President Trump: I have directed @stevenmnuchin1 to get ready to send direct payments ($3,400 for family of four) to all Americans.

Democrats hold up aid to Americans because they hate Americans and are doing what they can to make the Chinese bio weapon as painful for Americans as possible.

This is like when Democrats hid hurricane relief from hurricane victims and wrote stories how trump wasn't helping because he hates brown people.
'This is like when Democrats hid hurricane relief from hurricane victims'..I thought you needed to post a link when making a commnet like that?
Democrats are so brainwashed and stupid when I say what their party does, they deny it because they have no idea what's going on.

Google it.

Democrats hide hurricane relief from hurricane victims to blame trump.
Kind of how they are making the small business loans difficult to qualify for right now...
The goal of the democrat party is to make the virus as painful as possible for Americans hoping Americans blame trump.

The modern democrat party is nothing more than a domestic terrorist group
This'll make a lot of people happy. Will Pelosi and Chuck Schumer oppose this? They'll look like fools if they do.

Trump will gladly spend taxpayer money to help him get reelected.

Kind of like the Democrats using taxpayer money to paint BLM slogans on roads without going through the proper channels . Huh...
President Trump: I have directed @stevenmnuchin1 to get ready to send direct payments ($3,400 for family of four) to all Americans.

How much will this add to the national debt? Oh, right, you guys never actually cared about that. It's just a campaign slogan.
Democrats hate seeing America spend money on Americans. That much is obvious. If it were pallets of cash for Islamic terrorists, Democrats would love it.
Or the Chinese
This'll make a lot of people happy. Will Pelosi and Chuck Schumer oppose this? They'll look like fools if they do.

Trump will gladly spend taxpayer money to help him get reelected.

LOL..since when did a Democrat care about spending money? Democrats wanted MUCH more money in this stimulus than the Republicans.

They don't pretend to care about the debt.

Oh, so that makes it ok?

No, it just doesn't make them hypocrites.

Oh please, you want to talk about Democrat hypocrisy? There are plenty of examples, not the least of which was her position on the payroll tax holiday....

There is a ton of things you can slam the Democrats for over their hypocrisy. We are discussing the Republicans hypocrisy here.

The hypocrisy is from the leftists Trump does nothing they whine when he does something they whine
It's a no win situation for him. so he does something for the good of Americans and you whine

10 trillion in new debt in 4 years will be good for America?

Well when leftists shut the country down people had no food what in the fuck are you going to do?

Be a president and lead. BTW, what you stated never happened.

He is leading and dragging the party of the anchor as he leads
Yes leftists shut the fucking country down lying sack of Chinese balls of shit
This thread is fantastic..... WHY??

Because it is another example of how the right will HOLD THEIR SIDE ACCOUNTABLE.
I have said this for years. Alt-Right has tried and failed numerous times to attract support from mainstream conservatives.
For the left, there is BLM. BlackLivesMatter, the organization, is a far-left propaganda machine that the left have embraced simply because of their name.

Once again - conservatives show, they speak up against what is wrong, even if it is their own side.
This'll make a lot of people happy. Will Pelosi and Chuck Schumer oppose this? They'll look like fools if they do.

Once again, how times do you people need it explained to you? Congress holds the power of the purse. The only thing Trump can do is hope he can redirect the money from somewhere else..and not have it be illegal.

But you'll cash your check, won't you?

Why shouldn't he, it's his money.

So much for deeply-held convictions.
This'll make a lot of people happy. Will Pelosi and Chuck Schumer oppose this? They'll look like fools if they do.

Once again, how times do you people need it explained to you? Congress holds the power of the purse. The only thing Trump can do is hope he can redirect the money from somewhere else..and not have it be illegal.

But you'll cash your check, won't you?

Why shouldn't he, it's his money.

If he's a taxpayer yes but if not no he isn't
However, Daveman is pointing out that while jackie boy is bitching about Trump jackie boy will still take the money

So what? Daveman is setting up a fallacy....Look, we pay taxes into government, supposedly to do the things laid out that they are responsible for doing. The ship that they won't overstep that laid out in their enumerated powers has so long ago sailed, that at this point, why wouldn't anyone that recieves the stimulus money from the government not use that for the intended purposes? Unlike when we were told during the last administration that the trillion dollar stimulus was for infrastructure and ended up lining the pockets of Obama cronies....

