President Trump is speaking at two events today


And I'm thinking that the Philly crowd is going to be obviously black.

Well, that's cool for C-span. We're seeing small steps.

Unfortunately Cspan isn't carrying the Philly rally today. Fox News may or may not--they aren't advertising it but they rarely do and they too often switch back and forth between the speech and host commentary which is extremely annoying. RSBN will cover the whole thing and it looks like Newsmax intends to also.
You have to be versatile to be President. That's one of the big things Trump has over Biden. Trump is able to talk to anyone and ask the right questions to pinpoint that particular group's problems, and then fix those problems. He'll be zeroed in on the people at both events today. Biden couldn't do that because that's not his style. He's more of a shakedown artist and jive turkey than a hard worker. We really need to trade this old boy in. MAGA
Unfortunately Cspan isn't carrying the Philly rally today. Fox News may or may not--they aren't advertising it but they rarely do and they too often switch back and forth between the speech and host commentary which is extremely annoying. RSBN will cover the whole thing and it looks like Newsmax intends to also.

Yes, and I can trust that RSBN's coverage is honest.

Biden is the millionaire. Trump has 1000s times more than Biden has. He earned his wealth. China handed wealth to Biden.

Yes, and I can trust that RSBN's coverage is honest.

Their straight news reporting is true journalism about as free of any bias as you will find anywhere these days and their scholarship is pretty darn good. Their people giving opinion are unashamedly conservative/right of center but that's okay since more the 98% of the rest of the media is left of center.

Bumping, because President Trump is scheduled to speak in about 15 minutes, or at 7:00PM Eastern time.

Scares the living fuck out of you, doesn't it?

I'm glad it does.
No. Magaturds will all be together when the democrats come to collect you for reeducation. :rolleyes: This is what you've been told, right? Scares the living fuck out of you, doesn't it?
No. Magaturds will all be together when the democrats come to collect you for reeducation. :rolleyes: This is what you've been told, right? Scares the living fuck out of you, doesn't it?

Nothing scares me, asshole. I'm not the one whose whole life is going to be turned upside down on November 5th.

That would be you faggots.

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