President Trump: "The attack on Israel NEVER WOULD HAVE HAPPENED if I were President."

He's right!

Neither would any of the many other disasters like, Ukraine/Russia, Loss of Energy Independence, Afghanistan, Inflation, the Border Disaster, and so much more! MAGA!

Well, we knew THIS was coming. :heehee:

He needs to go over there RIGHT NOW and solve the war. Nothing is stopping him. Nothing at all.
your only job now is to convince your people not to burn down the nation WHEN--not if, WHEN--Trump wins.
You are one of those MAGAts looking at the Hamas attack as a wonderful opportunity for Republican politicians, aren't you?
Trump is right.

Behind the scenes WEF/Democrats provide Iran with Intel while holding back Intel from Israel. The WEF wants Iran to run the ME.
He needs to go to the Middle East and solve all their problems with a wave of his tiny hands.
Borrowing from Peter to pay Paul. 25% tariffs on trading partners, two bail-outs for farmers. Huge
tax reductions for the wealthy (little for the working class to look good and wage increases) which increased the national debt by 8 trillion dollars, not the lowest unemployment in decades (the lowest is happening today), 0% prime rate, "Locked and loaded" war-like foreign policy which unsettled our allies and encouraged our enemies. The border was hardly closed and is being addressed today. It all comes out of the bottle at some time, because these so-called "huge"whatevers are rearing its ugly face now, as policies do not have an immediate effect, but fester and explode in the future, like recessions (Carter, Clinton, Bush recessions). trump's recession is happening right now, and fortunately it is very mild due to actions by the current administration. Get real.
Nothing you said is true...
Trump's recession my ass its Biden's recession but at least you finally admit we are in a recession so thanks for that....
Funny, what I remember under Trump was riots in the streets, dead bodies being stacked in refrigerator trucks because the morgues didn't have enough room for them, and 14% unemployment. Not to mention 265,000 businesses that went under.

But you guys all like to pretend 2020 didn't happen, don't you?
Trump was ringing the racism bell about 9-11, and Obama even before that.
Any opportunity Trump gets to shine the light on himself, sure enough he'll toss America under the bus and blame us first.
He's right!

Neither would any of the many other disasters like, Ukraine/Russia, Loss of Energy Independence, Afghanistan, Inflation, the Border Disaster, and so much more! MAGA!

Those on the left will never admit it but I am quite confident that the world would be at peace right now if Trump was still President.
He's right!

Neither would any of the many other disasters like, Ukraine/Russia, Loss of Energy Independence, Afghanistan, Inflation, the Border Disaster, and so much more! MAGA!

General Bonespurs Trump is shitting himself because he's no longer headline news since the attack on Israel.

About time for the idiot to show up at his trial to get his ugly puss in front of a teeeveee camera.
He's right!

Neither would any of the many other disasters like, Ukraine/Russia, Loss of Energy Independence, Afghanistan, Inflation, the Border Disaster, and so much more! MAGA!

So the Orange Baboon-God serves-up another "If I were in charge again..."... blah, blah, blah... endless phukking blah.

You tell 'em, Cadet Bone Spurs... :auiqs.jpg:
We had covid under Trump and lockdowns, no one is gonna strike if no one is working, (10% unemployment rate)... and everybody is getting paid by govt not to work....or getting a few thousand in stimulus checks.....

All democrats bullshit
He's right!

Neither would any of the many other disasters like, Ukraine/Russia, Loss of Energy Independence, Afghanistan, Inflation, the Border Disaster, and so much more! MAGA!

Trump isn't a God.

Get a grip son
Nothing you said is true...
Trump's recession my ass its Biden's recession but at least you finally admit we are in a recession so thanks for that....
Everything I said is true, and I did "admit" that we are in a mild recession. Read it again. Much of today's problems are the result of trump's policies, and I used the timing of recessions as an example. We were heading toward recession during trump's reign, and that was my point.
Mark my words, if Trump wins Democrats will scheme to wreck the country just as they did during his first term. Ditto for president's Bush's 2nd term. Dems are assholes, they have no problem wrecking peoples lives to regain power in the next election.
trump wrecked the country all by himself, without any help from Dems. Trump's hateful rhetoric, his support for white supremacists and Hamas, is predictable.
His support for Hamas plays well with his anti-Semitic supporters, which are many on this blog. He has no clue how to govern and his ridiculous statements that these 2 wars would not have occurred on his watch is funny, coming from a man who is clueless. If trump wins, get ready for an autocracy.
Democracy will be a dream, as trump rounds up anybody who speaks against him.
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