Nope. No fallacy. Either people have convictions and live by them, or they don't. But if they keep preaching that other people should live by the convictions they themselves refuse to abide by, they're nothing but hypocrites.
This'll make a lot of people happy. Will Pelosi and Chuck Schumer oppose this? They'll look like fools if they do.

You are such a moron if you think this will happen. For the same reason the unemployment benefits won’t come through, the channel to get this money to the treasury does not exist. The only channel where this exists is through Congress - you know, the institution that actually funds this shit?

But what difference does it make to you right? The money won’t come and you’ll pretend Trump never said this and you’ll continue sucking his dick.

Is this like that 10% tax cut he promised the middle class tight before the 2018 midterms? I am wondering why he NEVER spoke of it again?

Remember that $ 21.00 tax cut Obama offered up that all you lefties pee’d yourself over?

21 is infinity better than 0. How is 0 doing for you?

Makes you feel so MAGA doesn't it!!!!
This thread is fantastic..... WHY??

Because it is another example of how the right will HOLD THEIR SIDE ACCOUNTABLE.
I have said this for years. Alt-Right has tried and failed numerous times to attract support from mainstream conservatives.
For the left, there is BLM. BlackLivesMatter, the organization, is a far-left propaganda machine that the left have embraced simply because of their name.

Once again - conservatives show, they speak up against what is wrong, even if it is their own side.
never heard of the alt-right until just recently 2016
This'll make a lot of people happy. Will Pelosi and Chuck Schumer oppose this? They'll look like fools if they do.

You are such a moron if you think this will happen. For the same reason the unemployment benefits won’t come through, the channel to get this money to the treasury does not exist. The only channel where this exists is through Congress - you know, the institution that actually funds this shit?

But what difference does it make to you right? The money won’t come and you’ll pretend Trump never said this and you’ll continue sucking his dick.

Is this like that 10% tax cut he promised the middle class tight before the 2018 midterms? I am wondering why he NEVER spoke of it again?

Remember that $ 21.00 tax cut Obama offered up that all you lefties pee’d yourself over?

21 is infinity better than 0. How is 0 doing for you?

Makes you feel so MAGA doesn't it!!!!

I got a tax cut from Trump.

Thing is, though, it only applied to people with I can see leftists' opposition to it.
This'll make a lot of people happy. Will Pelosi and Chuck Schumer oppose this? They'll look like fools if they do.

You are such a moron if you think this will happen. For the same reason the unemployment benefits won’t come through, the channel to get this money to the treasury does not exist. The only channel where this exists is through Congress - you know, the institution that actually funds this shit?

But what difference does it make to you right? The money won’t come and you’ll pretend Trump never said this and you’ll continue sucking his dick.

Is this like that 10% tax cut he promised the middle class tight before the 2018 midterms? I am wondering why he NEVER spoke of it again?

Remember that $ 21.00 tax cut Obama offered up that all you lefties pee’d yourself over?

21 is infinity better than 0. How is 0 doing for you?

Makes you feel so MAGA doesn't it!!!!

I got a tax cut from Trump.

Thing is, though, it only applied to people with I can see leftists' opposition to it.

Did you get the 10% he promised right before the 2018 midterms? Be honest you do not even remember he said it.
This'll make a lot of people happy. Will Pelosi and Chuck Schumer oppose this? They'll look like fools if they do.

You are such a moron if you think this will happen. For the same reason the unemployment benefits won’t come through, the channel to get this money to the treasury does not exist. The only channel where this exists is through Congress - you know, the institution that actually funds this shit?

But what difference does it make to you right? The money won’t come and you’ll pretend Trump never said this and you’ll continue sucking his dick.

Is this like that 10% tax cut he promised the middle class tight before the 2018 midterms? I am wondering why he NEVER spoke of it again?

Remember that $ 21.00 tax cut Obama offered up that all you lefties pee’d yourself over?

21 is infinity better than 0. How is 0 doing for you?

Makes you feel so MAGA doesn't it!!!!

I got a tax cut from Trump.

Thing is, though, it only applied to people with I can see leftists' opposition to it.

Did you get the 10% he promised right before the 2018 midterms? Be honest you do not even remember he said it.

I did
This'll make a lot of people happy. Will Pelosi and Chuck Schumer oppose this? They'll look like fools if they do.

