President Trump sued for blocking people on Twitter

Should President Trump stop Tweeting?

  • Yes, 100%

    Votes: 3 16.7%
  • Yes for personal views, but no for official statements of policy

    Votes: 2 11.1%
  • No

    Votes: 13 72.2%
  • I don't know

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Another response I'll post about

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters

You can tell which are his own twits because he misspells and says really stupid shit.

He has two phones, one is secure, one is not. Ya wanna bet which one he twits from? Sme with emails.

He is incapable of learning. He once said he liked emails because they last forever. He's busy eating those words tonight.
"The First Amendment applies to this digital forum in the same way it applies to town halls and open school board meetings," he said.


The first Amendment applies to the actions of government, not to private citizens and companies. Since Twitter is a non government entity, it isn't subject to the same constitutional restraints as the government is.

Oh, and get this, the president is still a citizen himself, and has a constitutional right to block whomever he wishes from his twitter account.
President Trump is the "government". Since it's been admitted that his tweets constitute official policy, it opens him up to this lawsuit. Of course, that doesn't mean those suing will win, but as I mentioned in the OP, the fact he does makes him vulnerable to lawsuits.
Who has admitted that trump tweets are official policy. Link please!
The WH Press Secretary: White House: Trump's tweets are 'official statements' -
Official statements are not official policy. Try again
I'm sure the Democrats don't want him to stop either. More likely it's the Republicans running for reelection who are shitting in their boots.
My advice to those Republicans would be if someone ask you about Trumps tweets tell them if you want to talk about Trumps ask him about them.
Good advice. Nonetheless, BS like this detracts from both President Trump's and the Republican Congress's agenda meaning the DNC loves every minute of it.
Right now it seems like the Democrats are doing exactly what the Republicans did with Obama overplaying everything.
Agreed 100%. It's the same political BS. Partisans attacking partisans for being partisans.

In this particular case, the problem is self-made. All President Trump has to do is either stop blocking the trolls (a bad option IMHO), block everyone (a fair option) or stop Tweeting opinions that draw trolls. Like this Tweet this morning: Donald J. Trump on Twitter
My son Donald did a good job last night. He was open, transparent and innocent. This is the greatest Witch Hunt in political history. Sad!
4:19 AM - 12 Jul 2017

While defending is son is understandable, the theatrics of declaring the investigation "the greatest Witch Hunt in political history" invites people to ask him if he ever heard of Senator Joseph McCarthy. There are over 35,000 comments on that single Tweet. I'm sure the President's political opponents and night show hosts love combing through the responses for juicy bits. It's distracting to the agenda.
I'm not on twitter don't plan on being on it so the only way I hear about Trumps tweets are through the media or someone posting about them here or on Facebook. I saw two Democratic Congressmen introduced an article of impeachment against Trump today right now both sides seem to be in dead heat to see who can out stupid the other.

I joined Twitter just to read his twits but gave up. I think its a pain in the neck.

Trump is finally using an iPhone but some of his tweets are still coming from an Android device

Trump is now tweeting from an iPhone, but will he give up on Android?

Is Trump Tweeting From a 'Secure' Smartphone? The White House Won't Say

Is Trump Still Tweeting From His Unsecured Android Phone?
"The First Amendment applies to this digital forum in the same way it applies to town halls and open school board meetings," he said.


The first Amendment applies to the actions of government, not to private citizens and companies. Since Twitter is a non government entity, it isn't subject to the same constitutional restraints as the government is.

Oh, and get this, the president is still a citizen himself, and has a constitutional right to block whomever he wishes from his twitter account.
President Trump is the "government". Since it's been admitted that his tweets constitute official policy, it opens him up to this lawsuit. Of course, that doesn't mean those suing will win, but as I mentioned in the OP, the fact he does makes him vulnerable to lawsuits.
Who has admitted that trump tweets are official policy. Link please!
The WH Press Secretary: White House: Trump's tweets are 'official statements' -
Official statements are not official policy. Try again

Probably as close as we'll ever get from trump. In fact, when was the last time we've seen an "official statement" come out of the WH? His people just dance around and never really answer anything.

