President Trump is the most corrupt president in history. here's how we can drain the swamp of Trump


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
are the Saudis shovelling money into Trump's pockets every time they take a floor at the Trump hotel? we dont know. we know he didnt divest. we know betsy devos is investing in 3 secret family trusts.

Elizabeth "Pocahontas" Warren's new anti-corruption-bill fixes it!
Was the OP Born on 1 January 2017?

He must have been to have missed the entire Obama Presidency, 8 years of the most corrupt, criminal, Un-Constitutional, Law-violating, terrorist/criminal/enemy-aiding Presidency in history.

In 8 years as President...

Obama financed, supplied, armed, trained, protected, defended, aided, abetted, and even dragged the US into 2 Un-Constitutional wars to help terrorists, to include Al Qaeda who slaughtered 3,000 Americans. He paid ransoms and forged his own Un-Constitutional treaties with our enemies. From the Muslim Brotherhood to the Taliban to Al Qaeda to ISIS to Hamas to Hezbollah, to Iran - Obama treasonously aided and abetted this nation's enemies.

Americans died as a result of Hillary and abandoning them in Benghazi ... Americans died with the guns Obama illegally provided to Mexican Drug Cartels ... Americans died in Boston because - despite knowing who they were - Barry failed to stop the Marathon bombers ... Obama mocked Americans -claiming they were 'afraid of Widows and Orphans' - only to have a terrorist he let into the country from one of his accepted 'Refugee-accepted' nations murder 7 Americans in Ca .. Obama openly bragged that HE had isolated ISIS in the Middle East....just a day before ISIS perpetrated the largest attack against France since WWII , killing many people to include an American. Instead of joining the French and Russians in attacking the ISIS Black Market oil facilities that Obama had until then been protecting, while coalition aircraft were taking off to strike their target Obama had our military dropping leaflets down to the enemy to let them know the attack was coming! (TREASON!)

In 2012 he was caught on audio telling Putin puppet Medvedev to pass on the Putin that he would be more flexible after his re-election...2 years later Obama broke a promise to the Ukraine to help protect their borders and instead allowed Putin to militarily annex Crimea unchallenged, hid Russian crimes associated with the KGB Bank's attempt to acquire Uranium One and gave the Russians 20% of the US supply of Uranium, learned about the Russian interference and did nothing - he allowed it to go on for 2 years, and he knew about Hillary's illegal TS server, knew the Russians were trying to hack senior US politicians, did not shut Hillary's server down, and FACILITATED foreign Espionage by refusing to do so. allowing Russian and 5 other foreign entities to steal the TS data from Hillary's server..

Obama armed and protected Mexican Drug Cartels, Human traffickers, MS13, violent illegals, and criminals who violate federal immigration law to provide sanctuary to these criminals...

Obama was ruled to be In Contempt twice for violating judges' rulings he did not like, ruled several times to be in violation of the Constitution, broke laws, and protected criminals...

He illegally spied on Americans, reporters, the media, US senators, USSC Justices, and the GOP 2016 Presidential candidate....he used a weaponized IRS to target Americans who legally opposed his re-election

Obama set a new US record for illegal non-compliance with the FOIA and Federal Records Acts - so much for 'The Most Transparent' administration Evuh'...

His US Ag, Eric Holder, became the 1st US Presidential Cabinet Member in US History to be CENSURED for crimes , having committed Perjury in an attempt to keep Obama's Fast and Furious scandal covered up.

During his Presidency his US AG, Director of the CIA, Director of the NIA, Director of the FBI, Director of the IRS, and several others were caught committing Perjury and other crimes, to include violations of the FOIA....Obama and his criminal DOJ protected them all from indictment, often forcing a Bi-Partisan Congress to hold them accountable where Obama and his administration would not.

This barely scratches the surface of what the proven treasonous SOB did as President.
are the Saudis shovelling money into Trump's pockets every time they take a floor at the Trump hotel? we dont know. we know he didnt divest. we know betsy devos is investing in 3 secret family trusts.

Elizabeth "Pocahontas" Warren's new anti-corruption-bill fixes it!

Here is another reason Trump is the most corrupt.

And Trump put a gag order on companies that expired this year. Very clever. He knew if he was president and this came out, Republicans wouldn't impeach him for it. Think trump was bad in his first term? Thank god he didn't get a second.
I'm not sure what definition of "corrupt" the OP is using? IMHO "corrupt" is when the MSM, FBI, and deep state, aka "the swamp" bury the Hunter Biden laptop and ignore the whistleblower confirming the Biden's corruption.
Trump was not getting "emoluments" as the investigators concluded. So focus on real corruption, not partisan talking points.
are the Saudis shovelling money into Trump's pockets every time they take a floor at the Trump hotel? we dont know. we know he didnt divest. we know betsy devos is investing in 3 secret family trusts.

