President Trump is at a Lincoln moment


Gold Member
May 28, 2020
President Trump is having a Lincoln moment. As Lincoln did under the stress of a civil war, he had to set aside Habeas Corpus, arrested media/newspapers journalists and owners! He arrested congressmen, senators, and citizen agitators. President Trump has to arrest Bill Barr and Durham with federal agents that have sworn a loyalty oath to him. President Trump needs to deputize all of his supporters so that we too can help track down and arrest those who are actively working against us. The media and the people who are saying such awful things about out president on social media need to face consequences.

We must protect our freedoms and democracy before it's too late and Biden is in office. Once Biden is in office, we can count on them rounding up each every one of us who voted for and support Trump. They do not have any respect for our values. They will not hesitate to put all of us in Walmart FEMA prison camps once they are in power. Not only will they arrest those of us who support President Trump, but worse, they will arrest President Trump. We cannot fail him, but we can only do our part if he gives us the power to start handling the threat. I know at least five of my neighbors who had Biden signs. They are complicit in the steal and voter fraud. They must face consequences for their treasonous acts.

How many neighbors do you have who are a threat? Do you really feel it's right for them to still be roaming around free? What kind awful things do you think they are saying on social media and behind closed doors about President Trump? These people want to harm us. They want to take away our liberties and freedoms. They must be stopped. Please beg president trump to give us the powers we need.,
lol... i know! start here:

President Trump is having a Lincoln moment. As Lincoln did under the stress of a civil war, he had to set aside Habeas Corpus, arrested media/newspapers journalists and owners! He arrested congressmen, senators, and citizen agitators. President Trump has to arrest Bill Barr and Durham with federal agents that have sworn a loyalty oath to him. President Trump needs to deputize all of his supporters so that we too can help track down and arrest those who are actively working against us. The media and the people who are saying such awful things about out president on social media need to face consequences.

We must protect our freedoms and democracy before it's too late and Biden is in office. Once Biden is in office, we can count on them rounding up each every one of us who voted for and support Trump. They do not have any respect for our values. They will not hesitate to put all of us in Walmart FEMA prison camps once they are in power. Not only will they arrest those of us who support President Trump, but worse, they will arrest President Trump. We cannot fail him, but we can only do our part if he gives us the power to start handling the threat. I know at least five of my neighbors who had Biden signs. They are complicit in the steal and voter fraud. They must face consequences for their treasonous acts.

How many neighbors do you have who are a threat? Do you really feel it's right for them to still be roaming around free? What kind awful things do you think they are saying on social media and behind closed doors about President Trump? These people want to harm us. They want to take away our liberties and freedoms. They must be stopped. Please beg president trump to give us the powers we need.,

Is this a joke?
President Trump is having a Lincoln moment. As Lincoln did under the stress of a civil war, he had to set aside Habeas Corpus, arrested media/newspapers journalists and owners! He arrested congressmen, senators, and citizen agitators. President Trump has to arrest Bill Barr and Durham with federal agents that have sworn a loyalty oath to him. President Trump needs to deputize all of his supporters so that we too can help track down and arrest those who are actively working against us. The media and the people who are saying such awful things about out president on social media need to face consequences.

We must protect our freedoms and democracy before it's too late and Biden is in office. Once Biden is in office, we can count on them rounding up each every one of us who voted for and support Trump. They do not have any respect for our values. They will not hesitate to put all of us in Walmart FEMA prison camps once they are in power. Not only will they arrest those of us who support President Trump, but worse, they will arrest President Trump. We cannot fail him, but we can only do our part if he gives us the power to start handling the threat. I know at least five of my neighbors who had Biden signs. They are complicit in the steal and voter fraud. They must face consequences for their treasonous acts.

How many neighbors do you have who are a threat? Do you really feel it's right for them to still be roaming around free? What kind awful things do you think they are saying on social media and behind closed doors about President Trump? These people want to harm us. They want to take away our liberties and freedoms. They must be stopped. Please beg president trump to give us the powers we need.,

which lincoln?

lincoln the great conservative republican president who ended slavery?

or lincoln, the liberal yankee tyrant who started the war of northern aggression?
President Trump is having a Lincoln moment. As Lincoln did under the stress of a civil war, he had to set aside Habeas Corpus, arrested media/newspapers journalists and owners! He arrested congressmen, senators, and citizen agitators. President Trump has to arrest Bill Barr and Durham with federal agents that have sworn a loyalty oath to him. President Trump needs to deputize all of his supporters so that we too can help track down and arrest those who are actively working against us. The media and the people who are saying such awful things about out president on social media need to face consequences.

