President Trump: "The attack on Israel NEVER WOULD HAVE HAPPENED if I were President."

Funny, what I remember under Trump was riots in the streets, dead bodies being stacked in refrigerator trucks because the morgues didn't have enough room for them, and 14% unemployment. Not to mention 265,000 businesses that went under.

But you guys all like to pretend 2020 didn't happen, don't you?
Mostly Prog areas.
Yes I don't like Joe Biden representing our country.
He's not a crook or felon....nor is he alleged to be one, except in Trumper Fantasy land world....who makes up crap, with no evidence acceptable to a court....

Y'all have no concept of law and order....

Try again!
He's not a crook or felon....nor is he alleged to be one, except in Trumper Fantasy land world....who makes up crap, with no evidence acceptable to a court....

Y'all have no concept of law and order....

Try again!
10% for the Big Guy.
He's wrong of course. It's all lies. All situations would have been worse, much worse.

For example the USA is more energy independent now than ever. In then last week of Sept. we had 3.2 mbd in excess petroleum exports over our imports

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10% for the Big Guy.
He wasn't vice president when that was written in the 2017 email... He was a free citizen, to do as he pleased in business...

And most importantly, there never was any business contract deals with foreign companies giving 10% to the Big Guy. It never happened....
He wasn't vice president when that was written in the 2017 email... He was a free citizen, to do as he pleased in business...

And most importantly, there never was any business contract deals with foreign companies giving 10% to the Big Guy. It never happened....
"These are not the droids you are looking for"
waves hand
Trump is right.

Behind the scenes WEF/Democrats provide Iran with Intel while holding back Intel from Israel. The WEF wants Iran to run the ME.
Biden controls the DOJ.
doesn't matter who is president, there is a wall set up, between the admin and doj, as has been in tradition, except under Trump who believed he got to choose who the DOJ individually investigated and who they shouldn't investigate, and believed they were his personal lawyers, there for him.
He's right!

Neither would any of the many other disasters like, Ukraine/Russia, Loss of Energy Independence, Afghanistan, Inflation, the Border Disaster, and so much more! MAGA!

Trump is using the massacre to praise himself. Narcissist.
We had relative global peace under Trump... no union strikes... growing new businesses... record low unemployment especially in the minority communities... closed borders... a strong and fully armed military... low gas prices and food costs...., huge
Borrowing from Peter to pay Paul. 25% tariffs on trading partners, two bail-outs for farmers. Huge
tax reductions for the wealthy (little for the working class to look good and wage increases) which increased the national debt by 8 trillion dollars, not the lowest unemployment in decades (the lowest is happening today), 0% prime rate, "Locked and loaded" war-like foreign policy which unsettled our allies and encouraged our enemies. The border was hardly closed and is being addressed today. It all comes out of the bottle at some time, because these so-called "huge"whatevers are rearing its ugly face now, as policies do not have an immediate effect, but fester and explode in the future, like recessions (Carter, Clinton, Bush recessions). trump's recession is happening right now, and fortunately it is very mild due to actions by the current administration. Get real.
doesn't matter who is president, there is a wall set up, between the admin and doj, as has been in tradition, except under Trump who believed he got to choose who the DOJ individually investigated and who they shouldn't investigate, and believed they were his personal lawyers, there for him.
All very true
Things that would never have happened if Trump was president:

Hamas attack on Israel

Earthquake in Afghanistan

Hurricane Ian


Invasion of Ukraine

Milk would never sour, global warming would cease to exist, candy would taste better, you would only need to flush your toilet once, Artificial Intelligence would be shut down for being smarter than Trump, cats and dogs would sleep together, and those goddam gun-toting IRS trannies would all be fired.

If you bleev anything Trump says at this point, you are a full-on retard.
your only job now is to convince your people not to burn down the nation WHEN--not if, WHEN--Trump wins.
Mark my words, if Trump wins Democrats will scheme to wreck the country just as they did during his first term. Ditto for president's Bush's 2nd term. Dems are assholes, they have no problem wrecking peoples lives to regain power in the next election.
He's right!

Neither would any of the many other disasters like, Ukraine/Russia, Loss of Energy Independence, Afghanistan, Inflation, the Border Disaster, and so much more! MAGA!

Trump is wrong on both counts.

The munitions, small arms, and a little bit of military-grade weaponry was all moved into position long before Biden released those six billion dollars.

Biden's losing restrictions on Iranian oil exports is far more likely a source of financing to the current war.

He is also wrong in that as President, he'd have any influence on what Hamas was planning and executed.

Until we have a president willing to back the complete elimination of Iran's current regime, no President will be able to control the carnage in Arab and Jewish lands.

Support Israel's war against the Gazan Arabs, the Arabs in Lebenon and Syria, and against the Islamic Persians in Iran.

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