President Trump: “The Democrats… Want to Have Open Borders, for the Life of Me, I Can’t Figure That

I agree Mr. President. Don't they realize when you have open borders, you don't have a country.

BOOM! President Trump: "The Democrats... Want to Have Open Borders, for the Life of Me, I Can't Figure That Out" (VIDEO)
The title of the thread is just another one of Trumps flat out lies that you mindlessly repeated.. or an indication of serious cognitive impairment on your part and his. Providing health care for undocumented people IS NOT WANTING OPEN BOARDER.
The United States should never provide health care for undocumented criminals and their families. They should be denied and tossed in the Rio Grand to drown. Oh, since your here, same thing goes for Homosexuals, both Illegal ones and civilian ones.
You are a wonderful Godly person. I'm sure that there will be a place awaiting you in paradise. Or not.

I am quite sure that there is a place waiting for him in paradise as well. You will just have to get used as the Antifa protest title states "Welcome to Hell".
The Democrats are easy on illegals but they do not want open borders. That's the goal of rich internationalists like the Koch brothers. Dabble in reality if you want to be taken seriously.

Dude, pull your head from your fucking ass...PLEASE.

“We swear we don’t want ‘open borders’, we just don’t want a wall, we want to provide wetbacks with safe havens, we want to give wetbacks the right to drive, we want to provide them with free education and healthcare, we want to abolish iCE, we want a pathway to citizenship for the 12-40 million illegal wetbacks here now, we want the 1.7 million DACA ‘kids’ gifted a form of citizenship and we want wetbacks to be able to become citizens without all the red tape....but, but, but....we swear, we don’t want open borders.”
That's right …..Dude Rational and sensible people do not want a wall. What we do want is a fair and humane system of immigration and for processing refugees Are you as afraid of your shadow as you are of Mexicans?

No, Democrats Don’t Want ‘Open Borders’

The Democrats want open borders. They want anybody they wanted, including MS-13, pouring into the country.”

— President Trump, speaking on Monday at a campaign rally in South Carolina

the facts

Democrats have argued that building a wall on the southwestern border is ineffective and a waste of resources, and rejected hard-line proposals to limit legal immigration. But Mr. Trump is grossly exaggerating Democrats’ positions when he conflates their opposition to his signature campaign promise and immigration
What you want is for every foreigner who wants to come to America a Visa to do so with the Democrats blessings. That is open borders.
The Democrats are easy on illegals but they do not want open borders. That's the goal of rich internationalists like the Koch brothers. Dabble in reality if you want to be taken seriously.

Dude, pull your head from your fucking ass...PLEASE.

“We swear we don’t want ‘open borders’, we just don’t want a wall, we want to provide wetbacks with safe havens, we want to give wetbacks the right to drive, we want to provide them with free education and healthcare, we want to abolish iCE, we want a pathway to citizenship for the 12-40 million illegal wetbacks here now, we want the 1.7 million DACA ‘kids’ gifted a form of citizenship and we want wetbacks to be able to become citizens without all the red tape....but, but, but....we swear, we don’t want open borders.”
That's right …..Dude Rational and sensible people do not want a wall. What we do want is a fair and humane system of immigration and for processing refugees Are you as afraid of your shadow as you are of Mexicans?

No, Democrats Don’t Want ‘Open Borders’

The Democrats want open borders. They want anybody they wanted, including MS-13, pouring into the country.”