We must protect our freedoms and democracy before it's too late and Biden is in office. Once Biden is in office, we can count on them rounding up each every one of us who voted for and support Trump. They do not have any respect for our values. They will not hesitate to put all of us in Walmart FEMA prison camps once they are in power. Not only will they arrest those of us who support President Trump, but worse, they will arrest President Trump. We cannot fail him, but we can only do our part if he gives us the power to start handling the threat. I know at least five of my neighbors who had Biden signs. They are complicit in the steal and voter fraud. They must face consequences for their treasonous acts.

How many neighbors do you have who are a threat? Do you really feel it's right for them to still be roaming around free? What kind awful things do you think they are saying on social media and behind closed doors about President Trump? These people want to harm us. They want to take away our liberties and freedoms. They must be stopped. Please beg president trump to give us the powers we need.,

I swear, son. Sometimes I just don't know where you're coming from.

President Trump is having a Lincoln moment. As Lincoln did under the stress of a civil war, he had to set aside Habeas Corpus, arrested media/newspapers journalists and owners! He arrested congressmen, senators, and citizen agitators. President Trump has to arrest Bill Barr and Durham with federal agents that have sworn a loyalty oath to him. President Trump needs to deputize all of his supporters so that we too can help track down and arrest those who are actively working against us. The media and the people who are saying such awful things about out president on social media need to face consequences.

We must protect our freedoms and democracy before it's too late and Biden is in office. Once Biden is in office, we can count on them rounding up each every one of us who voted for and support Trump. They do not have any respect for our values. They will not hesitate to put all of us in Walmart FEMA prison camps once they are in power. Not only will they arrest those of us who support President Trump, but worse, they will arrest President Trump. We cannot fail him, but we can only do our part if he gives us the power to start handling the threat. I know at least five of my neighbors who had Biden signs. They are complicit in the steal and voter fraud. They must face consequences for their treasonous acts.

How many neighbors do you have who are a threat? Do you really feel it's right for them to still be roaming around free? What kind awful things do you think they are saying on social media and behind closed doors about President Trump? These people want to harm us. They want to take away our liberties and freedoms. They must be stopped. Please beg president trump to give us the powers we need.,
he already has... follow the tenth amendment, think ray nagan from katrina...the powers not defined in the constitution are far greater than the ones that are. the federal government is the temporary consequence of the average voter.
President Trump is having a Lincoln moment. As Lincoln did under the stress of a civil war, he had to set aside Habeas Corpus, arrested media/newspapers journalists and owners! He arrested congressmen, senators, and citizen agitators. President Trump has to arrest Bill Barr and Durham with federal agents that have sworn a loyalty oath to him. President Trump needs to deputize all of his supporters so that we too can help track down and arrest those who are actively working against us. The media and the people who are saying such awful things about out president on social media need to face consequences.

We must protect our freedoms and democracy before it's too late and Biden is in office. Once Biden is in office, we can count on them rounding up each every one of us who voted for and support Trump. They do not have any respect for our values. They will not hesitate to put all of us in Walmart FEMA prison camps once they are in power. Not only will they arrest those of us who support President Trump, but worse, they will arrest President Trump. We cannot fail him, but we can only do our part if he gives us the power to start handling the threat. I know at least five of my neighbors who had Biden signs. They are complicit in the steal and voter fraud. They must face consequences for their treasonous acts.

How many neighbors do you have who are a threat? Do you really feel it's right for them to still be roaming around free? What kind awful things do you think they are saying on social media and behind closed doors about President Trump? These people want to harm us. They want to take away our liberties and freedoms. They must be stopped. Please beg president trump to give us the powers we need.,

Dude, for real, you smoke the good shit.

President Trump is having a Lincoln moment. As Lincoln did under the stress of a civil war, he had to set aside Habeas Corpus, arrested media/newspapers journalists and owners! He arrested congressmen, senators, and citizen agitators. President Trump has to arrest Bill Barr and Durham with federal agents that have sworn a loyalty oath to him. President Trump needs to deputize all of his supporters so that we too can help track down and arrest those who are actively working against us. The media and the people who are saying such awful things about out president on social media need to face consequences.

We must protect our freedoms and democracy before it's too late and Biden is in office. Once Biden is in office, we can count on them rounding up each every one of us who voted for and support Trump. They do not have any respect for our values. They will not hesitate to put all of us in Walmart FEMA prison camps once they are in power. Not only will they arrest those of us who support President Trump, but worse, they will arrest President Trump. We cannot fail him, but we can only do our part if he gives us the power to start handling the threat. I know at least five of my neighbors who had Biden signs. They are complicit in the steal and voter fraud. They must face consequences for their treasonous acts.