You are such a moron if you think this will happen. For the same reason the unemployment benefits won’t come through, the channel to get this money to the treasury does not exist. The only channel where this exists is through Congress - you know, the institution that actually funds this shit?

But what difference does it make to you right? The money won’t come and you’ll pretend Trump never said this and you’ll continue sucking his dick.

Is this like that 10% tax cut he promised the middle class tight before the 2018 midterms? I am wondering why he NEVER spoke of it again?

Remember that $ 21.00 tax cut Obama offered up that all you lefties pee’d yourself over?

21 is infinity better than 0. How is 0 doing for you?

Makes you feel so MAGA doesn't it!!!!

I also got a raise and a tax cut I made 10,000 more in 2018 than I did in 2017 and worked fewer hours doing it.
This'll make a lot of people happy. Will Pelosi and Chuck Schumer oppose this? They'll look like fools if they do.

You are such a moron if you think this will happen. For the same reason the unemployment benefits won’t come through, the channel to get this money to the treasury does not exist. The only channel where this exists is through Congress - you know, the institution that actually funds this shit?

But what difference does it make to you right? The money won’t come and you’ll pretend Trump never said this and you’ll continue sucking his dick.

Is this like that 10% tax cut he promised the middle class tight before the 2018 midterms? I am wondering why he NEVER spoke of it again?

Remember that $ 21.00 tax cut Obama offered up that all you lefties pee’d yourself over?

21 is infinity better than 0. How is 0 doing for you?

Makes you feel so MAGA doesn't it!!!!

I got a tax cut from Trump.

Thing is, though, it only applied to people with I can see leftists' opposition to it.

Did you get the 10% he promised right before the 2018 midterms? Be honest you do not even remember he said it.

Of course I remember. I also remember you leftists threw a little bitch-fit at the idea.

If you idiots would get over the stupid idea that all money belongs to the government, who, in its kindness and benevolence, allows people who earn it to keep a little of it, you'd stop being so damn idiotic about economics.
This'll make a lot of people happy. Will Pelosi and Chuck Schumer oppose this? They'll look like fools if they do.

You are such a moron if you think this will happen. For the same reason the unemployment benefits won’t come through, the channel to get this money to the treasury does not exist. The only channel where this exists is through Congress - you know, the institution that actually funds this shit?

But what difference does it make to you right? The money won’t come and you’ll pretend Trump never said this and you’ll continue sucking his dick.

Is this like that 10% tax cut he promised the middle class tight before the 2018 midterms? I am wondering why he NEVER spoke of it again?

Remember that $ 21.00 tax cut Obama offered up that all you lefties pee’d yourself over?

21 is infinity better than 0. How is 0 doing for you?

Makes you feel so MAGA doesn't it!!!!

I got a tax cut from Trump.

Thing is, though, it only applied to people with I can see leftists' opposition to it.

Did you get the 10% he promised right before the 2018 midterms? Be honest you do not even remember he said it.

I did

Like all the tard herd you are a liar.
This'll make a lot of people happy. Will Pelosi and Chuck Schumer oppose this? They'll look like fools if they do.

You are such a moron if you think this will happen. For the same reason the unemployment benefits won’t come through, the channel to get this money to the treasury does not exist. The only channel where this exists is through Congress - you know, the institution that actually funds this shit?

But what difference does it make to you right? The money won’t come and you’ll pretend Trump never said this and you’ll continue sucking his dick.

Is this like that 10% tax cut he promised the middle class tight before the 2018 midterms? I am wondering why he NEVER spoke of it again?

Remember that $ 21.00 tax cut Obama offered up that all you lefties pee’d yourself over?

21 is infinity better than 0. How is 0 doing for you?

Makes you feel so MAGA doesn't it!!!!

I also got a raise and a tax cut I made 10,000 more in 2018 than I did in 2017 and worked fewer hours doing it.

Did you get the 10% tax cut he promised before the 2018 midterms? Be specific and point out which tax code it is.
This'll make a lot of people happy. Will Pelosi and Chuck Schumer oppose this? They'll look like fools if they do.

You are such a moron if you think this will happen. For the same reason the unemployment benefits won’t come through, the channel to get this money to the treasury does not exist. The only channel where this exists is through Congress - you know, the institution that actually funds this shit?

But what difference does it make to you right? The money won’t come and you’ll pretend Trump never said this and you’ll continue sucking his dick.

