President Trump Unveils Plan To Offer Americans ‘#1 Lowest Cost Energy And Electricity On Earth’

Solar irradiance is finite.

The materials for solar panels are finite.

The sun does not shine at night.

Solar PVs don't work well at extreme latitudes or at all when covered in snow.

Solar power is not free energy either; it is quite expensive.

All resources are finite.

How many solar panels are on your roof, and why not? :)
If you believe big oil should be able to ship an ounce of oil off our shores when our people need it you are NOT america first. Every last ounce should stay here despite what the scum sneeze big oil companies tell us.
How very left wing, anti-free trade, anti-capitalist of you to say!
Solar irradiance is finite.

The materials for solar panels are finite.

The sun does not shine at night.

Solar PVs don't work well at extreme latitudes or at all when covered in snow.

Solar power is not free energy either; it is quite expensive.

All resources are finite.

How many solar panels are on your roof, and why not? :)
You express mere technical difficulties which will be overcome.

The sun provides more than enough energy for all our needs. It's just a matter of building the infrastructure, just like whale oil lamps being replaced by kerosene and gas lamps over time.

And the context of "resources" was energy sources. Oil, gas, etc. Stop being obtuse.

The sun's energy is infinite for all intents and purposes.
How NOT AMERICA first of you. Well done.
I've been saying since 2016 that Donald Trump has always been a far left wing New York City limousine liberal and would lure you all into the far left cave.

Look at you now. Supporting and appeasing a KGB thug. Supporting protectionism. Opposing our allies. Whining about "The Establishment". Attacking law enforcement. Cheering his adultery.

Pretty prescient, eh?

Trump is going to be having the rubes repudiating everything they have ever professed to believe in.

That's why he chose to become a Republican instead of running as the Democrat he is. He sensed where the greatest weakness was. He knew the right wing goldfish were extremely vulnerable to his hucksterism.

He's going to march them right into the Left's cave and seal them in.

He’s the only one who will and can do it. We can be energy independent, and were at the end of Trump’s first term, with the least expensive energy which helps the economy and everyone.

It’s simple.

Is that anything like his "healthcare plan that will insure everyone at less cost that he will unveil soon"?

Gee, you cultists are as gullible as they make 'em. Think you'll ever learn with this guy?
You express mere technical difficulties which will be overcome.

The sun provides more than enough energy for all our needs. It's just a matter of building the infrastructure, just like whale oil lamps being replaced by kerosene and gas lamps over time.

And the context of "resources" was energy sources. Oil, gas, etc. Stop being obtuse.

The sun's energy is infinite for all intents and purposes.
Building solar energy collectors takes resources, moron, so once again you are wrong.
fracking causes no environmental damage. It's also far cheaper than EVs and solar and wind power.

You just proved that you're a lying douchebag.
You obviously know nothing about fracking or anything else, mouth breather.
My father was a petroleum geologist, moron. Prove you are correct about fracking.
Ask the people in Pa., who's wells were contaminated with fracking fluid, Einstein. You're the moron, just short of a genius.
He’s the only one who will and can do it. We can be energy independent, and were at the end of Trump’s first term, with the least expensive energy which helps the economy and everyone.

It’s simple.

So where is the plan?
His healthcare plan too. Two sheets of paper. Two folders.

And he's guaranteeing no WWIII

Or your money back.
2 folders for 2 pieces of paper plus stack of folders with empty pieces of paper. Remember that one? LOL!
He’s the only one who will and can do it. We can be energy independent, and were at the end of Trump’s first term, with the least expensive energy which helps the economy and everyone.

It’s simple.

Everything is simple for your kind. YOu can solve all the worlds problems in a paragraph. Because you're stupid.
If (hypothetically) all new car sales were to instantly turn electric, it would likely be sometime after 2030 before gasoline cars would disappear. Besides, passenger vehicles consume only about 26 percent of the oil used worldwide. Given these stubborn realities and the fact that electric vehicles still represent a tiny portion of new-car sales, reaching a peak in oil demand by 2040 would require more than widespread conversion to electric-powered cars.Even if all of Europe mandated that only plug-in vehicles could be sold, starting in 2030, and China followed suit by 2035, that wouldn’t bring about peak oil demand by 2040. According to our research, global oil consumption would keep growing until as late as 2050, in part because so many cars and trucks running on gasoline and diesel – especially in developing countries – will remain in use. And then consider this. With a demand in electricity to power EV’s - this will lead to an increase demand in oil and gas in many non-nuclear and solar energy producing countries. This will dampen the expectation that oil demand will peak anytime before 2050.
no oil company will frack at $100/bbl when they can buy it for considerably less from the middle east.

no oil company will sell you gas for $2/ gal when people will pay $3/gal

at the very least, fracking waste must be disposed of properly or what you save at the pump will eventually be paid for chemotherapy.
You’re oblivious. You’re suggesting collusion, too.
Gasoline dropped from over $4 to under $2 after fracking and stayed there until this fraud administration put the clamps on drilling. It’s been double and more ever since.
From January 2021…

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