President Trump Triggers Radical Leftists with EPIC Mother’s Day Greeting

American liberals aren't leftists, Marxists or communists, they're in a category all by themselves. Does the American liberal establishment like Bernie Sanders? They hate his guts. They quickly got rid of him in the primaries and installed Biden, their well-trained lapdog. Bernie is the closest we have to a Marxist in the US government and even that is debatable.

He doesn't want to nationalize all of the banks and heavy industries, like energy, mining, all utilities..etc. He doesn't say anything about democratizing the workplace, requiring the SBA and banks to give loans to labor-owned cooperatives. Bernie's foreign policy is quite hawkish and in line with America's military-industrial complex. He's more of a social democrat than a socialist. We really don't have true Marxists, much less communists in Congress or in our media.

Trump is a member of the wealthy American elite, and he like all of his class peers wants the working class to associate crazy woke liberals with Marxists and communists, those who actually do threaten his profits and power. The last thing the employer/exploiter class wants is for their employees/exploitees to really "wake up" and become socialists and develop class consciousness. The rich are well aware of the existence of socioeconomic classes, but unfortunately, the American working class isn't due to decades of programming (i.e. brainwashing). The ruling elites are experts in dividing and conquering the working class, keeping them under their heels, and chasing the carrot.
American Liberals > Commie pieces of dogshit like you.

Your grand plan has never benefitted people, and never will. What it fails to take into consideration is human greed.

It's going nowhere in America, we'll kill you all and it may become a rightwing Theocracy if you keep going..

I'd rather things stay as they have been, but that vs. what you're pushing? I'm for that!
You're sick
Lol, says the little Trump cultists. What sacrifice did you make to the alter of the beast from the sea on mothers day? Ya let him grab your pussy? Or did ya send him a check to help pay for the time he grabbed one and she didn't just let him? What percentage of those millions he owes for being a sexual predator are you going to pay as homage? Or maybe you offer another women for him to abuse in your place? Do tell! I love retard story time!
Do you have any data to back this statement up? A link perhaps?

Collect all the data you want right here on this discussion board. USMB liberals, progressives, leftists, and Democrats are the unhappiest bunch of miserable skunks you'd ever find. They have no sense of humor, no wit, can't meme worth a shit, and are always on a vendetta.

Don't believe me? Read your own sig line. :laughing0301:

I want leftists in Auschwitz type concentration camps…that’s all.--BrokeLoser 4/24/23
Hitler is better than any democrat.--EvilCat Breath 4/25/23
There's nothing wrong being White
There's nothing wrong being Supreme
--MAGA Macho Man 4/26/23
Only in your little brain are American liberals, Marxists, and communists. You're just a brainwashed retard.
I had a Classical Liberal education. So no, I'm not brainwashed, you stupid Bot-ish online poster.

You can't even take in information and make a decision for yourself like I was taught to do, as were about 200+ years' worth of people in America.
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Hope you bought your mom something great for Mother's Day, to make up for all the times you kissed her with that mouth, young lady.
Lol, maybe you should do the same there little cultist. Ya I took care of my mom o. Mother's day instead of the Trump cultists way of honoring dear psychopath leader homage. So what was your sacrifice to the beast today? You seem like a catcher. You give him that ass ? He give ya a reach around?
American liberals aren't leftists, Marxists or communists, they're in a category all by themselves. Does the American liberal establishment like Bernie Sanders? They hate his guts. They quickly got rid of him in the primaries and installed Biden, their well-trained lapdog. Bernie is the closest we have to a Marxist in the US government and even that is debatable.

He doesn't want to nationalize all of the banks and heavy industries, like energy, mining, all utilities..etc. He doesn't say anything about democratizing the workplace, requiring the SBA and banks to give loans to labor-owned cooperatives. Bernie's foreign policy is quite hawkish and in line with America's military-industrial complex. He's more of a social democrat than a socialist. We really don't have true Marxists, much less communists in Congress or in our mainstream media.

Trump is a member of the wealthy American elite, and he like all of his class peers wants the working class to associate crazy woke liberals with Marxists and communists, those who actually do threaten his profits and power. The last thing the employer/exploiter class wants is for their employees/exploitees to really "wake up" and become socialists and develop class consciousness. The rich are well aware of the existence of socioeconomic classes, but unfortunately, the American working class isn't due to decades of programming (i.e. brainwashing). The ruling elites are experts in dividing and conquering the working class, keeping them under their heels, and chasing the carrot.
The radical education indoctrinariums have have done a number on our citizenry haven't they?
Lol, maybe you should do the same there little cultist. Ya I took care of my mom o. Mother's day instead of the Trump cultists way of honoring dear psychopath leader homage. So what was your sacrifice to the beast today? You seem like a catcher. You give him that ass ? He give ya a reach around?

Cool story, Ma'am.

Sorry Trump broke something inside you and stole your sense of humor. :laughing0301:
THAT made your Mother's Day enjoyable? Trump doesn't belong IN a prison. He belongs UNDER one.

There, fixed it for ya.
Another ^ flailing and failing flop from the diseased libturd, std clap.
Lol, thanks that means a lot from the guy Trumpy boy says has the tightest ass I town. Till he blows it out of course. Till then I am sure you are his favorite. Hey you from that potato state?

You're a funny little monkey. I'll have to tip your organ grinder a little extra tonight.
Once again for the edification of those who missed it, I present Donald J Trump, the 45th President of the United States of America!

Donald J. Trump
@realDonaldTrump ·9h
Happy Mother’s Day to ALL, in particular the Mothers, Wives and Lovers of the Radical Left Fascists, Marxists, and Communists who are doing everything within their power to destroy and obliterate our once great Country. Please make these complete Lunatics and Maniacs Kinder, Gentler, Softer and, most importantly, Smarter, so that we can, quickly, MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!!!
You're a funny little monkey. I'll have to tip your organ grinder a little extra tonight.
Lol, make sure that tip is green no blow jobs. Ya gotta be pretty for him to accept those. Lol, maybe a little Rouge on those cheek bones would make ya acceptable. Na, as they say ya just can't dress up a sow
Lol, make sure that tip is green no blow jobs. Ya gotta be pretty for him to accept those. Lol, maybe a little Rouge on those cheek bones would make ya acceptable. Na, as they say ya just can't dress up a sow



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