President Trump: "The attack on Israel NEVER WOULD HAVE HAPPENED if I were President."

MAGA Macho Man

Diamond Member
Apr 19, 2022
Linear Time
He's right!

Neither would any of the many other disasters like, Ukraine/Russia, Loss of Energy Independence, Afghanistan, Inflation, the Border Disaster, and so much more! MAGA!

We had relative global peace under Trump... no union strikes... growing new businesses... record low unemployment especially in the minority communities... closed borders... a strong and fully armed military... low gas prices and food costs....
...low inflation... higher real wages...the lowest poverty rate in US history...
Democrats prefer Hamas over Israelis, crime over law and order, government over God and family, illegal aliens over American citizens, government restrictions over freedom, BLM over the PTA, a child's right to pick their sex over God's and government secrecy over open accountable government. This country is in need of a Trump designed adjustment. MAGA.
We had relative global peace under Trump... no union strikes... growing new businesses... record low unemployment especially in the minority communities... closed borders... a strong and fully armed military... low gas prices and food costs....
We had covid under Trump and lockdowns, no one is gonna strike if no one is working, (10% unemployment rate)... and everybody is getting paid by govt not to work....or getting a few thousand in stimulus checks.....

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He's right!

Neither would any of the many other disasters like, Ukraine/Russia, Loss of Energy Independence, Afghanistan, Inflation, the Border Disaster, and so much more! MAGA!

I think Trump is being delusional. One man can save this world and one man only, Trump... yeah ok please spare me the humor. None of this would happen under his watch... yeah right great SNL skit man. The fact is the conflict between the Palestinians and Jews has been going on for decades. The muslims and the Jews never got along and have been at constant war with each other, this isn't anything Trump can stop no matter how rosey his speaches are. Oh and Putin is just so scared to death of Trump he wouldn't dare attempt this under his watch... oh ok yeah tell me another humorous joke. I am sure Putin is lauging to himself and thinking "he is a very funny guy". one threat by Trump and Putin just shakes in his boots. You apply any logic to Trump's statements and you realize how completely ridiculous and foolish he sounds.
your only job now is to convince your people not to burn down the nation WHEN--not if, WHEN--Trump wins.
Trump is not gonna win. Just like he did not win in 2020, and just like the Republicans did not have a red wave in 2022, and just like all the Rs that have lost the special elections they've run in, around the country since 2022....
Good. Keep that attitude.
It's more than an attitude... at this point, it's reality...evidence based, Trump's a loser, most candidates he has picked, are losers too....

Plus by then he should be a convicted felon in at least a handful of counts that have come to trial....

Most people don't like crooks and felons to be their president, representing the United States....
We had relative global peace under Trump... no union strikes... growing new businesses... record low unemployment especially in the minority communities... closed borders... a strong and fully armed military... low gas prices and food costs....
Increased borrowing

Reduced Union rights (Trump was as pro Corporate as it gets, at lest fucking own that)

Raised unemployment (it is what you get and what you left it back at, no prizes for leading at half time, do you want a participation medal)

Border crossing : Trump cut security funding south of the border and then acts fucking dumb when people flee... Jesus ye are dumb..

Millitary: Doesn't matter if they are strong or armed when Trump gives away millitary secrets... You know what is better than a large millitary? Allies... Trump weakened all bonds with allies, they thought him as scum that they couldn't wait to see the back off. They were dreading the day they would have to get US back if Trump was in charge. US was weaker under Trump than any other time and if you don't know that then you know fucking noithing about how international diplomacy works..

Last point look at Global Inflation and then ask how Biden managed to to keep US as one of the lowest i the 1st world..


This is the bit where you get upset because your media sources have been telling you something else. You will have a reaction to insult me because to admit that you have been fooled by people who are getting paid to have your eyeballs on them...
In fairness they told you what you wanted to hear... It is a powerful message
It's more than an attitude... at this point, it's reality...evidence based, Trump's a loser, most candidates he has picked, are losers too....

Plus by then he should be a convicted felon in at least a handful of counts that have come to trial....

Most people don't like crooks and felons to be their president, representing the United States....

Aren't you proud? Indicting him on fake charges right and left, while your demented puppet craps his pants (literally) on the world stage.
He's right!

Neither would any of the many other disasters like, Ukraine/Russia, Loss of Energy Independence, Afghanistan, Inflation, the Border Disaster, and so much more! MAGA!


Yeah, and I find myself pretty angry about it.

The childish liberals here had to have their meltdown over Trump, leading them to vote for a complete eejit like Biden--a man who was an eejit to begin with, and is now demented.

And so, here we are.

This is the final death knell for their political future. Democrats, I predict more than a few years of wandering in the political desert.

No one but no one deserves it more.
We had relative global peace under Trump... no union strikes... growing new businesses... record low unemployment especially in the minority communities... closed borders... a strong and fully armed military... low gas prices and food costs....

Funny, what I remember under Trump was riots in the streets, dead bodies being stacked in refrigerator trucks because the morgues didn't have enough room for them, and 14% unemployment. Not to mention 265,000 businesses that went under.

But you guys all like to pretend 2020 didn't happen, don't you?
Yeah, and I find myself pretty angry about it.

The childish liberals here had to have their meltdown over Trump, leading them to vote for a complete eejit like Biden--a man who was an eejit to begin with, and is now demented.

And so, here we are.

This is the final death knell for their political future. Democrats, I predict more than a few years of wandering in the political desert.

No one but no one deserves it more.

Islamophobic Twat, Biden is standing tall and acting presidential while Trump is ranting like a child.
He's right!

Neither would any of the many other disasters like, Ukraine/Russia, Loss of Energy Independence, Afghanistan, Inflation, the Border Disaster, and so much more! MAGA!

Trump failed to bring peace to the ME. Trump fucked up again.

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