President Trump Drawing HUGE Support Today!

Rambunctious LOL! Are you in Arkansas or Mississippi drowning in Covid? Idiots for Trump.
No I'm in AZ watching the audit that's about to turn the state to Trump.....
Lol..If you really believe that you are insane.
You don't hear anything about the audit on the Trump hating what does that tell you?....
The so-called audit is a farce. It is a kangaroo audit all for the benefit of the Trumpist sheep to keep them angry and distracted.

Funny,you didnt say that about the russian collusion farce that cost tax payers millions.
The Mueller Investigation resulted 34 indictments and 8 guilty pleas.

Hiw many indictments and convictions have come from Trump’s election fraud lie? How many states have found voter fraud?

Oh, I know:
View attachment 508453
well, at least rudy fuckhead got suspended from playing a lawyer.
He lied to the court and now must pay for it. Rudy was especially stupid as he did it apparently without collecting a dime from Trump. What a moron.
Rudy did nothing wrong...his license revocation is being criticized by attorneys all over the nation....its nothing more than a slap in Trump's and his voters face....better watch out for the swing back....
Rudy threw away his law license, his reputation and his dignity for Trump. As I said, what a moron.
Rudy will come out of this vindicated, smelling like a rose, proven right and looking better than ever!
even better than that one time where oil leaked out of his robot head standing between a dildo shop and another great enterprise?

Now that was some performance.
meaner gene Biden has been nothing but a complete fuck up both here and abroad----how could anyone sane give him good job ratings? Hmmmm?
THEY AIN'T. The world looks on horrified laughing as the pedophile and his rented slut go about tripping, falling (literally and politically) stumbling along making complete asses of themselves. They are just keeping their fingers crossed that Joe can complete signing over billions more in support to them before they are forced to take Joe away in a straitjacket to the retirement home.

Hopefully not one of the homes in NYC where Cuomo killed tens of thousands of innocent elderly with his hapless Covid ministrations.
Rambunctious LOL! Are you in Arkansas or Mississippi drowning in Covid? Idiots for Trump.
No I'm in AZ watching the audit that's about to turn the state to Trump.....
Lol..If you really believe that you are insane.
You don't hear anything about the audit on the Trump hating what does that tell you?....
The so-called audit is a farce. It is a kangaroo audit all for the benefit of the Trumpist sheep to keep them angry and distracted.

Funny,you didnt say that about the russian collusion farce that cost tax payers millions.
The Mueller Investigation resulted 34 indictments and 8 guilty pleas.

Hiw many indictments and convictions have come from Trump’s election fraud lie? How many states have found voter fraud?

Oh, I know:
View attachment 508453

How about you link those indictments so we can see what they had to do with Trump and how many were convicted.
As they can indict a ham sandwich.
Rambunctious LOL! Are you in Arkansas or Mississippi drowning in Covid? Idiots for Trump.
No I'm in AZ watching the audit that's about to turn the state to Trump.....
Lol..If you really believe that you are insane.
You don't hear anything about the audit on the Trump hating what does that tell you?....
The so-called audit is a farce. It is a kangaroo audit all for the benefit of the Trumpist sheep to keep them angry and distracted.

Funny,you didnt say that about the russian collusion farce that cost tax payers millions.
The Mueller Investigation resulted 34 indictments and 8 guilty pleas.

Hiw many indictments and convictions have come from Trump’s election fraud lie? How many states have found voter fraud?

Oh, I know:
View attachment 508453
well, at least rudy fuckhead got suspended from playing a lawyer.

We'll see how long that lasts.
Rambunctious LOL! Are you in Arkansas or Mississippi drowning in Covid? Idiots for Trump.
No I'm in AZ watching the audit that's about to turn the state to Trump.....
Lol..If you really believe that you are insane.
You don't hear anything about the audit on the Trump hating what does that tell you?....
The so-called audit is a farce. It is a kangaroo audit all for the benefit of the Trumpist sheep to keep them angry and distracted.

Funny,you didnt say that about the russian collusion farce that cost tax payers millions.
The Mueller Investigation resulted 34 indictments and 8 guilty pleas.

Hiw many indictments and convictions have come from Trump’s election fraud lie? How many states have found voter fraud?

