President Trump Drawing HUGE Support Today!

ALWAYS a glorious sight to see.
I'm sure it makes your nipples hard. Pleasure yourself as you will.
Maybe you'd like to do it for me, dickwick?

Meanwhile, most Americans, those not members of the cult, are celebrating the nation's ongoing recovery on this Independence Day
You mean you're celebrating at the WH flying the colors of your favorite cult, fags and queers? How are we recovering from anything, skinflap, when Joe keeps CREATING new problems for this country we never had before while doing NOTHING for the old ones!

Did you get all that from a credible source, or was it beamed directly to the chip in your head?
VERY credible sources. Pry you butt out of the lying, corrupt MSM and go find them.

Trump expected 25,000.. Best estimates say 20,000 attended.

How often has 20,000 people ever shown up to hear Joe Biden mumble words from a 3" by 5" index card?
Seems Joe's supporters prefer to show up to vote over showing up to a circus like rally.
The only real support Biden has might be his jock strap.
Brilliant! Just fucking brilliant!
The election isn't over until the Arizona audit and the one soon to take place in Georgia say it was valid.
Who told you this?

What is your source for this?

What makes you believe this, specifically?
I have said repeatedly, pull your head out of CNN and the corrupt, lying MSM, dig into alternative media and FIND those sources. And when you find them, it is up to you to believe them. I am not going to provide you with a list to apply derogatory labels to and sling mud at.
That doesn't answer my question. Is someone telling you this, or is this just coming from your imagination? I'd very much like to see a source that you consider to be "news" or "information" saying this.

Do you know anything about the background of the Cyber Ninjas CEO? Do you know they were hand-picked by the AZ GOP, unilaterally? Do you realize that they have exactly zero (0) legal standing or authority?

Do you know ANY of that?
ALWAYS a glorious sight to see.
I'm sure it makes your nipples hard. Pleasure yourself as you will.
Maybe you'd like to do it for me, dickwick?

Meanwhile, most Americans, those not members of the cult, are celebrating the nation's ongoing recovery on this Independence Day
You mean you're celebrating at the WH flying the colors of your favorite cult, fags and queers? How are we recovering from anything, skinflap, when Joe keeps CREATING new problems for this country we never had before while doing NOTHING for the old ones!
Those PEOPLE are HUMAN BEINGS and they are not a cult. And what new problems has Joe created. He is trying to clean up Trumps mess and doing a good job of it.
The election isn't over until the Arizona audit and the one soon to take place in Georgia say it was valid.
Who told you this?

What is your source for this?

What makes you believe this, specifically?
I have said repeatedly, pull your head out of CNN and the corrupt, lying MSM, dig into alternative media and FIND those sources. And when you find them, it is up to you to believe them. I am not going to provide you with a list to apply derogatory labels to and sling mud at.
That doesn't answer my question. Is someone telling you this, or is this just coming from your imagination? I'd very much like to see a source that you consider to be "news" or "information" saying this.

Do you know anything about the background of the Cyber Ninjas CEO? Do you know they were hand-picked by the AZ GOP, unilaterally? Do you realize that they have exactly zero (0) legal standing or authority?

Do you know ANY of that?
That is the only answer to your obviously loaded question that you are going to get. DEAL WITH IT.
Every now and then a 'treasure chest' of a thread comes along......packed full of jewels.
Let's un-pack a few:

",,,,pathetic Pitty Party in Sarasota. Trump lost and Biden won."
'Pity Party'?
OK, but LoserPalooza has been used on this very forum too.
If the shoe fits.

If the number of disqualified ballots give the win to Trump the state must change it declaration....and the state will go to Trump...
It doesn't seem the Constitution supports that poster's assertion. But, the poster may be a Constitutional lawyer. I'm not. Is he?

the auditing outfit is the same one the Dems have used a multitude of times.
It's been asked by others, but I'll chime in too: Source?
Who or where did this 'fact' come from?
Was it simply made up by someone else....or by the poster himself?
Time to saddle-up Skippy, and show if your pony can carry the load you put on it.

