President Trump sued for blocking people on Twitter

Should President Trump stop Tweeting?

  • Yes, 100%

    Votes: 3 16.7%
  • Yes for personal views, but no for official statements of policy

    Votes: 2 11.1%
  • No

    Votes: 13 72.2%
  • I don't know

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Another response I'll post about

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
It's either that or restraining orders or arrest for those seeking to disrupt and threaten. Then they can't post anymore, just as they would be blocked from harassing or threatening the White House via phone lines, I imagine.
We shall see. But it may be years before it gets to the SC, if it doesn't get thrown out.
Oh, and get this, the president is still a citizen himself, and has a constitutional right to block whomever he wishes from his twitter account.
Amen to this. If people start getting nasty with him, he shouldn't have to continue to put up with it if he doesn't want to see it anymore.

God bless you and him always!!!

Being an elected official, like joining the military, entails certain responsibilities. Example; the Secret Service controls a lot of what POTUS can and can't do.
If he is blocking people that he is supposed to stay connected to in some way, I guess they have a reason to go to such lengths, but if they are nothing but trolls, how much do they actually mean in the grand scheme?

God bless you and our leader always!!!

I haven't seen the blocked/banned tweets, but I agree they are probably trolls. Still, the question is "is trolling protected free speech on a government controlled website?" It will be educational to the court documents and judgment on how government can, once again, limit Constitutional rights.
More laws?
"The First Amendment applies to this digital forum in the same way it applies to town halls and open school board meetings," he said.


The first Amendment applies to the actions of government, not to private citizens and companies. Since Twitter is a non government entity, it isn't subject to the same constitutional restraints as the government is.

Oh, and get this, the president is still a citizen himself, and has a constitutional right to block whomever he wishes from his twitter account.
President Trump is the "government". Since it's been admitted that his tweets constitute official policy, it opens him up to this lawsuit. Of course, that doesn't mean those suing will win, but as I mentioned in the OP, the fact he does makes him vulnerable to lawsuits.

lol twitter is a private forum not a public forum you don't have any more right to be there than you do at the Republican Convention or a Trump rally, these people need to be countersued for filing a frivolous lawsuit and you need to be hit over the head with a tack hammer for being a constitutionally illiterate retard.
Oh boy now people are suing for being blocked on social media? That's freaking stupid
Only when it's an elected official. You and I are free to block whomever we like. Let's see how this plays out in court over the next 6-12 months leading up to the November 2018 elections.

So I have the Constitutional right to go to a private campaign rally or the Democratic National Convention? Learn the difference between a public and private forum and STFU.
"The First Amendment applies to this digital forum in the same way it applies to town halls and open school board meetings," he said.


The first Amendment applies to the actions of government, not to private citizens and companies. Since Twitter is a non government entity, it isn't subject to the same constitutional restraints as the government is.

Oh, and get this, the president is still a citizen himself, and has a constitutional right to block whomever he wishes from his twitter account.
President Trump is the "government". Since it's been admitted that his tweets constitute official policy, it opens him up to this lawsuit. Of course, that doesn't mean those suing will win, but as I mentioned in the OP, the fact he does makes him vulnerable to lawsuits.

lol twitter is a private forum not a public forum you don't have any more right to be there than you do at the Republican Convention or a Trump rally, these people need to be countersued for filing a frivolous lawsuit and you need to be hit over the head with a tack hammer for being a constitutionally illiterate retard.
Good luck with that idea.
"The First Amendment applies to this digital forum in the same way it applies to town halls and open school board meetings," he said.


The first Amendment applies to the actions of government, not to private citizens and companies. Since Twitter is a non government entity, it isn't subject to the same constitutional restraints as the government is.

Oh, and get this, the president is still a citizen himself, and has a constitutional right to block whomever he wishes from his twitter account.
President Trump is the "government". Since it's been admitted that his tweets constitute official policy, it opens him up to this lawsuit. Of course, that doesn't mean those suing will win, but as I mentioned in the OP, the fact he does makes him vulnerable to lawsuits.

lol twitter is a private forum not a public forum you don't have any more right to be there than you do at the Republican Convention or a Trump rally, these people need to be countersued for filing a frivolous lawsuit and you need to be hit over the head with a tack hammer for being a constitutionally illiterate retard.
Good luck with that idea.

It's not an idea it's a fact you constitutionally illiterate fucktard, the 1st amendment does not apply to private forums.
It's not an idea it's a fact you constitutionally illiterate fucktard, the 1st amendment does not apply to private forums.
Nice. Name-calling is the first sign of a weak argument.

While I agree there is no First Amendment rights for members on USMB, any of us can be banned, the same doesn't apply if it was owned and operated by an elected representative like a Senator or a President.