— President Trump, speaking on Monday at a campaign rally in South Carolina

the facts

Democrats have argued that building a wall on the southwestern border is ineffective and a waste of resources, and rejected hard-line proposals to limit legal immigration. But Mr. Trump is grossly exaggerating Democrats’ positions when he conflates their opposition to his signature campaign promise and immigration
What you want is for every foreigner who wants to come to America a Visa to do so with the Democrats blessings. That is open borders.
No that is not what I want. It is not what the Democratic party wants . It is just more made up horseshit and you should be ashamed for promoting it. However, you are probobly not smart enough or self aware enough to even know what you're doing
Horseshit! Moronic Trumpanzee talking points . Crave open boarders.? Give me a fucking break. Try THINKING for yourself on this Only fucking idiots believe that.
lol, while your in a good mood let me point out that left wing orthodoxy refers to borders as "imaginary lines on a piece of paper" but since that won't go over well they are opening up those borders by extending our rights and privileges to non citizens, the fact that you do not know this requires that I think for you as well as myself.
I agree Mr. President. Don't they realize when you have open borders, you don't have a country.

BOOM! President Trump: "The Democrats... Want to Have Open Borders, for the Life of Me, I Can't Figure That Out" (VIDEO)
The title of the thread is just another one of Trumps flat out lies that you mindlessly repeated.. or an indication of serious cognitive impairment on your part and his. Providing health care for undocumented people IS NOT WANTING OPEN BOARDER.
The United States should never provide health care for undocumented criminals and their families. They should be denied and tossed in the Rio Grand to drown. Oh, since your here, same thing goes for Homosexuals, both Illegal ones and civilian ones.
You are a wonderful Godly person. I'm sure that there will be a place awaiting you in paradise. Or not. What would Jesus do?
Do the right thing and obey our immigration laws.
Horseshit! Moronic Trumpanzee talking points . Crave open boarders.? Give me a fucking break. Try THINKING for yourself on this Only fucking idiots believe that.
lol, while your in a good mood let me point out that left wing orthodoxy refers to borders as "imaginary lines on a piece of paper" but since that won't go over well they are opening up those borders by extending our rights and privileges to non citizens, the fact that you do not know this requires that I think for you as well as myself.
What the fuck are you talking about. Who said that borders are "imaginary lines on a piece of paper" ? WHO? And yes, all persons on US soils are subject ti the protections of the constitution, that is STILL NOT advocating open borders. It appears that I must think for both of us again
The Democrats want AMNESTY which incentivizes coming here with no penalty. That is effectively OPEN BORDERS. Now they want to further incentivize them coming here ILLEGALLY by giving them Free Healthcare and Free College.

How idiotic do you have to be to not see they are allowing Open Borders to get votes, and one Party Democrat rule. Are you Progressives that stupid that you would want that AND TO PAY FOR IT ALL. While your hard work, and your country go down the toilet???

What are you thinking?
I agree Mr. President. Don't they realize when you have open borders, you don't have a country.

BOOM! President Trump: "The Democrats... Want to Have Open Borders, for the Life of Me, I Can't Figure That Out" (VIDEO)
The title of the thread is just another one of Trumps flat out lies that you mindlessly repeated.. or an indication of serious cognitive impairment on your part and his. Providing health care for undocumented people IS NOT WANTING OPEN BOARDER.
The United States should never provide health care for undocumented criminals and their families. They should be denied and tossed in the Rio Grand to drown. Oh, since your here, same thing goes for Homosexuals, both Illegal ones and civilian ones.
You are a wonderful Godly person. I'm sure that there will be a place awaiting you in paradise. Or not. What would Jesus do?
Do the right thing and obey our immigration laws.
Geee! That is heavy man . A real burst of intellect !!
The Democrats want AMNESTY which incentivizes coming here with no penalty. That is effectively OPEN BORDERS. Now they want to further incentivize them coming here ILLEGALLY by giving them Free Healthcare and Free College.

How idiotic do you have to be to not see they are allowing Open Borders to get votes, and one Party Democrat rule. Are you Progressives that stupid that you would want that AND TO PAY FOR IT ALL. While your hard work, and your country go down the toilet???

What are you thinking?
Open borders to get votes? How does that work?
I agree Mr. President. Don't they realize when you have open borders, you don't have a country.

