President Trump & Sec. 4 of the 25th Amendment

Is Donald Trump fit to be POTUS

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Wry Catcher

Diamond Member
Aug 3, 2009
San Francisco Bay Area
IMO, Trump manifests Cluster B Personality Disorders, thus, he feels he does not need to prepare himself for tasks he is not familiar with, he actually believes he can con everyone; he will continue these behaviors, until the day he leaves office, to believe he can outsmart or destroy those who dare to challenge him. Below Are characteristics which may describe Trump's behavior as President, during the campaign, when seeking the nomination and during his years as a real estate/casino owner.

301.7 Antisocial Personality Disorder (PD):
  • Aggression against people
  • Often starts fights
  • Uses power against others
  • Showed Cruelty to people
  • Force sex upon someone
301.50 Histrionic P.D.
  • Discomfort when not the center of attention
  • Relationships often fraught with inappropraite seductive or sexually provocative behavior
  • Expressions of emotions that are shallow (false pathos)
  • Speech which is vague and lacks detail (Crooked Hillary)
  • Overly Dramatic
  • Easily suggestible
301.81 Narcissistic P.D.
  • Grandiose sense of self-importance
  • Preoccupation with fantasies of beauty, brilliance, power or limitless success
  • Believe that personal uniqueness renders him fit only for associations with people or institutions of rarefied status
  • Need for excessive admiration
  • A sense of entitlement, expects favorable treatment or automatic granting of his own wishes.
Those who watch Trump, listen to his words and read his tweets may agree with this assessment of The President. Those who do not are fully free to offer a rebuttal
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Are you talking about obama, trump or both?
Started getting confusing after the first acronym :dunno:
IMO, Trump manifests Cluster B Personality Disorders, thus, he feels he does not need to prepare himself for tasks he is not familiar with, he actually believes he can con everyone; he will continue until these behaviors until the day he leaves office to believe he can outsmart or destroy those who dare to challenge him. Below Are characteristics which may describe Trump's behavior as President, during the campaign, when seeking the nomination and during his years as a real estate/casino owner.

301.7 Antisocial Personality Disorder (PD):
  • Aggression against people
  • Often starts fights
  • Uses power against others
  • Showed Cruelty to people
  • Force sex upon someone
301.50 Histrionic P.D.
  • Discomfort when not the center of attention
  • Relationships often fraught with inappropraite seductive or sexually provocative behavior
  • Expressions of emotions that are shallow (false pathos)
  • Speech which is vague and lacks detail (Crooked Hillary)
  • Overly Dramatic
  • Easily suggestible
301.81 Narcissistic P.D.
  • Grandiose sense of self-importance
  • Preoccupation with fantasies of beauty, brilliance, power or limitless success
  • Believe that personal uniqueness renders him fit only for associations with people or institutions of rarefied status
  • Need for excessive admiration
  • A sense of entitlement, expects favorable treatment or automatic granting of his own wishes.
Those who watch Trump, listen to his words and read his tweets may agree with this assessment of The President. Those who do not are fully free to offer a rebuttal

Who examined him to reach this assessment?
IMO, Trump manifests Cluster B Personality Disorders, thus, he feels he does not need to prepare himself for tasks he is not familiar with, he actually believes he can con everyone; he will continue until these behaviors until the day he leaves office to believe he can outsmart or destroy those who dare to challenge him. Below Are characteristics which may describe Trump's behavior as President, during the campaign, when seeking the nomination and during his years as a real estate/casino owner.

301.7 Antisocial Personality Disorder (PD):
  • Aggression against people
  • Often starts fights
  • Uses power against others
  • Showed Cruelty to people
  • Force sex upon someone
301.50 Histrionic P.D.
  • Discomfort when not the center of attention
  • Relationships often fraught with inappropraite seductive or sexually provocative behavior
  • Expressions of emotions that are shallow (false pathos)
  • Speech which is vague and lacks detail (Crooked Hillary)
  • Overly Dramatic
  • Easily suggestible
301.81 Narcissistic P.D.
  • Grandiose sense of self-importance
  • Preoccupation with fantasies of beauty, brilliance, power or limitless success
  • Believe that personal uniqueness renders him fit only for associations with people or institutions of rarefied status
  • Need for excessive admiration
  • A sense of entitlement, expects favorable treatment or automatic granting of his own wishes.
Those who watch Trump, listen to his words and read his tweets may agree with this assessment of The President. Those who do not are fully free to offer a rebuttal

Who examined him to reach this assessment?
--------------------------------- think it was 'doktor WryCatcher' in his dreams last night .
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Clearly I posted No. My reasons for doing so are listed in the OP, I believe, based on my education and experience, President Trump's behavior is unfit for, and he is incapable of adhering to the oath of office of the President of The United States:

"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."