Elizabeth "Pocahontas" Warren's new anti-corruption-bill fixes it!

Here is another reason Trump is the most corrupt.
Looking for "leaks" is very important, just ask Reality Winner. That is NOT corruption.
Here is what corruption looks like.

Hillary and the DNC actually colluded with and paid Russians for "dirt" on Trump, the "Steele Dossier". Obama used the power of the DOJ, FBI, CIA and other Federal agencies to illegally spy on and setup Trump for failure. Operations Crossfire Hurricane and Razor, the Mueller Investigation, Russian Collusion Hoax, the MSM's constant 95% negative coverage and "fake news", Never-Trump Republicans, the Lincoln Project, globalists of every stripe, the entrenched Deep State who all oppose Trump's policies, the planted leakers and whistle-blowers, and the RINOs who'd rather shill for K-Street than work for main street. Then add to all of that the outright hatred shown by the House democrats toward Trump, to the point of "non-crime" Impeachment Articles, twice!!

Here is another reason Trump is the most corrupt.

Need we bring up how the head of the CIA was busted for illegally spying on EVERYONE - Americans, reporters, the media, US POLITICIANS, USSC Justices, and the President and his team?

It was DEMOCRAT Feinstein who blew the whistle on him...because she was worried he would find out she had been facilitating Chinese espionage for DECADES.

The CIA Director escaped prison by agreeing to appear before Congress, confess what he had done, and 'promise not to do it again'.....and a month or two later the story of Feinstein's treason - facilitating CCP espionage from her office for decades broke. BOTHG kept their jobs with no punishment.
are the Saudis shovelling money into Trump's pockets every time they take a floor at the Trump hotel? we dont know. we know he didnt divest. we know betsy devos is investing in 3 secret family trusts.

Elizabeth "Pocahontas" Warren's new anti-corruption-bill fixes it!

Here is another reason Trump is the most corrupt.
Looking for "leaks" is very important, just ask Reality Winner. That is NOT corruption.
Here is what corruption looks like.

Hillary and the DNC actually colluded with and paid Russians for "dirt" on Trump, the "Steele Dossier". Obama used the power of the DOJ, FBI, CIA and other Federal agencies to illegally spy on and setup Trump for failure. Operations Crossfire Hurricane and Razor, the Mueller Investigation, Russian Collusion Hoax, the MSM's constant 95% negative coverage and "fake news", Never-Trump Republicans, the Lincoln Project, globalists of every stripe, the entrenched Deep State who all oppose Trump's policies, the planted leakers and whistle-blowers, and the RINOs who'd rather shill for K-Street than work for main street. Then add to all of that the outright hatred shown by the House democrats toward Trump, to the point of "non-crime" Impeachment Articles, twice!!

The Steele Dossier is weak. How about this?

New audio of Rudy Giuliani ‘pressuring Ukraine to investigate Biden’ emerges​


Here is another reason Trump is the most corrupt.

Need we bring up how the head of the CIA was busted for illegally spying on EVERYONE - Americans, reporters, the media, US POLITICIANS, USSC Justices, and the President and his team?

It was DEMOCRAT Feinstein who blew the whistle on him...because she was worried he would find out she had been facilitating Chinese espionage for DECADES.

The CIA Director escaped prison by agreeing to appear before Congress, confess what he had done, and 'promise not to do it again'.....and a month or two later the story of Feinstein's treason - facilitating CCP espionage from her office for decades broke. BOTHG kept their jobs with no punishment.
Obama didn't weaponize the justice department but we see Trump did. It's all coming out now because Trump put a gag order on the companies he insisted give over their records or possibly face jail time. It's unheard of.

And they found nothing btw.
are the Saudis shovelling money into Trump's pockets every time they take a floor at the Trump hotel? we dont know. we know he didnt divest. we know betsy devos is investing in 3 secret family trusts.

Elizabeth "Pocahontas" Warren's new anti-corruption-bill fixes it!

Here is another reason Trump is the most corrupt.
Looking for "leaks" is very important, just ask Reality Winner. That is NOT corruption.
Here is what corruption looks like.

Hillary and the DNC actually colluded with and paid Russians for "dirt" on Trump, the "Steele Dossier". Obama used the power of the DOJ, FBI, CIA and other Federal agencies to illegally spy on and setup Trump for failure. Operations Crossfire Hurricane and Razor, the Mueller Investigation, Russian Collusion Hoax, the MSM's constant 95% negative coverage and "fake news", Never-Trump Republicans, the Lincoln Project, globalists of every stripe, the entrenched Deep State who all oppose Trump's policies, the planted leakers and whistle-blowers, and the RINOs who'd rather shill for K-Street than work for main street. Then add to all of that the outright hatred shown by the House democrats toward Trump, to the point of "non-crime" Impeachment Articles, twice!!

