President Trump talked about rescinding Justice Gorsuch’s nomination

A Steve McGarrett Breaking Update!

This is fake news. Trump did no such thing.


Donald J. Trump
A story in the @washingtonpost that I was close to “rescinding” the nomination of Justice Gorsuch prior to confirmation is FAKE NEWS. I never even wavered and am very proud of him and the job he is doing as a Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court. The unnamed sources don’t exist!
9:07 AM · Dec 19, 2017
"A story in the @washingtonpost that I was close to “rescinding” the nomination of Justice Gorsuch prior to confirmation is FAKE NEWS. I never even wavered and am very proud of him and the job he is doing as a Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court. The unnamed sources don’t exist!" - President Trump
This thread is supposedly about an intelligence officer claiming that Putin is handling Trump like an "asset".

IF that has ANY shred of reality, that would be huge.

That you drop it at the first challenge, and try to move on to the next bullshit smear, just shows that you yourself know that it is just shit you lefties are throwing out there to see if it sticks.

Thanks for the confirmation, if anyone needed some.

So, COld War over. That is pretty cool.

:laugh2: are you lost?? you've got the wrong thread, you blowhard dimwit.

President Trump talked about rescinding Justice Gorsuch’s nomination

Sorry, all you lefties tend to make all threads about the same bullshit talking points.

Despite where this started, it devolved to the same old shit.
McConnell says "we've cemented the Supreme Court right-of-center for a generation." So much for the legitimacy of an institution that is not supposed to be partisan. So much for its being an "umpire" calling "balls and strikes." So much for the fraud of "originalism."
McConnell says "we've cemented the Supreme Court right-of-center for a generation." So much for the legitimacy of an institution that is not supposed to be partisan. So much for its being an "umpire" calling "balls and strikes." So much for the fraud of "originalism."

indeed the real slam dunk for the far right is when President Trump gets to pick two more SC vacancies

perhaps or not you have noticed that President Trump has been filling the lower courts with conservative justices as well


most of that has gone unnoticed with the left being much more concerned

with the number of scoops of ice cream he had

or to freak out about his latest tweet

McConnell says "we've cemented the Supreme Court right-of-center for a generation." So much for the legitimacy of an institution that is not supposed to be partisan. So much for its being an "umpire" calling "balls and strikes." So much for the fraud of "originalism."

Judicial Activism is a left of center movement. Ignoring that is choosing to lose.

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