I also believe The President is being protected by the Sessions (AG), Rep. Nunes (chairman of the Intelligence committee), and especially the VP and The Speaker of the House, both who have the power to invoke Sec. 4 of the 25th Amendment to COTUS
Clearly I posted No. My reasons for doing so are listed in the OP, I believe, based on my education and experience, President Trump's behavior is unfit for, and he is incapable of adhering to the oath of office of the President of The United States:

"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."

I also believe The President is being protected by the Sessions (AG), Rep. Nunes (chairman of the Intelligence committee), and especially the VP and The Speaker of the House, both who have the power to invoke Sec. 4 of the 25th Amendment to COTUS

And I believe you need to add another layer of tinfoil to your hat.

You are trying to use mechanism designed to remove a president due to real mental defect or something like a heart attack that puts them in a coma to remove a legally elected sitting president for purely political reasons.

It would be nothing more than a coup, and that you would support something of that nature shows what a fascist prick you are.
That Trump is unfit to be president is a fact settled, accepted, and beyond dispute, where his removal from office is warranted.

No, political disagreement and being an ass does not make him unfit.

As with wry-dipshit, what you are supporting is a politically motivated coup d'etat.
TRUMP is doing fine WryCatcher .

Thank you for standing and being counted. Please elaborate and explain what you mean by he, "is doing fine"?
-------------------------- he is doing fine . He is rebuilding the USA Military , appointing Federal Judges , deporting illegal aliens , appointed a Supreme Court Justice that is supposed to be conservative . He has confronted the 'norks' , may confront the 'iranians' and the USA is a fine place to live WryCatcher .
Aggression against people

  • Showed Cruelty to people
  • Force sex upon someone

301.7 Antisocial Personality Disorder (PD):
  • Aggression against people
  • Often starts fights
  • Uses power against others
  • Showed Cruelty to people
  • Force sex upon someone
301.50 Histrionic P.D.
  • Discomfort when not the center of attention
  • Relationships often fraught with inappropraite seductive or sexually provocative behavior
  • Expressions of emotions that are shallow (false pathos)
  • Speech which is vague and lacks detail (Crooked Hillary)
  • Overly Dramatic
  • Easily suggestible
301.81 Narcissistic P.D.
  • Grandiose sense of self-importance
  • Preoccupation with fantasies of beauty, brilliance, power or limitless success
  • Believe that personal uniqueness renders him fit only for associations with people or institutions of rarefied status
  • Need for excessive admiration
  • A sense of entitlement, expects favorable treatment or automatic granting of his own wishes.

I honestly did not see the first three groups of behaviors to be prominent in either Trump or Obama.

However, I think you have a winner in 301.81 Narcissism for both presidents.
Clearly I posted No. My reasons for doing so are listed in the OP, I believe, based on my education and experience, President Trump's behavior is unfit for, and he is incapable of adhering to the oath of office of the President of The United States:

"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."

I also believe The President is being protected by the Sessions (AG), Rep. Nunes (chairman of the Intelligence committee), and especially the VP and The Speaker of the House, both who have the power to invoke Sec. 4 of the 25th Amendment to COTUS

Man, you've got the TDS pretty bad there, sport.
IMO, Trump manifests Cluster B Personality Disorders, thus, he feels he does not need to prepare himself for tasks he is not familiar with, he actually believes he can con everyone; he will continue until these behaviors until the day he leaves office to believe he can outsmart or destroy those who dare to challenge him. Below Are characteristics which may describe Trump's behavior as President, during the campaign, when seeking the nomination and during his years as a real estate/casino owner.

301.7 Antisocial Personality Disorder (PD):
  • Aggression against people
  • Often starts fights
  • Uses power against others
  • Showed Cruelty to people
  • Force sex upon someone
301.50 Histrionic P.D.
  • Discomfort when not the center of attention
  • Relationships often fraught with inappropraite seductive or sexually provocative behavior
  • Expressions of emotions that are shallow (false pathos)
  • Speech which is vague and lacks detail (Crooked Hillary)
  • Overly Dramatic
  • Easily suggestible
301.81 Narcissistic P.D.
  • Grandiose sense of self-importance
  • Preoccupation with fantasies of beauty, brilliance, power or limitless success
  • Believe that personal uniqueness renders him fit only for associations with people or institutions of rarefied status
  • Need for excessive admiration
  • A sense of entitlement, expects favorable treatment or automatic granting of his own wishes.
Those who watch Trump, listen to his words and read his tweets may agree with this assessment of The President. Those who do not are fully free to offer a rebuttal

Who examined him to reach this assessment?
--------------------------------- think it was 'doktor WryCatcher' in his dreams last night .

