President Trump Triggers Radical Leftists with EPIC Mother’s Day Greeting

If you don't get banned, this thing is messed up.

I don't report 99% of things. Spam and garbage like you posted tonight, that's it.

You're an absolute piece of dog fecal material.
Awe, yall should love me. I am better at being Trump than Trump. Just giving the Trump tards what they 😍. What's the matter? Finally seeing what a polite society feels about Trump and his tards? Little fighting of fire with fire hurt your poor little feelings. I know Michelle told us to take the high road but ya I get it the low road is a blast. Ditch Trump, DeSantis and the rest if those rude tards I will be nice again. Till then you fight some one with wit with your memes and be butt hurt. Lol butt hurt. The maga funny funny.
200+ years of class struggle which you're unable to acknowledge due to your brain-fuck "education" and hubris. Socialism is the only reason we still have capitalism in America and it's what is going to ensure we don't suffer an economic collapse in the future from advanced automation and AI. You're just too arrogant and dumb to admit it. The word ignorant has the word ignore in it, it's unlike nescience or "lack of knowledge". You have the knowledge, you just ignore it. You're willfully ignorant.

You and your children will become socialists in the not-too-distant future, thanks to advanced automation and AI. Are you going to kill your kids too? We don't have a choice, we will eventually have to adopt a non-profit system of production, in order to meet all of our needs. Advanced technology will work 24/7 and produce 10x more than human labor, eliminating scarcity and creating extreme abundance.

The old canard about human nature being more compatible with greedy, self-serving capitalism, is groundless and doesn't reflect reality. Humanity was communist for tens of thousands of years before the advent of agriculture, as far back as the early Paleolithic. Your "classical education" didn't teach you that? Humanity has been communist much longer than it's been anything else. In the near future, due to advanced technology and space colonization, we will be communists again.

Your threats of violence don't impress us. Do you believe you're the only one who is armed? Get a grip.

shallow, silly
I don't care if you're armed or not, Sally. I'm gonna beat your ass up and down the block and then some!

Fuck you! You ain't got ary a thing on me, you fucking mentally inhibited commie piece of shit! You never was to mess with a cracker like me, because that's when you die. You have no clue. Keep thinkin' whatever gun you have is going to save you from me, bitch.

It won't. It isn't about anything like that. I'm an American and I will hurt your commie ass badly.
Millions of people will still be uttering his name a thousand years from now, admiring his courage and receiving inspiration from his life. People will forget you in less than a week after you're dead.

He's a "good commie" now, isn't he? :laughing0301:
I don't care if you're armed or not, Sally. I'm gonna beat your ass up and down the block and then some!

Fuck you! You ain't got ary a thing on me, you fucking mentally inhibited commie piece of shit! You never was to mess with a cracker like me, because that's when you die. You have no clue. Keep thinkin' whatever gun you have is going to save you from me, bitch.

It won't. It isn't about anything like that. I'm an American and I will hurt your commie ass badly.
UUuuuuu You're so tough. Dumbass.
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I don't care if you're armed or not, Sally. I'm gonna beat your ass up and down the block and then some!

Fuck you! You ain't got ary a thing on me, you fucking mentally inhibited commie piece of shit! You never was to mess with a cracker like me, because that's when you die. You have no clue. Keep thinkin' whatever gun you have is going to save you from me, bitch.

It won't. It isn't about anything like that. I'm an American and I will hurt your commie ass badly.

He's probably an undercover FED, on here to see if he can stir up some shit. You know how they operate.

From now on, I shall call him "FEDboi."

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