BOOM! President Trump: "The Democrats... Want to Have Open Borders, for the Life of Me, I Can't Figure That Out" (VIDEO)
The title of the thread is just another one of Trumps flat out lies that you mindlessly repeated.. or an indication of serious cognitive impairment on your part and his. Providing health care for undocumented people IS NOT WANTING OPEN BOARDER.
The United States should never provide health care for undocumented criminals and their families. They should be denied and tossed in the Rio Grand to drown. Oh, since your here, same thing goes for Homosexuals, both Illegal ones and civilian ones.
You are a wonderful Godly person. I'm sure that there will be a place awaiting you in paradise. Or not. What would Jesus do?
Do the right thing and obey our immigration laws.
Geee! That is heavy man . A real burst of intellect !!
It is, you mullet head fairy!
The Democrats are easy on illegals but they do not want open borders. That's the goal of rich internationalists like the Koch brothers. Dabble in reality if you want to be taken seriously.

Dude, pull your head from your fucking ass...PLEASE.

“We swear we don’t want ‘open borders’, we just don’t want a wall, we want to provide wetbacks with safe havens, we want to give wetbacks the right to drive, we want to provide them with free education and healthcare, we want to abolish iCE, we want a pathway to citizenship for the 12-40 million illegal wetbacks here now, we want the 1.7 million DACA ‘kids’ gifted a form of citizenship and we want wetbacks to be able to become citizens without all the red tape....but, but, but....we swear, we don’t want open borders.”
That's right …..Dude Rational and sensible people do not want a wall. What we do want is a fair and humane system of immigration and for processing refugees Are you as afraid of your shadow as you are of Mexicans?

No, Democrats Don’t Want ‘Open Borders’

The Democrats want open borders. They want anybody they wanted, including MS-13, pouring into the country.”

— President Trump, speaking on Monday at a campaign rally in South Carolina

the facts

Democrats have argued that building a wall on the southwestern border is ineffective and a waste of resources, and rejected hard-line proposals to limit legal immigration. But Mr. Trump is grossly exaggerating Democrats’ positions when he conflates their opposition to his signature campaign promise and immigration
What you want is for every foreigner who wants to come to America a Visa to do so with the Democrats blessings. That is open borders.
No that is not what I want. It is not what the Democratic party wants . It is just more made up horseshit and you should be ashamed for promoting it. However, you are probobly not smart enough or self aware enough to even know what you're doing
Then why are you pushing for us to let them all in?
What the fuck are you talking about. Who said that borders are "imaginary lines on a piece of paper" ? WHO?
It is left wing orthodxy/ is a "WHO" for you, you tell me if you agree:
From very first search response, Margaret Connelly US immigration Attorneys:
At Margaret A. Donnelly, P.C., we are immigration attorneys because we want to empower tribes, families and individuals who are struggling to create the lives they want, in spite of imaginary borders that threaten to hold them back. We do not believe borders should separate members of the same tribe or family.

At Margaret A. Donnelly, P.C., We stand with groups such as the Indigenous Alliance Across Borders, who are fighting for the seamless unification of neighboring countries.

hmmmm you understand what "seamless" means?


And yes, all persons on US soils are subject ti the protections of the constitution,
as well as subject to US immigration laws...why do you pretend they are not?

that is STILL NOT advocating open borders.

but it is an ingredient to it, like a drivers license, like I said

It appears that I must think for both of us again
that would be a welcome change
The Democrats are easy on illegals but they do not want open borders. That's the goal of rich internationalists like the Koch brothers. Dabble in reality if you want to be taken seriously.

Dude, pull your head from your fucking ass...PLEASE.

“We swear we don’t want ‘open borders’, we just don’t want a wall, we want to provide wetbacks with safe havens, we want to give wetbacks the right to drive, we want to provide them with free education and healthcare, we want to abolish iCE, we want a pathway to citizenship for the 12-40 million illegal wetbacks here now, we want the 1.7 million DACA ‘kids’ gifted a form of citizenship and we want wetbacks to be able to become citizens without all the red tape....but, but, but....we swear, we don’t want open borders.”
That's right …..Dude Rational and sensible people do not want a wall. What we do want is a fair and humane system of immigration and for processing refugees Are you as afraid of your shadow as you are of Mexicans?

