President Trump may be planning a massive shakeup of the White House

I'm ok with this move so long as he plans to replace his staff with true conservatives. I can understand getting rid of Steve Bannon but I'm not sure what good it does to get rid of Sean Spicer or Reince Priebus.

Breaking: Trump reportedly considering huge White House shake-up
lol why would you like Sean Spicer? That's just stupid.

The irony impaired comments of a far left drone!

There is no evidence that the president is a target or a subject. But there is an active, ongoing investigation of his campaign, as Comey confirmed at a March 20 hearing of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence. He declined to say, however, “whose conduct we are examining,” citing the ongoing investigation.

Trump's 'Nothing to See Here' Spin -
Actually, this reboot may work to his advantage. If he is unhappy wu=ith the performance of others and fires them, Comey could be called "collateral damage. That takes the reason of the Russian investigation for Comey's firing the Director.
I'm ok with this move so long as he plans to replace his staff with true conservatives. I can understand getting rid of Steve Bannon but I'm not sure what good it does to get rid of Sean Spicer or Reince Priebus.

Breaking: Trump reportedly considering huge White House shake-up
lol why would you like Sean Spicer? That's just stupid.
What was wrong with him? I do not like the idea of daily briefings being eliminated. Lack of transparency. Certainly don't let Trump do it!
Trump is following the autocrat's rules, whether Americans wake up to that fact and oppose him is the tough question. Most just follow as history demonstrates.

'Autocracy: Rules for Survival' Masha Gessen

Rule #1: Believe the autocrat.
Rule #2: Do not be taken in by small signs of normality.
Rule #3: Institutions will not save you.
Rule #4: Be outraged.
Rule #5: Don’t make compromises.
Rule #6: Remember the future.

Autocracy: Rules for Survival

"It would not be impossible to prove with sufficient repetition and a psychological understanding of the people concerned that a square is in fact a circle. They are mere words, and words can be molded until they clothe ideas and disguise." Joseph Goebbels
I'm ok with this move so long as he plans to replace his staff with true conservatives. I can understand getting rid of Steve Bannon but I'm not sure what good it does to get rid of Sean Spicer or Reince Priebus.

Breaking: Trump reportedly considering huge White House shake-up
He doesn't need new advisers on what to do but on how to get things done more smoothly. Too many of his people have spent so much time talking only to conservatives that they don't seem to know how to talk to the rest of the country, and if he wants to make faster progress he needs to find new ways to address the concerns of swing voters. Do the same things, but prepare the public for big moves in terms of how these things will effect their lives. Less ideology and more bread and butter.
Unless you hear it from Trump himself, don't believe anything. The spin rooms and rumor mills are working overtime. The Democrats can't even keep their own lies straight. The daily briefings as presently constituted will have to go. They just present too much of an opportunity to twist and lie. Daily printed briefings will serve much better. The press sees itself as the propaganda arm of the democrats. Until they return to their rightful place they cannot be treated the same way they did before.
Unless you hear it from Trump himself, don't believe anything. The spin rooms and rumor mills are working overtime. The Democrats can't even keep their own lies straight. The daily briefings as presently constituted will have to go. They just present too much of an opportunity to twist and lie. Daily printed briefings will serve much better. The press sees itself as the propaganda arm of the democrats. Until they return to their rightful place they cannot be treated the same way they did before.
It's okay. He got it from a reliable news source, the blaze.
I'm ok with this move so long as he plans to replace his staff with true conservatives. I can understand getting rid of Steve Bannon but I'm not sure what good it does to get rid of Sean Spicer or Reince Priebus.

Breaking: Trump reportedly considering huge White House shake-up
lol why would you like Sean Spicer? That's just stupid.
Where did I say I "like" him?!? :dunno:

I said what good would it do to get rid of him? He's an absolute nobody. He has absolutely zero input on policy. Whatever President Trump is pissed about, it's safe to say his Press Secretary and Chief of Staff weren't at fault. One is just a glorified babysitter and the other is merely a ventriloquist dummy.
Every day there is a massive shakeup with that fucking idiot.
Which shows he's an achiever. He doesn't accept failure, mediocrity, or the status quo. If something isn't working, he proactively addresses it.
I posted something similar earlier. Remember though, they predicted that they would get rid of Priebus some time ago and he didn't. The media also had no clue whatsoever about Trump firing Comey, so their sources aren't too accurate. This was also posted in the NY Post.

If he gets rid of too many people, he risks alienating his supporters. Especially in regards to Spicer who has been attacked mercilessly by SNL. Why let some two bit, rag tag comedy show force changes to your team?

As was stated, I can't believe anything until it is actually done, but I think it's extremely risky for him to do this, it will give the appearance they others are running the WH and not Trump. Furthermore, as I've said from day one, Trump will only remain president and prevent a progressive from the Left winning the WH if he enacts his campaign promises.

Without question, the Democrats are banking on him being stymied and doing just as this article suggests, they expect that he will stop fighting and instead give in to the interests of others from the left. Its their gameplan. If he starts firing those who want to enact his campaign promises, it will be the left in the next election with the motto "Vote for us and REALLY Make America Great Again". They could even copy his campaign promises word for word and tell the public, "but we will really do what we say".

China, Mexico, Canada. Economic abusers of America in that order. If Trump doesnt deal with it the next government will.
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It's okay. He got it from a reliable news source, the blaze.
Right? The Blaze is unquestionably the most reliable news source in the U.S. today. Note that the article states "reportedly". They are not claiming this is a certainty.
I'm ok with this move so long as he plans to replace his staff with true conservatives. I can understand getting rid of Steve Bannon but I'm not sure what good it does to get rid of Sean Spicer or Reince Priebus.

Breaking: Trump reportedly considering huge White House shake-up
lol why would you like Sean Spicer? That's just stupid.

Come on, cut Spicer a break. Press secretary is the worst job in the world, especially when the president is A Republican Orange Clown. Besides, he keeps Melissa Mcarthy employed on SNL.
I'm ok with this move so long as he plans to replace his staff with true conservatives. I can understand getting rid of Steve Bannon but I'm not sure what good it does to get rid of Sean Spicer or Reince Priebus.

Breaking: Trump reportedly considering huge White House shake-up
And these true con-servatives would be......?
Examples (key word) would be people such as Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, Dr. Ben Carson, and Nikki Haley.

I'm in no way implying those are the people mind you. I'm listing true conservatives. No RINO's like Lindsey Graham or John McCain.

I still think Mitt Romney would have been the best possible choice for Secretary of State because of his experience and demeanor. No idea if he would be interested in the job - but he would make a good Chief of Staff for President Trump.

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