President Trump: “The Democrats… Want to Have Open Borders, for the Life of Me, I Can’t Figure That

....I've been saying this also--and with it--why do the Dems/'''Dems''' LOVE criminals???!!!!!
You taking it out of context. She said seamless with respect to families .It still does not mean open borders and you contention that her view represents that of the left as a whole is still a fucking lie.
Finally, now we can let others judge who best fits your above is the quote I gave you:
At Margaret A. Donnelly, P.C., We stand with groups such as the Indigenous Alliance Across Borders, who are fighting for the seamless unification of neighboring countries.
Now let others decide
I agree Mr. President. Don't they realize when you have open borders, you don't have a country.

BOOM! President Trump: "The Democrats... Want to Have Open Borders, for the Life of Me, I Can't Figure That Out" (VIDEO)

That's because it's propaganda made up by the dumbest American *pResident in human history.

I thought GW was the dumbest President in wait, I thought Reagan was the dumbest President in history........ no wait, I thought Ford was the dumbest President in wait..........
I agree Mr. President. Don't they realize when you have open borders, you don't have a country.

BOOM! President Trump: "The Democrats... Want to Have Open Borders, for the Life of Me, I Can't Figure That Out" (VIDEO)

That's because it's propaganda made up by the dumbest American *pResident in human history.

I thought GW was the dumbest President in wait, I thought Reagan was the dumbest President in history........ no wait, I thought Ford was the dumbest President in wait..........

There comes a time when perhaps thinking isn't a good look for you.
I agree Mr. President. Don't they realize when you have open borders, you don't have a country.

BOOM! President Trump: "The Democrats... Want to Have Open Borders, for the Life of Me, I Can't Figure That Out" (VIDEO)

That's because it's propaganda made up by the dumbest American *pResident in human history.

I thought GW was the dumbest President in wait, I thought Reagan was the dumbest President in history........ no wait, I thought Ford was the dumbest President in wait..........

There comes a time when perhaps thinking isn't a good look for you.

^^ Thinking isn't good... that's what the dumbest members of the forums often say.
I thought GW was the dumbest President in wait, I thought Reagan was the dumbest President in history........ no wait, I thought Ford was the dumbest President in wait..........
lol...You make a good point but how do you explain them all being adolph hitler who will destroy the world if elected... on a more serious note, that is the liberal stance, not the average democrat.
I agree Mr. President. Don't they realize when you have open borders, you don't have a country.

BOOM! President Trump: "The Democrats... Want to Have Open Borders, for the Life of Me, I Can't Figure That Out" (VIDEO)

That's because it's propaganda made up by the dumbest American *pResident in human history.
The really interesting thing is Democrats were 100% for border security just a few years ago. Then the entire Party flipped the other way and now they are 100% for open borders. That is not propaganda that is FACT. They want to decriminalize illegal crossing, they want ICE to stand down on all deportations, they don't want to fund any wall expansion. If you do not realize that, then you are in complete denial of reality. In other words you are a typical Liberal.
I thought GW was the dumbest President in wait, I thought Reagan was the dumbest President in history........ no wait, I thought Ford was the dumbest President in wait..........
lol...You make a good point but how do you explain them all being adolph hitler who will destroy the world if elected... on a more serious note, that is the liberal stance, not the average democrat.

I don't know. I guess the same way I can't explain how many leftists claimed they would leave the country if these people were elected, but they're still here.
hmmm, not as far as the "happy healthy lifestyle" narrative that almost wiped out a community and then blamed others for the devastation that lie encouraged...the same methodological ideology is in play here..find a compassion pawn and just keep advancing it until it's time is up then move on to the next pawn
I have no fucking idea what you're blathering about here
Well then more bad news for you, everyone else understands it.
I agree Mr. President. Don't they realize when you have open borders, you don't have a country.

BOOM! President Trump: "The Democrats... Want to Have Open Borders, for the Life of Me, I Can't Figure That Out" (VIDEO)

That's because it's propaganda made up by the dumbest American *pResident in human history.

I thought GW was the dumbest President in wait, I thought Reagan was the dumbest President in history........ no wait, I thought Ford was the dumbest President in wait..........

There comes a time when perhaps thinking isn't a good look for you.