And, as we've seen, he's quite capable of lying, flip-flopping and so on. Nor would he explain it if he did. Trump lies. Its what he does. About 100 lies every month since taking office. Its the new normal.

You can tell which are his own twits because he misspells and says really stupid shit.

He has two phones, one is secure, one is not. Ya wanna bet which one he twits from? Sme with emails.

He is incapable of learning. He once said he liked emails because they last forever. He's busy eating those words tonight.
Someone needs a hug....

I think there's a big difference between "incapable of learning" and "not giving a shit".
"The First Amendment applies to this digital forum in the same way it applies to town halls and open school board meetings," he said.


The first Amendment applies to the actions of government, not to private citizens and companies. Since Twitter is a non government entity, it isn't subject to the same constitutional restraints as the government is.

Oh, and get this, the president is still a citizen himself, and has a constitutional right to block whomever he wishes from his twitter account.
President Trump is the "government". Since it's been admitted that his tweets constitute official policy, it opens him up to this lawsuit. Of course, that doesn't mean those suing will win, but as I mentioned in the OP, the fact he does makes him vulnerable to lawsuits.
Who has admitted that trump tweets are official policy. Link please!
The WH Press Secretary: White House: Trump's tweets are 'official statements' -
Official statements are not official policy. Try again
Let the courts decide. I'm curious to read about it over the next 6-18 months.

You can tell which are his own twits because he misspells and says really stupid shit.

He has two phones, one is secure, one is not. Ya wanna bet which one he twits from? Sme with emails.

He is incapable of learning. He once said he liked emails because they last forever. He's busy eating those words tonight.
Someone needs a hug....

I think there's a big difference between "incapable of learning" and "not giving a shit".

In the case of trump, its surely both.

He really isn't all that bright. We all want to think that being rich means you're smart. In fact, the only smart thing he ever did was get born to wealth.

That fact, inheriting hundreds of millions, has made him "not give a shit".

He's ran for prez to increase his wealth and make his name worth more. All you have to do is look at where he was just before he descended from on high to bless us all with his almost daily lies and you see that's true. He's cleaning us out to the tune of millions every week and, as unbelievable as it is, some 35% of the US is happy he's in the WH.

Suck it up cupcake because no, I won't hug you.
Oh, and get this, the president is still a citizen himself, and has a constitutional right to block whomever he wishes from his twitter account.
Amen to this. If people start getting nasty with him, he shouldn't have to continue to put up with it if he doesn't want to see it anymore.

God bless you and him always!!!

Can President Trump ban twitter users from his account?

#POTUS account no. #realDonaldTrump account yes.
Last edited:
"The First Amendment applies to this digital forum in the same way it applies to town halls and open school board meetings," he said.


The first Amendment applies to the actions of government, not to private citizens and companies. Since Twitter is a non government entity, it isn't subject to the same constitutional restraints as the government is.

Oh, and get this, the president is still a citizen himself, and has a constitutional right to block whomever he wishes from his twitter account.
President Trump is the "government". Since it's been admitted that his tweets constitute official policy, it opens him up to this lawsuit. Of course, that doesn't mean those suing will win, but as I mentioned in the OP, the fact he does makes him vulnerable to lawsuits.

There is absolutely nothing valid in that post.
My advice to those Republicans would be if someone ask you about Trumps tweets tell them if you want to talk about Trumps ask him about them.
Good advice. Nonetheless, BS like this detracts from both President Trump's and the Republican Congress's agenda meaning the DNC loves every minute of it.
Right now it seems like the Democrats are doing exactly what the Republicans did with Obama overplaying everything.
Agreed 100%. It's the same political BS. Partisans attacking partisans for being partisans.

In this particular case, the problem is self-made. All President Trump has to do is either stop blocking the trolls (a bad option IMHO), block everyone (a fair option) or stop Tweeting opinions that draw trolls. Like this Tweet this morning: Donald J. Trump on Twitter
My son Donald did a good job last night. He was open, transparent and innocent. This is the greatest Witch Hunt in political history. Sad!
4:19 AM - 12 Jul 2017

While defending is son is understandable, the theatrics of declaring the investigation "the greatest Witch Hunt in political history" invites people to ask him if he ever heard of Senator Joseph McCarthy. There are over 35,000 comments on that single Tweet. I'm sure the President's political opponents and night show hosts love combing through the responses for juicy bits. It's distracting to the agenda.
I'm not on twitter don't plan on being on it so the only way I hear about Trumps tweets are through the media or someone posting about them here or on Facebook. I saw two Democratic Congressmen introduced an article of impeachment against Trump today right now both sides seem to be in dead heat to see who can out stupid the other.

