President Trump’s Comments About “Counting on the Federal Court System” on November 3rd Are Freaking Democrats Out Especially Since Ginsburg’s Death


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
President Trump’s Comments About “Counting on the Federal Court System” on November 3rd Are Freaking Democrats Out Especially Since Ginsburg’s Death

21 Sep 2020 ~~ By Joe Hoft
Maybe President Trump gave the citizens of the United States an indication on how he plans to stop the Democrats from stealing the 2020 election. No wonder Democrats are screaming and howling about not filling the Ginsburg seat.
Far left Politico reported:
President Donald Trump signaled Saturday night that he expects federal judges to play a key role in achieving a definitive result within hours of the polls closing on Election Day.​
“We’re going to have a victory on November 3rd the likes of which you’ve never seen,” Trump told a rally in Fayetteville, N.C. “Now, we’re counting on the federal court system to make it so that we can actually have an evening where we know who wins. Not where the votes are going to be counted a week later or two weeks later.”​
It wasn’t entirely clear whether Trump was urging or anticipating a more prominent role for the courts in election issues in the wake of Ginsburg’s death. He has been immersed in discussions about the judiciary recently as he released a list of possible Supreme Court nominees last week and after the liberal icon passed away Friday evening.​
The President’s words are freaking Democrats out:
Of course the 2020 election all comes down to the courts. The Democrats felt they had the upper hand in the 2020 election before Ginsburg’s death. Chief Justice Roberts turned into a lunatic after his opinions on Obamacare. The Democrats felt they had their four liberal votes and Chief Roberts’ vote. The liberal judges like Ginsburg always argued based on their position, not the Constitution. But with a new judge, the courts will be four lunatics against five conservative votes.
This is why the Democrats are freaking out.

Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Leftists are changing voting rules in key states every chance they get. Of course we need SCOTUS to stop the cheating they are counting on.
PMS/DSA Democrats are attempting to repeat the 2000 presidential election again and need a slpit SCOTUS to win...
It's logically bizarre of the PMS/DSA DNC to believe that in the next election expect voting Americans to just roll over after their traitorous failed coup d' etat, four years of Russia, Russia and failed impeachment....
In the end, it's quite evident that PMS/DSA Democrat Leftists have lost the social debate by their use of threats, violence, arson and looting in 70 Plantation blue sanctuary cities.
The death of RBG was an unexpected intervention to the PMS/DSA Dem Leftists knowing that a Supreme Court majority would fend off their rabid, violent and illegal efforts.
The biggest edge is this, Roberts was totally corrupted by Obama, likely via blackmail, and democratic leadership was laughing right on up until the hag went legs up, and when Barrett is seated on the court in October, that means there really are five mostly conservative justices vs four radical cretins, including the aforementioned Roberts, who will no longer be the ace in the hole they thought they possessed! That is why they are so radically violent in rhetoric.... :wink:
President Trump’s Comments About “Counting on the Federal Court System” on November 3rd Are Freaking Democrats Out Especially Since Ginsburg’s Death

21 Sep 2020 ~~ By Joe Hoft
Maybe President Trump gave the citizens of the United States an indication on how he plans to stop the Democrats from stealing the 2020 election. No wonder Democrats are screaming and howling about not filling the Ginsburg seat.
Far left Politico reported:
President Donald Trump signaled Saturday night that he expects federal judges to play a key role in achieving a definitive result within hours of the polls closing on Election Day.​
“We’re going to have a victory on November 3rd the likes of which you’ve never seen,” Trump told a rally in Fayetteville, N.C. “Now, we’re counting on the federal court system to make it so that we can actually have an evening where we know who wins. Not where the votes are going to be counted a week later or two weeks later.”​
It wasn’t entirely clear whether Trump was urging or anticipating a more prominent role for the courts in election issues in the wake of Ginsburg’s death. He has been immersed in discussions about the judiciary recently as he released a list of possible Supreme Court nominees last week and after the liberal icon passed away Friday evening.​
The President’s words are freaking Democrats out:
Of course the 2020 election all comes down to the courts. The Democrats felt they had the upper hand in the 2020 election before Ginsburg’s death. Chief Justice Roberts turned into a lunatic after his opinions on Obamacare. The Democrats felt they had their four liberal votes and Chief Roberts’ vote. The liberal judges like Ginsburg always argued based on their position, not the Constitution. But with a new judge, the courts will be four lunatics against five conservative votes.
This is why the Democrats are freaking out.

Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Leftists are changing voting rules in key states every chance they get. Of course we need SCOTUS to stop the cheating they are counting on.
PMS/DSA Democrats are attempting to repeat the 2000 presidential election again and need a slpit SCOTUS to win...
It's logically bizarre of the PMS/DSA DNC to believe that in the next election expect voting Americans to just roll over after their traitorous failed coup d' etat, four years of Russia, Russia and failed impeachment....
In the end, it's quite evident that PMS/DSA Democrat Leftists have lost the social debate by their use of threats, violence, arson and looting in 70 Plantation blue sanctuary cities.
The death of RBG was an unexpected intervention to the PMS/DSA Dem Leftists knowing that a Supreme Court majority would fend off their rabid, violent and illegal efforts.
@ Doc7505; EXCELLENT post! I am seeing exactly what you are seeing. With bad memories of prez Obamas failed promise of "You can keep your existing medical coverage...", the American constituencies realization of the financial co$t of the DNC sponsored antifa/BLM fiasco & now the Democatic elected officials exhibiting discrimination against Americans personal choice of belief(religion) it certainly does NOT look good for the DNC gangs bid for the oval office. Then there is the real concern about Joe Biden & his abilites/competency. If this were a bout I'd say the left are taking a LOT MORE SHOTS than they are landing, are off balance badly, have lost the center of the ring & are currently backing into the dreaded ropes(TKO/KO). It's like the DNC gang knows they are sunk but want to go down with the ship.
The biggest edge is this, Roberts was totally corrupted by Obama, likely via blackmail, and democratic leadership was laughing right on up until the hag went legs up, and when Barrett is seated on the court in October, that means there really are five mostly conservative justices vs four radical cretins, including the aforementioned Roberts, who will no longer be the ace in the hole they thought they possessed! That is why they are so radically violent in rhetoric.... :wink:
There's still Kavanaugh....He's almost as squishy as Roberts.
The biggest edge is this, Roberts was totally corrupted by Obama, likely via blackmail, and democratic leadership was laughing right on up until the hag went legs up, and when Barrett is seated on the court in October, that means there really are five mostly conservative justices vs four radical cretins, including the aforementioned Roberts, who will no longer be the ace in the hole they thought they possessed! That is why they are so radically violent in rhetoric.... :wink:
There's still Kavanaugh....He's almost as squishy as Roberts.
Actually Gorsuch worries me far more than Kavanaugh, which is why I qualified my statement as "mostly" conservative! That said, they have not been blackmailed successfully by Obama, as Roberts clear has been, Roberts flip was dramatically out of character for him, and that flip was ludicrously spun by media as Roberts simply being sensitive to negative criticism from that media, an absolutely preposterous assertion! Roberts rewrite of Obamacare into a tax, just one month out from its release, was almost incoherent, and plainly the work of a supremely desperate man.

At the time I was all but positive Obama had turned him, and now through a prism of pristine hindsight, knowing everything we now know Obama was doing, including in Scalias own words "spying" on the high court, its simply indisputable Roberts was corrupted by Obama. Further, its almost certain that Scalias incredibly fortuitous death(for democrats and Roberts)was not a natural event. It was Scalia who had so profoundly excoriated Roberts bizarre rewrite of Obamacare after case had already been decided, I think a case can be made that Brennan had Scalia killed to protect a shaken Roberts from further public rebuke, or fears of exposure courtesy of Scalia! :wink:
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The biggest edge is this, Roberts was totally corrupted by Obama, likely via blackmail, and democratic leadership was laughing right on up until the hag went legs up, and when Barrett is seated on the court in October, that means there really are five mostly conservative justices vs four radical cretins, including the aforementioned Roberts, who will no longer be the ace in the hole they thought they possessed! That is why they are so radically violent in rhetoric.... :wink:
There's still Kavanaugh....He's almost as squishy as Roberts.
Actually Gorsuch worries me far more than Kavanaugh, which is why I qualified my statement as "mostly" conservative! That said, they have not been blackmailed successfully by Obama, as Roberts clear has been, Roberts flip was dramatically out of character for him, and that flip was ludicrously spun by media as Roberts simply being sensitive to negative criticism from that media, an absolutely preposterous declaration! Roberts rewrite of Obamacare into a tax, just one month out from its release, was almost incoherent, and plainly the work of a supremely desperate man.

At the time I was all but positive Obama had turned him, and now through a prism of pristine hindsight, knowing everything we now know Obama was doing, including in Scalias own words "spying" on the high court, its simply indisputable Roberts was corrupted by Obama. Further, its almost certain that Scalias incredibly fortuitous death(for democrats and Roberts)was not a natural event. It was Scalia who had so profoundly excoriated Roberts bizarre rewrite of Obamacare after case had already been decided, I think a case can be made that Brennan had Scalia killed to protect a shaken Roberts from further public rebuke, or fears of exposure courtesy of Scalia! :wink:
WOW. :omg: That is so disheartening.
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The biggest edge is this, Roberts was totally corrupted by Obama, likely via blackmail, and democratic leadership was laughing right on up until the hag went legs up, and when Barrett is seated on the court in October, that means there really are five mostly conservative justices vs four radical cretins, including the aforementioned Roberts, who will no longer be the ace in the hole they thought they possessed! That is why they are so radically violent in rhetoric.... :wink:
There's still Kavanaugh....He's almost as squishy as Roberts.

Personally, I don't want a Leftist or Rightist Judge to fill the seat. I want an honest judge that is a strict Constitutionalist, not one that reads into what our forefather writers might have meant to have said.
We don't need activist judges in Supremem Court to use and interpret European or Middle Eastern law to rule in America.
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The biggest edge is this, Roberts was totally corrupted by Obama, likely via blackmail, and democratic leadership was laughing right on up until the hag went legs up, and when Barrett is seated on the court in October, that means there really are five mostly conservative justices vs four radical cretins, including the aforementioned Roberts, who will no longer be the ace in the hole they thought they possessed! That is why they are so radically violent in rhetoric.... :wink:
There's still Kavanaugh....He's almost as squishy as Roberts.

Personally, I don't want a Leftist or Rightist Judge to fill the seat. I want an honest judge that is a strict Constitutionalist, not one that reads into what our forefather writers might have meant to have said.
We don't need activist judges in Supreme Court to use and interpret European or Middle Eastern law to rule in America.
Judges from the left are Activists. They are trying to write laws as they go along. Look what Roberts did on the Obamacare. Never did the law say it was a tax. It was not legal for the law as written to be accepted. But one of the lawyers arguing on the floor said that cost was "like" a tax. Bam! Roberts went left and it was wrong. He said it was a tax when it was not written as a tax.

That is why I think it is so important to use the law as written in deciding if it can pass with the Justices.

At that point, it should have gone back to Congress so the entire Congress could make it work, but it is flawed and will always be that way unless it comes up again.
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