President Trump, flanked by Dems & open-borders GOP's, announces plan for 100% open-ended amnesty


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
"Nothing Michael Wolff could about @realDonaldTrump has hurt him as much as the DACA lovefest right now.

But don't worry! There will be "border security"! (Political euphemism for: You're not getting wall.)

This DACA lovefest confirms a main thesis of Michael Wolff's book: When Bannon left. liberal Dems Jared, Ivanka, Cohn & Goldman Sachs took over." - Crazy Ann Coulter

Trump says he will sign ANY immigration agreement Congress gives him

"I'm not going to say 'oh gee I want this or I want that' I will be signing it" - Trump

Put a link in your OP's. basquebromance
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"Nothing Michael Wolff could about @realDonaldTrump has hurt him as much as the DACA lovefest right now.

But don't worry! There will be "border security"! (Political euphemism for: You're not getting wall.)

This DACA lovefest confirms a main thesis of Michael Wolff's book: When Bannon left. liberal Dems Jared, Ivanka, Cohn & Goldman Sachs took over." - Crazy Ann Coulter

Trump says he will sign ANY immigration agreement Congress gives him

"I'm not going to say 'oh gee I want this or I want that' I will be signing it" - Trump
Hope this is all part of the strategy the Repubs came up with this weekend at Camp David. Cuz it sounds pretty much loose cannon stuff to me.
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Watching Trump at this bipartisan meeting on immigration, one thing is reinforced and abundantly clear: Donald Trump has no idea what he's doing or what he's talking about!!!
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Bob Dane, executive director of FAIR, another restrictionist group, said Trump is "playing with fire" in the DACA talks. Said Trump suggestion he'd do a "clean DACA" bill shows "naivete" and adds that Potus failed to show "coherent, unequivocal leadership."
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Trump shouldn’t talk about immigration unless Stephen Miller is there

Trump contradicts self repeatedly in immigration meeting - CNNPolitics
"I think my positions are going to be what the people in this room come up with," Trump said. "If they come to me with things I'm not in love with, I'm going to do it. Because I respect them."

What have I told you?

BANNON: Don, I need you to sign this document where all the yellow sticky arrows are.

TRUMP: Do I have to read it?

BANNON: Noooo. Why start now? Just hold it up for the camera when you are done.
"Nothing Michael Wolff could about @realDonaldTrump has hurt him as much as the DACA lovefest right now.

But don't worry! There will be "border security"! (Political euphemism for: You're not getting wall.)

This DACA lovefest confirms a main thesis of Michael Wolff's book: When Bannon left. liberal Dems Jared, Ivanka, Cohn & Goldman Sachs took over." - Crazy Ann Coulter

Trump says he will sign ANY immigration agreement Congress gives him

"I'm not going to say 'oh gee I want this or I want that' I will be signing it" - Trump

Yeah...I heard the whole meeting....he didn't promise anything.....

Trump is a political Superman, doofus.....he just showed, on camera that the Wolff book is a piece of shit...and he did it in front of the cameras of democrat journalists, in a meeting with democrat leadership where he said...

No Wall, No Daca....what part of that did you miss.....

He also said he will build the wall for less than 18 billion and it will take him 1 year once he starts.....

Did you miss that?
"I think my positions are going to be what the people in this room come up with."


That is the essence of the Emperor.

When it was cool to be a Democrat, he was a Democrat.

When it was cool to be a cut-and-run Democrat, he was a cut-and-run Democrat.

When it was cool to be pro-choice, he was "very pro-choice".

When it was cool to demand Bush's impeachment, he demanded Bush's impeachment.

When it was cool to be a bigoted pseudocon, he became a bigoted pseudocon.

December 2014:

I wish I could be there to see the looks on y'alls faces when the GOP Congress passes amnesty legislation. I really do. :laugh:

After all that theater and faux outrage by the GOP over Obama's EO, and the jettisoning of Eric Cantor by the bigots in his district over immigration reform, I bet your faces will be priceless.
"I think my positions are going to be what the people in this room come up with."


That is the essence of the Emperor.

When it was cool to be a Democrat, he was a Democrat.

When it was cool to be a cut-and-run Democrat, he was a cut-and-run Democrat.

When it was cool to be pro-choice, he was "very pro-choice".

When it was cool to demand Bush's impeachment, he demanded Bush's impeachment.

When it was cool to be a bigoted pseudocon, he became a bigoted pseudocon. aren't very bright are you.........?

He stated.....No Wall, No DACA.......I guess you weren't paying attention...
"I think my positions are going to be what the people in this room come up with."


That is the essence of the Emperor.

When it was cool to be a Democrat, he was a Democrat.

When it was cool to be a cut-and-run Democrat, he was a cut-and-run Democrat.

When it was cool to be pro-choice, he was "very pro-choice".

When it was cool to demand Bush's impeachment, he demanded Bush's impeachment.

When it was cool to be a bigoted pseudocon, he became a bigoted pseudocon. aren't very bright are you.........?

He stated.....No Wall, No DACA.......I guess you weren't paying attention...
He is also talking about amnesty for everyone else, apparently.
Bad enough he is using DACA as leverage after he said no way..
"I think my positions are going to be what the people in this room come up with."


That is the essence of the Emperor.

When it was cool to be a Democrat, he was a Democrat.

When it was cool to be a cut-and-run Democrat, he was a cut-and-run Democrat.

When it was cool to be pro-choice, he was "very pro-choice".

When it was cool to demand Bush's impeachment, he demanded Bush's impeachment.

When it was cool to be a bigoted pseudocon, he became a bigoted pseudocon. aren't very bright are you.........?

He stated.....No Wall, No DACA.......I guess you weren't paying attention...
"I think my positions are going to be what the people in this room come up with."
"I think my positions are going to be what the people in this room come up with."


That is the essence of the Emperor.

When it was cool to be a Democrat, he was a Democrat.

When it was cool to be a cut-and-run Democrat, he was a cut-and-run Democrat.

When it was cool to be pro-choice, he was "very pro-choice".

When it was cool to demand Bush's impeachment, he demanded Bush's impeachment.

When it was cool to be a bigoted pseudocon, he became a bigoted pseudocon. aren't very bright are you.........?

He stated.....No Wall, No DACA.......I guess you weren't paying attention...
"I think my positions are going to be what the people in this room come up with."

No Wall, No DACA....
"I think my positions are going to be what the people in this room come up with."


That is the essence of the Emperor.

When it was cool to be a Democrat, he was a Democrat.

When it was cool to be a cut-and-run Democrat, he was a cut-and-run Democrat.

When it was cool to be pro-choice, he was "very pro-choice".

When it was cool to demand Bush's impeachment, he demanded Bush's impeachment.

When it was cool to be a bigoted pseudocon, he became a bigoted pseudocon. aren't very bright are you.........?

He stated.....No Wall, No DACA.......I guess you weren't paying attention...
"I think my positions are going to be what the people in this room come up with."

No Wall, No DACA....
"Trump contradicts self repeatedly in immigration meeting"
Trump is going senile at the same time he is trying to triangulate.

It isn't a pretty sight. His handlers need to keep him away from microphones when he isn't in the warm embrace of a Tard Herd gathering..
When Trump is around Democrats, he forgets he is supposed to be a Republican. He keeps reverting back to his true Democratic self, and it slips out.

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