President Trump erupts, lets loose on McConnell, Biden, Fauci, gas prices, the price of lumber, inflation, & what he'd do in a possible 2nd term

What the flying fuck? Over a 300% increase in one year.
And most of that year was under Trump.

Trump caused the spike in lumber prices ... and you're still worshipping him. Curious. Why do you hate America so much?
It was a recession caused by liberals panicking and forcing a shutdown during the Plandemic along with shortages created by thousands of businesses forced to board up their stores thanks to BLM and rioting morons.
Cardboard may even go up leaving you homeless.
LOL The treasonous fat senile old orange clown is not going to get a second term, you cannot campaign for the Presidency from prison. LOL
It was a recession caused by liberals panicking and forcing a shutdown during the Plandemic along with shortages created by thousands of businesses forced to board up their stores thanks to BLM and rioting morons.
What other dumb propaganda did your handlers tell you to repeat?

Go on. Don't be shy. I'm sure we've all heard dumber.

If Trump were President, he would still be kissing Putin's ass. And all of you 'Conservatives' would be in line to take your turn. We saw what you are on 6Jan21. And treason is never pretty.
It's good that trump was able to spew his crap and relieve some pressure. It's been so long since he was in front of a camera till he was in danger of exploding.

attacking someone else for parroting talking points...

Whew, that is like Michael Robinson attacking someone else for racial bigotry....
It was a recession caused by liberals panicking and forcing a shutdown during the Plandemic along with shortages created by thousands of businesses forced to board up their stores thanks to BLM and rioting morons.
What other dumb propaganda did your handlers tell you to repeat?

Go on. Don't be shy. I'm sure we've all heard dumber.

Funny how you never post content. Just lame insults.
I am in construction idiot and you can prepare for overwhelming costs in housing and rentals hurting the poor you pretend to care so much about.
Here comes the TDS, still alive and well during senile Hope and Change.
Thank God that lardass is no longer in the White House. I won't watch the video because I don't have to listen to him speak anymore, I can watch the news and there is no clip of that whiny bitch complaining about how unfairly everyone treats him.

So happy he only appears on wingnut TV. Proud to be an American again.


:5_1_12024: :5_1_12024: :5_1_12024: :mm::banana::mm::banana:
You're not an American, you're a fucking Communist! Get out of MY country.

You can FOAD you insurrectionist scum.
Screw you, Bolshevik. I am more American than you, Komrade. Go back to N. Korea.

You're a fucking Russian troll. You aint fooling anyone.
Born and bred here in the States, A Conservative in an urban shithole, and I bleed red white and blue, Komrade.
If Trump were President, he would still be kissing Putin's ass. And all of you 'Conservatives' would be in line to take your turn. We saw what you are on 6Jan21. And treason is never pretty.

Yeah Trump would be kissing Putin's ass by waving the sanctions on the Russian Nord Stream 2 pipeline, and shutting down the Keystone XL. Oh wait, that was Biden!

You people are such a tired ass joke at this point it's not even worth acknowledging your existence. Another for the ignore list.
Thank God that lardass is no longer in the White House. I won't watch the video because I don't have to listen to him speak anymore, I can watch the news and there is no clip of that whiny bitch complaining about how unfairly everyone treats him.

So happy he only appears on wingnut TV. Proud to be an American again.


:5_1_12024: :5_1_12024: :5_1_12024: :mm::banana::mm::banana:
You're not an American, you're a fucking Communist! Get out of MY country.

You can FOAD you insurrectionist scum.
Screw you, Bolshevik. I am more American than you, Komrade. Go back to N. Korea.

You're a fucking Russian troll. You aint fooling anyone.
Born and bred here in the States, A Conservative in an urban shithole, and I bleed red white and blue, Komrade.

Urban shithole, huh? Well, you can always move back the trailer park you come from.
Thank God that lardass is no longer in the White House. I won't watch the video because I don't have to listen to him speak anymore, I can watch the news and there is no clip of that whiny bitch complaining about how unfairly everyone treats him.