Oh, I know:
View attachment 508453
well, at least rudy fuckhead got suspended from playing a lawyer.
He lied to the court and now must pay for it.
You must mean like how Hillary was made to pay for her repeated crimes, lies and obfuscation to the federal government?
How many times has Hillary been indicted?
THAT'S THE POINT, ASSHOLE. Justice and law are broken in the USA. With the Dems in charge, slowly, all the criminals are being let out in the street running things as the good, wholesome, honest people are being vilified. AND YOU OWN IT. Hope you can pay the price when the bill comes due!
Let us look at the past few presidential administration for examples for which are more corrupt Democrats or Republicans:


It seems your analysis is wrong.
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Rambunctious LOL! Are you in Arkansas or Mississippi drowning in Covid? Idiots for Trump.
No I'm in AZ watching the audit that's about to turn the state to Trump.....
Lol..If you really believe that you are insane.
You don't hear anything about the audit on the Trump hating what does that tell you?....
The so-called audit is a farce. It is a kangaroo audit all for the benefit of the Trumpist sheep to keep them angry and distracted.
Funny,you didnt say that about the russian collusion farce that cost tax payers millions.
The Mueller Investigation resulted 34 indictments and 8 guilty pleas.
Nearly all of which were PETTY charges that were later overturned.
President Trump will be live speaking in Sarasota this evening. Already there is a massive crowd of patriots ready to Save America! Please post the live stream of the rally.

ConserveGuy, I see you are new here, a rookie.

You will find that this forum is nothing but a liberal cess-pool. Get ready to have 60 or 70 of them in your ignore list like I do. Nothing on here but brain-dead socialist / communist / Marxist retards.

We are in a war between good and evil right now. Democrats all support the dark cabal (EVIL). The war is already won, and WE WON. The election was out and out FRAUD. Arizona is fixing to PROVE IT and several, soon to be be many, other states are following in their foot steps. Trump is still our Constitutional President, he has never conceded to the fraud, he still holds the nuclear football, Biden is the "president" of NOTHING because he was elected as "President" of the US CORPORATION which was DISSOLVED a few days prior to his fake inauguration. Our military officially recognized Trump as their Commander In Chief in early March ... Biden is not allowed to set foot at the Pentagon and he receives ZERO military intelligence. The blathering idiot recently threatened dissenting Americans with nukes and tanks, but he DOES NOT HAVE ANY NUKES, TANKS, GUNS, AMMO OR SOLDIERS. He is an empty suit. The whole world is laughing at the senile ass hole ... and laughing at us for putting up with him. When that fraud is proven, all of those responsible or who knowingly supported it will be tried for TREASON. Including Biden and Harris. And Treason carries the death penalty. Just bide your time and wait patiently. It is coming.

Trump will be back. And when he is, he will be taking names and kicking ass.
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Rambunctious LOL! Are you in Arkansas or Mississippi drowning in Covid? Idiots for Trump.
No I'm in AZ watching the audit that's about to turn the state to Trump.....
Lol..If you really believe that you are insane.
You don't hear anything about the audit on the Trump hating what does that tell you?....
The so-called audit is a farce. It is a kangaroo audit all for the benefit of the Trumpist sheep to keep them angry and distracted.

Funny,you didnt say that about the russian collusion farce that cost tax payers millions.
The Mueller Investigation resulted 34 indictments and 8 guilty pleas.

Hiw many indictments and convictions have come from Trump’s election fraud lie? How many states have found voter fraud?

