President Trump: Europe is losing its culture because of invasion

If Trump is an example of "culture", then let me be a barbarian.

Trump: Europe is 'losing its culture' because of immigration

Wow! I love my president more and more every day! Its nice to see someone in such power comment on such things that are just common sense to MOST people!

Yeah, I get it that you love trump because he works to enrich himselff and other 1% slime but you just might want to look a little further into this.

Really. Think for yourself and then post some facts.
Feeding the European white nationalists does nothing but sow discord in Europe, which is what Putin wants.
Feeding the European white nationalists does nothing but sow discord in Europe, which is what Putin wants.
AKA I love seeing Europe being overrun by shit colored skin invaders who are destroying Europe. European culture is WHITE culture they aren't "white nationalists" they are Swedish and Austrian and Hungarian and Polish and German and Italian nationalists.
Trump: Europe is 'losing its culture' because of immigration

Wow! I love my president more and more every day! Its nice to see someone in such power comment on such things that are just common sense to MOST people!

Yeah, I get it that you love trump because he works to enrich himselff and other 1% slime but you just might want to look a little further into this.

Really. Think for yourself and then post some facts.

Read the fine print champ, typically you have to have a job in order to enrich yourself....dumbass.
The thing is if White people left Europe, what would it look like in 20 years? The fucking Congo with some cool buildings the savages figured the "Gods" made? This is what the jews who started this genocide in Europe need to consider. What if Israel was reverted back to Greek and later Roman rule and Jews were never really even a factor at all in the history of Palestine. By the way, all the archaeology points to the tribes of Israel never occupying Palestine.
Trump is brilliant !

he's capable of whining like two year old degrade issues, fire up his base, then do an about face and shove the issues he was degrading BACK UP his drones ass.

Answer me this riddle, oh-so-brilliant liberals: what GOOD has importing muslim filth done for Europe?
Trump is brilliant !

he's capable of whining like two year old degrade issues, fire up his base, then do an about face and shove the issues he was degrading BACK UP his drones ass.

Trump is brilliant !

he's capable of whining like two year old degrade issues, fire up his base, then do an about face and shove the issues he was degrading BACK UP his drones ass.

View attachment 204672

Typical Trumpbot reply.

Little intellect...lots of insulting.

No facts...just BIG pictures with EASY to read captions.

Man...have Trumpbots EVER even seen the inside of a college?
Trump: Europe is 'losing its culture' because of immigration

Wow! I love my president more and more every day! Its nice to see someone in such power comment on such things that are just common sense to MOST people!

You 'love' Trump 'more and more'.


You remind me of those old 60's videos I have seen when girls would scream hysterically for the Beatles.

That is you...some virtual adolescent, screaming out your love for Trump.

:abgg2q.jpg: look so ridiculous and you have NO IDEA WHATSOEVER.

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