You're goofy crap just isn't worth the effort.
You know, poster Bulldog, I hear you. Some of these posters are so into their own personal Twilight Zone that there's no use responding with either facts....or even just sincerity. But, on the other hand, some of the nutters do offer stuff like "Oathkeepers are really Kosher Drag Queens" or "Bill Barr is gonna be executed for treason on August 2nd".
Those are jewels (really click-bait?) that keep those of us who savor internet loon-think ---and satire fodder --coming back.

(Don Trump) -----he still holds the nuclear football,
(Joe Biden) he was elected as "President" of the US CORPORATION which was DISSOLVED a few days prior to his fake inauguration. Our military officially recognized Trump as their Commander In Chief in early March. (Biden) recently threatened dissenting Americans with nukes.
Are those not treasures?
Most all will have a smirk-fest over such.
However, there is a negative side.
And that is such postings sadly re-enforce the American public's (probably a good share of the world's, too).....anyway it re-enforces the now worn cliche' that Trump supporters are the under-educated, un-informed, and the mis-informed. The HoneyBooBoo demographic. Now, I don't totally subscribe to that but too many real Trump supporters validate that cliche'. It's sad, really.

counted by corrupt Democrats in Democrat swing districts.
That sounds awfully dire, poster Flash.
Can you name names?
Just exactly who did these despicable deeds?

Any arrests been made?
Have you informed authorities on any of these miscreants that you may know personally?
If not, why not?

I love this bar!
Oh, how I love the chronic delusional liberal mind. Poor oaf. Have pity on him, lord. And when the Eagle comes home to roost, help him find a way to put himself out of his misery. The Supreme Court has already said that if Election Fraud is proven, they will over-turn the election and Trump will be reinstated. Of Course you never will see that on the lying, criminally corrupt MSM. And if the chicken-shit sold-out Supreme Farce won't do so, the Insurrection Act of 1807 and our military will damned straight get that little job done. So watch the Arizona audit, and buckle up.
View attachment 508580
Holy bag of crazy.

Election is over idiot. Trump lost. Time to get with reality and move on.
The election isn't over until the Arizona audit and the one soon to take place in Georgia say it was valid. And the military has the same hard actual forensic evidence of massive voter fraud and foreign intervention that Mike Lindell shows in his Absolute Proof video. Biden's days are numbered. It is only buffoons like yourself with your heads up CNN's corrupt ass who don't know that. Buckle up, cupcakes. Denial will get you nowhere.
View attachment 508590

Perris Leathers P25XXLS-201​

You need to get help from a mental health professsional with the voices in your head that are telling you that horseshit. Please explain exactly how the outcome of the election can be overturned at this point.
I'll bet you $100 that the only thing different from all his other rallies is perhaps he will add a few to the list he thinks didn't praise him enough.

You're trying too hard. You can unclench now
Well, his little sideshow has come and gone. Would you care to point out anything new he had to say?

Biden couldn't get anyone to show up when he was running for President. He needed Democrats to stuff the ballot box to win. Trump can pack them in when he's not even running yet.

The butt hurt is strong in this one ...

Tell me C, how many hundreds of photos did you go through to find a couple with Trump leaning? Let's look at your list:

  • Stiffness of gait - NO EVIDENCE THERE. Trump dances on stage. Biddum trips and falls more than Gerald Ford.
  • Poor judgement - JOE BIDDUM through and through. Poor judgement on everything from national and international policy to his fondling little girls.
  • Lacking empathy - JOE BIDDUM through and through. He talks a good gig, but when it really comes down to it, the man reveals he's as cold as a dead mackerel.
  • Inappropriate social behavior - that's JOE BIDDUM through and through. Children, other people's wives, yelling at voters, press for simple questions.
  • Lack of inhibition - JOE BIDDUM through and through. The guy hasn't the good sense to simply stay inside and out of sight.
  • Repetitive - JOE BIDDUM through and through. Joe just can't stop repeating the big lie that his election was honest and fair.
  • Inability to concentrate - Just refer to any presser or speech by the guy; his memory is so bad the guy uses cue cards!
  • Mood changes - Trump is always the same mood: upbeat, positive, patriotic. Joe's mood changes on a dime as soon as one person goes off script with a question he wasn't prepared for or was expecting.
  • Difficulty speaking - JOE BIDDUM through and through. Stutters, stammers, stumbles, forgets, mumbles, loses track.
  • No balance - Picture Joe falling ----- THREE times ----- just trying to walk up the steps to his jet.
  • No memory - Again, cue cards, being cut short mic turned off, needs permission, confuses sister for wife.
Thanks Mrs. C for making the case that Joe is too incompetent to be in the WH, he needs moved to Cuomo's nursing home for extra special care.
The election isn't over until the Arizona audit and the one soon to take place in Georgia say it was valid.
Who told you this?

What is your source for this?

What makes you believe this, specifically?
I have said repeatedly, pull your head out of CNN and the corrupt, lying MSM, dig into alternative media and FIND those sources. And when you find them, it is up to you to believe them. I am not going to provide you with a list to apply derogatory labels to and sling mud at.
That doesn't answer my question. Is someone telling you this, or is this just coming from your imagination? I'd very much like to see a source that you consider to be "news" or "information" saying this.

Do you know anything about the background of the Cyber Ninjas CEO? Do you know they were hand-picked by the AZ GOP, unilaterally? Do you realize that they have exactly zero (0) legal standing or authority?

Do you know ANY of that?
That is the only answer to your obviously loaded question that you are going to get. DEAL WITH IT.
Yeah, I didn't think so.
I'll bet you $100 that the only thing different from all his other rallies is perhaps he will add a few to the list he thinks didn't praise him enough.

You're trying too hard. You can unclench now
Well, his little sideshow has come and gone. Would you care to point out anything new he had to say?

Biden couldn't get anyone to show up when he was running for President. He needed Democrats to stuff the ballot box to win. Trump can pack them in when he's not even running yet.

The butt hurt is strong in this one ...
So you didn't see anything new from that orange pig either. He had a few thousand come to see his snake oil show. How many voters do you think there are in the US?
The election isn't over until the Arizona audit and the one soon to take place in Georgia say it was valid.
Who told you this?

What is your source for this?

What makes you believe this, specifically?
I have said repeatedly, pull your head out of CNN and the corrupt, lying MSM, dig into alternative media and FIND those sources. And when you find them, it is up to you to believe them. I am not going to provide you with a list to apply derogatory labels to and sling mud at.
That doesn't answer my question. Is someone telling you this, or is this just coming from your imagination? I'd very much like to see a source that you consider to be "news" or "information" saying this.

Do you know anything about the background of the Cyber Ninjas CEO? Do you know they were hand-picked by the AZ GOP, unilaterally? Do you realize that they have exactly zero (0) legal standing or authority?

Do you know ANY of that?
That is the only answer to your obviously loaded question that you are going to get. DEAL WITH IT.
Yeah, I didn't think so.
OK ... here, lazy numbnuts. There is MUCH MORE out there if you aren't too lazy to look.

The election isn't over until the Arizona audit and the one soon to take place in Georgia say it was valid.
Who told you this?

What is your source for this?

What makes you believe this, specifically?
I have said repeatedly, pull your head out of CNN and the corrupt, lying MSM, dig into alternative media and FIND those sources. And when you find them, it is up to you to believe them. I am not going to provide you with a list to apply derogatory labels to and sling mud at.
That doesn't answer my question. Is someone telling you this, or is this just coming from your imagination? I'd very much like to see a source that you consider to be "news" or "information" saying this.