You mean like thinking I might be a fool for listening to propaganda and repeating it in public? Thinking how weak my mind is for falling into brainwashing?
I agree Mr. President. Don't they realize when you have open borders, you don't have a country.

BOOM! President Trump: "The Democrats... Want to Have Open Borders, for the Life of Me, I Can't Figure That Out" (VIDEO)
You probably do not understand because the Open Borders propaganda talking point is a lie using a term that no one can really define and hence can be interpreted however anyone using the phrase desires. Maybe you can help us all and interpret the meaning in a non-partisan way using objective data and evidence.

We had the longest government shutdown in history over the wall. WTF would Democrats be willing to allow that to happen if they didn't want open borders? After all, what Trump was asking for is what we spend on food stamps in just one month.

Democrats know walls work, that's why they don't want them.
Do you people ever get tired of bleating the party line. Not wanting the wall, is NOT wanting open borders. Not only is the wall useless, but also an environmental disaster...but I would not expect a trump lackey to care about that.

A wall is useless? Most who have a wall disagree with you and have evidence to support their claim, including every maximum security prison in this country.

If you don't have a wall, of course you have open borders. I understand how brainwashing works, but this is common sense we're talking about here. If you and your neighbor don't have a fence between your properties, you have an open backyard, do you not?

So why this Democrat propaganda that walls don't work and not having walls doesn't mean open borders? Because a wall is there forever. Because walls would reduce illegal crossings by well over 95%, it's something the Democrats can't remove if they ever get the power to do so again. They are scared to death of walls because walls work.

The environment? What kind of environment do we create with MS-13 in your neighborhood?
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The Democrats do not want open borders anymore than the GOP wants closed borders. The moderate voices from both parties are getting drowned out by the extreme narratives. It’s much easier to lambast one another over the issue to garner votes than it is to agree on fixing the problem.

The difference is that the Republicans who do want virtual open border don't deny it. All the Democrats who want open borders tell us they don't, and then fight like hell to keep them open.

I would chalk that up to campaign rhetoric. Both sides want to obfuscate the issue for votes. It’s pandering 101 and neither side is above it.

Maybe, but we Republican voters know very well who these people are. It's why Trump is President today.

Once we hear the term Comprehensive Immigration Reform, it's code word for open borders and/or amnesty. During the Republican debates, it's what we heard from every other candidate but Trump.
Dude, pull your head from your fucking ass...PLEASE.

“We swear we don’t want ‘open borders’, we just don’t want a wall, we want to provide wetbacks with safe havens, we want to give wetbacks the right to drive, we want to provide them with free education and healthcare, we want to abolish iCE, we want a pathway to citizenship for the 12-40 million illegal wetbacks here now, we want the 1.7 million DACA ‘kids’ gifted a form of citizenship and we want wetbacks to be able to become citizens without all the red tape....but, but, but....we swear, we don’t want open borders.”
That's right …..Dude Rational and sensible people do not want a wall. What we do want is a fair and humane system of immigration and for processing refugees Are you as afraid of your shadow as you are of Mexicans?

No, Democrats Don’t Want ‘Open Borders’

The Democrats want open borders. They want anybody they wanted, including MS-13, pouring into the country.”

— President Trump, speaking on Monday at a campaign rally in South Carolina

the facts

Democrats have argued that building a wall on the southwestern border is ineffective and a waste of resources, and rejected hard-line proposals to limit legal immigration. But Mr. Trump is grossly exaggerating Democrats’ positions when he conflates their opposition to his signature campaign promise and immigration
What you want is for every foreigner who wants to come to America a Visa to do so with the Democrats blessings. That is open borders.
No that is not what I want. It is not what the Democratic party wants . It is just more made up horseshit and you should be ashamed for promoting it. However, you are probobly not smart enough or self aware enough to even know what you're doing
Then why are you pushing for us to let them all in?
And how the fuck is that what I'm doing.? What part of what I just said don't you grasp?
By being against the wall you are against the only thing that will stop them from coming in. You think cameras are going to stop them, or more border guards to catch and release them. Bull fucking Shit.
What the fuck are you talking about. Who said that borders are "imaginary lines on a piece of paper" ? WHO?
It is left wing orthodxy/ is a "WHO" for you, you tell me if you agree:
From very first search response, Margaret Connelly US immigration Attorneys:
At Margaret A. Donnelly, P.C., we are immigration attorneys because we want to empower tribes, families and individuals who are struggling to create the lives they want, in spite of imaginary borders that threaten to hold them back. We do not believe borders should separate members of the same tribe or family.