How many neighbors do you have who are a threat? Do you really feel it's right for them to still be roaming around free? What kind awful things do you think they are saying on social media and behind closed doors about President Trump? These people want to harm us. They want to take away our liberties and freedoms. They must be stopped. Please beg president trump to give us the powers we need.,

You really are a bad joke. You want to turn this into a dictatorship so you can have freedom. That is a oxymoron. Every one who voted for Trump should be rounded up and put into a insane asylum. You people really need mental help.
President Trump is having a Lincoln moment. As Lincoln did under the stress of a civil war, he had to set aside Habeas Corpus, arrested media/newspapers journalists and owners! He arrested congressmen, senators, and citizen agitators. President Trump has to arrest Bill Barr and Durham with federal agents that have sworn a loyalty oath to him. President Trump needs to deputize all of his supporters so that we too can help track down and arrest those who are actively working against us. The media and the people who are saying such awful things about out president on social media need to face consequences.

We must protect our freedoms and democracy before it's too late and Biden is in office. Once Biden is in office, we can count on them rounding up each every one of us who voted for and support Trump. They do not have any respect for our values. They will not hesitate to put all of us in Walmart FEMA prison camps once they are in power. Not only will they arrest those of us who support President Trump, but worse, they will arrest President Trump. We cannot fail him, but we can only do our part if he gives us the power to start handling the threat. I know at least five of my neighbors who had Biden signs. They are complicit in the steal and voter fraud. They must face consequences for their treasonous acts.

How many neighbors do you have who are a threat? Do you really feel it's right for them to still be roaming around free? What kind awful things do you think they are saying on social media and behind closed doors about President Trump? These people want to harm us. They want to take away our liberties and freedoms. They must be stopped. Please beg president trump to give us the powers we need.,

You really are a bad joke. You want to turn this into a dictatorship so you can have freedom. That is a oxymoron. Every one who voted for Trump should be rounded up and put into a insane asylum. You people really need mental help.

Anyone that voted for a rich old white guys last election needs help, especially Democrats who for the last several years claimed they didn’t like old rich white guys.

Hypocrites and they justify it, instead of nominating someone else.
President Trump is having a Lincoln moment. As Lincoln did under the stress of a civil war, he had to set aside Habeas Corpus, arrested media/newspapers journalists and owners! He arrested congressmen, senators, and citizen agitators. President Trump has to arrest Bill Barr and Durham with federal agents that have sworn a loyalty oath to him. President Trump needs to deputize all of his supporters so that we too can help track down and arrest those who are actively working against us. The media and the people who are saying such awful things about out president on social media need to face consequences.

We must protect our freedoms and democracy before it's too late and Biden is in office. Once Biden is in office, we can count on them rounding up each every one of us who voted for and support Trump. They do not have any respect for our values. They will not hesitate to put all of us in Walmart FEMA prison camps once they are in power. Not only will they arrest those of us who support President Trump, but worse, they will arrest President Trump. We cannot fail him, but we can only do our part if he gives us the power to start handling the threat. I know at least five of my neighbors who had Biden signs. They are complicit in the steal and voter fraud. They must face consequences for their treasonous acts.

How many neighbors do you have who are a threat? Do you really feel it's right for them to still be roaming around free? What kind awful things do you think they are saying on social media and behind closed doors about President Trump? These people want to harm us. They want to take away our liberties and freedoms. They must be stopped. Please beg president trump to give us the powers we need.,

Wow. Lots of crazy to unpack here. Trump is going to be dodging legal action for the rest of his life. I'm not gonna worry what he does or says after 1/20/2021.
However, you strike me as a bit unstable. As do a lot of Trump supporters. You people regularly espouse violence and deal in threats of physical harm.
The fact that you think this election was stolen (it wasn't) and that your neighbors should face physical harm because of what you view as treason suggests
you elevator doesn't go to the top floor. You should be put on a list and watched...Sweet dreams! :)
President Trump is having a Lincoln moment. As Lincoln did under the stress of a civil war, he had to set aside Habeas Corpus, arrested media/newspapers journalists and owners! He arrested congressmen, senators, and citizen agitators. President Trump has to arrest Bill Barr and Durham with federal agents that have sworn a loyalty oath to him. President Trump needs to deputize all of his supporters so that we too can help track down and arrest those who are actively working against us. The media and the people who are saying such awful things about out president on social media need to face consequences.