Is this like that 10% tax cut he promised the middle class tight before the 2018 midterms? I am wondering why he NEVER spoke of it again?

Remember that $ 21.00 tax cut Obama offered up that all you lefties pee’d yourself over?

21 is infinity better than 0. How is 0 doing for you?

Makes you feel so MAGA doesn't it!!!!

I got a tax cut from Trump.

Thing is, though, it only applied to people with I can see leftists' opposition to it.

Did you get the 10% he promised right before the 2018 midterms? Be honest you do not even remember he said it.

Of course I remember. I also remember you leftists threw a little bitch-fit at the idea.

If you idiots would get over the stupid idea that all money belongs to the government, who, in its kindness and benevolence, allows people who earn it to keep a little of it, you'd stop being so damn idiotic about economics.

Did you get the tax cut promised, yes or no?
This'll make a lot of people happy. Will Pelosi and Chuck Schumer oppose this? They'll look like fools if they do.

You are such a moron if you think this will happen. For the same reason the unemployment benefits won’t come through, the channel to get this money to the treasury does not exist. The only channel where this exists is through Congress - you know, the institution that actually funds this shit?

But what difference does it make to you right? The money won’t come and you’ll pretend Trump never said this and you’ll continue sucking his dick.

Is this like that 10% tax cut he promised the middle class tight before the 2018 midterms? I am wondering why he NEVER spoke of it again?

Remember that $ 21.00 tax cut Obama offered up that all you lefties pee’d yourself over?

21 is infinity better than 0. How is 0 doing for you?

Makes you feel so MAGA doesn't it!!!!

I got a tax cut from Trump.

Thing is, though, it only applied to people with I can see leftists' opposition to it.

Did you get the 10% he promised right before the 2018 midterms? Be honest you do not even remember he said it.

I did

Like all the tard herd you are a liar.

As I said I made 10,000 more in 2018 than I did in 2017 working fewer hours, and I also got a raise
It's irrelevant that you agree with how much more I made it doesn't change any facts
This'll make a lot of people happy. Will Pelosi and Chuck Schumer oppose this? They'll look like fools if they do.

You are such a moron if you think this will happen. For the same reason the unemployment benefits won’t come through, the channel to get this money to the treasury does not exist. The only channel where this exists is through Congress - you know, the institution that actually funds this shit?

But what difference does it make to you right? The money won’t come and you’ll pretend Trump never said this and you’ll continue sucking his dick.

Is this like that 10% tax cut he promised the middle class tight before the 2018 midterms? I am wondering why he NEVER spoke of it again?

Remember that $ 21.00 tax cut Obama offered up that all you lefties pee’d yourself over?

21 is infinity better than 0. How is 0 doing for you?

Makes you feel so MAGA doesn't it!!!!

I also got a raise and a tax cut I made 10,000 more in 2018 than I did in 2017 and worked fewer hours doing it.

Did you get the 10% tax cut he promised before the 2018 midterms? Be specific and point out which tax code it is.

Yes I got a payroll tax cut
This'll make a lot of people happy. Will Pelosi and Chuck Schumer oppose this? They'll look like fools if they do.

You are such a moron if you think this will happen. For the same reason the unemployment benefits won’t come through, the channel to get this money to the treasury does not exist. The only channel where this exists is through Congress - you know, the institution that actually funds this shit?

But what difference does it make to you right? The money won’t come and you’ll pretend Trump never said this and you’ll continue sucking his dick.

Is this like that 10% tax cut he promised the middle class tight before the 2018 midterms? I am wondering why he NEVER spoke of it again?

Remember that $ 21.00 tax cut Obama offered up that all you lefties pee’d yourself over?

21 is infinity better than 0. How is 0 doing for you?

Makes you feel so MAGA doesn't it!!!!

I got a tax cut from Trump.

Thing is, though, it only applied to people with I can see leftists' opposition to it.

Did you get the 10% he promised right before the 2018 midterms? Be honest you do not even remember he said it.

I did

Like all the tard herd you are a liar.

As I said I made 10,000 more in 2018 than I did in 2017 working fewer hours, and I also got a raise
It's irrelevant that you agree with how much more I made it doesn't change any facts

Yet your conveiniently avoiding the question. Did you enjoy your 10% middle class tax cut tRump promised right before the 2018 midterms?

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