I joined Twitter just to read his twits but gave up. I think its a pain in the neck.

Trump is finally using an iPhone but some of his tweets are still coming from an Android device

Trump is now tweeting from an iPhone, but will he give up on Android?

Is Trump Tweeting From a 'Secure' Smartphone? The White House Won't Say

Is Trump Still Tweeting From His Unsecured Android Phone?
Truth hurts you leftists. The truth is getting out in spite of the left wing, radical fake news media.
"The First Amendment applies to this digital forum in the same way it applies to town halls and open school board meetings," he said.


The first Amendment applies to the actions of government, not to private citizens and companies. Since Twitter is a non government entity, it isn't subject to the same constitutional restraints as the government is.

Oh, and get this, the president is still a citizen himself, and has a constitutional right to block whomever he wishes from his twitter account.
President Trump is the "government". Since it's been admitted that his tweets constitute official policy, it opens him up to this lawsuit. Of course, that doesn't mean those suing will win, but as I mentioned in the OP, the fact he does makes him vulnerable to lawsuits.

There is absolutely nothing valid in that post.
So how much money are you willing to bet on this? What do you think will happen? Nothing? It gets thrown out of court? Trump unblocks them? Trump blocks everyone? Trump stops Tweeting "Sad"?
Oh, and get this, the president is still a citizen himself, and has a constitutional right to block whomever he wishes from his twitter account.
Amen to this. If people start getting nasty with him, he shouldn't have to continue to put up with it if he doesn't want to see it anymore.

God bless you and him always!!!

Being an elected official, like joining the military, entails certain responsibilities. Example; the Secret Service controls a lot of what POTUS can and can't do.

You can tell which are his own twits because he misspells and says really stupid shit.

He has two phones, one is secure, one is not. Ya wanna bet which one he twits from? Sme with emails.

He is incapable of learning. He once said he liked emails because they last forever. He's busy eating those words tonight.
Someone needs a hug....

I think there's a big difference between "incapable of learning" and "not giving a shit".

In the case of trump, its surely both.

He really isn't all that bright. We all want to think that being rich means you're smart. In fact, the only smart thing he ever did was get born to wealth.

That fact, inheriting hundreds of millions, has made him "not give a shit".

He's ran for prez to increase his wealth and make his name worth more. All you have to do is look at where he was just before he descended from on high to bless us all with his almost daily lies and you see that's true. He's cleaning us out to the tune of millions every week and, as unbelievable as it is, some 35% of the US is happy he's in the WH.

Suck it up cupcake because no, I won't hug you.
Disagreed Trump isn't bright, but he is certainly a spoiled septuagenarian billionaire used to being the 400lb gorilla in the room. Since being POTUS doesn't work that way, he's running into problems, many of them self-made, which are derailing his agenda.
"The First Amendment applies to this digital forum in the same way it applies to town halls and open school board meetings," he said.


The first Amendment applies to the actions of government, not to private citizens and companies. Since Twitter is a non government entity, it isn't subject to the same constitutional restraints as the government is.

Oh, and get this, the president is still a citizen himself, and has a constitutional right to block whomever he wishes from his twitter account.
President Trump is the "government". Since it's been admitted that his tweets constitute official policy, it opens him up to this lawsuit. Of course, that doesn't mean those suing will win, but as I mentioned in the OP, the fact he does makes him vulnerable to lawsuits.

There is absolutely nothing valid in that post.
So how much money are you willing to bet on this? What do you think will happen? Nothing? It gets thrown out of court? Trump unblocks them? Trump blocks everyone? Trump stops Tweeting "Sad"?
It hasn't been "admitted that they constitute official policy". You're a liar.