We must protect our freedoms and democracy before it's too late and Biden is in office. Once Biden is in office, we can count on them rounding up each every one of us who voted for and support Trump. They do not have any respect for our values. They will not hesitate to put all of us in Walmart FEMA prison camps once they are in power. Not only will they arrest those of us who support President Trump, but worse, they will arrest President Trump. We cannot fail him, but we can only do our part if he gives us the power to start handling the threat. I know at least five of my neighbors who had Biden signs. They are complicit in the steal and voter fraud. They must face consequences for their treasonous acts.

How many neighbors do you have who are a threat? Do you really feel it's right for them to still be roaming around free? What kind awful things do you think they are saying on social media and behind closed doors about President Trump? These people want to harm us. They want to take away our liberties and freedoms. They must be stopped. Please beg president trump to give us the powers we need.,

Wow. Lots of crazy to unpack here. Trump is going to be dodging legal action for the rest of his life. I'm not gonna worry what he does or says after 1/20/2021.
However, you strike me as a bit unstable. As do a lot of Trump supporters. You people regularly espouse violence and deal in threats of physical harm.
The fact that you think this election was stolen (it wasn't) and that your neighbors should face physical harm because of what you view as treason suggests
you elevator doesn't go to the top floor. You should be put on a list and watched...Sweet dreams! :)

Reminds me of 2000 and 2004 when nutters thought the election was stolen. Remember 2004 in Ohio and they claimed Diebold stole the election. Nuts come from everywhere.
President Trump is having a Lincoln moment. As Lincoln did under the stress of a civil war, he had to set aside Habeas Corpus, arrested media/newspapers journalists and owners! He arrested congressmen, senators, and citizen agitators. President Trump has to arrest Bill Barr and Durham with federal agents that have sworn a loyalty oath to him. President Trump needs to deputize all of his supporters so that we too can help track down and arrest those who are actively working against us. The media and the people who are saying such awful things about out president on social media need to face consequences.

We must protect our freedoms and democracy before it's too late and Biden is in office. Once Biden is in office, we can count on them rounding up each every one of us who voted for and support Trump. They do not have any respect for our values. They will not hesitate to put all of us in Walmart FEMA prison camps once they are in power. Not only will they arrest those of us who support President Trump, but worse, they will arrest President Trump. We cannot fail him, but we can only do our part if he gives us the power to start handling the threat. I know at least five of my neighbors who had Biden signs. They are complicit in the steal and voter fraud. They must face consequences for their treasonous acts.

How many neighbors do you have who are a threat? Do you really feel it's right for them to still be roaming around free? What kind awful things do you think they are saying on social media and behind closed doors about President Trump? These people want to harm us. They want to take away our liberties and freedoms. They must be stopped. Please beg president trump to give us the powers we need.,

Wow. Lots of crazy to unpack here. Trump is going to be dodging legal action for the rest of his life. I'm not gonna worry what he does or says after 1/20/2021.
However, you strike me as a bit unstable. As do a lot of Trump supporters. You people regularly espouse violence and deal in threats of physical harm.
The fact that you think this election was stolen (it wasn't) and that your neighbors should face physical harm because of what you view as treason suggests
you elevator doesn't go to the top floor. You should be put on a list and watched...Sweet dreams! :)

Reminds me of 2000 and 2004 when nutters thought the election was stolen. Remember 2004 in Ohio and they claimed Diebold stole the election. Nuts come from everywhere.

I don't recall anyone saying the election of 2004 was stolen. I thought the outcome was going to be different but that's life.
2000? Lots of legal grounds for including those ballots in FL. It was straight up disenfranchisement.
Those ballots should have counted. Gore should have been declared the winner.
The SC was seen as "installing" Bush.
Sorry, as with this year, the courts don't elect Presidents. The people do.
I don't recall anyone saying the election of 2004 was stolen. I thought the outcome was going to be different but that's life.
2000? Lots of legal grounds for including those ballots in FL. It was straight up disenfranchisement.
Those ballots should have counted. Gore should have been declared the winner.
The SC was seen as "installing" Bush.
Sorry, as with this year, the courts don't elect Presidents. The people do.

