President Trump says shootings a societal problem.

Why do you go to such extremes?? Only a small faction want all guns banned. I don’t know anybody that wants that. They want guns to be harder to access so the nutballs and criminals can’t get them as easily. It’s not the craziest idea

Might I suggest you Google Biden's plans for guns? Yes, they do want our guns.

Nothing in there says he plans to take everybody’s guns away. Not even close

Guns like anything else break or need maintenance. Part of his plan was to make it illegal to buy gun parts or new guns over the internet.

When lawsuits put all the gun manufacturers out of business, where are new buyers supposed to get guns from when theirs is no longer reparable?
Guns like anything else break or need maintenance. Part of his plan was to make it illegal to buy gun parts or new guns over the internet.

When lawsuits put all the gun manufacturers out of business, where are new buyers supposed to get guns from when theirs is no longer reparable?
So what? that doesn’t equate to taking your guns away. There are still places to buy guns and get them repaired… correct??

Gun manufacturers won’t go out of business if they don’t break the law. They are a billion dollar industry.

Hyperbolic statements are made to stoke fear and drive gun sales. Don’t be so gullible. It’s a game
So what? that doesn’t equate to taking your guns away. There are still places to buy guns and get them repaired… correct??

Gun manufacturers won’t go out of business if they don’t break the law. They are a billion dollar industry.

Hyperbolic statements are made to stoke fear and drive gun sales. Don’t be so gullible. It’s a game

What???? Do you realize what taking liability protection away would mean? It would mean people would be able to sue all of them out of business. If you had an accident with your gun, you'd be able to sue them. If you got shot by a police officer, you'd be able to sue them. So what do you think would happen when millions of people are suing the gun companies?

I don't care how much money the gun companies have, they could never possibly survive. You know it and I know it, it's just you don't possess the honesty to admit it. You don't have the honesty to admit the Communists will take every step possible to disarm us. Why do you think Biden wants to do this, because he really believes gun manufacturers should be held liable when somebody buys a product they made and used it for nefarious reasons?

Being biased is one thing. Being dishonest about it is another. Come clean and say you're a leftist already instead of hiding behind this phony "I'm a moderate" thing.
What???? Do you realize what taking liability protection away would mean? It would mean people would be able to sue all of them out of business. If you had an accident with your gun, you'd be able to sue them. If you got shot by a police officer, you'd be able to sue them. So what do you think would happen when millions of people are suing the gun companies?

I don't care how much money the gun companies have, they could never possibly survive. You know it and I know it, it's just you don't possess the honesty to admit it. You don't have the honesty to admit the Communists will take every step possible to disarm us. Why do you think Biden wants to do this, because he really believes gun manufacturers should be held liable when somebody buys a product they made and used it for nefarious reasons?

Being biased is one thing. Being dishonest about it is another. Come clean and say you're a leftist already instead of hiding behind this phony "I'm a moderate" thing.
There would be rules in place and the company would only be liable if they broke the rules. That’s what would be determined in court
There would be rules in place and the company would only be liable if they broke the rules. That’s what would be determined in court

That's already been determined in Congress. A gun seller or manufacturer can still be held liable for nefarious practices. This goes beyond that. What he wants to do is allow gun sellers and manufacturers to be sued for any reason. Kind of like if you caused an accident with your Ford pickup truck and the people you injured suing ford. Of course with the tens of millions of Ford vehicles on the road, Ford would have to close up in less than two years.

Clinton on Sanders' gun record

Sanders also voted in favor of the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act of 2005, which provided some protections for licensed manufacturers, dealers, sellers of firearms or ammunition, and trade associations from civil lawsuits resulting from the misuse of firearms or ammunition. But gun makers and dealers did not receive a “total pass,” as Clinton claimed.

As the Congressional Research Service pointed out in a 2012 report, the legislation included six exceptions where civil suits could still be brought, including cases in which a firearm seller acted with negligence, cases involving the transfer of a firearm with the knowledge that it would be used to commit a crime, and cases in which manufacturers and sellers marketed or sold a firearm in violation of state or federal law.

This is what Dementia wants repealed.

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