President Trump Misses Bulls-Eye On Trade!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
Business and World leaders need to understand that President Donald Trump's "America First On Trade" campaign misses the Bulls-Eye but it does indicate that the American government is shooting at the correct target, that the current state of affairs on international trade isn't okay by a long long shot! These men and women need to have a dramatic conversion experience because globalization is not working for ordinary Americans as a whole and it is not working for ordinary people as a whole in many countries throughout the world. To many average Americans it seems if pro-globalization leaders and their business allies have their way America will completely lose its steel industry, home appliance industry, furniture industry and solar energy equipment industry and that isn't the entire list of losses America would suffer. This ain't happening the American people are not going to tolerate this kind of loss of middle class jobs our stupid elected officials and business leaders might not have caught on to this but they will you can be assured! International trade laws and pacts must be changed to allow governments to protect their domestic industries because the good paying jobs they provide are too vital to the respective country! International laws that seek to create this world-wide free market where every business is subject to competition from businesses throughout the world doesn't work too many business cannot withstand the competition businesses from foreign governments have too many competitive advantages lower wage costs, lower infrastructure cost, lower taxes, etc.. It is not a fixable problem it is stupid for government leaders to expose their people to this kind of harm and it is going to stop either nicely or through outstanding conflict either way this off the chart badness is going to stop!

President Donald Trump misses the Bulls Eye on Trade because the use of his language "America First" turns people off because it implies that the American people's interest are being put above people's interests from other countries and that is not the correct concern here the correct concern here is that international trade laws allow domestic industries to be decimated and essentially wiped out with their good paying jobs being lost to the people in the respective country and this unjust harm has to and will stop! President Trump's "America First On Trade" campaign will probably not last much longer than his presidency because the forces that prosper and survive from this unjust trade system are too powerful. But rest assured these people days in power are numbered, the American people are fed up we are going to fight and win this war, anyone that looks carefully can see the resolve in America against globalization and it will only grow because it is the morally right position.

Foreign political and business leaders would be smart to recognize the populist movement against globalization rising throughout the world and get ahead of it and address these good people's concerns. To that end they should change the international trade laws and pacts to allow for countries to protect their domestic industries and protect against a large trade imbalance with another country. These leaders would be smart to change the international trade model from globalization to stability in international trade where government policies are ideally set for ten year increments so businesses that do international business can know the rules so they can make capital expenditures with reliability that such expenditures will be profitable!

Today, foreign and American pro-globalization leaders throughout the world view "protectionism" as a bad thing. They need to throw that thinking away and view it as a sovereign government's duty because truthfully a country's government leaders have a moral duty to be responsible in their efforts to create good paying jobs for their people and this at minimum means government leaders should be protecting their domestic industries (that create good paying jobs) from being decimated and in some cases put out existence from international trade competition. These leaders would be smart to recognize that the days are coming to an end where the world will be a place where the little guy will be thrown into the gutter to satisfy the greed pf the wealthy and powerful that has taken place because of Globalization!
Business and World leaders need to understand that President Donald Trump's "America First On Trade" campaign misses the Bulls-Eye but it does indicate that the American government is shooting at the correct target, that the current state of affairs on international trade isn't okay by a long long shot! These men and women need to have a dramatic conversion experience because globalization is not working for ordinary Americans as a whole and it is not working for ordinary people as a whole in many countries throughout the world. To many average Americans it seems if pro-globalization leaders and their business allies have their way America will completely lose its steel industry, home appliance industry, furniture industry and solar energy equipment industry and that isn't the entire list of losses America would suffer. This ain't happening the American people are not going to tolerate this kind of loss of middle class jobs our stupid elected officials and business leaders might not have caught on to this but they will you can be assured! International trade laws and pacts must be changed to allow governments to protect their domestic industries because the good paying jobs they provide are too vital to the respective country! International laws that seek to create this world-wide free market where every business is subject to competition from businesses throughout the world doesn't work too many business cannot withstand the competition businesses from foreign governments have too many competitive advantages lower wage costs, lower infrastructure cost, lower taxes, etc.. It is not a fixable problem it is stupid for government leaders to expose their people to this kind of harm and it is going to stop either nicely or through outstanding conflict either way this off the chart badness is going to stop!

President Donald Trump misses the Bulls Eye on Trade because the use of his language "America First" turns people off because it implies that the American people's interest are being put above people's interests from other countries and that is not the correct concern here the correct concern here is that international trade laws allow domestic industries to be decimated and essentially wiped out with their good paying jobs being lost to the people in the respective country and this unjust harm has to and will stop! President Trump's "America First On Trade" campaign will probably not last much longer than his presidency because the forces that prosper and survive from this unjust trade system are too powerful. But rest assured these people days in power are numbered, the American people are fed up we are going to fight and win this war, anyone that looks carefully can see the resolve in America against globalization and it will only grow because it is the morally right position.

Foreign political and business leaders would be smart to recognize the populist movement against globalization rising throughout the world and get ahead of it and address these good people's concerns. To that end they should change the international trade laws and pacts to allow for countries to protect their domestic industries and protect against a large trade imbalance with another country. These leaders would be smart to change the international trade model from globalization to stability in international trade where government policies are ideally set for ten year increments so businesses that do international business can know the rules so they can make capital expenditures with reliability that such expenditures will be profitable!

