President Trump says shootings a societal problem.

Here’s your first post:

If diversity is our problem like many of you just claimed then that is evidence that we do have a serious issue with racism in America. Do you agree?

Show me where you talked about guns. You didn’t, you only incorrectly spoke of diversity/racism, so I addressed that.

I’m glad I could clear up you false claim.
Did you the see the part where I referenced “like many of you just claimed” read the dozen or so posts before mine, the posts I responded to. They were about gun violence and diversity being the problem.
I can show you what a paraphrased. If you have to demand “direct quote or it didn’t happen”.. wow, you’re more spineless than I thought.
When people twist my words and claim I say things that I didn’t say then I can absolutely demand a quote. And I see you weaseling out of it now. That’s what’s spineless
Did you the see the part where I referenced “like many of you just claimed” read the dozen or so posts before mine, the posts I responded to. They were about gun violence and diversity being the problem.
The term "gun violence" is propaganda. I've got guns all over the place and none of them have ever been violent.
Did you the see the part where I referenced “like many of you just claimed” read the dozen or so posts before mine, the posts I responded to. They were about gun violence and diversity being the problem.
I’d imagine Many are on ignore, and I don’t follow all of your activity. Just admit you got busted being wrong on what you said and we can move on. You’re the one who tried to throw sauce in my face, and it backfired.
When people twist my words and claim I say things that I didn’t say then I can absolutely demand a quote. And I see you weaseling out of it now. That’s what’s spineless
We learned that from Democrats.
When people twist my words and claim I say things that I didn’t say then I can absolutely demand a quote. And I see you weaseling out of it now. That’s what’s spineless
I never said you directly said anything verbatim. Now You won’t even own your message. What.. a.. coward. Run along child…
I thought the more guns we had, the safer we would be. We have more guns than we ever have.

Yet we're not safer. You may want to reevaluate your core assumptions.

The truth of the matter is guns are used to stop crime and attacks between 1 and 4 million times a year depending on who's numbers you believe. Without our guns that's at least a million more violent crimes that would take place every year.

I am safer because I have guns. If you don't have any guns, you are safer too because the criminal is not sure if you can protect yourself or not. If we were all disarmed, then all criminals would know none of us could protect ourselves because criminals will never give up their guns. We'd all be victims which is what the Democrats want. Democrats love victims and victims love Democrats. That's why the party is always trying to create more of them.
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That’s exactly what you’re doing right now…. The OP was about guns. Several posters made the point that the diversity of our nation was what was causing the violence. That nations with less diversity were safer. My question that you responded to, the one that started our debate, was about that. If you think diversity is a cause for our problems in society and for the gun violence then that is also showing that racism is an integral part of the problem as well. Correct?

That’s not running from anything. That’s the first post I made in this thread.

I think you are confused by what people meant. To be honest I can't remember the posts myself. Diversity (meaning bringing in people of different cultures into your country) are responsible for violence because they are bringing in people more prone to causing violence. In the US, diversity doesn't cause people to be violent; they were always violent. But diversity causes nice areas to become violent.
I’d imagine Many are on ignore, and I don’t follow all of your activity. Just admit you got busted being wrong on what you said and we can move on. You’re the one who tried to throw sauce in my face, and it backfired.
I don’t know what sauce you’re talking about but this thread is about Gun violence and a bunch of bigots jumped in talking about how diversity was the problem. I simply made the observation that those sentiments show that we have a problem with racism in the country. Why would you have most those people on ignore?
I thought the more guns we had, the safer we would be. We have more guns than we ever have.

Yet we're not safer. You may want to reevaluate your core assumptions.
We are safer everywhere but in diverse blue shithole where guns laws are most aggressive…weird huh?
I don’t know what sauce you’re talking about but this thread is about Gun violence and a bunch of bigots jumped in talking about how diversity was the problem. I simply made the observation that those sentiments show that we have a problem with racism in the country. Why would you have most those people on ignore?
Depends on who.. many here from both sides just angrily flame. No need to debate them
That’s right because you wouldn’t be able to find anything I’ve said verbatim that lines up with your claim:
I never said it was verbatim. Most messages aren’t. People paraphrase to address someone’s point all the time. If you don’t want to support your point (which would actually be a step in the correct direction), just say so.
I thought the more guns we had, the safer we would be. We have more guns than we ever have.

Yet we're not safer. You may want to reevaluate your core assumptions.

My core still stands. Society is to blame for shootings, not guns.

In 1990 there were 2% more households with guns than now.

But in 1990 there were far less shooting than now. So again, our society has gone to shit. You could have 1,000,000,000,000 guns in America but if Americans were all decent, moral, with values and standards there wouldn't be any shooters because it's criminals and nutballs that go on shooting sprees, not decent people.
I never said it was verbatim. Most messages aren’t. People paraphrase to address someone’s point all the time. If you don’t want to support your point (which would actually be a step in the correct direction), just say so.
Your paraphrase was not accurate.
I thought the more guns we had, the safer we would be. We have more guns than we ever have.

Yet we're not safer. You may want to reevaluate your core assumptions.

My core still stands. Society is to blame for shootings, not guns.

Switzerland has gun ownership that rivals the united states but has the lowest gun related crime in Europe. Why? Because their society overall is better than ours.

What's better? To have less guns and more gun control? Or to have less criminals and less nutballs? If you got rid of every gun all the people who want to hurt eithers are still there.

So I stand by my convictions because you're either a contrarian or can not think past "guns cause problems". Either way you're wrong.
My core still stands. Society is to blame for shootings, not guns.

Switzerland has gun ownership that rivals the united states but has the lowest gun related crime in Europe. Why? Because their society overall is better than ours.

What's better? To have less guns and more gun control? Or to have less criminals and less nutballs? If you got rid of every gun all the people who want to hurt eithers are still there.

So I stand by my convictions because you're either a contrarian or can not think past "guns cause problems". Either way you're wrong.
Why do you go to such extremes?? Only a small faction want all guns banned. I don’t know anybody that wants that. They want guns to be harder to access so the nutballs and criminals can’t get them as easily. It’s not the craziest idea
"This is not a gun problem," he added, as he batted cleanup for a long list of Republican officials and office seekers. "This is a mental health problem, this is a social problem, this is a cultural problem, this is a spiritual problem."

And he is absolutely correct. America is around 250 years old. Weve always had guns and always had people. Shootings have only become a serious issue in the past 10 or 15 years. They have existed longer but in a vastly decreased amount.

So the question that begs answering is what has changed in the past 20 years? The answer is our society.

We need a better society, not better gun control. We need more values, morals, standards, and not more gun control. If you get rid of all the guns right now instantly the criminals and nutballs will still be left behind that want to hurt people. But what happens if we get rid of the criminals and nutballs? If you have a country of better people you need less laws, more laws is a sign of a society of not so good people.

SSRI are the problem

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