Trump " I would bomb Moscow in the event of an attack on Ukraine if I were president" - The Washington Post.

The threat to bomb Moscow kept them at bay during the Trump Administration.

You don't have to bomb anyone if the adversary thinks you will.

Saddam🇸🇦🐷🇷🇺 Putsein CAN BOMB ONLY HIS OWN pampers


Now, the🇷🇺🐷🇸🇦 orc cooking can slowly begin...
you still dont get it, Moscow imperial wars have always been triggered by the weak language & actions ! Winston Churchill : there is nothing they (🐷 Maskali) admire so much as strength, and there is nothing for which they have less respect than weakness, especially military weakness.” —FULTON, MISSOURI, 5 MARCH 1946

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No, you're equating russia with germany. Putin doesn't want to own the world but nato needs for the populace of the world to think that.
No, you're equating russia with germany.
you must be joking ... Mongol - 🇸🇦 🇷🇺 Muscovite horde (vodka mixed diarrhea) is an Afro - Asiatic crap hole with 1/4 of the German Economy

NATO's involvement isn't required for anyone with a brain to know Putin is a threat to peace in the world.
No, he's not a threat to the world. Russia has one aircraft carrier. We have 12. They are not a threat to peace in the world. Eventually, they'll go after Israel' oil fields but they will ultimately be annihilated there.
No, he's not a threat to the world. Russia has one aircraft carrier
they dont know it, 🇷🇺🇸🇦they believe that you are a weak gay (pindos)- coward , and you can´t fight a brave Muscovite 🇷🇺 ivan

watch this :
Trump " I would bomb Moscow in the event of an attack on Ukraine if he were president" - The Washington Post.
TRUMP HAS a valid point here, Moscow imperial wars have always been triggered by our weak language and even weaker actions ! Do you agree with the Republican presidential nominee ?

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View attachment 953592

Any sourcing in this comment? It says it was reported in Washington post but I can’t find that article. The only sites I see that claim this are UK or Ukrainian but they appear to reference the wapo article which I can’t find.

Anyone have this?
Any sourcing in this comment?

Yeah so we have a UK and Ukrainian news sources making this claim apparently referencing a Washington post article. I just want to see the wapo article or a direct quote or something.

I mean, we don’t have any context or any idea what was actually spoken. Did they misunderstand? Did they make it up?

I find it odd that no American new agencies are reporting on, what would be, something newsworthy.

If trump said something like that and it’s not posted all over liberal media, that’s a good sign it could be fake…although that’s not really a metric either because all media posts fake news, especially about Trump.
Yeah so we have a UK and Ukrainian news sources making this claim apparently referencing a Washington post article. I just want to see the wapo article or a direct quote or something.

I mean, we don’t have any context or any idea what was actually spoken. Did they misunderstand? Did they make it up?

I find it odd that no American new agencies are reporting on, what would be, something newsworthy.

If trump said something like that and it’s not posted all over liberal media, that’s a good sign it could be fake…although that’s not really a metric either because all media posts fake news, especially about Trump.
the original link :

you can buy it , and read it many times if you want . Its clear to me that Trump and Lukasenka have switched the side together in the same day
"Well, why are you (pro - 🇷🇺 Moscow propagandists ) constantly beating this Ukraine. Don't forget that one day we will have to establish relations with them."
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