Oh, I know:
View attachment 508453
well, at least rudy fuckhead got suspended from playing a lawyer.
He lied to the court and now must pay for it.
You must mean like how Hillary was made to pay for her repeated crimes, lies and obfuscation to the federal government?
How many times has Hillary been indicted?
THAT'S THE POINT, ASSHOLE. Justice and law are broken in the USA. With the Dems in charge, slowly, all the criminals are being let out in the street running things as the good, wholesome, honest people are being vilified. AND YOU OWN IT. Hope you can pay the price when the bill comes due!
Let us look at the past few presidential.administration for examples of which are more corrupt Democrats or Republicans
SPARE US your garbage charts of fake stats. Your chart only illustrates how democrats get away with murder while republicans must be TEN TIMES smarter and squeaky clean to avoid the miscarriage of leftwing corrupted "justice."
Rambunctious LOL! Are you in Arkansas or Mississippi drowning in Covid? Idiots for Trump.
No I'm in AZ watching the audit that's about to turn the state to Trump.....
Lol..If you really believe that you are insane.
You don't hear anything about the audit on the Trump hating what does that tell you?....
The so-called audit is a farce. It is a kangaroo audit all for the benefit of the Trumpist sheep to keep them angry and distracted.
Funny,you didnt say that about the russian collusion farce that cost tax payers millions.
The Mueller Investigation resulted 34 indictments and 8 guilty pleas.
Nearly all of which were PETTY charges that were later overturned.
But not all.
Rambunctious LOL! Are you in Arkansas or Mississippi drowning in Covid? Idiots for Trump.
No I'm in AZ watching the audit that's about to turn the state to Trump.....
Lol..If you really believe that you are insane.
You don't hear anything about the audit on the Trump hating what does that tell you?....
The so-called audit is a farce. It is a kangaroo audit all for the benefit of the Trumpist sheep to keep them angry and distracted.

Funny,you didnt say that about the russian collusion farce that cost tax payers millions.
The Mueller Investigation resulted 34 indictments and 8 guilty pleas.

Hiw many indictments and convictions have come from Trump’s election fraud lie? How many states have found voter fraud?

Oh, I know:
View attachment 508453
well, at least rudy fuckhead got suspended from playing a lawyer.
He lied to the court and now must pay for it.
You must mean like how Hillary was made to pay for her repeated crimes, lies and obfuscation to the federal government?
How many times has Hillary been indicted?
THAT'S THE POINT, ASSHOLE. Justice and law are broken in the USA. With the Dems in charge, slowly, all the criminals are being let out in the street running things as the good, wholesome, honest people are being vilified. AND YOU OWN IT. Hope you can pay the price when the bill comes due!
Let us look at the past few presidential.administration for examples of which are more corrupt Democrats or Republicans:

View attachment 508457

It seems your analysis is wrong.

Did you make that yourself?
President Trump will be live speaking in Sarasota this evening. Already there is a massive crowd of patriots ready to Save America! Please post the live stream of the rally.

There's not a liberal out there that could draw that much support!!

Joe Dufus could hardly get more than a couple of dozen people to listen to his bullshit ramblings.
Rambunctious LOL! Are you in Arkansas or Mississippi drowning in Covid? Idiots for Trump.
No I'm in AZ watching the audit that's about to turn the state to Trump.....
Lol..If you really believe that you are insane.
You don't hear anything about the audit on the Trump hating what does that tell you?....
The so-called audit is a farce. It is a kangaroo audit all for the benefit of the Trumpist sheep to keep them angry and distracted.
Funny,you didnt say that about the russian collusion farce that cost tax payers millions.
The Mueller Investigation resulted 34 indictments and 8 guilty pleas.
Nearly all of which were PETTY charges that were later overturned.
Wrong. Manafort, Stone and Flynn plead guilty or were convicted. Those pleas and convictions were not “overturned.” They were pardoned by Trump. A big difference.
The only simpletons are morons like yourself who hang on to Trump’s words like gospel. Still chasing the election fraud lie, you dolt?
You're the imbecile that can't understand the sentence "Like how illegals are streaming across the southern border?"
Tighten up, fool, you're embarrassing yourself.
Rambunctious LOL! Are you in Arkansas or Mississippi drowning in Covid? Idiots for Trump.
No I'm in AZ watching the audit that's about to turn the state to Trump.....
Lol..If you really believe that you are insane.
You don't hear anything about the audit on the Trump hating what does that tell you?....
The so-called audit is a farce. It is a kangaroo audit all for the benefit of the Trumpist sheep to keep them angry and distracted.

Funny,you didnt say that about the russian collusion farce that cost tax payers millions.
The Mueller Investigation resulted 34 indictments and 8 guilty pleas.

Hiw many indictments and convictions have come from Trump’s election fraud lie? How many states have found voter fraud?

Oh, I know:
View attachment 508453
well, at least rudy fuckhead got suspended from playing a lawyer.

President Trump will be live speaking in Sarasota this evening. Already there is a massive crowd of patriots ready to Save America! Please post the live stream of the rally.

There's not a liberal out there that could draw that much support!!

Joe Dufus could hardly get more than a couple of dozen people to listen to his bullshit ramblings.

They sure showed up to vote for him though.

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