

With all this thirst for power you suggest it amazes me Trump didn’t start any wars like Hillary dId.

It is also interesting that Russia and China are now threatening us. That might be because we have this weak, old, senile grifter in office and they realize now is the time to make a move on places like the Ukraine and Taiwan.

Nope. That's not it. He draws crowds because it's a circus.

And they aren't large crowds.
For a guy who supposedly lost the Presidential Election 20,000 to 25,000 is a LARGE crowd. Could Hillary or Al Gore draw such a crowd six months after they lost?

QUOTE="candycorn, post: 27415762, member: 20614"]


*Joes crowds were delivered in unofficial suitcases at 3am.
Trump is supposed to be an also ran. I doubt our President, Joe Biden, could attract a crowd half that size even if he offered free beer.
Huge populist rallies...another thing Trump has in common with such wildly popular leaders as Mussolini, along with an unquenchable thirst for power and a delusional grip on reality.
Perhaps Trump draws large crowds because he was a damn good President if not a great President.

With all this thirst for power you suggest it amazes me Trump didn’t start any wars like Hillary dId.

It is also interesting that Russia and China are now threatening us. That might be because we have this weak, old, senile grifter in office and they realize now is the time to make a move on places like the Ukraine and Taiwan.

Nope. That's not it. He draws crowds because it's a circus.

And they aren't large crowds.
For a guy who supposedly lost the Presidential Election 20,000 to 25,000 is a LARGE crowd. Could Hillary or Al Gore draw such a crowd six months after they lost?

How could that possibly make a bit of difference?
Biggest crowd in history

No Twice Impeached President has ever drawn a bigger crowd
Did you get all that from a credible source, or was it beamed directly to the chip in your head?
VERY credible sources. Pry you butt out of the lying, corrupt MSM and go find them.

Trump expected 25,000.. Best estimates say 20,000 attended.

How often has 20,000 people ever shown up to hear Joe Biden mumble words from a 3" by 5" index card?
Seems Joe's supporters prefer to show up to vote over showing up to a circus like rally.
And, 1 out of every 3 arrested from the Rally goers breaking in to the Capitol that have been arrested, did not vote in the 2020 election. That bull horned QAnon Shaman is one of the infamous that comes to mind.

Seems rally going does not equate to actual voters.

I had seen that many of the Trump mob didn't vote. Isn't that wild?

Did you see that personally with your own peepers, or was that a "reliable sources said" kinda thing?
I proudly voted twice for President Trump and am very disappointed that he (reputedly) lost.

But I am sorry that he declined to accept Governor DeSantis's request to postpone the rally because of the horrific apartment building collapse.

I am afraid that his enemies are correct when they accuse him of some personality defects.

That's idiotic. Trump was a building contractor most of his life, and probably has a bad back. You think that in all those years, he never picked up some heavy loads?

Never.... at 35 Trump was still riding around in his father's chauffer driven Cadillac. Trump has NEVER worked. Of course he was a vice president in his father's company.
Coyote /——/ You don’t fool anyone. Oh you care alright. You libtards spent 16 years bragging about how popular Slick Willie and Obozo were while in office. Now Dementia Joe and Commie Harris are as popular as a long fart in a crowded elevator.

That's idiotic. Trump was a building contractor most of his life, and probably has a bad back. You think that in all those years, he never picked up some heavy loads?

Never.... at 35 Trump was still riding around in his father's chauffer driven Cadillac. Trump has NEVER worked. Of course he was a vice president in his father's company.
/——/ Dementia Joe has been on the public tit since day one. That point gets right past you.

That's idiotic. Trump was a building contractor most of his life, and probably has a bad back. You think that in all those years, he never picked up some heavy loads?

Never.... at 35 Trump was still riding around in his father's chauffer driven Cadillac. Trump has NEVER worked. Of course he was a vice president in his father's company.
/——/ Dementia Joe has been on the public tit since day one. That point gets right past you.