At Margaret A. Donnelly, P.C., We stand with groups such as the Indigenous Alliance Across Borders, who are fighting for the seamless unification of neighboring countries.

hmmmm you understand what "seamless" means?


And yes, all persons on US soils are subject ti the protections of the constitution,
as well as subject to US immigration laws...why do you pretend they are not?

that is STILL NOT advocating open borders.

but it is an ingredient to it, like a drivers license, like I said

It appears that I must think for both of us again
that would be a welcome change
So you dishonestly take the words of an immigration attorney, who's political affiliation is not even stated, and present that as proof of "left wing ideology " advocating open borders. ?? And I will add, that here saying that borders should not be a barrier to family reunification is not the same as saying that there should be no borders. How far are you willing to push your lies in order to push your narrative?
Their all related to each other over there. allow family reunification and you end up moving the entire country in!
I agree Mr. President. Don't they realize when you have open borders, you don't have a country.

BOOM! President Trump: "The Democrats... Want to Have Open Borders, for the Life of Me, I Can't Figure That Out" (VIDEO)
You probably do not understand because the Open Borders propaganda talking point is a lie using a term that no one can really define and hence can be interpreted however anyone using the phrase desires. Maybe you can help us all and interpret the meaning in a non-partisan way using objective data and evidence.

We had the longest government shutdown in history over the wall. WTF would Democrats be willing to allow that to happen if they didn't want open borders? After all, what Trump was asking for is what we spend on food stamps in just one month.

Democrats know walls work, that's why they don't want them.
Do you people ever get tired of bleating the party line. Not wanting the wall, is NOT wanting open borders. Not only is the wall useless, but also an environmental disaster...but I would not expect a trump lackey to care about that.
Allowing all them illegal aliens into our country with no wall to stop them from coming in is an environmental disaster!
I agree Mr. President. Don't they realize when you have open borders, you don't have a country.

BOOM! President Trump: "The Democrats... Want to Have Open Borders, for the Life of Me, I Can't Figure That Out" (VIDEO)
You probably do not understand because the Open Borders propaganda talking point is a lie using a term that no one can really define and hence can be interpreted however anyone using the phrase desires. Maybe you can help us all and interpret the meaning in a non-partisan way using objective data and evidence.

We had the longest government shutdown in history over the wall. WTF would Democrats be willing to allow that to happen if they didn't want open borders? After all, what Trump was asking for is what we spend on food stamps in just one month.

Democrats know walls work, that's why they don't want them.
Do you people ever get tired of bleating the party line. Not wanting the wall, is NOT wanting open borders. Not only is the wall useless, but also an environmental disaster...but I would not expect a trump lackey to care about that.
Allowing all them illegal aliens into our country with no wall to stop them from coming in is an environmental disaster!
Arguing with a Trump supporter is like playing chess with a pigeon . No matter how you move, the bird shits on the board and struts around as though it won.
I agree Mr. President. Don't they realize when you have open borders, you don't have a country.

BOOM! President Trump: "The Democrats... Want to Have Open Borders, for the Life of Me, I Can't Figure That Out" (VIDEO)
You probably do not understand because the Open Borders propaganda talking point is a lie using a term that no one can really define and hence can be interpreted however anyone using the phrase desires. Maybe you can help us all and interpret the meaning in a non-partisan way using objective data and evidence.

We had the longest government shutdown in history over the wall. WTF would Democrats be willing to allow that to happen if they didn't want open borders? After all, what Trump was asking for is what we spend on food stamps in just one month.

Democrats know walls work, that's why they don't want them.
Do you people ever get tired of bleating the party line. Not wanting the wall, is NOT wanting open borders. Not only is the wall useless, but also an environmental disaster...but I would not expect a trump lackey to care about that.
Allowing all them illegal aliens into our country with no wall to stop them from coming in is an environmental disaster!
Arguing with a Trump supporter is like playing chess with a pigeon . No matter how you move, the bird shits on the board and struts around as though it won.
Is this your way of conceding the point?

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