Do you know anything about the background of the Cyber Ninjas CEO? Do you know they were hand-picked by the AZ GOP, unilaterally? Do you realize that they have exactly zero (0) legal standing or authority?

Do you know ANY of that?
That is the only answer to your obviously loaded question that you are going to get. DEAL WITH IT.
Yeah, I didn't think so.
OK ... here, lazy numbnuts. There is MUCH MORE out there if you aren't too lazy to look.


Not sure why you have the need for personal insults.

Do you feel those are objective sites from which you get an accurate picture of the whole story?

That's my last question, by the way. Just curious.
I'll bet you $100 that the only thing different from all his other rallies is perhaps he will add a few to the list he thinks didn't praise him enough.

You're trying too hard. You can unclench now
Well, his little sideshow has come and gone. Would you care to point out anything new he had to say?

Biden couldn't get anyone to show up when he was running for President. He needed Democrats to stuff the ballot box to win. Trump can pack them in when he's not even running yet.

The butt hurt is strong in this one ...
So you didn't see anything new from that orange pig either. He had a few thousand come to see his snake oil show. How many voters do you think there are in the US?

Hate makes you ugly
The election isn't over until the Arizona audit and the one soon to take place in Georgia say it was valid.
Who told you this?

What is your source for this?

What makes you believe this, specifically?
I have said repeatedly, pull your head out of CNN and the corrupt, lying MSM, dig into alternative media and FIND those sources. And when you find them, it is up to you to believe them. I am not going to provide you with a list to apply derogatory labels to and sling mud at.
That doesn't answer my question. Is someone telling you this, or is this just coming from your imagination? I'd very much like to see a source that you consider to be "news" or "information" saying this.

Do you know anything about the background of the Cyber Ninjas CEO? Do you know they were hand-picked by the AZ GOP, unilaterally? Do you realize that they have exactly zero (0) legal standing or authority?

Do you know ANY of that?
That is the only answer to your obviously loaded question that you are going to get. DEAL WITH IT.
Yeah, I didn't think so.
OK ... here, lazy numbnuts. There is MUCH MORE out there if you aren't too lazy to look.

Wow. I knew you were crazy, but I didn't know you were that crazy.
I'll bet you $100 that the only thing different from all his other rallies is perhaps he will add a few to the list he thinks didn't praise him enough.

You're trying too hard. You can unclench now
Well, his little sideshow has come and gone. Would you care to point out anything new he had to say?

Biden couldn't get anyone to show up when he was running for President. He needed Democrats to stuff the ballot box to win. Trump can pack them in when he's not even running yet.

The butt hurt is strong in this one ...
So you didn't see anything new from that orange pig either. He had a few thousand come to see his snake oil show. How many voters do you think there are in the US?

Hate makes you ugly
Your allegiance to trump makes you dumb.
The election isn't over until the Arizona audit and the one soon to take place in Georgia say it was valid.
Who told you this?

What is your source for this?

What makes you believe this, specifically?
I have said repeatedly, pull your head out of CNN and the corrupt, lying MSM, dig into alternative media and FIND those sources. And when you find them, it is up to you to believe them. I am not going to provide you with a list to apply derogatory labels to and sling mud at.
That doesn't answer my question. Is someone telling you this, or is this just coming from your imagination? I'd very much like to see a source that you consider to be "news" or "information" saying this.

Do you know anything about the background of the Cyber Ninjas CEO? Do you know they were hand-picked by the AZ GOP, unilaterally? Do you realize that they have exactly zero (0) legal standing or authority?

Do you know ANY of that?
That is the only answer to your obviously loaded question that you are going to get. DEAL WITH IT.
Yeah, I didn't think so.
OK ... here, lazy numbnuts. There is MUCH MORE out there if you aren't too lazy to look.

Wow. I knew you were crazy, but I didn't know you were that crazy.
This is that thing where the country is a corporation that has been dissolved. I remember hearing about this.