So happy he only appears on wingnut TV. Proud to be an American again.


:5_1_12024: :5_1_12024: :5_1_12024: :mm::banana::mm::banana:
You're not an American, you're a fucking Communist! Get out of MY country.

You can FOAD you insurrectionist scum.
Screw you, Bolshevik. I am more American than you, Komrade. Go back to N. Korea.

You're a fucking Russian troll. You aint fooling anyone.
Born and bred here in the States, A Conservative in an urban shithole, and I bleed red white and blue, Komrade.

Urban shithole, huh? Well, you can always move back the trailer park you come from.
Right after you move back to the projects.
Putting down the popcorn bowl to inject some reason into this food fight. There is probably some President Biden policy, President Trump policy, and pandemic effects that are affecting (did I get those right?) prices. The national economy and global markets don't reset to zero at noon on January 20. Continue on Blutarskys, it's a big bowl.

Thank God that lardass is no longer in the White House. I won't watch the video because I don't have to listen to him speak anymore, I can watch the news and there is no clip of that whiny bitch complaining about how unfairly everyone treats him.

So happy he only appears on wingnut TV. Proud to be an American again.


:5_1_12024: :5_1_12024: :5_1_12024: :mm::banana::mm::banana:
You're not an American, you're a fucking Communist! Get out of MY country.

You can FOAD you insurrectionist scum.
Screw you, Bolshevik. I am more American than you, Komrade. Go back to N. Korea.

You're a fucking Russian troll. You aint fooling anyone.
Born and bred here in the States, A Conservative in an urban shithole, and I bleed red white and blue, Komrade.

Urban shithole, huh? Well, you can always move back the trailer park you come from.
Right after you move back to the projects.
I'm still leaning towards believing you're a Russian troll.
If Trump were President, he would still be kissing Putin's ass. And all of you 'Conservatives' would be in line to take your turn. We saw what you are on 6Jan21. And treason is never pretty.
Oh really dim bulb? Seems it was Xiden who removed sanctions on Russia and allowed that pipeline to go through. And you’re right there bent over for Putin. We see the real traitors. And no, you aren’t pretty.
Thank God that lardass is no longer in the White House. I won't watch the video because I don't have to listen to him speak anymore, I can watch the news and there is no clip of that whiny bitch complaining about how unfairly everyone treats him.

So happy he only appears on wingnut TV. Proud to be an American again.


:5_1_12024: :5_1_12024: :5_1_12024: :mm::banana::mm::banana:
You're not an American, you're a fucking Communist! Get out of MY country.
Trump is a whiny bitch born with a siver spoon in his yap, complaining how life is so unfair. You guys elected an ex game show host who fucked up his shot as POTUS & it's everyone else's fault.

Did I also mention that Trump was born with larceny running thru his veins?
Thank God that lardass is no longer in the White House. I won't watch the video because I don't have to listen to him speak anymore, I can watch the news and there is no clip of that whiny bitch complaining about how unfairly everyone treats him.

So happy he only appears on wingnut TV. Proud to be an American again.


:5_1_12024: :5_1_12024: :5_1_12024: :mm::banana::mm::banana:
You're not an American, you're a fucking Communist! Get out of MY country.
Trump is a whiny bitch born with a siver spoon in his yap, complaining how life is so unfair. You guys elected an ex game show host who fucked up his shot as POTUS & it's everyone else's fault.

Did I also mention that Trump was born with larceny running thru his veins?
You elected a senile old white career elitist who has enriched himself while doing nothing to help Americans during his decades of living at the people's expense.
Biden is exactly what is wrong with the corrupt swamp known as DC.
Lifetime career politician should not be a part of our vocabulary.
All Trump had to do was keep his immigration promises - he didn’t even have to worry about anything else - and he would have won in a land slide victory.

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