President Trump talked about rescinding Justice Gorsuch’s nomination

Trumptard thinks the FBI and SCOTUS need not be loyal to the rule of law or the constitution...


loyalty to TRUMP is his primary prerequisite! :laugh2:
Of course Donald Trump nearly withdrew Neil Gorsuch’s nomination...

A new report reveals that President Donald Trump considered pulling Neil Gorsuch as his Supreme Court nominee after the judge made comments criticizing Trump that the president felt made him insufficiently loyal.

Several sources explained Trump ranted that Gorsuch was not "loyal" and that he might pull his nomination because of those critical remarks, according to The Washington Post.

This rant supposedly occurred after
Gorsuch confided in specific legislators, including Sen. Richard Blumenthal, D-Conn., that he felt Trump's attacks on the federal judiciary were "disheartening" and "demoralizing."

The tweets to which Gorsuch was referring came after District Judge James Robart blocked Trump's attempt to ban immigrants from several predominantly Muslim countries.

The opinion of this so-called judge, which essentially takes law-enforcement away from our country, is ridiculous and will be overturned!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) February 4, 2017
Supreme Court nominee Gorsuch says Trump’s attacks on judiciary are ‘demoralizing’

February 9

President Trump’s escalating attacks on the federal judiciary drew denunciation Wednesday from his Supreme Court nominee, Neil Gorsuch, who told a senator that the criticism was “disheartening” and “demoralizing” to independent federal courts.

Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.) said Gorsuch made the comments during their private meeting Wednesday, and the account was confirmed by Ron Bonjean, a member of the group guiding the judge through his confirmation process.

More propaganda from "unnamed sources"

Has the left learned this is all made up bullshit to distract people. Good economic news and a great speech from trump and this comes out of's only like 6 moths it's coming out...sorry this is to change the subject......this tactic is so easily spotted's a joke.
President Trump is growing infamous for his insistence on loyalty. He evidently asked then-FBI director Comey to pledge loyalty. Entire articles have been written about Trump’s surrounding himself with loyalists throughout his career. He deploys subordinates to publicly display their loyalty (even if he subsequently undermines them).

When a leader invokes loyalty — if you’re loyal, you’ll do this — it’s likely because that leader cannot rely on other sources of legitimacy. Indeed, if the statement were true, if the decision were legal, or if the order were moral, the leader could defend it as such. When unable to do so, leaders resort to claims of loyalty. In this way, loyalty can be like Samuel Johnson’s line about patriotism: the last refuge of a scoundrel.

you must have meant to say donald trump only tells the truth accidentally! :laugh:
a POTUS who only ACTS like he cares about loyalty to his country, loyalty to rule of law, loyalty to the constitution, loyalty to the oath of office.

hardy har har :uhoh3:
When a leader invokes loyalty — if you’re loyal, you’ll do this — it’s likely because that leader cannot rely on other sources of legitimacy. Indeed, if the statement were true, if the decision were legal, or if the order were moral, the leader could defend it as such. When unable to do so, leaders resort to claims of loyalty. In this way, loyalty can be like Samuel Johnson’s line about patriotism: the last refuge of a scoundrel.

a POTUS who only ACTS like he cares about loyalty to his country, loyalty to rule of law, loyalty to the constitution, loyalty to the oath of office.

hardy har har :uhoh3:

This thread is supposedly about an intelligence officer claiming that Putin is handling Trump like an "asset".

IF that has ANY shred of reality, that would be huge.

That you drop it at the first challenge, and try to move on to the next bullshit smear, just shows that you yourself know that it is just shit you lefties are throwing out there to see if it sticks.

Thanks for the confirmation, if anyone needed some.

So, COld War over. That is pretty cool.
This thread is supposedly about an intelligence officer claiming that Putin is handling Trump like an "asset".

IF that has ANY shred of reality, that would be huge.

That you drop it at the first challenge, and try to move on to the next bullshit smear, just shows that you yourself know that it is just shit you lefties are throwing out there to see if it sticks.

Thanks for the confirmation, if anyone needed some.

So, COld War over. That is pretty cool.

:laugh2: are you lost?? you've got the wrong thread, you blowhard dimwit.

President Trump talked about rescinding Justice Gorsuch’s nomination

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