So you do think Trump will relent on his banning of the LW trolls? Ban everyone from comment? Or simply stop Tweeting "sad" and like statements?
It's not an idea it's a fact you constitutionally illiterate fucktard, the 1st amendment does not apply to private forums.
Nice. Name-calling is the first sign of a weak argument.

While I agree there is no First Amendment rights for members on USMB, any of us can be banned, the same doesn't apply if it was owned and operated by an elected representative like a Senator or a President.

So you do think Trump will relent on his banning of the LW trolls? Ban everyone from comment? Or simply stop Tweeting "sad" and like statements?

You're a fucking moron, you don't have a Constitutional right to attend the Democratic or Republican National Conventions, you don't have a Constitutional right to attend a campaign rally, and you don't have a Constitutional right to post on a politicians facebook, they are all private not public forums.
It's not an idea it's a fact you constitutionally illiterate fucktard, the 1st amendment does not apply to private forums.
Nice. Name-calling is the first sign of a weak argument.

While I agree there is no First Amendment rights for members on USMB, any of us can be banned, the same doesn't apply if it was owned and operated by an elected representative like a Senator or a President.

So you do think Trump will relent on his banning of the LW trolls? Ban everyone from comment? Or simply stop Tweeting "sad" and like statements?

You're a fucking moron, you don't have a Constitutional right to attend the Democratic or Republican National Conventions, you don't have a Constitutional right to attend a campaign rally, and you don't have a Constitutional right to post on a politicians facebook, they are all private not public forums.
It's much better that you yell and scream at me than for you to beat up a woman, a child or shoot somebody. Feel free to vent your pathetic frustrations out on me all you like.

Correct about attending the DNC or RNCs, but it's a straw man argument since I never claimed anyone had a right to attend those. As for a politician's facebook, that depends. Which Senators and/or Representatives are blocking people from posting on their "wall" based on political beliefs?
It's not an idea it's a fact you constitutionally illiterate fucktard, the 1st amendment does not apply to private forums.
Nice. Name-calling is the first sign of a weak argument.

While I agree there is no First Amendment rights for members on USMB, any of us can be banned, the same doesn't apply if it was owned and operated by an elected representative like a Senator or a President.

So you do think Trump will relent on his banning of the LW trolls? Ban everyone from comment? Or simply stop Tweeting "sad" and like statements?

You're a fucking moron, you don't have a Constitutional right to attend the Democratic or Republican National Conventions, you don't have a Constitutional right to attend a campaign rally, and you don't have a Constitutional right to post on a politicians facebook, they are all private not public forums.
It's much better that you yell and scream at me than for you to beat up a woman, a child or shoot somebody. Feel free to vent your pathetic frustrations out on me all you like.

Correct about attending the DNC or RNCs, but it's a straw man argument since I never claimed anyone had a right to attend those. As for a politician's facebook, that depends. Which Senators and/or Representatives are blocking people from posting on their "wall" based on political beliefs?

Facebook and Twitter are both private forums no different than in real life campaign rallies you ignorant fuck.
It's not an idea it's a fact you constitutionally illiterate fucktard, the 1st amendment does not apply to private forums.
Nice. Name-calling is the first sign of a weak argument.

While I agree there is no First Amendment rights for members on USMB, any of us can be banned, the same doesn't apply if it was owned and operated by an elected representative like a Senator or a President.

So you do think Trump will relent on his banning of the LW trolls? Ban everyone from comment? Or simply stop Tweeting "sad" and like statements?

You're a fucking moron, you don't have a Constitutional right to attend the Democratic or Republican National Conventions, you don't have a Constitutional right to attend a campaign rally, and you don't have a Constitutional right to post on a politicians facebook, they are all private not public forums.
It's much better that you yell and scream at me than for you to beat up a woman, a child or shoot somebody. Feel free to vent your pathetic frustrations out on me all you like.

Correct about attending the DNC or RNCs, but it's a straw man argument since I never claimed anyone had a right to attend those. As for a politician's facebook, that depends. Which Senators and/or Representatives are blocking people from posting on their "wall" based on political beliefs?

Facebook and Twitter are both private forums no different than in real life campaign rallies you ignorant fuck.
Good, good. Vent those frustrations. I'd hate for someone to become so frustrated with their pathetic failure of a life that they beat up some woman, a kid or went on a murderous road rage rampage. Better for them to release all that pent up anger and self-loathing here.

I'm curious to see what the courts have to say about this. Obviously you are not since you claim to know all about it.
It's not an idea it's a fact you constitutionally illiterate fucktard, the 1st amendment does not apply to private forums.
Nice. Name-calling is the first sign of a weak argument.

While I agree there is no First Amendment rights for members on USMB, any of us can be banned, the same doesn't apply if it was owned and operated by an elected representative like a Senator or a President.

So you do think Trump will relent on his banning of the LW trolls? Ban everyone from comment? Or simply stop Tweeting "sad" and like statements?