So was Cheney. Did that bother you?
"VERY credible sources. Pry you butt out of the lying, corrupt MSM and go find them."

Ah, poster 'Rancid', you are sorta kinda new here, eh?
Well, so am I.

I've never seen your stuff until last night as a scrolled through this chatroom.
It's arresting stuff you offer the forum.
I had not read or seen references to any of this notable news of yours until last night. Such as:

  • "A whole new election has to take place to elect the entire Congress and President"
  • " In early March, the military formally acknowledged Trump as their Commander In Chief..."
  • (Trump)...." still holds the nuclear football,"
  • "Biden .......... receives ZERO military intelligence."
  • "No elected official, including the Supreme Court actually has ANY authority right now. "

    THAT is all newsworthy stuff. And I know you've been asked to offer the forum sourcing on such news. You replied you have, in your words, "VERY credible sources".

    Which is reassuring. None of us want critically important news, such as a new election to vote in 100 Senators, about 435 Representatives, and the President and Vice-President all at the same time*.....well, we all want such developments to be coming from very credible sources.

    Which brings us around to your credible sources.

    And they being exactly who?
  • ----------------------------------------------------------------------

    * ps1..... Will this new election you inform us about also include each of the State legislatures? And City Council?
    ps2.....the Supreme Court is not elected. They are appointed by the President-du-jour, and confirmed by the Senate. That's meant only as an FYI.
    ps2......are you really poster "
    EMH's" doppelganger? His 'beard'. An alter ego? An alias?
    Whatever or whoever you are, please don't leave us. You serve a valued role here.
    A 'confirming' role.

    I ask that as the avatar 'Rancid' and the avatar 'EMH' have fast become the voice and public identity of this forum's conservative wing. I wouldn't say you guys are the RightWing's 'spokesmen'.......but you surely set the tone of the RightWing mindset and apparent thought process.
    Which is something, I suppose.
Like I said ... dig into the alternative media and FIND those sources.
I'll bet you $100 that the only thing different from all his other rallies is perhaps he will add a few to the list he thinks didn't praise him enough.

You're trying too hard. You can unclench now
Well, his little sideshow has come and gone. Would you care to point out anything new he had to say?
Did you get all that from a credible source, or was it beamed directly to the chip in your head?
VERY credible sources. Pry you butt out of the lying, corrupt MSM and go find them.

Trump expected 25,000.. Best estimates say 20,000 attended.

How often has 20,000 people ever shown up to hear Joe Biden mumble words from a 3" by 5" index card?
Seems Joe's supporters prefer to show up to vote over showing up to a circus like rally.
The only real support Biden has might be his jock strap.
Trump is supposed to be an also ran. I doubt our President, Joe Biden, could attract a crowd half that size even if he offered free beer.
Huge populist rallies...another thing Trump has in common with such wildly popular leaders as Mussolini, along with an unquenchable thirst for power and a delusional grip on reality.
Perhaps Trump draws large crowds because he was a damn good President if not a great President.

With all this thirst for power you suggest it amazes me Trump didn’t start any wars like Hillary dId.

It is also interesting that Russia and China are now threatening us. That might be because we have this weak, old, senile grifter in office and they realize now is the time to make a move on places like the Ukraine and Taiwan.

Nope. That's not it. He draws crowds because it's a circus.

And they aren't large crowds.
For a guy who supposedly lost the Presidential Election 20,000 to 25,000 is a LARGE crowd. Could Hillary or Al Gore draw such a crowd six months after they lost?

Why can't you get it through your head that 20-25k is TINY percentage of all voters?

Just because there a handfull of fans that like to watch his shtick doesn't mean much of anything.
The election isn't over until the Arizona audit and the one soon to take place in Georgia say it was valid.
Who told you this?

What is your source for this?

What makes you believe this, specifically?
I have said repeatedly, pull your head out of CNN and the corrupt, lying MSM, dig into alternative media and FIND those sources. And when you find them, it is up to you to believe them. I am not going to provide you with a list to apply derogatory labels to and sling mud at.

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