President Trump, flanked by Dems & open-borders GOP's, announces plan for 100% open-ended amnesty

"Amnesty is suicide for Republicans.Not one of those 12 million who broke our laws will vote Republican.Obama is laughing at @GOP." - Trump in 2013

Watch this meeting.

Trump comes across as someone completely out of his depth. They might as well be talking Chinese.

And the comments about Trump's "brilliance" below the video are hilarious.
The only way I will be upset with Trump is if he grants amnesty, doesn’t build the wall, doesn’t end chain migration, doesn’t end the diversity lottery program, & doesn’t stop the influx of illegal aliens pouring into our country.

Simple demands. He knows this. Trust the man we voted for.
Republicans could easily blame a government shut down on Democrats and their willingness to put illegals before Americans. Instead, they're going to cower and cave into what Democrats want.
“It was very surreal. You can quote me on that,” - Senator Michael Bennett
Interesting that the poll did not include any reference to the Wall. A clue? Could the deal be ending chain migration and the diversity lobby--and kick the Wall down the road?

A true compromise..and you know how the Extremists of either party like one of those!! I think this would be a Dem win, though.
Breaking News Update!

Trump on Twitter a few hours ago.. ..


Donald J. Trump
As I made very clear today, our country needs the security of the Wall on the Southern Border, which must be part of any DACA approval.
6:16 PM · Jan 9, 2018
Why are we even entertaining tall walls you can't easily see/shoot straight through? These prototypes look like the most ineffective, costly, AND TIME CONSUMING options. Meanwhile, more Kate Steinle's. Imagine if we were in a war. Oh sh*t, we are. Sorry. Not Sorry.
As the enforcement stalwart Senator Chuck Grassley observed after voting for the 1986 amnesty, “You know what I found out? If you reward illegality, you get more of it.”
And the democrats are going crazy over democrats "normalizing" the Trump presidency.

No wall, no end to chain migration, no DACA.
The far left is going nuts--but some people are finding their ground in the they fear losing their power..I have high hopes that this may be the beginning of a general move to center..and a rejection of the extremists on both sides.

One would only hope so, but my guess is more people run to the fringes because they can't say the other guy/lady may be correct on some issue. It is sad but it is what I see from all the people around me.

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