You're a fucking moron, you don't have a Constitutional right to attend the Democratic or Republican National Conventions, you don't have a Constitutional right to attend a campaign rally, and you don't have a Constitutional right to post on a politicians facebook, they are all private not public forums.
It's much better that you yell and scream at me than for you to beat up a woman, a child or shoot somebody. Feel free to vent your pathetic frustrations out on me all you like.

Correct about attending the DNC or RNCs, but it's a straw man argument since I never claimed anyone had a right to attend those. As for a politician's facebook, that depends. Which Senators and/or Representatives are blocking people from posting on their "wall" based on political beliefs?

Facebook and Twitter are both private forums no different than in real life campaign rallies you ignorant fuck.
Good, good. Vent those frustrations. I'd hate for someone to become so frustrated with their pathetic failure of a life that they beat up some woman, a kid or went on a murderous road rage rampage. Better for them to release all that pent up anger and self-loathing here.

I'm curious to see what the courts have to say about this. Obviously you are not since you claim to know all about it.

I know the difference between a private and public forum, you obviously do not.
"The First Amendment applies to this digital forum in the same way it applies to town halls and open school board meetings," he said.


The first Amendment applies to the actions of government, not to private citizens and companies. Since Twitter is a non government entity, it isn't subject to the same constitutional restraints as the government is.

Oh, and get this, the president is still a citizen himself, and has a constitutional right to block whomever he wishes from his twitter account.
President Trump is the "government". Since it's been admitted that his tweets constitute official policy, it opens him up to this lawsuit. Of course, that doesn't mean those suing will win, but as I mentioned in the OP, the fact he does makes him vulnerable to lawsuits.

lol twitter is a private forum not a public forum you don't have any more right to be there than you do at the Republican Convention or a Trump rally, these people need to be countersued for filing a frivolous lawsuit and you need to be hit over the head with a tack hammer for being a constitutionally illiterate retard.

Donald Trump is not a private citizen. He is President so he does not have the right to block people, You do have a right to be at a Trump rally because it is a public event. You are the one who needs to be hit over the head. Maybe it might get the brain going moron.
Nice. Name-calling is the first sign of a weak argument.

While I agree there is no First Amendment rights for members on USMB, any of us can be banned, the same doesn't apply if it was owned and operated by an elected representative like a Senator or a President.

So you do think Trump will relent on his banning of the LW trolls? Ban everyone from comment? Or simply stop Tweeting "sad" and like statements?

You're a fucking moron, you don't have a Constitutional right to attend the Democratic or Republican National Conventions, you don't have a Constitutional right to attend a campaign rally, and you don't have a Constitutional right to post on a politicians facebook, they are all private not public forums.
It's much better that you yell and scream at me than for you to beat up a woman, a child or shoot somebody. Feel free to vent your pathetic frustrations out on me all you like.

Correct about attending the DNC or RNCs, but it's a straw man argument since I never claimed anyone had a right to attend those. As for a politician's facebook, that depends. Which Senators and/or Representatives are blocking people from posting on their "wall" based on political beliefs?

Facebook and Twitter are both private forums no different than in real life campaign rallies you ignorant fuck.
Good, good. Vent those frustrations. I'd hate for someone to become so frustrated with their pathetic failure of a life that they beat up some woman, a kid or went on a murderous road rage rampage. Better for them to release all that pent up anger and self-loathing here.

I'm curious to see what the courts have to say about this. Obviously you are not since you claim to know all about it.

I know the difference between a private and public forum, you obviously do not.

You apparently do not know the difference between a private citizen and the President.
"The First Amendment applies to this digital forum in the same way it applies to town halls and open school board meetings," he said.


The first Amendment applies to the actions of government, not to private citizens and companies. Since Twitter is a non government entity, it isn't subject to the same constitutional restraints as the government is.

Oh, and get this, the president is still a citizen himself, and has a constitutional right to block whomever he wishes from his twitter account.
President Trump is the "government". Since it's been admitted that his tweets constitute official policy, it opens him up to this lawsuit. Of course, that doesn't mean those suing will win, but as I mentioned in the OP, the fact he does makes him vulnerable to lawsuits.

lol twitter is a private forum not a public forum you don't have any more right to be there than you do at the Republican Convention or a Trump rally, these people need to be countersued for filing a frivolous lawsuit and you need to be hit over the head with a tack hammer for being a constitutionally illiterate retard.

Donald Trump is not a private citizen. He is President so he does not have the right to block people,

It is a private forum.

You do have a right to be at a Trump rally because it is a public event.