Did you read some of that? When they read it, they consider it purely factual, just hard news.

The alternate universe ain't a small thing now.
The election isn't over until the Arizona audit and the one soon to take place in Georgia say it was valid.
Who told you this?

What is your source for this?

What makes you believe this, specifically?
I have said repeatedly, pull your head out of CNN and the corrupt, lying MSM, dig into alternative media and FIND those sources. And when you find them, it is up to you to believe them. I am not going to provide you with a list to apply derogatory labels to and sling mud at.
That doesn't answer my question. Is someone telling you this, or is this just coming from your imagination? I'd very much like to see a source that you consider to be "news" or "information" saying this.

Do you know anything about the background of the Cyber Ninjas CEO? Do you know they were hand-picked by the AZ GOP, unilaterally? Do you realize that they have exactly zero (0) legal standing or authority?

Do you know ANY of that?
That is the only answer to your obviously loaded question that you are going to get. DEAL WITH IT.
Yeah, I didn't think so.
OK ... here, lazy numbnuts. There is MUCH MORE out there if you aren't too lazy to look.


Not sure why you have the need for personal insults.

Do you feel those are objective sites from which you get an accurate picture of the whole story?

That's my last question, by the way. Just curious.
Do you feel CNN, MSNBC, etc. are objective sites giving you an accurate picture of the whole story? They are completely OWNED by the New World Order dark cabal. Likewise Facebook, Twitter, etc. which BAN THE TRUTH. Drink their Cool Aid if you want ... I DON'T.
I'll bet you $100 that the only thing different from all his other rallies is perhaps he will add a few to the list he thinks didn't praise him enough.

You're trying too hard. You can unclench now
Well, his little sideshow has come and gone. Would you care to point out anything new he had to say?

Biden couldn't get anyone to show up when he was running for President. He needed Democrats to stuff the ballot box to win. Trump can pack them in when he's not even running yet.

The butt hurt is strong in this one ...
So you didn't see anything new from that orange pig either. He had a few thousand come to see his snake oil show. How many voters do you think there are in the US?

Hate makes you ugly
Your allegiance to trump makes you dumb.

I don't how what that means. But then neither do you. Then you're a Biden Blower, it doesn't matter
The election isn't over until the Arizona audit and the one soon to take place in Georgia say it was valid.
Who told you this?

What is your source for this?

What makes you believe this, specifically?
I have said repeatedly, pull your head out of CNN and the corrupt, lying MSM, dig into alternative media and FIND those sources. And when you find them, it is up to you to believe them. I am not going to provide you with a list to apply derogatory labels to and sling mud at.
That doesn't answer my question. Is someone telling you this, or is this just coming from your imagination? I'd very much like to see a source that you consider to be "news" or "information" saying this.

Do you know anything about the background of the Cyber Ninjas CEO? Do you know they were hand-picked by the AZ GOP, unilaterally? Do you realize that they have exactly zero (0) legal standing or authority?

Do you know ANY of that?
That is the only answer to your obviously loaded question that you are going to get. DEAL WITH IT.
Yeah, I didn't think so.
OK ... here, lazy numbnuts. There is MUCH MORE out there if you aren't too lazy to look.


Not sure why you have the need for personal insults.

Do you feel those are objective sites from which you get an accurate picture of the whole story?

That's my last question, by the way. Just curious.
Do you feel CNN, MSNBC, etc. are objective sites giving you an accurate picture of the whole story? They are completely OWNED by the New World Order dark cabal. Likewise Facebook, Twitter, etc. which BAN THE TRUTH. Drink their Cool Aid if you want ... I DON'T.
I guess I'll take that as a "yes".

And no, I don't think there are objective news networks at this point. You have to get multiple sources.

Well, except for YOUR news sources, which are highly believable, very comprehensive and speak the truth 'n stuff.

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