President Trump to announce as early as Wednesday plans to cut off security assistance to Pakistan

MAGA. Maybe my phone call in center can hire meskins from cali?
America First. This should have happened after 9/11 when ISI was clearly hiding Bin Laden in order to maintain massive payments from America to assist in the efforts to catch him.

One of the decisions I agreed with Obama about also. Once the U.S found out Bin Ladens location they didn't tell any allies and basically invaded Pakistan with a special forces team to successfully take him out.
Under Trump we will actually be focusing on defense and on threats that are actual threats to America.

World building and paying for Europe's defense budget while the socialists there are importing invaders as fast as they can.... that be gone.
What about selling weapons to Saudi Arabia? Why is that o.k., just because of Trump's investments?
This will have little to no effect. Pretty sure the Pakistanis are already talking trash about us, saying they don't need it and they prefer China (which is already stepping in to fill the void that the U.S. is departing, as usual).

But hey, I'm really impartial about it. Actually, I say spend the money on Americans. Fuck those scumbag middle-easterners.
It's about time. This is long overdue. Pakistani leaders are a bunch of snakes.
Under Trump we will actually be focusing on defense and on threats that are actual threats to America.

Sure, that is why we wasted $ 100 million worth of missiles blowing up an airfield of a country that is no actual threat to America.
Under Trump we will actually be focusing on defense and on threats that are actual threats to America.

Sure, that is why we wasted $ 100 million worth of missiles blowing up an airfield of a country that is no actual threat to America.
You sound vey nuch like Bill Clinton when he decided not to take out Osama.

Still, I have no idea of what you"ré talking about.
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