SeriesCat Checking in.... There was actually a lot of that talk back then. If you went to a site like democraticunderground back then (which had far more crazy than it does now) then you would have seen endless post about Diebold voting machines swapping votes, not accepting votes, etc.. A lot of similar claims as we're seeing now with about the same amount of evidence. As in, someone saying saw it happen and we need to believe. There were so-called experts who claimed the machine we easy to hack and people tied to the GOP and Adolf Hitler were connected to Diebold. You can probably find plenty of posts and even videos online from that era. I found those claims to be dubious back then. I mean, anyone can make any claims they want. It is amusing how things are pretty much reverse. The difference is that Kerry and friends didn't use these claims to challenge the election because communists seem to belong to a cult in which proof and evidence has more power than faith.

Have faith in our leader and savior President Trump. The protracted awakening is coming eventually someday when it's ready to come. Until then, remember that where we go we all come.
President Trump is having a Lincoln moment. As Lincoln did under the stress of a civil war, he had to set aside Habeas Corpus, arrested media/newspapers journalists and owners! He arrested congressmen, senators, and citizen agitators. President Trump has to arrest Bill Barr and Durham with federal agents that have sworn a loyalty oath to him. President Trump needs to deputize all of his supporters so that we too can help track down and arrest those who are actively working against us. The media and the people who are saying such awful things about out president on social media need to face consequences.

We must protect our freedoms and democracy before it's too late and Biden is in office. Once Biden is in office, we can count on them rounding up each every one of us who voted for and support Trump. They do not have any respect for our values. They will not hesitate to put all of us in Walmart FEMA prison camps once they are in power. Not only will they arrest those of us who support President Trump, but worse, they will arrest President Trump. We cannot fail him, but we can only do our part if he gives us the power to start handling the threat. I know at least five of my neighbors who had Biden signs. They are complicit in the steal and voter fraud. They must face consequences for their treasonous acts.

How many neighbors do you have who are a threat? Do you really feel it's right for them to still be roaming around free? What kind awful things do you think they are saying on social media and behind closed doors about President Trump? These people want to harm us. They want to take away our liberties and freedoms. They must be stopped. Please beg president trump to give us the powers we need.,

Is this a joke?

Me, I read the title and I thought it was gonna say Rump is going to Ford's Theater.
President Trump is having a Lincoln moment. As Lincoln did under the stress of a civil war, he had to set aside Habeas Corpus, arrested media/newspapers journalists and owners! He arrested congressmen, senators, and citizen agitators. President Trump has to arrest Bill Barr and Durham with federal agents that have sworn a loyalty oath to him. President Trump needs to deputize all of his supporters so that we too can help track down and arrest those who are actively working against us. The media and the people who are saying such awful things about out president on social media need to face consequences.

We must protect our freedoms and democracy before it's too late and Biden is in office. Once Biden is in office, we can count on them rounding up each every one of us who voted for and support Trump. They do not have any respect for our values. They will not hesitate to put all of us in Walmart FEMA prison camps once they are in power. Not only will they arrest those of us who support President Trump, but worse, they will arrest President Trump. We cannot fail him, but we can only do our part if he gives us the power to start handling the threat. I know at least five of my neighbors who had Biden signs. They are complicit in the steal and voter fraud. They must face consequences for their treasonous acts.

How many neighbors do you have who are a threat? Do you really feel it's right for them to still be roaming around free? What kind awful things do you think they are saying on social media and behind closed doors about President Trump? These people want to harm us. They want to take away our liberties and freedoms. They must be stopped. Please beg president trump to give us the powers we need.,

Wow. Lots of crazy to unpack here. Trump is going to be dodging legal action for the rest of his life. I'm not gonna worry what he does or says after 1/20/2021.
However, you strike me as a bit unstable. As do a lot of Trump supporters. You people regularly espouse violence and deal in threats of physical harm.
The fact that you think this election was stolen (it wasn't) and that your neighbors should face physical harm because of what you view as treason suggests
you elevator doesn't go to the top floor. You should be put on a list and watched...Sweet dreams! :)

Reminds me of 2000 and 2004 when nutters thought the election was stolen. Remember 2004 in Ohio and they claimed Diebold stole the election. Nuts come from everywhere.

I don't recall anyone saying the election of 2004 was stolen. I thought the outcome was going to be different but that's life.
2000? Lots of legal grounds for including those ballots in FL. It was straight up disenfranchisement.
Those ballots should have counted. Gore should have been declared the winner.
The SC was seen as "installing" Bush.
Sorry, as with this year, the courts don't elect Presidents. The people do.

Funny how the left forgets history that paints them in a bad light.

The Supreme Court in a 5-4 and a 6-3 ruling 2000 was fair, the Gore campaign wanted to use different standards which violated the equal protection law and so 2000 was not a stolen election.