It does not take an MD with a specialty in Psychiatry to rule out anyone of these factors listed in the DSM-V. I proffered what I have watched, listen to and read, since President Trump announced his intention to run for the office of President. In doing so and reading the factors outlined in the subsets of Personality Disorders it become obvious to me many apply and are easy to spot. I did rule out the few which did not apply.
Clearly I posted No. My reasons for doing so are listed in the OP, I believe, based on my education and experience, President Trump's behavior is unfit for, and he is incapable of adhering to the oath of office of the President of The United States:

"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."

I also believe The President is being protected by the Sessions (AG), Rep. Nunes (chairman of the Intelligence committee), and especially the VP and The Speaker of the House, both who have the power to invoke Sec. 4 of the 25th Amendment to COTUS

Man, you've got the TDS pretty bad there, sport.

Idiot-grams offer nothing of substance, are not thoughtful or thought provoking. That this is all you have, is sad and pitiful.
Clearly I posted No. My reasons for doing so are listed in the OP, I believe, based on my education and experience, President Trump's behavior is unfit for, and he is incapable of adhering to the oath of office of the President of The United States:

"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."

I also believe The President is being protected by the Sessions (AG), Rep. Nunes (chairman of the Intelligence committee), and especially the VP and The Speaker of the House, both who have the power to invoke Sec. 4 of the 25th Amendment to COTUS
It's what I heard on Morning Joe.
IMO, Trump manifests Cluster B Personality Disorders, thus, he feels he does not need to prepare himself for tasks he is not familiar with, he actually believes he can con everyone; he will continue these behaviors, until the day he leaves office, to believe he can outsmart or destroy those who dare to challenge him. Below Are characteristics which may describe Trump's behavior as President, during the campaign, when seeking the nomination and during his years as a real estate/casino owner.

301.7 Antisocial Personality Disorder (PD):
  • Aggression against people
  • Often starts fights
  • Uses power against others
  • Showed Cruelty to people
  • Force sex upon someone
301.50 Histrionic P.D.
  • Discomfort when not the center of attention
  • Relationships often fraught with inappropraite seductive or sexually provocative behavior
  • Expressions of emotions that are shallow (false pathos)
  • Speech which is vague and lacks detail (Crooked Hillary)
  • Overly Dramatic
  • Easily suggestible
301.81 Narcissistic P.D.
  • Grandiose sense of self-importance
  • Preoccupation with fantasies of beauty, brilliance, power or limitless success
  • Believe that personal uniqueness renders him fit only for associations with people or institutions of rarefied status
  • Need for excessive admiration
  • A sense of entitlement, expects favorable treatment or automatic granting of his own wishes.
Those who watch Trump, listen to his words and read his tweets may agree with this assessment of The President. Those who do not are fully free to offer a rebuttal
IMO, Trump manifests Cluster B Personality Disorders, thus, he feels he does not need to prepare himself for tasks he is not familiar with, he actually believes he can con everyone; he will continue until these behaviors until the day he leaves office to believe he can outsmart or destroy those who dare to challenge him. Below Are characteristics which may describe Trump's behavior as President, during the campaign, when seeking the nomination and during his years as a real estate/casino owner.

301.7 Antisocial Personality Disorder (PD):
  • Aggression against people
  • Often starts fights
  • Uses power against others
  • Showed Cruelty to people
  • Force sex upon someone
301.50 Histrionic P.D.
  • Discomfort when not the center of attention
  • Relationships often fraught with inappropraite seductive or sexually provocative behavior
  • Expressions of emotions that are shallow (false pathos)
  • Speech which is vague and lacks detail (Crooked Hillary)
  • Overly Dramatic
  • Easily suggestible
301.81 Narcissistic P.D.
  • Grandiose sense of self-importance
  • Preoccupation with fantasies of beauty, brilliance, power or limitless success
  • Believe that personal uniqueness renders him fit only for associations with people or institutions of rarefied status
  • Need for excessive admiration
  • A sense of entitlement, expects favorable treatment or automatic granting of his own wishes.
Those who watch Trump, listen to his words and read his tweets may agree with this assessment of The President. Those who do not are fully free to offer a rebuttal
NPD, HPD, APDPD...It all boils down to "reprobate."

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