No, Democrats Don’t Want ‘Open Borders’

The Democrats want open borders. They want anybody they wanted, including MS-13, pouring into the country.”

— President Trump, speaking on Monday at a campaign rally in South Carolina

the facts

Democrats have argued that building a wall on the southwestern border is ineffective and a waste of resources, and rejected hard-line proposals to limit legal immigration. But Mr. Trump is grossly exaggerating Democrats’ positions when he conflates their opposition to his signature campaign promise and immigration
What you want is for every foreigner who wants to come to America a Visa to do so with the Democrats blessings. That is open borders.
No that is not what I want. It is not what the Democratic party wants . It is just more made up horseshit and you should be ashamed for promoting it. However, you are probobly not smart enough or self aware enough to even know what you're doing
Then why are you pushing for us to let them all in?
And how the fuck is that what I'm doing.? What part of what I just said don't you grasp?
The title of the thread is just another one of Trumps flat out lies that you mindlessly repeated.. or an indication of serious cognitive impairment on your part and his. Providing health care for undocumented people IS NOT WANTING OPEN BOARDER.
The United States should never provide health care for undocumented criminals and their families. They should be denied and tossed in the Rio Grand to drown. Oh, since your here, same thing goes for Homosexuals, both Illegal ones and civilian ones.
You are a wonderful Godly person. I'm sure that there will be a place awaiting you in paradise. Or not. What would Jesus do?
Do the right thing and obey our immigration laws.
Geee! That is heavy man . A real burst of intellect !!
It is, you mullet head fairy!

mullet head fairy? :abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg:

Is that another example of your level of brilliance and ability to eloquently express your views. I fear so.:290968001256257790-final:
Last edited:
What the fuck are you talking about. Who said that borders are "imaginary lines on a piece of paper" ? WHO?
It is left wing orthodxy/ is a "WHO" for you, you tell me if you agree:
From very first search response, Margaret Connelly US immigration Attorneys:
At Margaret A. Donnelly, P.C., we are immigration attorneys because we want to empower tribes, families and individuals who are struggling to create the lives they want, in spite of imaginary borders that threaten to hold them back. We do not believe borders should separate members of the same tribe or family.

At Margaret A. Donnelly, P.C., We stand with groups such as the Indigenous Alliance Across Borders, who are fighting for the seamless unification of neighboring countries.

hmmmm you understand what "seamless" means?


And yes, all persons on US soils are subject ti the protections of the constitution,
as well as subject to US immigration laws...why do you pretend they are not?

that is STILL NOT advocating open borders.

but it is an ingredient to it, like a drivers license, like I said

It appears that I must think for both of us again
that would be a welcome change
So you dishonestly take the words of an immigration attorney, who's political affiliation is not even stated, and present that as proof of "left wing ideology " advocating open borders. ?? And I will add, that here saying that borders should not be a barrier to family reunification is not the same as saying that there should be no borders. How far are you willing to push your lies in order to push your narrative?
The Democrats are easy on illegals but they do not want open borders. That's the goal of rich internationalists like the Koch brothers. Dabble in reality if you want to be taken seriously.
Bullshit. The US Democratic party has been thoroughly infiltrated and subverted by international socialists.
Bullshit. The US Democratic party has been thoroughly infiltrated and subverted by international socialists.

The first international socialist was John F. Kennedy, a native born traitor to America. I heard him speak and shook his hand in 1959, and then I went home and washed it twice. The very next week, at the same spot, the loading dock of the Sears building, I listened to Richard Nixon, and knew the difference and was glad to shake his hand.
The Democrats do not want open borders anymore than the GOP wants closed borders. The moderate voices from both parties are getting drowned out by the extreme narratives. It’s much easier to lambast one another over the issue to garner votes than it is to agree on fixing the problem.

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