No you don't it is a private event open to the public, it is not a town hall, non-discrimination laws apply just like in all privately owned places that happen to be places of public accomodation but the 1st amendment does not just like you don't have the right to protest inside the Republican and Democtatic National Conventions because they are private events:

Campaigns can opt to exclude protesters from campaign rallies. The First Amendment doesn’t stop them — in fact, the First Amendment protects the campaign’s right to control its message. Generally, a campaign rents space for its rallies, which gives it the right to exclude people for “trespass” as well as get law enforcement’s help to do so.

Is It Okay to Kick People Out of Campaign Rallies? That Depends.
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You're a fucking moron, you don't have a Constitutional right to attend the Democratic or Republican National Conventions, you don't have a Constitutional right to attend a campaign rally, and you don't have a Constitutional right to post on a politicians facebook, they are all private not public forums.
It's much better that you yell and scream at me than for you to beat up a woman, a child or shoot somebody. Feel free to vent your pathetic frustrations out on me all you like.

Correct about attending the DNC or RNCs, but it's a straw man argument since I never claimed anyone had a right to attend those. As for a politician's facebook, that depends. Which Senators and/or Representatives are blocking people from posting on their "wall" based on political beliefs?

Facebook and Twitter are both private forums no different than in real life campaign rallies you ignorant fuck.
Good, good. Vent those frustrations. I'd hate for someone to become so frustrated with their pathetic failure of a life that they beat up some woman, a kid or went on a murderous road rage rampage. Better for them to release all that pent up anger and self-loathing here.

I'm curious to see what the courts have to say about this. Obviously you are not since you claim to know all about it.

I know the difference between a private and public forum, you obviously do not.

You apparently do not know the difference between a private citizen and the President.

You have no more right to attend and protest at a private forum held by a public individual than you have a right to attend a private dinner party held by a public servant. Twitter is the equivalent of a campaign rally or the Democratic and Republican National Conventions which are all private events of public accomodation where the civil rights act applies but the 1st amendment right to protesr does not, it is not the equivalent of a town hall meeting which is a public forum.

You are a constitutionally illiterate retard and you should kill yourself and stop breathing my air.
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Lets take it to the court then - Can I go into a court room and complain to the judge about their rulings/actions/comments? Nope. So even the idea of "public" or "government" forum fails to protect the average citizen's "1st amendment rights" as being ascribed in the case here.

Lefties just need to consider it a "safe space" and drop it before they embarrass themselves
Can President Trump ban twitter users from his account?

#POTUS account no. #realDonaldTrump account yes.

The trouble with that is that would allow someone to do something illegal and hide it. Both his official twitter account and personal twitter account have to be subject to the same rules.
It wasn't for Barrack Hussein Obama was it? Why no outrage there?
"The First Amendment applies to this digital forum in the same way it applies to town halls and open school board meetings," he said.


The first Amendment applies to the actions of government, not to private citizens and companies. Since Twitter is a non government entity, it isn't subject to the same constitutional restraints as the government is.

Oh, and get this, the president is still a citizen himself, and has a constitutional right to block whomever he wishes from his twitter account.
President Trump is the "government". Since it's been admitted that his tweets constitute official policy, it opens him up to this lawsuit. Of course, that doesn't mean those suing will win, but as I mentioned in the OP, the fact he does makes him vulnerable to lawsuits.

lol twitter is a private forum not a public forum you don't have any more right to be there than you do at the Republican Convention or a Trump rally, these people need to be countersued for filing a frivolous lawsuit and you need to be hit over the head with a tack hammer for being a constitutionally illiterate retard.

Donald Trump is not a private citizen. He is President so he does not have the right to block people,

It is a private forum.

You do have a right to be at a Trump rally because it is a public event.

No you don't it is a private event open to the public, it is not a town hall, non-discrimination laws apply just like in all privately owned places that happen to be places of public accomodation but the 1st amendment does not just like you don't have the right to protest inside the Republican and Democtatic National Conventions because they are private events:

Campaigns can opt to exclude protesters from campaign rallies. The First Amendment doesn’t stop them — in fact, the First Amendment protects the campaign’s right to control its message. Generally, a campaign rents space for its rallies, which gives it the right to exclude people for “trespass” as well as get law enforcement’s help to do so.

Is It Okay to Kick People Out of Campaign Rallies? That Depends.
You keep coming back to private forums and private groups, but ignore public access to public areas. Congress can limit access to certain areas for security reasons. Those rules apply to everyone, not just Democrats or Republicans. The court case appears to be founded upon Trump using is Twitter account as a public forum. Again, I'm content to let the courts figure it out rather than rely upon you to determine what the Constitution means for every American.
Can President Trump ban twitter users from his account?

#POTUS account no. #realDonaldTrump account yes.

The trouble with that is that would allow someone to do something illegal and hide it. Both his official twitter account and personal twitter account have to be subject to the same rules.
It wasn't for Barrack Hussein Obama was it? Why no outrage there?
I'm sure that example will be brought up in court. Let's see how it goes.

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