Today, foreign and American pro-globalization leaders throughout the world view "protectionism" as a bad thing. They need to throw that thinking away and view it as a sovereign government's duty because truthfully a country's government leaders have a moral duty to be responsible in their efforts to create good paying jobs for their people and this at minimum means government leaders should be protecting their domestic industries (that create good paying jobs) from being decimated and in some cases put out existence from international trade competition. These leaders would be smart to recognize that the days are coming to an end where the world will be a place where the little guy will be thrown into the gutter to satisfy the greed pf the wealthy and powerful that has taken place because of Globalization!

It was American Labor that popularized the "Buy American" slogan. That pretty much covers the "trade aspect" of America First. And Trump's penchant for fixing trade issues with tariffs is pretty problematic, but it works. It works because the principle way foreign corporations AVOID tariffs -- is to open manuf. plants in the US and create a US supply chain with all those associated benefits.

The REST of "America First" comes from an accurate realization that we are own worst enemy when it comes to flushing money down the tubes around the world. Encouraging corrupt, violent, inept dictatorships with cash and deals for instance.
Business and World leaders need to understand that President Donald Trump's "America First On Trade" campaign misses the Bulls-Eye but it does indicate that the American government is shooting at the correct target, that the current state of affairs on international trade isn't okay by a long long shot! These men and women need to have a dramatic conversion experience because globalization is not working for ordinary Americans as a whole and it is not working for ordinary people as a whole in many countries throughout the world. To many average Americans it seems if pro-globalization leaders and their business allies have their way America will completely lose its steel industry, home appliance industry, furniture industry and solar energy equipment industry and that isn't the entire list of losses America would suffer. This ain't happening the American people are not going to tolerate this kind of loss of middle class jobs our stupid elected officials and business leaders might not have caught on to this but they will you can be assured! International trade laws and pacts must be changed to allow governments to protect their domestic industries because the good paying jobs they provide are too vital to the respective country! International laws that seek to create this world-wide free market where every business is subject to competition from businesses throughout the world doesn't work too many business cannot withstand the competition businesses from foreign governments have too many competitive advantages lower wage costs, lower infrastructure cost, lower taxes, etc.. It is not a fixable problem it is stupid for government leaders to expose their people to this kind of harm and it is going to stop either nicely or through outstanding conflict either way this off the chart badness is going to stop!

President Donald Trump misses the Bulls Eye on Trade because the use of his language "America First" turns people off because it implies that the American people's interest are being put above people's interests from other countries and that is not the correct concern here the correct concern here is that international trade laws allow domestic industries to be decimated and essentially wiped out with their good paying jobs being lost to the people in the respective country and this unjust harm has to and will stop! President Trump's "America First On Trade" campaign will probably not last much longer than his presidency because the forces that prosper and survive from this unjust trade system are too powerful. But rest assured these people days in power are numbered, the American people are fed up we are going to fight and win this war, anyone that looks carefully can see the resolve in America against globalization and it will only grow because it is the morally right position.

Foreign political and business leaders would be smart to recognize the populist movement against globalization rising throughout the world and get ahead of it and address these good people's concerns. To that end they should change the international trade laws and pacts to allow for countries to protect their domestic industries and protect against a large trade imbalance with another country. These leaders would be smart to change the international trade model from globalization to stability in international trade where government policies are ideally set for ten year increments so businesses that do international business can know the rules so they can make capital expenditures with reliability that such expenditures will be profitable!

Today, foreign and American pro-globalization leaders throughout the world view "protectionism" as a bad thing. They need to throw that thinking away and view it as a sovereign government's duty because truthfully a country's government leaders have a moral duty to be responsible in their efforts to create good paying jobs for their people and this at minimum means government leaders should be protecting their domestic industries (that create good paying jobs) from being decimated and in some cases put out existence from international trade competition. These leaders would be smart to recognize that the days are coming to an end where the world will be a place where the little guy will be thrown into the gutter to satisfy the greed pf the wealthy and powerful that has taken place because of Globalization!

I believed in globalization, and I still do, but there needs to be some "tweaks", and maybe even some overhauls in some respects.

For instance, America does trade with nations that are unfair in their practices, and to which their systems are not compatible. China is the more egregious example, a Communist state that treats it's citizens worse than dogs and to which they have stolen American industries, not just jobs. This same Communist nation that oppresses so many is rewarded and has armed it's military to the teeth.

Now these other nations are slowly starting to see the threat. There are only so many islands the most wealthy and successful can run to in the event of China deciding to flex their muscles. Without a strong, dominant America, the West is in trouble.

Expand that to Mexico, Canada and other smaller nations who tell America "take our goods, but don't apply tariffs, but in return we ill tax you as much as we want" and you have serious problems.

It required a wealthy businessman to fix this, because not only does he understand it from personal experience, but he cannot be bought by lobbyists. He was one of the very few who had the high profile presence and the wealth to overcome the global socialist agenda that Hillary would have ushered in.

Couple all this with business leaders bombarding their nation with low skill labor in an effort to in effect try and keep jobs at home via low wages rather than them seeking out low wage locales elsewhere, and you have a recipe for disaster.
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