President Trump just filed a lawsuit against Hillary over the "Russian Collusion" allegations

The foreman of the jury said in am interview at the end of the trial they thought FROM THE VERY BEGINMING Sussmann should never have been tried.

From. the lead jurors own mouth, snowflake, she admitted they were biased from the very start.

The head juror just called you an ignorant dumbass who has no idea what you are talking about

Way to self-identify as a POS who doesn't care about the law or true justice in court.

No wonder why you snowflakes love tge Democrats so much - they are lawless,lying g, corrupt, criminal, seditious, treasonous POS f*ets - the kind of people you can relate to.
The jury heard ALL the evidence & found him not guilty & handed Durham's ass back to him.

Trump bedwetter's reaction:

Yeah, like the Sussmann trial where the Judge and 4 pro-hillary jurors made sure Sussmann was not convicted.

You snowflakes can't seem to understand not being convicted doesn't mean mot guilty.

Hillary's own campaign manager, the FBI, Sussmann's own billing records, and his e-mail the judge ordered the jury to forget prov3d Sussmann was guilty, open and shut...
but you traitorous snowflakes applaud Democrat manipulation and bastardization of the Judivial process.

Really 4 pro Hitlary jurors? Well then name them. If you know that they are pro Hitlary you can obviously name them correct?
The foreman of the jury said in am interview at the end of the trial they thought FROM THE VERY BEGINMING Sussmann should never have been tried.

From. the lead jurors own mouth, snowflake, she admitted they were biased from the very start.

The head juror just called you an ignorant dumbass who has no idea what you are talking about

Way to self-identify as a POS who doesn't care about the law or true justice in court.

No wonder why you snowflakes love tge Democrats so much - they are lawless,lying g, corrupt, criminal, seditious, treasonous POS f*ets - the kind of people you can relate to.

As someone who's been howling at the moon over Hillary Clinton's "crimes" for years, of course you'd tell any lie to smear the Democrats. None of your bullshit has ever happened, but you continue to promote your Russian propaganda fictions, while claiming to be a thriving American businessman who posts more than 10,000 time per year.

You're consistently wrong. This proves you're incapable of learning anything.
As someone who's been howling at the moon over Hillary Clinton's "crimes" for years, of course you'd tell any lie to smear the Democrats. None of your bullshit has ever happened, but you continue to promote your Russian propaganda fictions, while claiming to be a thriving American businessman who posts more than 10,000 time per year.

You're consistently wrong. This proves you're incapable of learning anything.
the only person that pushed russian propaganda was Clinton and her campaign...propaganda they paid Russians for. Durham was able to get Clinton's own campaign manager to admit she personally approved spreading the misinformation and lies
the only person that pushed russian propaganda was Clinton and her campaign...propaganda they paid Russians for. Durham was able to get Clinton's own campaign manager to admit she personally approved spreading the misinformation and lies

Huh? What was the lie? The data showed a connection between Trump and Alfa Bank.
maybe you should read the transcript from the trial.

Translation: you have no such proof.

Thanks for confirming what I already suspected.
The jury heard ALL the evidence & found him not guilty & handed Durham's ass back to him.

Trump bedwetter's reaction:


I'm sorry, I can't hear you over all the partisan sheep STUPID coming out of your proven ignorant pie hole.

Try again later when your head is not pushed up the Democratic Party's collective proven corrupt, criminal, seditious, treasonous, historic scandal-perpetrating asses.

Now you're lying as provable by your inability to post proof the data they found was a lie.

Hillary Clinton signed off on sharing debunked Alfa-Bank claims with the media​

Putting your head in the sand, doesn't mean the world and reality don't actually go on around you

Hillary Clinton signed off on sharing debunked Alfa-Bank claims with the media​

Putting your head in the sand, doesn't mean the world and reality don't actually go on around you

Thanks for proving yet again you lied. The trial did not expose the data was a lie, as you falsely claim. All you did was post s claim by the Washington Examiner that the Trump Alfa Bank connection was debunked.

It wasn't. The data did reveal a connection...

... what it didn't reveal was any nefarious activity.
the data was all a lie. It was a hoax, and misinformation pushed by putin’s puppets in the clinton campaign.
Cool story, can you quote Durham on that?

I'll give a clue - no you can't. There was never any claim that the evidence of Trump Campaign to Alpha bank communication was somehow manufactured in bad faith.

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