The Steele Dossier is weak. How about this?

New audio of Rudy Giuliani ‘pressuring Ukraine to investigate Biden’ emerges​

We know the Bidens are corrupt.
1. Joe extorted the Ukes to fire the prosecutor investigating Burisma
2. We know Hunter had an $83,000 a month "no show job" from Burisma.
3. So why is it corrupt to look into obvious corruption?
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Obama didn't weaponize the justice department .....

Barry weaponized the IRS
Barry weaponized every US Intel Agency
Barry weaponized the NSA
Barry weaponized the NIA
Barry weaponized the CIA
Barry weaponized the FBI
Barry weaponized the DOJ
Barry & the FBI weaponized the duped FISA Court
Barry, Pelosi, & other Democrats weaponized Congress
Barry & the Democrats helped weaponize the liberal extremist fake news media

The Russian Collusion false narrative was debunked
Barry's administration's collusion with the Russians (through a lying Trump-hating foreign ex-spy) was exposed
Brennan was exposed as having spied on everyone and was forced to appear before Congress and admit his illegal spying on them to escape prison
The FISA Court exposed the FBI's continuous illegal spying and FISA Court crimes for DECADES, dating back to Mueller's running the FBI
Barry's coup failed
Pelosi made history by being the 1st Speaker to try to Impeach the same President Twice...and same one to FAIL Twice
Barry's/the Democrats' / the fake news media's bogus / false narratives keep being publicly debunked...and more is coming

Stop the BS, the lying, and spinning. The only ones you are convincing are your fellow TDS-suffering, irrational hate-driven, 'Orange man bad' snowflakes.
are the Saudis shovelling money into Trump's pockets every time they take a floor at the Trump hotel? we dont know. we know he didnt divest. we know betsy devos is investing in 3 secret family trusts.

Elizabeth "Pocahontas" Warren's new anti-corruption-bill fixes it!

Here is another reason Trump is the most corrupt.
Looking for "leaks" is very important, just ask Reality Winner. That is NOT corruption.
Here is what corruption looks like.

Hillary and the DNC actually colluded with and paid Russians for "dirt" on Trump, the "Steele Dossier". Obama used the power of the DOJ, FBI, CIA and other Federal agencies to illegally spy on and setup Trump for failure. Operations Crossfire Hurricane and Razor, the Mueller Investigation, Russian Collusion Hoax, the MSM's constant 95% negative coverage and "fake news", Never-Trump Republicans, the Lincoln Project, globalists of every stripe, the entrenched Deep State who all oppose Trump's policies, the planted leakers and whistle-blowers, and the RINOs who'd rather shill for K-Street than work for main street. Then add to all of that the outright hatred shown by the House democrats toward Trump, to the point of "non-crime" Impeachment Articles, twice!!

The Steele Dossier is weak. How about this?

New audio of Rudy Giuliani ‘pressuring Ukraine to investigate Biden’ emerges​

We know the Bidens are corrupt.
1. Joe extorted the Ukes to fire the prosecutor investigating Burisma
2. We know Hunter has an $83,000 a month "no show job" from Burisma.
3. So why is it corrupt to look into obvious corruption?

That's been debunked. Link?
are the Saudis shovelling money into Trump's pockets every time they take a floor at the Trump hotel? we dont know. we know he didnt divest. we know betsy devos is investing in 3 secret family trusts.

Elizabeth "Pocahontas" Warren's new anti-corruption-bill fixes it!

Your title says one thing while your post says you're running on TDS only.

Is Basque romance code for run of the mouth dumbshit?
are the Saudis shovelling money into Trump's pockets every time they take a floor at the Trump hotel? we dont know. we know he didnt divest. we know betsy devos is investing in 3 secret family trusts.

Elizabeth "Pocahontas" Warren's new anti-corruption-bill fixes it!

Here is another reason Trump is the most corrupt.
Looking for "leaks" is very important, just ask Reality Winner. That is NOT corruption.
Here is what corruption looks like.

Hillary and the DNC actually colluded with and paid Russians for "dirt" on Trump, the "Steele Dossier". Obama used the power of the DOJ, FBI, CIA and other Federal agencies to illegally spy on and setup Trump for failure. Operations Crossfire Hurricane and Razor, the Mueller Investigation, Russian Collusion Hoax, the MSM's constant 95% negative coverage and "fake news", Never-Trump Republicans, the Lincoln Project, globalists of every stripe, the entrenched Deep State who all oppose Trump's policies, the planted leakers and whistle-blowers, and the RINOs who'd rather shill for K-Street than work for main street. Then add to all of that the outright hatred shown by the House democrats toward Trump, to the point of "non-crime" Impeachment Articles, twice!!