I believe there are irregularities in the 2020 election however not enough to overturn the election.

I just think poor losers abound in 2000, 2004, 2016 and 2020.
President Trump is having a Lincoln moment. As Lincoln did under the stress of a civil war, he had to set aside Habeas Corpus, arrested media/newspapers journalists and owners! He arrested congressmen, senators, and citizen agitators. President Trump has to arrest Bill Barr and Durham with federal agents that have sworn a loyalty oath to him. President Trump needs to deputize all of his supporters so that we too can help track down and arrest those who are actively working against us. The media and the people who are saying such awful things about out president on social media need to face consequences.

We must protect our freedoms and democracy before it's too late and Biden is in office. Once Biden is in office, we can count on them rounding up each every one of us who voted for and support Trump. They do not have any respect for our values. They will not hesitate to put all of us in Walmart FEMA prison camps once they are in power. Not only will they arrest those of us who support President Trump, but worse, they will arrest President Trump. We cannot fail him, but we can only do our part if he gives us the power to start handling the threat. I know at least five of my neighbors who had Biden signs. They are complicit in the steal and voter fraud. They must face consequences for their treasonous acts.

How many neighbors do you have who are a threat? Do you really feel it's right for them to still be roaming around free? What kind awful things do you think they are saying on social media and behind closed doors about President Trump? These people want to harm us. They want to take away our liberties and freedoms. They must be stopped. Please beg president trump to give us the powers we need.,
tRump has less in common with Lincoln than my cat.
President Trump is having a Lincoln moment. As Lincoln did under the stress of a civil war, he had to set aside Habeas Corpus, arrested media/newspapers journalists and owners! He arrested congressmen, senators, and citizen agitators. President Trump has to arrest Bill Barr and Durham with federal agents that have sworn a loyalty oath to him. President Trump needs to deputize all of his supporters so that we too can help track down and arrest those who are actively working against us. The media and the people who are saying such awful things about out president on social media need to face consequences.

We must protect our freedoms and democracy before it's too late and Biden is in office. Once Biden is in office, we can count on them rounding up each every one of us who voted for and support Trump. They do not have any respect for our values. They will not hesitate to put all of us in Walmart FEMA prison camps once they are in power. Not only will they arrest those of us who support President Trump, but worse, they will arrest President Trump. We cannot fail him, but we can only do our part if he gives us the power to start handling the threat. I know at least five of my neighbors who had Biden signs. They are complicit in the steal and voter fraud. They must face consequences for their treasonous acts.

How many neighbors do you have who are a threat? Do you really feel it's right for them to still be roaming around free? What kind awful things do you think they are saying on social media and behind closed doors about President Trump? These people want to harm us. They want to take away our liberties and freedoms. They must be stopped. Please beg president trump to give us the powers we need.,

Wow. Lots of crazy to unpack here. Trump is going to be dodging legal action for the rest of his life. I'm not gonna worry what he does or says after 1/20/2021.
However, you strike me as a bit unstable. As do a lot of Trump supporters. You people regularly espouse violence and deal in threats of physical harm.
The fact that you think this election was stolen (it wasn't) and that your neighbors should face physical harm because of what you view as treason suggests
you elevator doesn't go to the top floor. You should be put on a list and watched...Sweet dreams! :)

Reminds me of 2000 and 2004 when nutters thought the election was stolen. Remember 2004 in Ohio and they claimed Diebold stole the election. Nuts come from everywhere.

I don't recall anyone saying the election of 2004 was stolen. I thought the outcome was going to be different but that's life.
2000? Lots of legal grounds for including those ballots in FL. It was straight up disenfranchisement.
Those ballots should have counted. Gore should have been declared the winner.
The SC was seen as "installing" Bush.
Sorry, as with this year, the courts don't elect Presidents. The people do.

Funny how the left forgets history that paints them in a bad light.

The Supreme Court in a 5-4 and a 6-3 ruling 2000 was fair, the Gore campaign wanted to use different standards which violated the equal protection law and so 2000 was not a stolen election.

I believe there are irregularities in the 2020 election however not enough to overturn the election.

I just think poor losers abound in 2000, 2004, 2016 and 2020.

Gore conceded, Kerry conceded, Clinton conceded. In none of these cases were paranoid hallucinations about "frauds" or "conspiracies" or "illegal votes" flung about like so many turds. In only one of them was a recount and review of irregularities called for, and they were actually real. "Hanging chads"?

Which one of these is not like the others?
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