What the hell is with you people and your pathetic lying, and slavish commitment to the idea of having the state determine every move you, and others, make?
"The First Amendment applies to this digital forum in the same way it applies to town halls and open school board meetings," he said.


The first Amendment applies to the actions of government, not to private citizens and companies. Since Twitter is a non government entity, it isn't subject to the same constitutional restraints as the government is.

Oh, and get this, the president is still a citizen himself, and has a constitutional right to block whomever he wishes from his twitter account.
President Trump is the "government". Since it's been admitted that his tweets constitute official policy, it opens him up to this lawsuit. Of course, that doesn't mean those suing will win, but as I mentioned in the OP, the fact he does makes him vulnerable to lawsuits.

There is absolutely nothing valid in that post.
So how much money are you willing to bet on this? What do you think will happen? Nothing? It gets thrown out of court? Trump unblocks them? Trump blocks everyone? Trump stops Tweeting "Sad"?
It hasn't been "admitted that they constitute official policy". You're a liar.

What the hell is with you people and your pathetic lying, and slavish commitment to the idea of having the state determine every move you, and others, make?
Read the post above where I quoted a link. The fact you are in complete denial of reality is sad.

Who are "you people"? Those who disagree with you? Please define exactly what you mean. I'm curious.
That was a different case, dear. 2013 and 2015.

Answer me this. Does the White House screen calls coming? Yes, and have forever. No different.

You can tell which are his own twits because he misspells and says really stupid shit.

He has two phones, one is secure, one is not. Ya wanna bet which one he twits from? Sme with emails.

He is incapable of learning. He once said he liked emails because they last forever. He's busy eating those words tonight.
Someone needs a hug....

I think there's a big difference between "incapable of learning" and "not giving a shit".

In the case of trump, its surely both.

He really isn't all that bright. We all want to think that being rich means you're smart. In fact, the only smart thing he ever did was get born to wealth.

That fact, inheriting hundreds of millions, has made him "not give a shit".

He's ran for prez to increase his wealth and make his name worth more. All you have to do is look at where he was just before he descended from on high to bless us all with his almost daily lies and you see that's true. He's cleaning us out to the tune of millions every week and, as unbelievable as it is, some 35% of the US is happy he's in the WH.

Suck it up cupcake because no, I won't hug you.
Disagreed Trump isn't bright, but he is certainly a spoiled septuagenarian billionaire used to being the 400lb gorilla in the room. Since being POTUS doesn't work that way, he's running into problems, many of them self-made, which are derailing his agenda.
His agenda hasn't been derailed, though it is true that leftist traitors are doing their best.

And yet the wins keep coming.

Exclusive: DOJ let Russian lawyer into US before she met with Trump team
Does the left ever listen to themselves?
Ban speech, Ban guns...... on and on it's endless.

The first Amendment applies to the actions of government, not to private citizens and companies. Since Twitter is a non government entity, it isn't subject to the same constitutional restraints as the government is.

Oh, and get this, the president is still a citizen himself, and has a constitutional right to block whomever he wishes from his twitter account.
President Trump is the "government". Since it's been admitted that his tweets constitute official policy, it opens him up to this lawsuit. Of course, that doesn't mean those suing will win, but as I mentioned in the OP, the fact he does makes him vulnerable to lawsuits.

There is absolutely nothing valid in that post.
So how much money are you willing to bet on this? What do you think will happen? Nothing? It gets thrown out of court? Trump unblocks them? Trump blocks everyone? Trump stops Tweeting "Sad"?
It hasn't been "admitted that they constitute official policy". You're a liar.

What the hell is with you people and your pathetic lying, and slavish commitment to the idea of having the state determine every move you, and others, make?
Read the post above where I quoted a link. The fact you are in complete denial of reality is sad.

Who are "you people"? Those who disagree with you? Please define exactly what you mean. I'm curious.
There is no link.

"You people" are lying, anti-American scumbags. Like you.
Does the left ever listen to themselves?
Ban speech, Ban guns...... on and on it's endless.
Ban speech, ban guns, ban Christianity, ban tobacco, ban energy, ban tradition, ban jobs, ban resource development, ban individualism, ban enterprise, ban life.

Promote death, promote depravity, promote hatred, promote crime, promote violence.
That's the left, it always has been.

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