The Steele Dossier is weak. How about this?

New audio of Rudy Giuliani ‘pressuring Ukraine to investigate Biden’ emerges​

We know the Bidens are corrupt.
1. Joe extorted the Ukes to fire the prosecutor investigating Burisma
2. We know Hunter has an $83,000 a month "no show job" from Burisma.
3. So why is it corrupt to look into obvious corruption?

That's been debunked. Link?
1. Fact Hunter had a corrupt job, not "debunked". Credible link it was "debunked".

2. Video of Joe admitting extortion, not "debunked".
are the Saudis shovelling money into Trump's pockets every time they take a floor at the Trump hotel? we dont know. we know he didnt divest. we know betsy devos is investing in 3 secret family trusts.

Elizabeth "Pocahontas" Warren's new anti-corruption-bill fixes it!

Here is another reason Trump is the most corrupt.
Looking for "leaks" is very important, just ask Reality Winner. That is NOT corruption.
Here is what corruption looks like.

Hillary and the DNC actually colluded with and paid Russians for "dirt" on Trump, the "Steele Dossier". Obama used the power of the DOJ, FBI, CIA and other Federal agencies to illegally spy on and setup Trump for failure. Operations Crossfire Hurricane and Razor, the Mueller Investigation, Russian Collusion Hoax, the MSM's constant 95% negative coverage and "fake news", Never-Trump Republicans, the Lincoln Project, globalists of every stripe, the entrenched Deep State who all oppose Trump's policies, the planted leakers and whistle-blowers, and the RINOs who'd rather shill for K-Street than work for main street. Then add to all of that the outright hatred shown by the House democrats toward Trump, to the point of "non-crime" Impeachment Articles, twice!!

The Steele Dossier is weak. How about this?

New audio of Rudy Giuliani ‘pressuring Ukraine to investigate Biden’ emerges​

We know the Bidens are corrupt.
1. Joe extorted the Ukes to fire the prosecutor investigating Burisma
2. We know Hunter has an $83,000 a month "no show job" from Burisma.
3. So why is it corrupt to look into obvious corruption?

That's been debunked. Link?
1. Fact Hunter had a corrupt job, not "debunked". Credible link it was "debunked".

2. Video of Joe admitting extortion, not "debunked".


Our rating: False​

You can read all about how you are either lying or you've been lied to. But we all know you don't care. You don't care if Trump called the president of Ukraine and tried to pressure him into making shit up about his political opponent and so you probably don't care that you've swallowed this lie. You have all the makings of a good nazi.

Our rating: False​

YEAH...are you going to believe liberal USATODAY or 'YOUR OWN LYING EYES'?!


Democrats, liberal fake news media, liberal fish-wrap like USAToday, and snowflakes demand you ignore your own eyes, ears, and all the facts and just believe what they tell you to believe. It's not bad if you are a sheep and hate the toil of thinking for yourself.
We know the Bidens are corrupt.
1. Joe extorted the Ukes to fire the prosecutor investigating Burisma
That's a lie.
Biden, and other European Leaders, wanted Shokin fired because he wasn't fighting the corruption. Shokin was a bought criminal who refused to look into or stop any corruption.
Yet you make up another lie, saying Biden wanted Shokin fired because he was investigating Hunter. Total LIE. But if you tell it enough times, the easily fooled RWI will believe the LIE.

Show us the link, not this out of context video, that shows that Shokin was investigating Corruption. You can't, you won't, because he wasn't. That's why they wanted him fired.
YEAH...are you going to believe liberal USATODAY or 'YOUR OWN LYING EYES'?!
This video does NOTHING to support your claim that Biden wanted Shokin fired because Biden wanted Shokin to STOP investigating Hunter. Not even true. LIE.

He wanted Shokin (the prosecutor he refers to) fired because Shoking wouldn't fight the corruption going on in Ukraine.

It's pretty simple, just do a little research.
Stop spreading these lies that you know are lies.
are the Saudis shovelling money into Trump's pockets every time they take a floor at the Trump hotel? we dont know. we know he didnt divest. we know betsy devos is investing in 3 secret family trusts.

Elizabeth "Pocahontas" Warren's new anti-corruption-bill fixes it!
Warren lives in a 9 million dollar mansion. The idea Trump could be the most corrupt politician in four years is fucking ridiculous. Thread closed.

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